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讨价还价过程与供应链的利润最大化均衡   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
是否存在一组贴现因子使得轮流出价的讨价还价的完美子博弈均衡刚好实现供应链总体利润最大?本文研究表明当博弈双方的贴现率都趋近于1,各企业利润之和将收敛于供应链的总体利润最大化均衡.接着,证明了当双方的贴现率严格地小于1时,供应链的总体利润不可能达到利润最大化均衡.最后,通过具体的算例来说明所得到的结论.  相似文献   

Most existing risk management models for process industries do not consider the effect of insurance coverage, which results in an overestimation of overall risk. A model is presented in this article to study the effect of insurance coverage of health, safety, environmental, and business risks. The effect of insurance recovery is modeled through the application of adjustment factors by considering the stochastic factors affecting insurance recovery. The insurance contract's conditions, deductibles, and policy limits are considered in developing the insurance recovery adjustment factors. Copula functions and Monte Carlo simulations are used to develop the distribution of the aggregate loss by considering the dependence among loss classes. A case study is used to demonstrate both the practical application of the proposed insurance model to improve management decisions, and the mitigating effect of insurance to minimize the residual risk.  相似文献   

This paper provides an empirical analysis of the effects of employer‐provided health insurance, Medicare, and Social Security on retirement behavior. Using data from the Health and Retirement Study, we estimate a dynamic programming model of retirement that accounts for both saving and uncertain medical expenses. Our results suggest that Medicare is important for understanding retirement behavior, and that uncertainty and saving are both important for understanding the labor supply responses to Medicare. Half the value placed by a typical worker on his employer‐provided health insurance is the value of reduced medical expense risk. Raising the Medicare eligibility age from 65 to 67 leads individuals to work an additional 0.074 years over ages 60–69. In comparison, eliminating 2 years worth of Social Security benefits increases years of work by 0.076 years.  相似文献   

在多因子HJM框架下,将一类具有特定波动率结构设定的非马尔可夫远期利率模型转化为马尔可夫模型,并将其表示成状态空间模型形式.进一步,引入基于无损卡尔曼滤波的极大似然估计法对HJM模型进行估计,解决了模型非线性和潜在状态变量的问题.实证研究中,基于上海银行间同业拆放利率(SHIBOR)期限结构的实际动态特性,对HJM模型的波动率结构进行相应的设定,并引入随机市场风险价格,构建了SHIBOR期限结构的三因子HJM模型.结果表明,三因子HJM模型可以很好的刻画SHIBOR期限结构的动态特性和波动率结构,水平因子和斜率因子是驱动SHIBOR利率系统的主要因素.  相似文献   

重大工程建设过程往往面临着巨大的风险暴露,保险是重要的风险处置手段,承接保险合同的保险机构和业主一起成为风险损失的承担主体。考虑到保险机构拥有极强参与现场风险管理的动能,本文基于委托代理理论构建了保险机构介入下业主与承包商的激励模型,分别讨论了共同代理和独家代理两种模式下各方的策略与收益。研究结果表明:共同代理模式下,保险机构实现了主动风险管理,业主和保险机构的收益均得以提高,业主愿意提供比独家代理模式更高的激励系数;承包商在共同代理模式下将采取更为积极的风险管理努力,同时其机会主义行为得到了抑制;业主的最优激励系数受项目特征、承包商自身因素以及外界环境的不确定性共同作用。  相似文献   

利率期限结构的三因子高斯动态模型及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国内文献主要集中于仿射模型在我国利率期限结构中的应用,对高斯动态期限结构模型(Gaussian Dynamic Term Structure Model, 简称GDTSM)的研究几乎是空白。基于JSZ规范化形式,本文首次构建了三因子高斯动态期限结构模型,并基于极大似然估计法给出了模型参数的估计过程。利用该模型对2008年1月4日至2012年4月28日上海银行间同业拆放利率(Shanghai Inter Bank Offered Rate, 简称SHIBOR)的期限结构展开实证研究,同时对模型估计误差项进行多层次分解,重点探讨了利率期限结构的内在结构特征。研究结果显示:(1)三因子GDTSM模型能够很好地拟合和预测SHIBOR市场利率;(2)水平因子和斜率因子是短期利率期限结构的主要影响因素,曲度因子是长期利率期限结构的主要影响因素。作为利率期限结构实证研究的技术基础,三因子高斯动态期限结构模型为国债及其衍生品定价和风险管理提供一种新的技术支持。  相似文献   

