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文化作为一种独特的资源,正日益成为推动生产力发展的关键要素.具有地方特色的开发区文化是经济开发区核心竞争力的重要组成部分.开发区特色文化主要体现在创新发展、亲商富民、和谐包容三个方面.当前需要从多方面构建开发区持色文化.  相似文献   

邓小平曾两次到顺德,1992年1月29日在顺德提出"发展才是硬道理"。顺德经济的发展成就以及发展模式,得益于顺德商人的优良品质,得益于几代顺德人逐渐形成的顺商文化。顺德是典型的水乡,顺德居民由移民或移民后代组成,顺商文化也受到水乡文化和移民文化的影响。近年来,经济的可持续发展和老一代成功企业家的"接班"等问题使得商业文化再次受到重视。本文的分析为商帮文化与经济发展、"接班"问题提供视角及参考。  相似文献   

潮商是与晋商、徽商并列的我国近代著名三大商帮之一,也是九大商帮中唯一未发生断裂的商业族群。本土潮商90%以上采取了个体或传统家庭式(业主制)的经营方式,潮商的经营模式和文化特点使其成为我国传统民营经济的典型载体之一。潮商作为一个有机整体主要由三部分组成:本土(潮汕地区)潮商、我国大陆其他地区的潮商和海外潮商,后两者又统称为外域或外地潮商。三者在比例上大约各占三分之一左右,其发展水平也由低及高逐次递进,海外潮商代表了潮商发展的最高水平。外域(地)潮商虽然体内仍然流淌着潮汕人的血液,但他们的经营理念已与异域(地)文化相融合,  相似文献   

<正>蜀商的激情岁月有人说,蜀商没有文化。著名管理学者、四川省东西方文化交流促进会会长、几十年致力于企业文化研究的四川大学教授、博士生导师黎永泰却说,“蜀商的历史就是蜀商文化形  相似文献   

宋凤仙 《决策探索》2005,(11):12-13
安阳,是中国八大古都之一,国家级历史文化名城,中国优秀旅游城市,有着深厚的历史文化底蕴。近年来,为了充分发挥安阳的历史文化优势,构建独具特色的安阳文化气质和内涵,使这座古老的都城焕发青春的活力,安阳新一届领导班子审时度势地研究确定了“文化兴市”战略构想。今年,随着河南“文化强省”战略目标的提出,安阳的文化事业正发生着深刻的变化,经历着从文化兴市到文化强市的历史跨越。  相似文献   

华玮 《决策探索》2008,(6):82-83
一、素质教育 所谓素质,是指由知识、能力、观念、情感、意志等多种因素综合而成的一个人的内在品质,表现为一个人的人格、气质、修养.素质教育,则是将人类优秀的文化成果通过知识传授、环境熏陶以及自身实践使其内化为人格、气质、修养,成为人的相对稳定的内在品质.  相似文献   

<正> 有人说,现代管理理论对人的假设已从“经济人”、“社会人”转向“文化人”;也有人说,未来的管理将进入“文化管理”阶段;还有人说, “品牌的一半是文化”、“文化是明天的经济”。其实,他们想说的就是21世纪企业在市场上的竞争已演变为激烈的文化竞争。其中,以文兴商,以文促销,让营销披上文化的袈裟,赋予企业文化的品位与灵魂,正成了企业在市场竞争中“常竞常胜”的良策。  相似文献   

文化时时刻刻都在影响人类的生活习惯和行为举止,高校教师文化是教师在教学和科研活动中形成的一种精神品质和内在气质。高校教师文化建设的目标之一就是要成就一批能够独立思考,对所处文化具有反思和评判的教师,使其成为专家型教师,而不是成为雇员型教师。  相似文献   

正"狼性文化"虽然给华为带来了巨大的成功,但是其也是一把"双刃剑"。华为公司年报显示:2013年财年,实现销售收入2390亿元人民币,同比增长8.5%;净利润210亿元人民币,同比增长34.4%。作为中国电信企业走向海外的标杆,2013年华为在营业收入上首次超过爱立信成为行业第一,是全球最大的电信设备商。对华为2013年"靓丽"的财务报告,该公司高层坦言,主要受益于全球向好的经济环境和行业环  相似文献   

从某种意义上说,做企业就是做文化.文化就是一种影响深远的无形资产,是一种优质必备资源,是企业生存的长久生命力 文化是先进生产力. ——黄德洲 黄德洲:安徽省徽谷现代农业科技有限公司董事长、合肥市定远商会常务副会长、秘书长、合肥市工商联商(协)会秘书长联谊会副会长、安徽省工商联商(协)会秘书长联谊会执行会长、安徽徽商发展研究基金会常务理事 在省市各界商(协)会组织中,黄德洲,用业界人士的话说:他的身上集中体现了企业家诚信品格特征,他经营的"徽风皖韵"名优特产,蕴育着浓郁的徽派文化特色.  相似文献   

