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零无效率随机前沿模型(ZISF)包含随机前沿模型和回归模型,两模型各有一定的发生概率,适用于技术无效生产单元和技术有效生产单元同时存在的情形。本文在ZISF的生产函数中引入空间效应和非参函数,并假设回归模型的发生概率为非参函数,构建了半参数空间ZISF。该模型可有效避免忽略空间效应导致的有偏且不一致估计量,也避免了线性模型的拟合不足。本文对非参函数采用B样条逼近,使用极大似然方法和JLMS法分别估计参数和技术效率。蒙特卡罗结果表明:①本文方法的估计精度和分类精度均较高。随着样本容量的增大,精度增加。②忽略空间效应或者非参数效应,估计精度和分类精度降低,文中模型有存在必要性。③忽略发生概率的非参数效应会严重降低估计和分类精度,远大于忽略生产函数的非参数效应的影响。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new nested algorithm (NPL) for the estimation of a class of discrete Markov decision models and studies its statistical and computational properties. Our method is based on a representation of the solution of the dynamic programming problem in the space of conditional choice probabilities. When the NPL algorithm is initialized with consistent nonparametric estimates of conditional choice probabilities, successive iterations return a sequence of estimators of the structural parameters which we call K–stage policy iteration estimators. We show that the sequence includes as extreme cases a Hotz–Miller estimator (for K=1) and Rust's nested fixed point estimator (in the limit when K→∞). Furthermore, the asymptotic distribution of all the estimators in the sequence is the same and equal to that of the maximum likelihood estimator. We illustrate the performance of our method with several examples based on Rust's bus replacement model. Monte Carlo experiments reveal a trade–off between finite sample precision and computational cost in the sequence of policy iteration estimators.  相似文献   

This paper studies nonparametric estimation of conditional moment restrictions in which the generalized residual functions can be nonsmooth in the unknown functions of endogenous variables. This is a nonparametric nonlinear instrumental variables (IV) problem. We propose a class of penalized sieve minimum distance (PSMD) estimators, which are minimizers of a penalized empirical minimum distance criterion over a collection of sieve spaces that are dense in the infinite‐dimensional function parameter space. Some of the PSMD procedures use slowly growing finite‐dimensional sieves with flexible penalties or without any penalty; others use large dimensional sieves with lower semicompact and/or convex penalties. We establish their consistency and the convergence rates in Banach space norms (such as a sup‐norm or a root mean squared norm), allowing for possibly noncompact infinite‐dimensional parameter spaces. For both mildly and severely ill‐posed nonlinear inverse problems, our convergence rates in Hilbert space norms (such as a root mean squared norm) achieve the known minimax optimal rate for the nonparametric mean IV regression. We illustrate the theory with a nonparametric additive quantile IV regression. We present a simulation study and an empirical application of estimating nonparametric quantile IV Engel curves.  相似文献   

This paper develops estimators for quantile treatment effects under the identifying restriction that selection to treatment is based on observable characteristics. Identification is achieved without requiring computation of the conditional quantiles of the potential outcomes. Instead, the identification results for the marginal quantiles lead to an estimation procedure for the quantile treatment effect parameters that has two steps: nonparametric estimation of the propensity score and computation of the difference between the solutions of two separate minimization problems. Root‐N consistency, asymptotic normality, and achievement of the semiparametric efficiency bound are shown for that estimator. A consistent estimation procedure for the variance is also presented. Finally, the method developed here is applied to evaluation of a job training program and to a Monte Carlo exercise. Results from the empirical application indicate that the method works relatively well even for a data set with limited overlap between treated and controls in the support of covariates. The Monte Carlo study shows that, for a relatively small sample size, the method produces estimates with good precision and low bias, especially for middle quantiles.  相似文献   

This paper provides a first order asymptotic theory for generalized method of moments (GMM) estimators when the number of moment conditions is allowed to increase with the sample size and the moment conditions may be weak. Examples in which these asymptotics are relevant include instrumental variable (IV) estimation with many (possibly weak or uninformed) instruments and some panel data models that cover moderate time spans and have correspondingly large numbers of instruments. Under certain regularity conditions, the GMM estimators are shown to converge in probability but not necessarily to the true parameter, and conditions for consistent GMM estimation are given. A general framework for the GMM limit distribution theory is developed based on epiconvergence methods. Some illustrations are provided, including consistent GMM estimation of a panel model with time varying individual effects, consistent limited information maximum likelihood estimation as a continuously updated GMM estimator, and consistent IV structural estimation using large numbers of weak or irrelevant instruments. Some simulations are reported.  相似文献   

