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Forward Links to Citing Articles Retraction . Risk Analysis 25: 6, 1683
In the framework of the APHEIS program (Air Pollution and Health: A European Information System), a health impact assessment of air pollution in 26 European cities was performed for particles of an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to 10 μm (PM10). For short-term effects, it was based on overall estimates from the APHEA-2 project (Air Pollution and Health: A European Approach). These city-specific risk assessments require city-specific concentration-response functions, raising the question of which concentration-response is most appropriate. Estimates from city-specific models are more specific, but have greater uncertainty than those provided from multicity analyses. We compared several estimates derived from the city-specific analyses in cities that were part of the APHEA-2 project, as well as in a city that was not included in APHEA-2 but was part of the APHEIS project. These estimates were: the estimates from a local regression model, the adjusted estimates based on two significant effect modifiers identified through meta-regression models, and the city-specific empirical Bayes (shrunken) estimates and their underlying distribution. The shrunken and adjusted estimates were used to improve the estimation of city-specific concentration-response function. From these different estimates, attributable numbers of deaths per year were calculated. The advantages and limits of the different approaches are discussed through real data and in a simulation study.  相似文献   

Pantelis Kammas 《LABOUR》2010,24(4):441-455
Using a Phillips‐type equation and annual aggregate data from 15 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries, we estimate the effects of the following policies on the ‘non‐accelerating inflation rate of unemployment’ (NAIRU): restrictions on firing, growth in government ‘productive’ expenditure, growth in social security benefits, and lax immigration policy. We consider Greece separately, but treat the other 14 countries as a fixed‐effects panel. Two effects seem to be robust to changes in the sample: restrictions on firing and growth in social security benefits raise the NAIRU.  相似文献   

Uncertainty in Cancer Risk Estimates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several existing databases compiled by Gold et al.(1–3) for carcinogenesis bioassays are examined to obtain estimates of the reproducibility of cancer rates across experiments, strains, and rodent species. A measure of carcinogenic potency is given by the TD50 (daily dose that causes a tumor type in 50% of the exposed animals that otherwise would not develop the tumor in a standard lifetime). The lognormal distribution can be used to model the uncertainty of the estimates of potency (TD50) and the ratio of TD50's between two species. For near-replicate bioassays, approximately 95% of the TD50's are estimated to be within a factor of 4 of the mean. Between strains, about 95% of the TD50's are estimated to be within a factor of 11 of their mean, and the pure genetic component of variability is accounted for by a factor of 6.8. Between rats and mice, about 95% of the TD50's are estimated to be within a factor of 32 of the mean, while between humans and experimental animals the factor is 110 for 20 chemicals reported by Allen et al.(4) The common practice of basing cancer risk estimates on the most sensitive rodent species-strain-sex and using interspecies dose scaling based on body surface area appears to overestimate cancer rates for these 20 human carcinogens by about one order of magnitude on the average. Hence, for chemicals where the dose-response is nearly linear below experimental doses, cancer risk estimates based on animal data are not necessarily conservative and may range from a factor of 10 too low for human carcinogens up to a factor of 1000 too high for approximately 95% of the chemicals tested to date. These limits may need to be modified for specific chemicals where additional mechanistic or pharmacokinetic information may suggest alterations or where particularly sensitive subpopu-lations may be exposed. Supralinearity could lead to anticonservative estimates of cancer risk. Underestimating cancer risk by a specific factor has a much larger impact on the actual number of cancer cases than overestimates of smaller risks by the same factor. This paper does not address the uncertainties in high to low dose extrapolation. If the dose-response is sufficiently nonlinear at low doses to produce cancer risks near zero, then low-dose risk estimates based on linear extrapolation are likely to overestimate risk and the limits of uncertainty cannot be established.  相似文献   