This study uses fully factorial computer simulation to identify referral network attributes and referral decision rules that streamline the routing of people to urgent, limited services. As an example of a scenario, the model represents vaccine delivery in a city of 100,000 people during the first 30 days of a pandemic. By modeling patterns of communication among health care providers and daily routing of overflow clients to affiliated organizations, the simulations determine cumulative effects of referral network designs and decision rules on citywide delivery of available vaccines. Referral networks generally improve delivery rates when compared with random local search by clients. Increasing the health care organizations’ tendencies to form referral partnerships from zero to about four partners per organization sharply increases vaccine delivery under most conditions, but further increases in partnering yield little or no gain in system performance. When making referrals, probabilistic selection among partner organizations that have any capacity to deliver vaccines is more effective than selection of the highest‐capacity partner, except when tendencies to form partnerships are very low. Implications for designing health and human service referral networks and helping practitioners optimize their use of the networks are discussed. Suggestions for using simulations to model comparable systems are provided.  相似文献   

Aviation insurance premiums have become a heavy burden for the airline industry since September 11, 2001. Although the industry must constantly balance its operations between profitability and safety, the reality is that airlines are in the business of making money. Therefore, their ability to reduce cost and manage risk is a key factor for success. Unlike past research, which used subjective judgment methods, this study applied quantitative historical data (1999–2000) and gray relation analysis to identify the primary factors influencing ratemaking for aviation insurance premiums. An empirical study of six airlines in Taiwan was conducted to determine these factors and to analyze the management strategies used to deal with them. Results showed that the loss experience and performance of individual airlines were the key elements associated with aviation insurance premiums paid by each airline. By identifying and understanding the primary factors influencing ratemaking for aviation insurance, airlines will better understand their relative operational strengths and weaknesses, and further help top management identify areas for further improvement. Knowledge of these factors combined with effective risk management strategies, may result in lower premiums and operating costs for airline companies.  相似文献   

最优反应均衡是在有限理性条件下对纳什均衡的发展,传统对渠道协调的研究关注契约设计,数量折扣是理论研究较多的机制,但在实践中的结果与理论有所偏差。基于此,将最优反应均衡引入到渠道协调数量折扣的模型中,建立依据反应函数的策略概率选择分析框架,修正对零售商理性程度的认识。通过理论分析重新求解数量折扣形式,发现随着博弈者理性程度的不同,契约形式发生变化;通过实验证明数量折扣机制协调渠道的有效性,发现实验数据与最优反应均衡模型更加吻合,重新对契约机制具体参数进行制定,估计出零售商的理性程度系数,在该系数下的渠道协调机制不同于传统的理论预测结果,进而为更加合理的制定渠道协调的机制契约提供理论和实证基础。  相似文献   

为了更有效的规避影响保险市场交易效率的逆向选择问题,本文分投保人风险类型为两种和多种情形建立了带奖惩金的两期保险契约模型,首次提出可以用奖励金和惩罚金有效甄别投保人的风险类型。该模型根据投保人第一个保险期内的索赔情况在第二个保险期对其进行奖励或惩罚,高风险类型的投保人如果选择为低风险类型投保人设计的保险契约,则其在第二阶段受到惩罚的概率要远远大于得到奖励的概率,即风险越高的投保人越害怕惩罚金,因此所建模型满足斯彭斯-莫里斯分离条件。带奖惩金的两期保险契约模型中保险公司的期望利润仍然为0,并不会给投保人带来额外的经济负担,却能够实现对传统部分保险契约简单重复两次的严格帕累托改进。最后采用一个算例说明了该模型的有效性。  相似文献   