在全球一体化进程加速、IT服务企业员工文化价值取向趋于多元化的背景下,有必要了解员工文化观念对企业的影响。本文研究员工的集体主义观念和权力距离观念对IT服务企业中知识共享与创新行为之间关系的影响。在北京、西安的具有不同文化特色的IT服务企业进行问卷调查,收集了484份问卷,运用SPSS及SmartPLS进行数据分析。研究结果表明:员工的集体主义观念增强时,知识共享对创新行为的影响会增加;权力距离增大时,知识共享对创新行为的影响会减弱。对实践的启示是:管理者应培养、提高员工的集体主义文化价值观;根据公司的企业文化特色,区分对待员工权力距离对知识共享与创新行为之间关系的影响作用。  相似文献   

从管理与文化的关系看中国特色的管理学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周建波 《管理学报》2007,4(2):144-151,156
管理与文化既有密切的关联性,又有各自差异存在的方式与形态;管理文化是有意识、自觉利用文化合力的管理理念与管理行为。二元文化心理结构形态及其结构中显隐性文化因子运动取向、文化因子作用的增强是文化及亚文化激励或制约管理发展的机理。管理的二元性结构及其二元结构的运行方式,决定了管理递进与文化构向之过程递进结构、转化积淀结构的实现方式。管理科学和系统论的核心是结构观,而中国文化的核心是整体观,承认系统内和系统外的动态冲突,由动态不均衡、矛盾运动到悖论均衡关系的结构存在,强调结构运动与转化过程的结构本质和结构价值,是管理科学与中国文化的相容原则。  相似文献   

The management of safety culture in international and culturally diverse organizations is a concern for many high‐risk industries. Yet, research has primarily developed models of safety culture within Western countries, and there is a need to extend investigations of safety culture to global environments. We examined (i) whether safety culture can be reliably measured within a single industry operating across different cultural environments, and (ii) if there is an association between safety culture and national culture. The psychometric properties of a safety culture model developed for the air traffic management (ATM) industry were examined in 17 European countries from four culturally distinct regions of Europe (North, East, South, West). Participants were ATM operational staff (n = 5,176) and management staff (n = 1,230). Through employing multigroup confirmatory factor analysis, good psychometric properties of the model were established. This demonstrates, for the first time, that when safety culture models are tailored to a specific industry, they can operate consistently across national boundaries and occupational groups. Additionally, safety culture scores at both regional and national levels were associated with country‐level data on Hofstede's five national culture dimensions (collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity, and long‐term orientation). MANOVAs indicated safety culture to be most positive in Northern Europe, less so in Western and Eastern Europe, and least positive in Southern Europe. This indicates that national cultural traits may influence the development of organizational safety culture, with significant implications for safety culture theory and practice.  相似文献   

A Corporate Culture Pattern to Manage Business Ethics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Within the general frame of proposals for an adequate management of business ethics, this paper is based on the vision of corporate culture as a pattern to achieve such purpose. If we consider ethics as a specific value of corporate culture, we may resort to the mechanism of cultural change and implementation in order to manage ethics. Despite the difficulties it entails in terms of time and money investment, this procedure is one of the safest ways to reach ethical values which are known, shared and then practiced by all the members of a corporation, whatever the category. From this central standpoint, and basing ourselves on our own proposal for the management of culture, we shall describe which specific steps must be taken in order to achieve a set of ethical values which are both realistic and furthermore shared by all collaborators of an organization. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

赵旭  刘新梅 《管理科学》2016,29(6):52-63
 基于竞争价值框架和战略理论,在新产品开发过程中,企业文化特性与战略聚焦因素的有效适应或协同对新产品创造力有积极的影响作用。企业文化特性是指一组企业成员所共享的价值观、规范、信仰和群体性认知,能够影响并塑造组织成员的认知、动机和能力,因而在新产品研发阶段对企业产生新想法和解决创造性问题的能力均有重要影响。目前相关研究已开始探讨员工所处的企业文化环境对其新颖而有用想法的产生能力(即创造力)的影响。但鲜有研究在企业层面分析企业文化特性与企业战略的交互对新产品创造力的作用机理。        从竞争价值框架和战略聚焦视角出发,深入分析企业不同文化特性与新产品创造力之间的作用关系,建立基于战略聚焦视角的文化特性-创造力匹配模型,并实证检验新产品开发过程中两类企业文化特性对新产品创造力的影响以及战略聚焦变量在这一过程中的调节机理。为了揭示企业文化特性影响新产品创造力的作用机理,在直接检验柔性导向文化和控制导向文化与新产品创造力关系的基础上,深入分析并检验组织内外部战略聚焦变量(长期导向和企业家导向)对上述关系的调节作用。        以209家中国企业为研究对象进行实证研究,结果表明柔性导向文化和控制导向文化均正向促进新产品创造力;企业家导向正向调节柔性导向文化和控制导向文化与新产品创造力之间的关系;而长期导向对柔性导向文化和控制导向文化与新产品创造力之间关系的调节作用是非线性、倒U形的,即在新产品开发过程中,中等强度的长期导向对企业两种类型文化与新产品创造力的促进作用最强。        研究结论为探讨企业文化特性的激励效能提供了新的理论视角,并对企业在新产品开发过程中的战略聚焦规划和创造力管理有重要的实践指导意义。  相似文献   