A recent report by the National Academy of Sciences estimates that the radiation dose to the bronchial epithelium, per working level month (WLM) of radon daughter exposure, is about 30% lower for residential exposures than for exposures received in underground mines. Adjusting the previously published BEIR IV radon risk model accordingly, the unit risk for indoor exposures of the general population is about 2.2 x 10(-4) lung cancer deaths (lcd)/WLM. Using results from EPA's National Residential Radon Survey, the average radon level is estimated to be about 1.25 pCi/L, and the annual average exposure about 0.242 WLM. Based on these estimates, 13,600 radon-induced lcd/yr are projected for the United States. A quantitative uncertainty analysis was performed, which considers: statistical uncertainties in the epidemiological studies of radon-exposed miners; the dependence of risk on age at, and time since, exposure; the extrapolation of risk estimates from mines to homes based on comparative dosimetry; and uncertainties in the radon daughter levels in homes and in the average residential occupancy. Based on this assessment of the uncertainties in the unit risk and exposure estimates, an uncertainty range of 7000-30000 lcd/yr is derived.  相似文献   

中国专利权质量估计及分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
运用Schnkerman和Pakes的专利评估模型,对中国的专利权质量进行了评估和分析,并与欧洲国家专利权质量进行比较,得出了一个国家的专利制度重视专利权质量比专利权数量更有意义的结论.  相似文献   

Quantitative Estimates of Risk for Noncancer Endpoints   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
While quantitative estimates of risk have been a standard practice in cancer risk assessment for many years, no similar practice is evident in noncancer risk assessment. We use two recent examples involving methylmercury and arsenic to illustrate the negative impact of this discrepancy on risk communication and cost-benefit analysis. We argue for a more balanced treatment of cancer and noncancer risks and suggest an approach for reaching this goal.  相似文献   

There has been considerable discussion regarding the conservativeness of low-dose cancer risk estimates based upon linear extrapolation from upper confidence limits. Various groups have expressed a need for best (point) estimates of cancer risk in order to improve risk/benefit decisions. Point estimates of carcinogenic potency obtained from maximum likelihood estimates of low-dose slope may be highly unstable, being sensitive both to the choice of the dose–response model and possibly to minimal perturbations of the data. For carcinogens that augment background carcinogenic processes and/or for mutagenic carcinogens, at low doses the tumor incidence versus target tissue dose is expected to be linear. Pharmacokinetic data may be needed to identify and adjust for exposure-dose nonlinearities. Based on the assumption that the dose response is linear over low doses, a stable point estimate for low-dose cancer risk is proposed. Since various models give similar estimates of risk down to levels of 1%, a stable estimate of the low-dose cancer slope is provided by ŝ = 0.01/ED01, where ED01 is the dose corresponding to an excess cancer risk of 1%. Thus, low-dose estimates of cancer risk are obtained by, risk = ŝ × dose. The proposed procedure is similar to one which has been utilized in the past by the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Food and Drug Administration. The upper confidence limit, s , corresponding to this point estimate of low-dose slope is similar to the upper limit, q 1 obtained from the generalized multistage model. The advantage of the proposed procedure is that ŝ provides stable estimates of low-dose carcinogenic potency, which are not unduly influenced by small perturbations of the tumor incidence rates, unlike 1.  相似文献   

Abstract. In this paper a new algorithm is proposed in order to produce an automatic dynamic compound estimator of the labour force based on an interactive scheme. The proposed algorithm, JARES, is based on the probability estimator of Jaynes based on the notion of maximum entropy of a given probability distribution with a constraint on the average of an external information. The iterative scheme is based on the solution of a set of linear equations which represent the algebraic relationships between the weights and the estimates.  相似文献   

This paper reports estimates of the effects of JTPA training programs on the distribution of earnings. The estimation uses a new instrumental variable (IV) method that measures program impacts on quantiles. The quantile treatment effects (QTE) estimator reduces to quantile regression when selection for treatment is exogenously determined. QTE can be computed as the solution to a convex linear programming problem, although this requires first‐step estimation of a nuisance function. We develop distribution theory for the case where the first step is estimated nonparametrically. For women, the empirical results show that the JTPA program had the largest proportional impact at low quantiles. Perhaps surprisingly, however, JTPA training raised the quantiles of earnings for men only in the upper half of the trainee earnings distribution.  相似文献   

