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流动人口对当前生育水平的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
改革开放以来我国人口流动大潮形成了社会变革与城乡变迁中最令人瞩目的人口现象,但是在生育率研究方面,人口流动的影响到底如何仍然并不十分清楚。本文根据2005年全国1%人口抽样调查的样本数据,对流动人口进行了识别,并通过计算和比较流动人口与非流动人口在生育率水平与孩次和年龄模式方面以及户籍性质方面的差别,表明人口流动极为显著地降低了农业户籍人口的生育水平,并进而在全国层面产生了降低生育率的显著影响。因此,流动人口不仅对推动经济社会发展有巨大贡献,而且还在降低生育率方面发挥了重要作用。我们应当破除流动人口就是超生游击队的陈旧观念,并认识到人口流动实际上是生育率降低的有力促进因素之一。  相似文献   

城市化的城乡差别效应和城乡协调发展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
朱宝树 《人口研究》2004,28(1):22-27
城市化作为人口和地域的乡 -城转化过程 ,必然会对城市和乡村两个方面产生各种差别效应。深入研究这种差别效应 ,对统筹城乡发展 ,具有重要意义。本文主要利用 2 0 0 0年人口普查省内迁移有关数据 ,分析乡 -城迁移体现于收入水平、年龄结构、生育水平、受教育程度、劳动就业、人口分布等特征的城乡差别效应。认为全面建设小康社会 ,必须充分注意城市化的差别效应对城乡协调发展的影响 ,实施城乡协调型的城市化战略 ,走城市化推动型的城乡协调发展道路。  相似文献   

众所周知,我国目前的生育水平存在着极大的地区间差异。妇女总和生育水平农村远远高于城市。90年代人口控制面临的困难就在于城市妇女的生育水平已非常低,不可能再下降、而农村妇女的生育水平虽还有再降的潜力,但计划生育政策的调控已到了事倍功半的程度,仅仅依赖计划生育政策想把农村生育率降到预期水平是不够的。那么,是什么原因导致农村生育率居高不下呢?分析这个问题,首先应该分析为什么我国城、乡妇女生育水平会出现如此大的差异。从生育率的变化可以看到,城、乡间妇女生育差距的拉大开始于60年代中期,而我国严格推行计划生育是70年代以后,这就意味着,计划生育政策对城、乡间生育水  相似文献   

郝娟  邱长溶 《南方人口》2011,26(5):27-33
我国城乡生育水平、发展趋势及差异程度的对比研究对于人口发展问题意义重大。首先通过运算,得出了城乡总和生育率指标数值,呈现出2000年以来十年间城乡生育状况,然后对这些数据进行了细致的比较与分析。研究结果表明:尽管十年中生育水平呈现波动状态,但农村总和生育率一直都低于1.8,城镇则低于1.3,差异近几年有逐步缩小的趋势;城乡生育水平差异主要来自二孩生育率的差异,二孩生育率近十年来有微弱上升趋势;一孩生育率受民俗等因素影响较大,城镇波动大于农村;平均生育年龄推迟现象在城镇、农村一直都在缓慢持续。  相似文献   

中国现行制度和政策对农村人口增长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以家庭生育决策为理性行为作为分析前提,阐述了影响生育率的主要因素。认为中国现行的一些政策和制度对生育有刺激作用,如定期根据家庭人口变化重新分配土地、对城乡提供不同的养老保障制度、限制城乡间人口迁移等。本文提出一组替代政策和制度,以克服现行政策的缺陷,并可最终导致生育率水平下降。本文还认为人口规模对人均粮食供应、人均收入,从而对人均福利水平基本上无不利影响。  相似文献   

涂肇庆  原新 《南方人口》2002,17(4):34-40
所谓替代迁移是指迁移人口对长期处于更替生育水平以下的人口,因人口自然减少而产生的替代效用。广东省不但是全国人口流动和迁移最活跃的省份,而且人口总和生育率已连续10年低于更替水平,进入低生育水平时期。本文实证分析广东省在无流动人口、保持峰值人口、维持峰值劳动年龄人口和潜在供养比最大值等条件下,流迁人口对总人口规模和结构的替代效应,认为适度替代流迁人口是解决长期维持低生育水平地区所产生的人口问题的有效途径。  相似文献   

