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The Mondragon producers cooperatives in Basque Spain represent the classic case of alternative industrial organisation. While the cooperatives received a great deal of scholarly attention during the 1970s and 1980s, relatively little has been published on recent developments at Mondragon. It is time to update the Mondragon story. In 1991, 100 cooperatives joined to become the Mondragon Cooperative Corporation. This super-structure has permitted an important degree of centralised control over member cooperatives. Yet, it has also been the source of substantial challenges, both structural and ideological, to this alternative form of industrial organisation. We appear to be witnessing the cooperatives' decline, the end of a great experiment in favour of just another capitalist enterprise. This story is important both for cooperativism in Mondragon itself and for scholars and practitioners worldwide who find in Mondragon proof than an alternative, less exploitative approach to industrial organisation is possible.  相似文献   

辽海之地多温泉,其中最有历史、最有名气者当属称为“狗儿汤”的本溪温泉寺。它深藏在长白山西缘的太子河边,群山环抱,雾绕云蒸,早年只有通过太子河航运才能与外界沟通。  相似文献   

This article discusses, by example, recent trends in government welfare policies and their impact on Australian families. Focus is on the move towards privatisation and the development of the ‘complex interventionist state’.  相似文献   

There has been a significant shift in the momentum of national economic policy in Australia, from the market as an end in itself, towards a regulated policy agenda that asserts the social, cultural and economic rule of capital. This ‘new’ policy is what neo‐liberalism really involves. Arguments about ‘free markets’ and ‘economic rationalism’ fail to recognise the shift and are thus not germane to current policy analysis.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the relationship between the State and transnational capital manifested in capitalist agribusiness schemes in Mexican agriculture. It illustrates a model that has privileged one type of development in detriment to other forms of organizing rural agricultural production and labor (Real 1997). Current agricultural development in México is linked directly to the “Green Revolution”, México being prominent as its birthplace. Ironically, the Green Revolution contributed to a massive displacement of rural population to cities as human labor was replaced by machinery (1992). Development of capitalist agriculture in México and Latin America is closely related to the effects of the transnationalization of agroindustry. The importance of agribusiness has expanded in recent decades through a series of events, including the substitution of basic crops for more profitable ones and the contribution to the “new international division of labor” (Sanderson 1990). Recent trilateral transnational political and economic changes are linked to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) between México, United States and Canada (Kearney 1995). In the case of agriculture, Palerm and Urquiola (1993) believe the relationship between United States and Mexico to be bimodal. From a perspective of Social Anthropology we provide firsthand information about two areas of agroindustry: production of vegetables for export and production of poultry where participation by different social actors was observed. Agro‐industrial entrepreneurs depend upon agricultural workers who wish to conserve a peasant way of life.  相似文献   

This article describes an effective summer day program for the mentally impaired elderly. It discusses and illustrdtes the helping principles applied in a life model and interactionally oriented group and milieu approach. A sense of self is restored through community, and through providing opportunities for recall through community, and through providing opportunities for recall through doing, talking and sharing common feelings. The provision of a positive here and now experience which recognizes and bolsten strengths makes it more attractive to live more fully here and now. Even the most regressed patients improved in outlook and functioning as a result of the group experience.  相似文献   

李莎 《青岛画报》2011,(2):14-23
这里,承载着800万青岛人民未来火热的希望;这里,肩负着加快建设国际一流、国内领先海洋经济强市的重要使命。这里,一个个新梦想傲然放飞;这里,一座现代化文化旅游名城正在崛起。2010年,是青岛实施"十一五"规划的最后一年,是加快转方式调结构的重要一年。在山东省委的正确领导下,青岛市委领导班子团结带领全市广大干  相似文献   

你在电影院里体验过这样的境界吗?萤火鸟在身边盘旋,似乎触手可及;水珠在空中飘浮,一滴滴清晰可见;食人鱼忽然张开大嘴,仿佛从银幕上扑了出来;还有身临其境的废矿飞车,可以跟车上的人感受同等程度的刺激和惊险,好像过山车……如果没有,那就赶快去看看3D大片<地心历险记>吧,这是不可错过的视觉,身心享受!  相似文献   

限购发威猛于虎1月29日青岛限购令纲络显现,青岛限购令明确规定对已拥有2套及以上住房的青岛户籍家庭、拥有1套及以上住房的非本市户籍居民家庭,暂停向其售房。2月15日,青岛市国土资源和房屋管理局下发了《关于落实住房限购政策有关事项的通知》。据悉,限购适用1月31后网签者,无论何性质住房均算家庭已有住  相似文献   

The concept of the ‘new economy’, though increasingly used by the media, policy makers and scholars, remains elusive. Two main definitions (the popular and specialised) may be identified; and the dimensions of the ensuing debate clarified in terms of three key questions: Is there is something qualitatively different about recent trends in the economy? What are the main economic consequences said to result from this new economy? What are the main social consequences? Of particular importance for social policy is that most models of the new economy suggest that it has led to an increase in inequality and social exclusion for those not positioned to take advantage of its supposed benefits. With most discussion focussed on a narrow use of the term — to do with communications technology — greater attention should be given to a broader definition which examines its consequences for the disadvantaged.  相似文献   

This paper reviews some of the impact of industrialization on the kinship structure and the shift in familial versus societal role re the elderly. Formal and informal networks of services and relationships are discussed: some needs and gaps in service identified. Thc role of women in filial responsibility within the modern family situation is noted and the need for increased supports identified. The author warns that both formal and informal systems-functioning complementary and optimally, are needed by the increasing number of elderly people.  相似文献   

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