深入认识绿色金融对经济发展质量的影响机制、实证检验二者的关系,是科学引导绿色金融体系构建、助力高质量发展的基础,但该领域的理论研究和实证证据都十分有限。本文从绿色金融研究的理论脉络入手,构建了带有资源环境约束和金融部门的一般均衡模型。在模型中,自然资源的“公共物品问题”导致经济增长路径偏离最优水平,而绿色金融机构能够通过优化资本配置,改善经济增长路径,降低稳态中的环境损害水平,提高经济增长的质量。基于理论模型,本文使用2005年至2017年的省级面板数据检验了绿色金融活动与经济增长质量之间的关系,实证证据有力地支持了理论模型的推论。据此,本文指出,发展绿色金融的核心是“绿化”金融机构的运营理念和投资决策,从改善经济体的资源配置状况入手,促进经济的绿色发展。此外,本文的理论模型将绿色金融的研究与经济增长理论结合起来,也为绿色金融的理论体系构建提供了参考。  相似文献   

Little is known about why individuals place either a high or a very low value on mitigating risks of disaster‐type events, like floods. This study uses panel data methods to explore the psychological factors affecting probability neglect of flood risk relevant to the zero end‐point of the probability weighting function in Prospect Theory, and willingness‐to‐pay for flood insurance. In particular, we focus on explanatory variables of anticipatory and anticipated emotions, as well as the threshold of concern. Moreover, results obtained under real and hypothetical incentives are compared in an experiment with high experimental outcomes. Based on our findings, we suggest several policy recommendations to overcome individual decision processes, which may hinder flood protection efforts.  相似文献   

In this paper we derive the asymptotic properties of within groups (WG), GMM, and LIML estimators for an autoregressive model with random effects when both T and N tend to infinity. GMM and LIML are consistent and asymptotically equivalent to the WG estimator. When T/N→ 0 the fixed T results for GMM and LIML remain valid, but WG, although consistent, has an asymptotic bias in its asymptotic distribution. When T/N tends to a positive constant, the WG, GMM, and LIML estimators exhibit negative asymptotic biases of order 1/T, 1/N, and 1/(2NT), respectively. In addition, the crude GMM estimator that neglects the autocorrelation in first differenced errors is inconsistent as T/Nc>0, despite being consistent for fixed T. Finally, we discuss the properties of a random effects pseudo MLE with unrestricted initial conditions when both T and N tend to infinity.  相似文献   

王玥  秦学志  张康  黄世英 《管理学报》2011,8(5):763-768,783
和谐共赢信用理念意在追求"恪守信用、平等互利、相互支持、共同繁荣"的多赢局面,即力求经济金融系统各部分利益或效用尽可能最大化。基于这种视角,刻画了多渠道投融资各方收益期望效用模型,并依据博弈原理给出多方博弈的Nash均衡解,且详细考察了若干参数,诸如企业的违约概率、道德风险、融资总额、持股比例、风险厌恶程度等对博弈各方和总体收益的影响程度,据此提出了相应的投融资对策,并对投融资各方共赢的有效策略集进行了实证分析。  相似文献   

The underlying assumptions of the Rai and Van Ryzin dose-response model for reproductive toxicological data are evaluated on the basis of existing experimental data. The model under consideration is unusual in its use of litter size to completely account for extra-binomial variation in the data by associating litter size with reproductive outcome. The experimental data show that controlling litter size is not sufficient to account for the litter-to-litter variability in responses. It is also shown that the two linear components of the Rai and Van Ryzin model are inappropriate. For the component which applies to the dam, the data suggest a strong nonlinearity, supported by rejection of the linear model via statistical hypothesis tests. In the component involving litter size, a relationship with dose is not apparent. The litter size parameters offer considerable potential for bias in estimation; bias which is at least partly masked by the model having good prediction characteristics due to the increased number of parameters. A simulation study is presented to illustrate how the Rai and Van Ryzin model can exaggerate litter size effects on the probability of response when the simulated data arise from a model involving a nonlinear dam component, common to this type of data, and no effect of litter size.  相似文献   

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