外来人口与我国城市低生育率   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
陈卫 《人口研究》2005,29(4):79-83
最近梁秋生和郭志刚二位教授围绕京津沪大城市超低生育率中外来人口的分母效应展开了讨论。他们得出了不同的结论。本文利用2000年人口普查千分之一抽样原始数据,对城市超低生育率中的外来人口分母效应作了进一步的检验和分析,认为外来人口的分母效应的大小,既与外来人口的规模,也与外来人口的生育水平有关。京津沪地区超低生育率中的外来人口分母效应并不存在,其原因是外来人口与本地人口的生育水平没有差别。对于全国城市地区,尽管外来人口的生育率显著地低于本地人口,但是由于外来人口规模不够巨大,它的分母效应也不太大。作为对比,广东省是最强烈体现外来人口分母效应的例证。不仅外来人口的生育率只及本地人口的一半,而且育龄妇女中外来人口占近30%,所以其分母效应非常明显。  相似文献   

20世纪70年代中期以来,东北地区人口生育率不断下降。目前东北地区的总和生育率基本与上海、北京持平,成为全国范围内人口生育率最低的地区。以往人们主要从思想观念方面解释东北地区超低人口生育率的形成原因。本文主要从城镇化对人口生育率的一般影响与特殊影响、农村落实计划生育政策的实效、低人口生育率的跨期影响和人口结构变化、受教育程度与人口生育率的关系等方面分析东北地区超低人口生育率的形成原因,结论认为尽管不能完全否定生育观、生育意愿对实际人口生育率的影响,但经济社会发展状况和计划生育政策的落实情况是影响生育水平的最主要因素,生育观和生育意愿在很大程度上是经济社会发展的反映,并随着经济社会的发展而变化。  相似文献   

本研究以2010年中国第六次人口普查微观数据为基础,采用35岁妇女平均曾生子女数作为终生生育率的估计指标对当前中国的生育水平进行分析。研究发现,当前中国妇女的终生生育率为1.52,通过教育部9岁学龄儿童人数估算的妇女终生生育率也介于1.51.6之间,因此,当前中国已经处于低生育水平国家行列。不同省(自治区、直辖市)、民族、文化教育程度、职业、城乡、农业户籍和非农业户籍、流动人口与户籍人口的生育水平有趋同的发展态势。  相似文献   

新一代乡-城流动人口生育意愿探析   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
吴帆 《南方人口》2009,24(1):5-11
本文结合调查问卷,运用半结构式深度个案访谈方法,对我国新一代乡-城流动人口的生育意愿、生育需求及其影响因素做出深入探析。研究结果表明我国流动人口的生育观念发生了根本性的转变,传统的生育观已经被现代生育观所取代。同时,研究发现新一代乡-城流动人口从生育观念到现实的生育决策,再到实际的生育行为,受到了各种条件的制约。因此,必须增强政府面向流动人口的城市计划生育服务与管理,完善制度供给。  相似文献   

中国人口迁移与生育率关系研究   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:26  
陈卫  吴丽丽 《人口研究》2006,30(1):13-20
本文利用2000年人口普查数据,考察了中国人口迁移与生育率的关系。通过比较农村本地人口、城市本地人口和流动迁移人口三个人口群体在生育率上的差异,并进行多元统计分析,结果表明,流动迁移对生育率有着非常显著影响,城市外来人口的生育率不仅显著低于农村本地人口,而且也低于城市本地人口;远期流迁人口的生育率要低于近期流迁人口的生育率。中国人口迁移与生育率的关系出现了与已有的迁移生育率理论的不一致。1990年代中国的迁移生育率发生了转变。  相似文献   

