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Between 1987 and 1990, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation funded six service credit banking demonstration programs among the elderly in which participants delivered services in return for credits, entitling them to later service. This evaluation of the demonstrations found that these six sites successfully attracted elders for the delivery of household support services to a relatively old, frail population with potentially limited social networks. Evidence on the significance of the "credit" in attracting volunteers was mixed, but the programs have attracted new volunteers, and have not substituted for other volunteer activities. Program development has entailed considerable staff investment in volunteer support; programs are better understood as community membership organizations than as mechanical exchanges.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to construct a conceptual understanding of the motivations of grandmothers and mothers to provide and utilize child care by grandmothers in Korea. Grounded theory methods were used to collect and analyze interview data with 21 matched pairs of caregiving grandmothers and employed mothers. The grandmothers' motivations were concern for their adult children's well‐being and a feeling of responsibility to fulfill their parental responsibility for support. The mothers' motivations were the benefits they received as employed mothers and their trust of family care with prior expectations of the grandmothers' support. The core category integrating the findings was bilateral familism supporting traditional gender role ideology. The results suggest that changes from patrilineal to bilateral kinship interactions have been largely based on the influence of familism, which has created a cultural setting of expectations for downstream intergenerational support to maintain traditional gender roles despite increased maternal employment.  相似文献   

Activists and academics are increasingly advocating for public procurement of locally grown food as a key market opportunity for farmers. In the United States, linking farmers directly with school cafeterias through farm to school programs are among the efforts that advocates say can provide a significant boost to rural economies. Through an empirical analysis of farmers' perspectives of farm to school programs, this paper explores why farmers participate in these efforts. The data presented are part of a larger study exploring the opportunities and challenges of farm to school programs located in the United States from the perspectives of farmers, food service professionals, and food distributors. Our findings suggest that farmers sold their products to schools for two primary reasons: to diversify their marketing strategies and to contribute to social benefits through direct action. The concepts of embeddedness, marketness, and economic instrumentalism provide a framework for understanding their participation in farm to school programs. Our findings also provide insight into the kind of support necessary to sustain long-term connections between farmers and school food service professionals. As advocates seek to institutionalize public procurement of locally grown foods, it is critical that farmers' needs and motivations are considered.  相似文献   

Over the last two decades, digital photography has been adopted by young and old. Many young adults easily take photos, share them across multiple social networks using smartphones, and create digital identities for themselves consciously and unconsciously. Is the same true for older adults? As part of a larger mixed-methods study of online life in the UK, we considered digital photographic practices at two life transitions: leaving secondary school and retiring from work. In this paper, we report on a complex picture of different kinds of interactions with visual media online, and variation across age groups in the construction of digital identities. In doing so, we argue for a blurring of the distinctions between Chalfen’s ‘Kodak Culture’ and Miller and Edwards’ ‘Snaprs’. The camera lens often faces inwards for young adults: tagged ‘Selfies’ and images co-constructed with social network members commonly contribute to their digital identities. In contrast, retirees turn the camera’s lens outwards towards the world, not inwards to themselves. In concluding, we pay special attention to the digital social norms of co-creation of self and balancing convenience and privacy for people of varying ages, and what our findings mean for the future of photo-sharing as a form of self-expression, as today’s young adults grow old and retire.  相似文献   

(1) Helping professionals and first responders often experience stressful and traumatic incidents on a daily basis, and sometimes several times per day. (2) Research in addictions suggests an important link between traumatic experiences and the potential for addiction. (3) The idea of self-medicating to cope with stress and trauma is common not only in patients but also in helping professionals and first responders. (4) Treatment of substance-related disorders, trauma disorders, and stress responses share an important common consideration--immediacy.  相似文献   

Accreditation is a growing, worldwide phenomenon that has spread to a range of industries and fields, including nonprofit social services and mental health care. Thousands of organizations are accredited, but it is not known what is driving the growth of this phenomenon. Using a multiple case study design, this exploratory study aimed to understand children's mental health agencies' motivations to pursue accreditation. In‐depth interviews, focus groups, document reviews, and limited observations were conducted at five children's mental health agencies that had recently undergone or were undergoing the Council on Accreditation process. Agencies were influenced by external factors, such as policies that require accreditation, wanting to assert their positions in the field, and the need to increase funding opportunities. Other factors were internal, related to agency leadership using accreditation as a platform for change and agencies' genuine intent to improve services. Implications for agencies, accreditors, and future research are offered.  相似文献   

Peter Mayle's best-selling accounts of his life in Provence have appealed to a wide audience in Britain but have also attracted harsh criticism. It is argued here that these works, although ostensibly about Provence, are better analysed as myths for the English. The contrast with an account from the 1930s reflects wider social change, showing a move from a confidently colonial to a self-consciously ‘anthropological’ mode. Doubts about the authenticity of Mayle's accounts are related both to his use of free indirect discourse and other literary devices in order to convey ethnographic colour, and to ideological tensions in post-colonial Britain.  相似文献   

To better delineate the role of unionism in influencing the provision of nonwage benefits, this article argues that benefits should be viewed as a limited-dependent variable. Employing such an approach, the study finds that previous OLS estimates of the union effect embody substantial biases, which vary by industrial and employee-group classification. Moreover, the role of unionism — plan initiation versus ability to augment benefit levels at established plans — varies according to employee group, industrial classification, and the type of benefits.  相似文献   

This article suggests methods for educational and service application of the research generated from the regional project, W-167, Coping with Stress: Adaptation of Nonmetropolitan Families to Socioeconomic Changes. Similarities among families studied as well as differences among state projects are highlighted. Suggestions for application center on strategies for educating rural families directly, providing information to those who work with rural families, and developing support systems conducive to the rural environment.Randy R. Weigel received his Ph.D. from Iowa State University. He is currently Home Economics Program Leader and Assistant Professor, Department of Home Economics, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82071. His interests include ranch and farm stress, applying research-generated information, and rural family life development.  相似文献   

