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法治是和谐社会的政治基础。作为法治代言人的现代司法,对于和谐社会的构建有着不可替代的作用。法治功能是现代司法的应然功能,主要体现在司法权在宪政结构中对权力的制衡调控功能和对权利的保障协调功能。司法法治功能的实现对落实宪政、维护国家统一、促进社会和谐有着巨大的作用。面对转型时期的中国司法,应当将法治功能与中国社会的本土特性、时代特点相结合,发挥司法在构建和谐社会过程中的巨大推动作用。  相似文献   

桑保军 《社科纵横》2005,20(5):109-110
法治从结构上可分为制度的法治与文化的法治,中国法治的关键在于实现文化的法治,即培育中国的权利文化,教育在现代文明发展中的特有功能将创造着中国的权利文化,这就是法教育学的主题。  相似文献   

社会优位下的权利本位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
康敬奎 《求是学刊》2005,32(3):83-88
阶级性不是法的唯一属性,以权利为核心重构现代法理念,将成为现代法理念的核心内容。从法治国家的理念、权利和义务(权力)的关系、市场经济的需求来看,必须坚持权利本位。权利本位内涵着个人优位下的权利本位和社会优位下的权利本位。有些学者认为,西方社会已经由权利本位过渡到社会本位,这是一种误解,其实,西方社会正在由个人优位下的权利本位理念过渡到社会优位下的权利本位理念。社会优位理念和和谐社会的理念完全契合,当个人的权利和社会的权利发生冲突时,社会权利应优先于个人权利。建设和谐法治社会,应该坚持社会优位下的权利本位理念  相似文献   

在法治发展中坚持以人为本,首先应通过法律尊重和保障人的正当权利。现代意义的权利理念是从西方起步的,但权利公理作为本土法律文化的一部分,其论证路径必定依循本国法治发展的内在逻辑。就当下中国而言,需要处理好民本的固守与正当性权利概念的引进、"国家悖论"与地方性权利的参与、回归政治国家与权利的程序法则三个基本关系。中国的权利公理在前现代社会是以福利为基点的,而在现代社会则是以权利为基点的。权利本位导向的"积极福利"理论应是法治发展的基石。权利公理的证成及"积极福利"理论的兴起,都要求在实现以人为本的法治建设中关注权利的程序性规范问题。在司法过程中,司法公正的特殊品质决定了程序公正优先,它是走出"丛林正义"、迈向法治社会的先决条件。  相似文献   

无论从横向上与西方发达国家比较,还是就权利意识对权利价值、权利机制的适应度来看,我国相对人权利意识依旧存在明显欠缺。集中体现在:权利的主体意识、权利的依法行使意识、权利行使的规则意识、权利的功能意识和权利的斗争意识不强等方面。惟有通过弘扬民主与法治精神,理论上与实践上对相对人主体地位及其价值的肯定,继续大力发展社会主义市场经济建构市民社会及拓展公民与社会的自主空间方能有效地增强公民的权利意识。  相似文献   

和谐社会是一个异质多元的社会,因而它必然赋予法律以多元利益与权利的平衡器、协调器的本质属性,并决定法律具有多元权利的确认与维护、利益冲突的平衡与协调、自由理性秩序的推进与维护、制度运行机制的反思与回应、法律意识及法治观念的确立与强化等功能.因此,必须积极增进法律实效,推动法律功能的充分发挥,从而促进和谐社会的法治秩序.  相似文献   

李璐  冯宏良 《学术交流》2007,3(4):39-43
作为人类不可或缺的两种基本价值,自由与秩序互相依存,这根源于它们各自内在的价值限度。在现代政治生活中,自由一般被具体化为人的权利与义务的统一结构,秩序一般被具体化为一种法治结构。在法治的结构框架内,人的自由权利与社会政治秩序实现了统一,社会政治系统保持着稳定的状态。从这个意义上可以认为,自由与秩序的互动共存构成了社会政治稳定的价值规定性。这里应强调的是:社会政治稳定是作为权利与义务相统一的自由与作为法治结构的秩序进行互动的结果,也是这种自由与秩序和谐共存的状态。伴随民主政治的兴起,社会政治开始从权威结构秩序向法治结构秩序转变。在这种转变的过程中,社会政治稳定依赖于权利与权力在法治的框架内获得一种动态平衡关系,对于社会政治稳定来说,这种动态平衡关系是自由与秩序互动共存关系的逻辑延伸。  相似文献   