Urbanization and the fertility transition in Ghana   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper examines the way in which migration and urban residence operate to alter fertility outcomes. While urban-rural fertility differentials have long been established for most developing societies, the nature of these differences among migrants and between migrants and those of succeeding generations is not well understood. The evidence presented here suggests that rural-urban migration and urbanization may contribute positively to processes of fertility transition. Using data from the 1998 Kumasi Peri-Urban Survey, which included a 5-year retrospective monthly calendar of childbearing, we suggest that migrants adapt quickly to an urban environment. Our results also reveal generational differences in recent and cumulative fertility. While migrants exhibit higher cumulative fertility than urban residents of the second and third generation, their fertility is significantly lower than rural averages in Ghana. Children of migrants exhibit childbearing patterns quite similar to those in higher-order generations. Most noteworthy is the nature of the disparities in childbearing patterns between migrants and the succeeding generations. Migrant women have higher lifetime fertility than urban natives. Migrant women also exhibit higher fertility over the last 5 years than second generation or high-order urban natives. But these first generation women exhibit lower fertility (vs. urban natives) for the year immediately prior to the survey. These patterns lend support to an interpretation that combines rather than opposes theories of selectivity, disruption, adaptation and socialization. We conclude by discussing mechanisms that might explain these interrelated processes of fertility adjustment and suggest that policies discouraging rural-urban migration need to be revisited.  相似文献   

Migration and fertility in Puerto Rico   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract In an investigation based on special tabulations of the 25 per cent sample from the 1960 Census of Population for Puerto Rico, it is found that migration experience tends to be associated with fertility for various marital statuses, including consensual unions, and for rural, urban and metropolitan residence. The findings cannot be attributed to variations in age composition among the various categories as age standardization and age-specificcomparisons yield similar results. However, it is also found that rural-urban and consensually-legally mated differentials in fertility cannot be accounted for by variations in the migration variables that are examined. Thus, consistently higher fertility is found for non-migrants than for migrants; for consensually mated than for legally married and for rural than for urban or metropolitan residents. With a single exception, women in consensual unions, fertility is lower for women in the San Juan metropolitan area than in the other urban areas.  相似文献   

Interrelations between migration and fertility in Thailand   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Based on special tabulations of 1960 census data on migration within Thailand, this analysis attempts to assess the role of migration in the urbanization process and the relation between migration and fertility. The importance of migration to urban growth is evidenced by the clearcut positive relationship between the percentage of persons classified as either lifetime or 5-year migrants and the urban character of their 1960 place of residence. Yet, the evidence also points to an increasing proportion of urban growth in recent decades attributable to natural increase. The specific relation between fertility and migration varies depending on the measure of migration used: Compared to nonmigrants in their place of destination, the fertility levels of lifetime migrants are not very different; but those of 5-year migrants are considerably lower. Regardless of migration status, however, fertility level is markedly lower for those living in urban places compared to those in rural places. This suggests the important role of both migration and urbanization in affecting fertility levels in Thailand.  相似文献   

劳动力流动对城镇失业的影响研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章探讨了家庭决策下农村劳动力流动对城镇失业的影响,认为劳动力回流会降低流入者的现存失业率进而拉低城镇总体失业率。基于2005年全国1%人口抽样调查数据,作者对城镇失业与其相关因素进行了回归分析。结果发现,就失业概率而言,农村流入人口远低于城镇居民;镇居民低于市居民;女性高于男性;年轻组远高于其他年龄组;受过高等教育的人口总体最低,但高校新近毕业生却较高。另外,区域发展模式影响其失业模式。失业水平在东北、武汉、重庆老工业基地出现了本地居民、农民工和总体均高的三高模式,在京、津、沪和珠三角地区出现了本地居民高、农民工低和总体居中的高低中模式,仅在国有、私营、和三资企业平衡发展的华东沿海地区出现了本地居民低、农民工低和总体低的三低模式。  相似文献   