Estimates were made of the numbers of liver carcinogens in 390 long-term bioassays conducted by the National Toxicology Program (NTP). These estimates were obtained from examination of the global pattern of p-values obtained from statistical tests applied to individual bioassays. Representative estimates of the number of liver carcinogens (90% confidence interval in parentheses) obtained in our analysis compared to NTP's determination are as follows: female rats—49 (23, 76), NTP = 30; male rats—88 (59, 116), NTP = 35; female mice—131 (105, 157), NTP = 81; male mice—100 (73, 126), NTP = 61; overall—166 (135, 197), NTP = 108. The estimator from which these estimates were obtained is biased low by an unknown amount. Consequently, this study provides persuasive evidence of the existence of more rodent liver carcinogens than were identified by the NTP.  相似文献   

公司所有权结构的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李志彤 《管理科学》2004,17(2):47-51
以19988年底前在中国上市的821个上市公司1999年~2001年的观察值为样本,研究分析了一些决定公司所有权结构的要素,即公司价值最大化规模、潜在控制和系统管制,并引入公司的特殊风险(SE)等作为与不稳定紧密相关的因素.研究发现所有权集中与会计利润率之间没有显著相关,但数据显示是正的相关关系,管制对会计利润率也有正的效应.为国有股减持和股权多元化提供了经验证据.  相似文献   

《Risk analysis》2018,38(9):1847-1870
In flood risk analysis, limitations in the multivariate statistical models adopted to model the hydraulic load have restricted the probability of a defense suffering structural failure to be expressed conditionally on a single hydraulic loading variable. This is an issue at the coastal level where multiple loadings act on defenses with the exact combination of loadings dictating their failure probabilities. Recently, a methodology containing a multivariate statistical model with the flexibility to robustly capture the dependence structure between the individual loadings was used to derive extreme nearshore loading conditions. Its adoption will permit the incorporation of more precise representations of a structure's vulnerability in future analyses. In this article, a fragility representation of a shingle beach, where the failure probability is expressed over a three‐dimensional loading parameter space—water level, wave height, and period—is derived at two localities. Within the approach, a Gaussian copula is used to capture any dependencies between the simplified geometric parameters of a beach's shape. Beach profiles are simulated from the copula and the failure probability, given the hydraulic load, determined by the reformulated Bradbury barrier inertia parameter model. At one site, substantial differences in the annual failure probability distribution are observed between the new and existing approaches. At the other, the beach only becomes vulnerable after a significant reduction of the crest height with its mean annual failure probability close to that presently predicted. It is concluded that further application of multivariate approaches is likely to yield more effective flood risk management.  相似文献   

The relative error in the usual estimator of a brand's market share is reformulated in terms of marketing parameters. Such error is shown to be influenced in an important way by market penetration, as well as by variation in brand and product category volume. Of particular interest is the result that the relative error does not depend on the actual share level. Using data from a marketing research firm that supplies share estimates to the health products industry, we find that the relative error may be substantial even when a large sample is available. An upper bound on this relative error is obtained using marketing parameters that can frequently be measured using industry data and a company's internal records, thus reducing the level of judgmental input required in the planning of sample surveys.  相似文献   

Daily soil/dust ingestion rates typically used in exposure and risk assessments are based on tracer element studies, which have a number of limitations and do not separate contributions from soil and dust. This article presents an alternate approach of modeling soil and dust ingestion via hand and object mouthing of children, using EPA's SHEDS model. Results for children 3 to <6 years old show that mean and 95th percentile total ingestion of soil and dust values are 68 and 224 mg/day, respectively; mean from soil ingestion, hand‐to‐mouth dust ingestion, and object‐to‐mouth dust ingestion are 41 mg/day, 20 mg/day, and 7 mg/day, respectively. In general, hand‐to‐mouth soil ingestion was the most important pathway, followed by hand‐to‐mouth dust ingestion, then object‐to‐mouth dust ingestion. The variability results are most sensitive to inputs on surface loadings, soil‐skin adherence, hand mouthing frequency, and hand washing frequency. The predicted total soil and dust ingestion fits a lognormal distribution with geometric mean = 35.7 and geometric standard deviation = 3.3. There are two uncertainty distributions, one below the 20th percentile and the other above. Modeled uncertainties ranged within a factor of 3–30. Mean modeled estimates for soil and dust ingestion are consistent with past information but lower than the central values recommended in the 2008 EPA Child‐Specific Exposure Factors Handbook. This new modeling approach, which predicts soil and dust ingestion by pathway, source type, population group, geographic location, and other factors, offers a better characterization of exposures relevant to health risk assessments as compared to using a single value.  相似文献   