This paper considers identification and estimation of the effect of a mismeasured binary regressor in a nonparametric or semiparametric regression, or the conditional average effect of a binary treatment or policy on some outcome where treatment may be misclassified. Failure to account for misclassification is shown to result in attenuation bias in the estimated treatment effect. An identifying assumption that overcomes this bias is the existence of an instrument for the binary regressor that is conditionally independent of the treatment effect. A discrete instrument suffices for nonparametric identification.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a kernel‐based estimation principle for nonparametric models named local partitioned regression (LPR). This principle is a nonparametric generalization of the familiar partition regression in linear models. It has several key advantages: First, it generates estimators for a very large class of semi‐ and nonparametric models. A number of examples that are particularly relevant for economic applications will be discussed in this paper. This class contains the additive, partially linear, and varying coefficient models as well as several other models that have not been discussed in the literature. Second, LPR‐based estimators achieve optimality criteria: They have optimal speed of convergence and are oracle‐efficient. Moreover, they are simple in structure, widely applicable, and computationally inexpensive. A Monte Carlo simulation highlights these advantages.  相似文献   

The purpose of this note is to show how semiparametric estimators with a small bias property can be constructed. The small bias property (SBP) of a semiparametric estimator is that its bias converges to zero faster than the pointwise and integrated bias of the nonparametric estimator on which it is based. We show that semiparametric estimators based on twicing kernels have the SBP. We also show that semiparametric estimators where nonparametric kernel estimation does not affect the asymptotic variance have the SBP. In addition we discuss an interpretation of series and sieve estimators as idempotent transformations of the empirical distribution that helps explain the known result that they lead to the SBP. In Monte Carlo experiments we find that estimators with the SBP have mean‐square error that is smaller and less sensitive to bandwidth than those that do not have the SBP.  相似文献   

Matching estimators for average treatment effects are widely used in evaluation research despite the fact that their large sample properties have not been established in many cases. The absence of formal results in this area may be partly due to the fact that standard asymptotic expansions do not apply to matching estimators with a fixed number of matches because such estimators are highly nonsmooth functionals of the data. In this article we develop new methods for analyzing the large sample properties of matching estimators and establish a number of new results. We focus on matching with replacement with a fixed number of matches. First, we show that matching estimators are not N1/2‐consistent in general and describe conditions under which matching estimators do attain N1/2‐consistency. Second, we show that even in settings where matching estimators are N1/2‐consistent, simple matching estimators with a fixed number of matches do not attain the semiparametric efficiency bound. Third, we provide a consistent estimator for the large sample variance that does not require consistent nonparametric estimation of unknown functions. Software for implementing these methods is available in Matlab, Stata, and R.  相似文献   

This paper studies the estimation of dynamic discrete games of incomplete information. Two main econometric issues appear in the estimation of these models: the indeterminacy problem associated with the existence of multiple equilibria and the computational burden in the solution of the game. We propose a class of pseudo maximum likelihood (PML) estimators that deals with these problems, and we study the asymptotic and finite sample properties of several estimators in this class. We first focus on two‐step PML estimators, which, although they are attractive for their computational simplicity, have some important limitations: they are seriously biased in small samples; they require consistent nonparametric estimators of players' choice probabilities in the first step, which are not always available; and they are asymptotically inefficient. Second, we show that a recursive extension of the two‐step PML, which we call nested pseudo likelihood (NPL), addresses those drawbacks at a relatively small additional computational cost. The NPL estimator is particularly useful in applications where consistent nonparametric estimates of choice probabilities either are not available or are very imprecise, e.g., models with permanent unobserved heterogeneity. Finally, we illustrate these methods in Monte Carlo experiments and in an empirical application to a model of firm entry and exit in oligopoly markets using Chilean data from several retail industries.  相似文献   

Propensity score matching estimators (Rosenbaum and Rubin (1983)) are widely used in evaluation research to estimate average treatment effects. In this article, we derive the large sample distribution of propensity score matching estimators. Our derivations take into account that the propensity score is itself estimated in a first step, prior to matching. We prove that first step estimation of the propensity score affects the large sample distribution of propensity score matching estimators, and derive adjustments to the large sample variances of propensity score matching estimators of the average treatment effect (ATE) and the average treatment effect on the treated (ATET). The adjustment for the ATE estimator is negative (or zero in some special cases), implying that matching on the estimated propensity score is more efficient than matching on the true propensity score in large samples. However, for the ATET estimator, the sign of the adjustment term depends on the data generating process, and ignoring the estimation error in the propensity score may lead to confidence intervals that are either too large or too small.  相似文献   