The paper explores the impact of rural-to-urban migration on the social mobility of individuals, comparing rural-to-urban migrants with rural and urban natives. Using life history data from the 1983 Korean National Migration Survey, the authors examined the pattern of migrant adjustment by estimating the 1st difference form of the autoregressive equation. They found a disruptive effect of rural-to-urban migration that disappears gradually after migration. This study provides strong evidence that most rural-to-urban migrants successfully adapt to urban life through upward occupational mobility relative to both rural and urban natives. This finding sharply contrasts with previous studies on the urban informal sector, which emphasize selective rural-to-urban migration or the inability of migrating individuals to adapt to city life. Moreover, this study showed that a principle cause of the rapid expansion of Seoul is that migrants are more likely to be upwardly mobile when they are destined for Seoul rather than other cities.  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of this study is to develop and test a model to assess the influence of rural-urban migration on fertility in less developed countries. Two major reasons may account for lower fertility levels observed among such migrants than among women who remained in rural areas: a selection effect, and adaptation to constraints in the area of destination. Results of previous studies have only rarely suggested that the effect of adaptation was significant. We use the detailed personal migration and pregnancy histories recorded in the Korean World Fertility Survey of 1974 and an autoregressive model to control for unobservable variations in personal preferences for different family sizes between migrants and non-migrants. Our study provides evidence that adaptation following rural-urban migration is a significant factor which explains the lower fertility of rural-urban migrants compared with that of rural stayers.  相似文献   

Abstract A major finding of the 1960 'Growth of American Families' (GAF) study was that whites and blacks without southern rural experience had similar fertility. This paper reports on a re-examination of this finding with a substantially larger black sample. Data from the 1967 Survey of Economic Opportunity demonstrated that the residence background classification utilized in the GAF study defeated, in part, the attempt to remove the effects of rural experience on fertility. Indigenous urban blacks had 25% higher fertility than indigenous urban whites. The fertility of urban black migrants out of the rural South was sharply curtailed in contrast to those remaining in the rural South. Although urban blacks of southern rural background had nominally higher fertility than indigenous urban blacks, the difference was neither statistically nor substantively significant. These results demand a re-ordering of the interpretation of the impact that migration has on urban black fertility and the white-black differential in fertility.  相似文献   

Anglewicz P 《Demography》2012,49(1):239-265
Research on the relationship between migration and HIV infection in sub-Saharan Africa often suggests that migrants are at higher risk of HIV infection because they are more likely to engage in HIV risk behaviors than nonmigrants, and they tend to move to areas with a relatively higher HIV prevalence. Although migration may be a risk factor for HIV infection, I instead focus on the possibility that the HIV positive are more likely to migrate. Using a longitudinal data set of permanent rural residents and migrants from Malawi, I find that migrants originating from rural areas are indeed more likely than nonmigrants to be HIV positive and to have engaged in HIV risk behaviors. The increased HIV risk among migrants may be due to the selection of HIV-positive individuals into migration; I find that HIV-positive individuals are more likely to migrate than those who are HIV negative. The explanation for this phenomenon appears to be marital instability, which occurs more frequently among HIV-positive individuals and leads to migration after marital change.  相似文献   

Data from the nationally representative 1993 Migration and Urbanization Survey of Nigeria are used to simultaneously examine the patterns of rural-rural and rural-urban migration in Nigeria. A multinomial logistic regression model predicts the independent and collective association between individual, household, and regional variables and migration from rural areas to rural and urban destinations. Associations between education, religion and ethnicity and migration propensities exist at the national level. The Kanuri-Shua Arabs are generally non-migrants, the Hausa-Fulani and Yoruba are predominantly rural-rural migrants and the Igbo-Ibibio and Urhobo-Isoko-Edo are predominantly ruralurban migrants. Christians are significantly more mobile than Muslims. While the highly educated are most likely to choose an urban destination, a significant proportion migrate to other rural areas. Concern over population concentration is not supported, as rural migrants move to all regions and to urban and rural areas.  相似文献   

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