This article is an overview of the employment and training problems among young school leavers in Nigeria and the role which the apprenticeship system can play in alleviating the problems. It is observed that educational expansion has no provision for employment and training opportunities for the many school leavers. Noting the importance of apprenticeship training, the paper examines the operation and employment potential of the two modes of apprenticeship training: formal and informal sector apprenticeship training. Finally, it is suggested that the government and parents should accord due recognition to apprenticeship training in the attempt to solve the employment and training problems of young school leavers.  相似文献   

Care leavers' social support networks have often been theorized as having a salient role in explaining youths' functional outcomes and the way these relate to their adverse pasts. The goals of the present study are to examine the association between childhood adversity and adult functioning among youth aging out-of-care, and to explore how attributes of their social support networks mediate this association.The sample consisted of 345 Israeli care leavers (ages 18 to 25), formerly placed in residential or foster care. Standardized self-report questionnaires were administered to assess various attributes of youths' support networks (e.g., network size or adequacy) vis-à-vis three types of social support (emotional, practical, information and guidance), indices of childhood adversity, and markers of adult functioning (adjustment to post-school settings, economic well-being, and housing difficulties).Structural equation modeling indicated that a significant portion of youths' functioning outcomes was attributable to childhood adversity. This relationship was fully or partially mediated by social support, across the various types of support and outcomes examined. Network size and network adequacy were the most prominent predictors of functioning; the latter more consistently so. Whereas emotional, practical, and information and guidance supports all significantly contributed to greater adjustment to post-school settings and economic well-being, only practical support was related to fewer housing difficulties.The differential effects of the attributes and functions of care leavers' support networks on functioning outcomes are discussed in reference to social network literature. The paper also presents recommendations for practice and policy with a focus on social network intervention.  相似文献   

The development of moral identity is linked to a sense of self that is prosocial and connected to others. Youth organizations, if designed appropriately, may provide a setting for social interactions and relationships in which youth can enact and receive validation for moral behaviors and develop prosocial selves. This chapter reports on findings from a four-year study of identity construction within an urban Boys and Girls Club. The author conducted interviews and photography projects with seventeen youth ages twelve to eighteen, all of whom were active club members. Over half described their race or ethnicity as black or African American, while others were Hispanic, Afro-Latino, white, or other. All of them either lived in the housing project near the club or had close ties to it. Both boys and girls describe themselves as rooted in a rich relational milieu that promoted prosocial identities. The importance of respect emerged as a key theme in the teens' narratives about themselves and their activities. The author found that the club served as a site for the development of prosocial traits in an environment characterized by respectful and supportive relationships.  相似文献   

Caregiving is a process of transformed identities and reconstructed relations. The disruption of Alzheimer's disease affects both the individual with dementia and the person providing care. One becomes enselfed in dementia, the other transformed into a caregiver. Using data from twenty qualitative interviews with family caregivers, this article traces the transformative process by which the previous relational selves of both participants become casualties of the disease. Findings suggest that the ill person in this dyad is silenced through dementia, leaving the caregiver narratives to become the morality tales of transformation from disorder to order, from havoc to meaningful interaction. By becoming caregivers, family members construct value in their struggles to negotiate the disorder of illness and recreate meaningful and affirming selves and relationships.  相似文献   

Are choices for others riskier than choices people make for themselves? This question has been asked by economists, psychologists, and other researchers in the social sciences – which has generated a diversity of research accounts and results. For example, a number of studies have found strong instances of a risky shift in choices for others, while other studies have found no such effect or have found that choices for others instead generate a cautious shift. In a meta-analysis of 128 effects from 71 published and unpublished papers (totaling 14,443 observations), we found a significant though small effect size (d = 0.105) in favor of a risky shift when people choose for others. Moreover, we found considerable variance between studies (Q = 1106.25), suggesting that the net effect is susceptible to moderating factors or study characteristics, which we identify and discuss as well (viz. choice recipient, decision frame, decision reciprocity, theoretical perspective, study design). Thus, we document not only whether decisions for others are riskier, but when (and when such decisions are less risky). We further discuss what is distinctly unique about decision making for others – how such choices are not just different in degree from personal choices but different in kind.  相似文献   


In the work of Levinas, thought of the Other establishes an infinite responsibility and in that of Derrida's latest work an infinite duty of hospitality. Such thought nonetheless leaves a problem of judgement and decision. This paper uses the work of the French philosopher René Girard, and in particular his account of scapegoating, to critically discern between malign and benign otherness. It argues that a logic of undecidability needs an ethical hermeneutics capable of discerning between good and evil.  相似文献   


To assess motivations associated with sexual intimacy, a need for sexual intimacy scale (NSIS) was developed within a needs-based framework, focusing on needs for sex, affiliation, and dominance. Participants were 347 individuals associated with two large Southern California universities. Both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses (EFA and CFA) were utilized, as were multiple attitudinal and behavioral measures for validation purposes. EFA found 22 items to be associated with the three need sets, with good internal consistency reliability. CFA confirmed these findings, and promising construct and criterion validities were also noted for the factors. Those reporting a greater need for sex noted more lifetime sex partners and one-night stands, but were less likely to use condoms. Individuals with affiliation needs were more likely to be truthful with their partners and more likely to practice safe-sex. Those reporting dominance needs want to control their partners sexually, but were less likely to use condoms. Men were found to exhibit greater needs for sex, while women reported higher levels of affiliation need. Sexual health and primary prevention concerns are discussed.  相似文献   

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