We study the estimation of (joint) moments of microstructure noise based on high frequency data. The estimation is conducted under a nonparametric setting, which allows the underlying price process to have jumps, the observation times to be irregularly spaced, and the noise to be dependent on the price process and to have diurnal features. Estimators of arbitrary orders of (joint) moments are provided, for which we establish consistency as well as central limit theorems. In particular, we provide estimators of autocovariances and autocorrelations of the noise. Simulation studies demonstrate excellent performance of our estimators in the presence of jumps, irregular observation times, and even rounding. Empirical studies reveal (moderate) positive autocorrelations of microstructure noise for the stocks tested.  相似文献   

In this paper, we provide efficient estimators and honest confidence bands for a variety of treatment effects including local average (LATE) and local quantile treatment effects (LQTE) in data‐rich environments. We can handle very many control variables, endogenous receipt of treatment, heterogeneous treatment effects, and function‐valued outcomes. Our framework covers the special case of exogenous receipt of treatment, either conditional on controls or unconditionally as in randomized control trials. In the latter case, our approach produces efficient estimators and honest bands for (functional) average treatment effects (ATE) and quantile treatment effects (QTE). To make informative inference possible, we assume that key reduced‐form predictive relationships are approximately sparse. This assumption allows the use of regularization and selection methods to estimate those relations, and we provide methods for post‐regularization and post‐selection inference that are uniformly valid (honest) across a wide range of models. We show that a key ingredient enabling honest inference is the use of orthogonal or doubly robust moment conditions in estimating certain reduced‐form functional parameters. We illustrate the use of the proposed methods with an application to estimating the effect of 401(k) eligibility and participation on accumulated assets. The results on program evaluation are obtained as a consequence of more general results on honest inference in a general moment‐condition framework, which arises from structural equation models in econometrics. Here, too, the crucial ingredient is the use of orthogonal moment conditions, which can be constructed from the initial moment conditions. We provide results on honest inference for (function‐valued) parameters within this general framework where any high‐quality, machine learning methods (e.g., boosted trees, deep neural networks, random forest, and their aggregated and hybrid versions) can be used to learn the nonparametric/high‐dimensional components of the model. These include a number of supporting auxiliary results that are of major independent interest: namely, we (1) prove uniform validity of a multiplier bootstrap, (2) offer a uniformly valid functional delta method, and (3) provide results for sparsity‐based estimation of regression functions for function‐valued outcomes.  相似文献   

We introduce methods for estimating nonparametric, nonadditive models with simultaneity. The methods are developed by directly connecting the elements of the structural system to be estimated with features of the density of the observable variables, such as ratios of derivatives or averages of products of derivatives of this density. The estimators are therefore easily computed functionals of a nonparametric estimator of the density of the observable variables. We consider in detail a model where to each structural equation there corresponds an exclusive regressor and a model with one equation of interest and one instrument that is included in a second equation. For both models, we provide new characterizations of observational equivalence on a set, in terms of the density of the observable variables and derivatives of the structural functions. Based on those characterizations, we develop two estimation methods. In the first method, the estimators of the structural derivatives are calculated by a simple matrix inversion and matrix multiplication, analogous to a standard least squares estimator, but with the elements of the matrices being averages of products of derivatives of nonparametric density estimators. In the second method, the estimators of the structural derivatives are calculated in two steps. In a first step, values of the instrument are found at which the density of the observable variables satisfies some properties. In the second step, the estimators are calculated directly from the values of derivatives of the density of the observable variables evaluated at the found values of the instrument. We show that both pointwise estimators are consistent and asymptotically normal.  相似文献   

Choice models with nonlinear budget sets provide a precise way of accounting for the nonlinear tax structures present in many applications. In this paper we propose a nonparametric approach to estimation of these models. The basic idea is to think of the choice, in our case hours of labor supply, as being a function of the entire budget set. Then we can do nonparametric regression where the variable in the regression is the budget set. We reduce the dimensionality of this problem by exploiting structure implied by utility maximization with piecewise linear convex budget sets. This structure leads to estimators where the number of segments can differ across observations and does not affect accuracy. We give consistency and asymptotic normality results for these estimators. The usefulness of the estimator is demonstrated in an empirical example, where we find it has a large impact on estimated effects of the Swedish tax reform.  相似文献   