采用超越对数成本函数,以我国的14家商业银行为样本,基于自由分布法(DFA),对四家银行并购前后的X效率值进行了深入的实证分析.研究结果表明同业并购是我国现行金融业分业经营制度的需要;改变政府在银行并购中的职能,降低政府干预的不利影响;进一步扩大外资参股的准入范围,注重实施并购过程中的实际操作.  相似文献   

A number of recent analyses have computed present and future costs associated with a risk by estimating what would happen if the risk were absent. Two sources of bias are associated with this approach: (1) differences in confounding factors between present risk avoiders and risk takers, and (2) the difficulty of selecting an unbiased sample of risk avoiders. A staff memo from the Office of Technology Assessment used this approach to estimate mortality due to smoking. Numbers of deaths and age at death distributions of U.S. smokers and nonsmokers for all causes, all cancers, lung cancers, heart disease, and cerebrovascular lesions are used to assess the accuracy of these estimates. Large errors in the OTA estimates are found. Conditions are discussed that might help reduce errors from this approach.  相似文献   

控制权私有收益的实证分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
通过1998年~2004年间发生的54个非流通股协议转让事件估计中国上市公司的控制权私有收益,用两个指标来度量控制权私有收益,第一个指标是协议转让的每股价格相对于每股净资产的溢价,第二个指标是协议转让的溢价总值与企业净资产的比率.研究发现,买方为获得上市公司的控制权平均支付的每股溢价达45%,平均总溢价水平达17%.进一步对控制权私有收益的影响因素进行横截面分析发现,股权转让规模和交易完成后买方的持股比例越大控制权私有收益越高,业绩较差的企业的控制权私有收益反而较高,其他大股东和债权人可以在一定程度上制约控股股东攫取控制权私有收益.研究结果表明,掌握了企业控制权的大股东能够排他性地享有控制权私有收益.  相似文献   

The Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) estimates of the benefits of improved air quality, especially from reduced mortality associated with reductions in fine particle concentrations, constitute the largest category of benefits from all federal regulation over the last decade. EPA develops such estimates, however, using an approach little changed since a 2002 report by the National Research Council (NRC), which was critical of EPA's methods and recommended a more comprehensive uncertainty analysis incorporating probability distributions for major sources of uncertainty. Consistent with the NRC's 2002 recommendations, we explore alternative assumptions and probability distributions for the major variables used to calculate the value of mortality benefits. For metropolitan Philadelphia, we show that uncertainty in air quality improvements and in baseline mortality have only modest effects on the distribution of estimated benefits. We analyze the effects of alternative assumptions regarding the value of reducing mortality risk, whether the toxicity is above or below the average for fine particles, and whether there is a threshold in the concentration‐response relationship, and show these assumptions all have large effects on the distribution of benefits.  相似文献   

We analyze the time series associated with web traffic for a representative set of online businesses that have suffered widely reported cyber security incidents. Our working hypothesis is that cyber security incidents may prompt (security conscious) online customers to opt out and conduct their business elsewhere or, at the very least, to refrain from accessing online services. For companies relying almost exclusively on online channels, this presents an important business risk. We test for structural changes in these time series that may have been caused by these cyber security incidents. Our results consistently indicate that cyber security incidents do not affect the structure of web traffic for the set of online businesses studied. We discuss various public policy considerations stemming from our analysis.  相似文献   

通过实证研究验证产品属性测量中的二维结构现象,并开发测量产品功能性和享受性属性的量表.通过文献回顾、设计量表、收集数据、信度检验和效度检验以及结构方程模型分析等对测量中的二维结构问题和如何开发测量量表进行了充分讨论.研究的理论贡献在于2个方面:[1]同时研究同一产品的享受性和功能性属性;[2]验证了产品属性测量中存在的二维结构,为未来研究找到了一个全新的视角.最后,还讨论了研究的管理意义和局限性.  相似文献   

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