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正进入二十一世纪,在经济全球化的背景下,市场竞争空前激烈,跨国公司战略发展加速向中国转移,市场竞争规则越来越规范和透明,企业间并购重组活动日益频繁,企业面临的市场竞争环境变的更为复杂,给企业带来的潜在的法律风险越来越大。如何防范企业法律风险,如何使企业发展立于不败之地,是现代企业,尤其是中国企业,当前面临研究分析和解决的一个重大课题。随着知识经济深入发展带来的生产经营方式和思想观念的巨大变革,以及时空观念的变化,随着中国社会主义市场经济体制的不断完善和我国加入世界贸易组织后经济的规模发展,企业面临的市场竞争环境变的更为复杂,跨国公司战略发展加速向中国转移,企业间并购重组活动日  相似文献   

当前,中国的企业员工正面临着新的环境适应问题,这些问题的有效解决并不能仅仅依靠政府的行政手段来实现。加强企业社会工作的专业介入已经成为时代发展的必然要求,而如何加强专业介入更是值得研究的问题。  相似文献   

侯婧  解永进 《职业时空》2009,5(8):26-27
随着经济的全球一体化,中国企业不仅面临着国内企业的竞争,还要和国际跨国公司竞争;同时,在金融危机逐步深入的大环境下,我国企业也面临多方面的挑战。在阐明企业文化的内涵与作用的基础上,提出了加强企业文化建设,提升企业核心竞争力的对策。  相似文献   

<正>传统采购模式下,企业采购流程非常复杂,包括采购申请,信息查询发布,招标投标评标,洽谈签约结算,物流配送交割、协调相关部门等在内环节全部手工操作,浪费了极大时间成本和人力成本,过程效率低下。采购部门的管理人员需  相似文献   

袁妍 《职业》2004,(11):50
当前中国企业面临的人事危机主要包括两个方面:一个是普通员工的频繁跳槽,另一个是高层管理人员的非正常离职.如何控制并尽量降低人事危机给企业带来的伤害,正成为企业经营者面临的新问题.  相似文献   

我国是人口大国,资源丰富,但我国的人力资源管理状况并不乐观,尤其是企业的人力资源管理现状,与发达国家还存在较大差距。如何充分发挥人力资源的最大使用效益,实现良好的发展,已成为中国企业面临的重要问题。  相似文献   

绿色地产 绿色开发理念正逐渐成为房地产开发的新要求,我国房地产企业普遍面临着绿色转型的机遇和挑战。房企如何加速绿色布局正成为时下一个热门话题。  相似文献   

在深化企业改革和发展社会主义市场经济的进程中,一个企业要谋求发展和壮大,必须积极营造适合自身的内外环境。在新形势下,企业思想政治工作面临新的考试和挑战,如何改进与创新,是我们共同面临的问题。本文就新形势下企业思想政治工作与企业文化的合力效能,提出初步探讨思路。  相似文献   

金宇鹏 《职业》2007,(24):53-54
在以网络经济、知识经济和电子商务为特征的新经济环境下,传统的制造企业在思维方式、商业模式以及技术系统等方面面临更严峻的挑战.在新竞争环境、新管理模式和新管理手段发生激烈变化的时候,制造业如何通过先进的模式和手段提升竞争力,是目前企业面临的重要课题.许多制造商以其低成本生产能力而著称,在长期鏖战于微利竞争的过程中,他们积累了丰富的采购经验,值得借鉴.……  相似文献   

全球经济的发展使得许多外国企业和跨国公司到中国来投资谋求发展,国内企业在同一时间也面临着如何打开国际市场、拓展营销份额的问题。本文通过分析我国企业在国内和国际市场的发展现状,找出阻碍其发展的主要问题所在,为其打入国际市场、提升国际品牌的竞争力打下伏笔,同时加速我国企业的营销活动进一步地创新发展,以获得与外国公司在中国市场竞争的胜利,吸引更多外国公司来国内投资。  相似文献   

This paper developed a wealth allocation framework for longevity risk protection under stochastic lifetime. By combining the dynamics of wealth evolution and health evolution in stochastic multi-period discrete-time models, an optimization problem was formulated with the objective of maximizing lifetime utility of consumption and bequest. We implemented the framework in different scenarios and provided results to illustrate the practical implications of the framework. Computational results suggested that it is optimal for most people to purchase an annuity at some point in their lives. However, an individual’s health status, risk aversion, retirement objective, and the insurance charge associated with annuities could significantly influence the choice of optimal annuitization time, consumption plans, and trade off between lifetime versus fixed-term annuity.  相似文献   

近日,通过对问卷以及案例的认真评估、部分企业实地调研核实,并经过"金蜜蜂企业社会责任专家委员会"的最终审核,"2008金蜜蜂企业社会责任·中国榜"榜单最终确认,玉柴从来自全国22个省市、自治区的352个参选企业中脱颖而出,荣获"金蜜蜂·责任采购奖".  相似文献   

This article reviews the use of buying intentions anil purchase expectations data in consumer surveys and forecasts of the likely level of consumer demand. It notes the decline in their use and the disappointing experience where attempts have been made to use such information in time series forecasts. The stronger cross-sectional predictive performance is discussed and it is argued that this is of relevance to researchers and forecasters. Suggestions are made as to ways in which purchase expectations data might he more effectively collected and used in future.  相似文献   

The continuous progress of society in using online resources has given opportunity to many business executives to utilize social media for their brand promotion or recognition. Organizations utilize social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Flicker, Google Plus, and YouTube to promote their product, service, or brand worldwide. Increase of consumer engagement in online social activities has forced companies to integrate social media factors into their marketing strategy. The objective of this study is to find the important factors on which the online purchasing decision depends, based on the personality types of consumers and their attitude toward social media with brand perception.  相似文献   

A longstanding theoretical tenet in the economic psychology literature is that consumers respond to greater price uncertainty by increasing search. The generality of this tenet was investigated in the context of a moderating variable, purchase deadline. It was hypothesized that the effect of increased price uncertainty, as reflected by both cross-sectional price variability and longitudinal price variability, was moderated by temporal proximity to a purchase deadline. The hypothesis was tested by analyzing purchase data from a sample of consumers with known purchase deadlines searching for rental trucks. The results indicated that search increased in response to greater price uncertainty for distant deadlines but decreased in response to greater price uncertainty for proximal deadlines.  相似文献   

在政府购买服务的背景下,青年志愿服务呈现出新的发展现状与特点。通过对11位参与社会服务的青年志愿者进行深度访谈,发现政府购买服务对青年志愿服务行为的影响主要表现在制度上为青年志愿服务提供合法性保障,以及政府购买服务在实践机制上为青年志愿者提供组织平台和专业培训。在政府购买服务中,青年志愿服务正在朝着专业化方向发展,并且政府购买服务将促进青年人的志愿服务参与,形成多元主体的社会福利治理格局。  相似文献   

Sociological and cultural research on market participation has been preoccupied with creative markets and traditional labor markets, overlooking alternate types of markets, particularly those of human goods which have proliferated in Asia. This article analyzes South Korea's cosmetic surgery market to examine how and why consumers participate in markets of human goods on the microlevel vis-à-vis macrolevel social structures in an advanced capitalist economy. This article theorizes two cognitive frames (normative conformity and competitive edge) that rationalize and motivate surgical modifications as an alternative vehicle for financial and marital stability in response to macrolevel economic challenges from the nation's developmental trajectory and cultural anxieties from its Confucian traditions about marriage.  相似文献   

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