社会权利保障是现代法治的必然要求。权利伦理化和权利社会化是社会权利保障形而上的理论基础。维护社会稳定、保障民生和提振民权则是社会权利保障的功利基础。未来我国法治发展应当把社会权利保障作为重点,并以平等化、法制化、司法化、社会化等四化建设为导向来创新社会权利保障模式。平等化,就是要从"倒福利"变成"正保障";法制化,就是要从"政策支票"变成"国家责任";司法化,就是要从政府"自我约束"变成"权利救济";社会化,就是要从"行政包揽"变成"合作治理"。  相似文献   

吕廷君 《求是学刊》2004,31(5):68-74
古典自由主义时期 ,自然自由和社会自由的分类已经被明确提出。自然自由是天赋的、与生俱来的自由 ,自然自由强调自由的平等性 ;社会自由是经过理性妥协和制度限制的自由 ,社会自由强调自由的权利性。从自然自由到社会自由就是使自由由价值形态转变为权利存在 ,这个进步在人类自由史上具有里程碑意义。明确自然自由和社会自由的不同含义 ,对于法治具有重要意义 :以价值形态的自然自由为出发点 ,以权利存在的社会自由为制度核心 ,能够造就法治传统 ;宪法是自由的宣言书 ,自然自由体现为价值预设 ,社会自由表现为权利安排 ;自由既是目的 ,又是手段 ,法律制度对自由的限制应具有正当性和适宜度  相似文献   

多元权利基础、公权力权威与良法之治   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
严明  马长山 《求是学刊》2002,29(1):71-74
推进中国法治进程 ,并不仅仅是法律制度的简单植入或法律体系的建构 ,也不仅仅是“依法治理”对秩序的促动 ,而关键在于重构国家与市民社会的良性互动关系。即大力推进市民社会自主性 ,以多元社会权利来平衡和制约国家权力 ,缩减国家权力职能和建立其合法性权威 ,并弘扬正义法精神以实现良法之治。只有这样 ,以权力制约和权利保障为核心取向的法治秩序才能最终确立起来。  相似文献   

俄罗斯的市民社会诉求与"法治国家"定位   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
马长山 《求是学刊》2003,30(1):67-70
俄罗斯"法治国家"的理论路径是与俄罗斯社会结构转型进程相回应的,并以市民社会为其逻辑起点,即认为市民社会构成了法治国家的社会基础;市民社会的自由、权利和秩序诉求提供了法治国家的价值原则;公民法律意识是法治国家的重要条件和保证.这不仅反映了俄罗斯社会结构转型条件下的法治要求和特有关怀,也反映了俄罗斯国家控制能力衰弱和市民社会"畸变"背景下的法律秩序要求.文章指出,要推进法治,不仅要推进国家和市民社会二元化进程,更重要的是确立二者良性互动关系,而不可简单移植和照搬西方.  相似文献   

In This Issue     
We open this issue of The Soviet Review with a roundtable on the introduction of the "rule of law" in the USSR. Students of Russian history will recognize this discussion as one having century-old precedents; in this case, the topic was posed in the Theses of the CPSU Central Committee mandating the goal of "complet[ing] the creation of a socialist law-governed state." As the participants freely acknowledge, it will require a "revolution of consciousness" for the idea to take hold that law is not a tool of the state, but rather, the state is subordinate to the law. Readers should pay particular attention to the discussants' views on the appropriate roles and relationships of state, party, and society, as well as their comments on rights and on the law.  相似文献   

“法治思维”和“法治方式”是十八大报告提出的新概念,这组概念在2013年6月22日至25日的中央政治局会议上被再次强调。“法治思维”和“法治方式”既是实施“法治国家”的基础和前提,又是实施“依法行政”的关键和重点,更是社会和国家“治理”的主要内容。对“法治思维”和“法治方式”进行深刻的分析研究可以消除对“法治”的模棱两可的意识,便于在全社会形成“法治社会”环境。  相似文献   