This paper considers inference on functionals of semi/nonparametric conditional moment restrictions with possibly nonsmooth generalized residuals, which include all of the (nonlinear) nonparametric instrumental variables (IV) as special cases. These models are often ill‐posed and hence it is difficult to verify whether a (possibly nonlinear) functional is root‐n estimable or not. We provide computationally simple, unified inference procedures that are asymptotically valid regardless of whether a functional is root‐n estimable or not. We establish the following new useful results: (1) the asymptotic normality of a plug‐in penalized sieve minimum distance (PSMD) estimator of a (possibly nonlinear) functional; (2) the consistency of simple sieve variance estimators for the plug‐in PSMD estimator, and hence the asymptotic chi‐square distribution of the sieve Wald statistic; (3) the asymptotic chi‐square distribution of an optimally weighted sieve quasi likelihood ratio (QLR) test under the null hypothesis; (4) the asymptotic tight distribution of a non‐optimally weighted sieve QLR statistic under the null; (5) the consistency of generalized residual bootstrap sieve Wald and QLR tests; (6) local power properties of sieve Wald and QLR tests and of their bootstrap versions; (7) asymptotic properties of sieve Wald and SQLR for functionals of increasing dimension. Simulation studies and an empirical illustration of a nonparametric quantile IV regression are presented.  相似文献   

Instrumental variables are widely used in applied econometrics to achieve identification and carry out estimation and inference in models that contain endogenous explanatory variables. In most applications, the function of interest (e.g., an Engel curve or demand function) is assumed to be known up to finitely many parameters (e.g., a linear model), and instrumental variables are used to identify and estimate these parameters. However, linear and other finite‐dimensional parametric models make strong assumptions about the population being modeled that are rarely if ever justified by economic theory or other a priori reasoning and can lead to seriously erroneous conclusions if they are incorrect. This paper explores what can be learned when the function of interest is identified through an instrumental variable but is not assumed to be known up to finitely many parameters. The paper explains the differences between parametric and nonparametric estimators that are important for applied research, describes an easily implemented nonparametric instrumental variables estimator, and presents empirical examples in which nonparametric methods lead to substantive conclusions that are quite different from those obtained using standard, parametric estimators.  相似文献   

We study the asymptotic distribution of three‐step estimators of a finite‐dimensional parameter vector where the second step consists of one or more nonparametric regressions on a regressor that is estimated in the first step. The first‐step estimator is either parametric or nonparametric. Using Newey's (1994) path‐derivative method, we derive the contribution of the first‐step estimator to the influence function. In this derivation, it is important to account for the dual role that the first‐step estimator plays in the second‐step nonparametric regression, that is, that of conditioning variable and that of argument.  相似文献   

For stationary time series models with serial correlation, we consider generalized method of moments (GMM) estimators that use heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation consistent (HAC) positive definite weight matrices and generalized empirical likelihood (GEL) estimators based on smoothed moment conditions. Following the analysis of Newey and Smith (2004) for independent observations, we derive second order asymptotic biases of these estimators. The inspection of bias expressions reveals that the use of smoothed GEL, in contrast to GMM, removes the bias component associated with the correlation between the moment function and its derivative, while the bias component associated with third moments depends on the employed kernel function. We also analyze the case of no serial correlation, and find that the seemingly unnecessary smoothing and HAC estimation can reduce the bias for some of the estimators.  相似文献   

We develop results for the use of Lasso and post‐Lasso methods to form first‐stage predictions and estimate optimal instruments in linear instrumental variables (IV) models with many instruments, p. Our results apply even when p is much larger than the sample size, n. We show that the IV estimator based on using Lasso or post‐Lasso in the first stage is root‐n consistent and asymptotically normal when the first stage is approximately sparse, that is, when the conditional expectation of the endogenous variables given the instruments can be well‐approximated by a relatively small set of variables whose identities may be unknown. We also show that the estimator is semiparametrically efficient when the structural error is homoscedastic. Notably, our results allow for imperfect model selection, and do not rely upon the unrealistic “beta‐min” conditions that are widely used to establish validity of inference following model selection (see also Belloni, Chernozhukov, and Hansen (2011b)). In simulation experiments, the Lasso‐based IV estimator with a data‐driven penalty performs well compared to recently advocated many‐instrument robust procedures. In an empirical example dealing with the effect of judicial eminent domain decisions on economic outcomes, the Lasso‐based IV estimator outperforms an intuitive benchmark. Optimal instruments are conditional expectations. In developing the IV results, we establish a series of new results for Lasso and post‐Lasso estimators of nonparametric conditional expectation functions which are of independent theoretical and practical interest. We construct a modification of Lasso designed to deal with non‐Gaussian, heteroscedastic disturbances that uses a data‐weighted 1‐penalty function. By innovatively using moderate deviation theory for self‐normalized sums, we provide convergence rates for the resulting Lasso and post‐Lasso estimators that are as sharp as the corresponding rates in the homoscedastic Gaussian case under the condition that logp = o(n1/3). We also provide a data‐driven method for choosing the penalty level that must be specified in obtaining Lasso and post‐Lasso estimates and establish its asymptotic validity under non‐Gaussian, heteroscedastic disturbances.  相似文献   

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