Why might nations vary in whether and how fast to adopt potentially disruptive innovations? Our study investigates this issue, specifically how a nation's adoption of creatively destroying innovations is related to two previously unexplored variables: cultural looseness, which is a norm-based measure of informal institutions, and global connectedness. To highlight potential contributions from these new variables, we control for within-nation contextual variables examined in prior research, including formal institutions, Hofstede's dimensions of cultural values, socioeconomic attributes, and between-nation economic grouping. Our empirical analysis of a specific disruptive innovation, agricultural biotechnology adoption, covers 47 nations over a 14-year period and provides broad support for the usefulness of cultural looseness and global connectedness for understanding innovation adoption. Cultural looseness is significantly related to adoption of agricultural biotech. Global connectedness dimensions of depth and breadth are not directly related to adoption, only interactively with cultural looseness. These findings highlight the role of informal institutions and global connectedness in shaping complex interactions between disruptive innovation and industrial evolution within and across nations. The findings also have implications for what public policy makers might do to influence the extent of adoption of such innovations.  相似文献   

在线商品虚假评论不仅给消费者做出合理购买决策制造了巨大障碍,也降低了电商平台的商誉并损害了平台上大部分商家的利益。本文基于动机理论研究在线虚假评论的发布动机和形成机理,一方面通过问卷调查和文献调研考察消费者和商家发布虚假评论的潜在动机,另一方面结合结构方程模型和数据分析探究虚假评论的形成机理。本文从消费者相关型动机和商家相关型动机两个维度提炼出五种在线商品虚假评论的发布动机,并构建结构方程模型对虚假评论的形成机理进行实证检验。研究结果表明:情感宣泄、奖励机制、雇佣“水军”是发布虚假评论的直接动机;雇佣“水军”通过商品推销/诋毁和支持/诋毁商家这两个中介变量,对发布虚假评论行为具有间接影响;“水军”是通过推销或诋毁商家商品,在电子商务竞争中吹嘘自己并诋毁竞争对手的方式来发布虚假评论。本文研究结论对于有效提升在线商品虚假评论的治理与防范提供了切实可行的管理实践洞察。  相似文献   

Although a substantial body of research has analyzed the overall impact of outsourcing on firm performance measured in shareholder value, a major portion of the between-study variance remains unexplained. Asset specificity related to the outsourcing category (e.g., a business process versus information technology) alone can explain only some of the observed differences in stock market reactions. By integrating insights from transaction cost economics and outsourcing research, we first explain how expected buyer opportunism negatively affects the overall performance of the outsourcing relationship and ultimately, the buyer's own shareholder value. We further argue that this opportunism can be predicted by national culture. We test this hypothesis by applying meta-analytic techniques to compare 4216 outsourcing announcements of firms from 19 cultural backgrounds. The results reveal that an opportunistic culture, represented by a high level of assertiveness combined with a low level of institutional collectivism, is a highly statistically significant predictor of stock market reactions to outsourcing announcements. When further integrating the outsourcing category, the meta-analytic weighted least squares regression becomes a strong predictor of stock market reactions to an outsourcing announcement.  相似文献   

在线声誉水平代表了消费者对产品的态度,体现了商家的经营绩效。在线声誉水平如何影响消费者的关注度,能否为商家有效吸引顾客?针对这些问题,本文利用大众点评网数据,以星级水平衡量商家的在线声誉水平,以点击量衡量消费者的关注度,构建研究模型,发现在线声誉水平与消费者关注度的影响呈倒U型关系。对于这种影响关系,本文用羊群效应分析了消费者的跟随行为,群体中的理性羊群效应占据主导后,声誉的持续提升对消费者关注度产生了抑制作用。同时,餐厅的产品属性和店铺属性在其中具有调节作用。该研究结论对于消费者和商家的决策都具有参考价值。  相似文献   

With increasing frequency, firms are locating their operations in disparate countries with distinct national cultures and languages. This study develops and empirically tests hypotheses relating an operation's process compliance performance to (1) the presence of a language difference between the location of the operation and that of headquarters and (2) the national culture of the location of the operation and that of headquarters. Employing an international sample of pharmaceutical manufacturing plants located primarily in Western nations, the analysis reveals that a language difference between the location of a plant and the firm's headquarters is consistently related to decreased process compliance at the plant level. Regarding national culture, only limited evidence of a direct relationship between national cultural dimensions (at either the plant or headquarters location) and process compliance exists. However, the analysis does suggest that cultural congruence between the location of the plant and that of headquarters can relate to improved compliance performance. Such a relationship depends on the specific national cultural dimension studied. While these results are obtained in a specific manufacturing setting, they potentially have implications for process compliance in any global operation.  相似文献   

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