The rule of law is the basic form of national governance and the rule of law model is the necessary direction for the governance of online society. Online society is in essence a new pattern of social relationships and structural forms comprising relationships among citizens, legal persons, organizational bodies, etc., formed and brought together on the basis of Internet technology; and also a reflection, expansion and expression, singly or in synthesis, of various relationships in the fields of the real economy, politics, culture, society and the environment. The rule of law model of Internet governance refers to governance theories, systems and practices that employ rule of law thinking and the rule of law model to bring the elements, structures, procedures and functions of Internet governance into the scope of the rule of law and its operational track. Reviewing the tortuous course of the development of rule of law Internet governance in China, summarizing useful experience in the construction of rule of law Internet governance, and reflecting on existing legislative, law enforcement and judicial dilemmas will enable us to build up a rule of law system of online governance with comprehensive norms, effective implementation, strict supervision and strong guarantees. This will be marked by Chinese characteristics and will ensure the application of rule of law thinking and the rule of law model in governing, operating, using and safeguarding the Internet, thus achieving sound and orderly Internet operation and development along the path of the rule of law and advancing the modernization of the Internet governance system and governance capability.  相似文献   

Despite the anticipation that the legal system would be able to offer a civilized and institutionalized means in settling the infringement of homeowners' property and consumer rights, empirical evidence has instead indicated a decline in the employment of litigation in dispute resolution. This paper attempts to examine the complex interaction between the rule of law and homeowner activism in upholding their rights. Information on property related litigation was collected from online court rulings in Shanghai which is supplemented with in-depth interviews with homeowner activists who were involved in litigation. In this paper, the rule of law in China is analysed within a wider socio-political context of neighbourhood governance and the emerging civil society. Despite the inadequacy in the legal system in protecting homeowners' rights, empirical evidence has shown that homeowner activists have explored the legal system, not just as a means of redress but also to employ creatively as part of their action strategy in settling their problems outside the court.  相似文献   

多学科视角下的社会抗争研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,中国社会抗争的性质、动因和治理问题形成了各具特色又相互关联的研究理路:社会抗争的社会学研究更多地从社会(结构)出发,研究社会结构、社会分层等因素对社会抗争的结构性影响;社会抗争的法学研究更多地从公民(主体)出发,研究公民权利维护和救济以及国家对社会抗争的法治;社会抗争的政治学研究侧重从国家和政府(制度)出发,以抗争政治学为理论范式,关注社会抗争的性质和治理。本文分析了社会抗争研究的三种理论路径,希望社会抗争治理研究上能形成合力。  相似文献   

After India gained independence in 1947, the country's leaders promised its diverse constituents citizenship rights that extended across religion, gender, and caste. Distinct from its previous British rule, India's constitutional law guarantees citizens the right to religious freedom and associated cultural practices, and prohibits gender and caste‐based discrimination. However, in ensuring freedom of religion, the constitution also effectively affirms gender inequality through patriarchal religious and cultural practices. This article examines how the constitutional rights of religious freedom and gender equality have been negotiated among each other in contemporary Indian society. I draw upon three landmark Indian Supreme Court cases that navigate the terrain of affirming both women's civic rights and religious freedom. Findings suggest that the Supreme Court is working toward a more inclusive definition of citizenship, particularly one which supports women's civic rights within the context of religious personal law.  相似文献   

This paper takes the opportunity of the Social Security Review to reflect on the meaning of social security reform. It argues that traditional conceptions of the welfare state are unduly narrow and atomistic, concentrating on vesting individuals with social security rights similar to private law notions of contract or properly, and the securing of those rights from depredations by the state. In contrast it contends that social security properly rests on a notion of social rights to participation in society. This is a positive, reciprocal relationship between citizen and state in which both sides have rights and obligations in furthering participation in core social, economic and community activities. The article assays a preliminary statement of ‘social rights’ and considers how new legislation might better harmonize with it.  相似文献   

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