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当法官(法律)面对村民及其关系密切群体时,对方无结构洞,而自己周边有法律洞,处于不利的网络位置。为此,法官(法律)采取将村长、习惯法和调解嵌入的策略,填补法律洞以提高结构自主性。当法官(法律)面对陌生人群体时,可利用对方存在结构洞以提高结构自主性,但这时的法官(法律)还未处于自己无法律洞而对方有结构洞的最佳网络位置。因此,中国法治最紧迫的任务是实现国家制定法与中国因素的有机融合以填补法律洞。  相似文献   

Within the context of social modernization, social work has increasingly moved towards the perspective of economics. This development is based on the realisation that social work can only be preserved through the appropriate management of its organizations as providers of social services. What are the reasons for this? This question will be approached from two different angles, first from that of political economy and second from a business managerial perspective. After this, implications for the improvement of the competences of leadership in social work organizations will be introduced.  相似文献   

知识经济是相对于农业经济、工业经济的一种富有生命力的新经济形态。其本质特征体现了知识和技术是经济发展的核心,知识经济的繁荣取决于物质资源、货币资源和硬件技术的数量、规模及其增量,但更多的依赖于人的智慧和创新,依赖于知识或有效信息积累。在知识经济时代,更多的强调了人力资源的价值。21世纪是知识经济的时代,人力资源被誉为“企业的第一资源”。如何通过创新的人力资源管理  相似文献   

从对物的关注到对人的重视,是现代管理科学发展的必然趋势。但在我国,人力资本的价值识别仍存在一些分歧,人力资本在企业获取持久性竞争优势的作用机理尚不明晰,人力资本的理论态度和现实运用之间也存在较大的反差。本文以企业核心竞争理论为起点,探讨了人力资本的重要特性,辨别了不同人力资本要素的贡献率,指出了中国进行人本管理的问题和改进措施。人力资本的特性和作用正是对有价值的、稀缺的和难以模仿的资源要素的正确识别和有效利用,才导致了领导型企业的竞争优势以及不同企业间的差异。实际上,作为企业获得竞争优势的必要条件往往就…  相似文献   

以美国为代表的企业兼并收购活动走过了近百年的历程,如今已发展到第五个阶段,表现出许多鲜明的特征:并购规模越来越大,而且主要是同行业间的并购,是一种战略上的强强联合和优势互补。在中国加入WTO的经济形势下,为了使企业更具竞争力,兼并与收购和战略联盟在中国正以惊人的速度持续发展。行业重组不断发生,例如去年钢铁企业、航空业、电信业和金融服务业的合并等。可是据专家的调查研究,只有大约35 %的兼并收购能够达到预定目标。分析并购企业成败的原因,影响因素非常之多,但是人力资源整合始终起着举足轻重的作用,也是并购能否成功的关…  相似文献   

德国西门子公司创办于1847年,是目前世界上最大的电气工程和电子公司之一,也是历史最悠久的公司之一。截止2000年9月30日的2000财政年度,公司销售额达784亿欧元,拥有员工44.7万人,分布在190多个国家,在50多个国家经营着约500家生产厂。总结其成功经验,  相似文献   

SONET-I is a preliminary but completely operational version of a package of computer programs for the analysis of social structure. The programs were written to implement a strategy for the analysis of social networks which the authors have developed over the past several years. The conceptual basis for the research method has its origins in graph theory on the one hand and in anthropological studies of social organization — especially kinship studies — on the other. The method can, in fact, be seen as a graph theoretic formalization and generalization of kinship-based methods of social analysis often associated with British social anthropology.  相似文献   

Recently, there has been increasing interest in determining which social network structures emerge as a consequence of the conscious actions of actors. Motivated by the belief that “networks matter” in reaching personal objectives, it is a natural assumption that actors try to optimize their network position. Starting from the notion that an optimal network position depends on the social context, we examine how actors change their networks to reach better positions in various contexts. Distinguishing between three social contexts (a neutral context, a context in which closed triads are costly, and a context in which closed triads are beneficial), theoretical results predict that emerging networks are contingent on the incentives that are present in these contexts. Experiments are used to test whether networks that are theoretically predicted to be stable are also stable experimentally. We find that emerging networks correspond to a large extent with the predicted networks. Consequently, they are contingent on the incentives present in various social contexts. In addition, we find that subjects tend to form specific stable networks with a higher probability than predicted, namely, efficient networks and networks in which everyone is equally well off.  相似文献   

Social network capital, economic mobility and poverty traps   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper explores the role social network capital might play in facilitating poor agents?? escape from poverty traps. We model and simulate endogenous link formation among households heterogeneously endowed with both traditional and social network capital who make investment and technology choices over time in the absence of financial markets and faced with multiple production technologies featuring different fixed costs and returns. We show that social network capital can either complement or substitute for productive assets in facilitating some poor households?? escape from poverty. However, the voluntary nature of costly link formation also creates exclusionary mechanisms that impede some poor households?? use of social network capital. Through numerical simulation, we show that the ameliorative potential of social networks therefore depends fundamentally on the broader socio-economic wealth distribution in the economy, which determines the feasibility of social interactions and the net intertemporal benefits resulting from endogenous network formation. In some settings, targeted public transfers to the poor can crowd-in private resources by inducing new social links that the poor can exploit to escape from poverty.  相似文献   

Social context,spatial structure and social network structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Frequently, social networks are studied in their own right with analyses devoid of contextual details. Yet contextual features – both social and spatial – can have impacts on the networks formed within them. This idea is explored with five empirical networks representing different contexts and the use of distinct modeling strategies. These strategies include network visualizations, QAP regression, exponential random graph models, blockmodeling and a combination of blockmodels with exponential random graph models within a single framework. We start with two empirical examples of networks inside organizations. The familiar Bank Wiring Room data show that the social organization (social context) and spatial arrangement of the room help account for the social relations formed there. The second example comes from a police academy where two designed arrangements, one social and one spatial, powerfully determine the relational social structures formed by recruits. The next example is an inter-organizational network that emerged as part of a response to a natural disaster where features of the improvised context helped account for the relations that formed between organizations participating in the search and rescue mission. We then consider an anthropological example of signed relations among sub-tribes in the New Guinea highlands where the physical geography is fixed. This is followed by a trading network off the Dalmatian coast where geography and physical conditions matter. Through these examples, we show that context matters by shaping the structure of networks that form and that a variety of network analytic tools can be mobilized to reveal how networks are shaped, in part, by social and spatial contexts. Implications for studying social networks are suggested.  相似文献   

《Social Networks》1996,18(1):69-89
Threshold models have been postulated as one explanation for the success or failure of collective action and the diffusion of innovations. The present paper creates a social network threshold model of the diffusion of innovations based on the Ryan and Gross (1943) adopter categories: (1) early adopters; (2) early majority; (3) late majority; (4) laggards. This new model uses social networks as a basis for adopter categorization, instead of solely relying on the system-level analysis used previously. The present paper argues that these four adopter categories can be created either with respect to the entire social system, or with respect to an individual's personal network. This dual typology is used to analyze three diffusion datasets to show how external influence and opinion leadership channel the diffusion of innovations. Network thresholds can be used (1) to vary the definition of behavioral contagion, (2) to predict the pattern of diffusion of innovations, and (3) to identify opinion leaders and followers in order to understand the two-step flow hypothesis better.  相似文献   

This paper establishes anetwork resilience evaluation framework of the global oil and gas resourcetrade network in 2010, 2015 and 2020. The results are as follows: The links of the oil trade network present a gradually shrinking trend, and the gas tradenetwork presents a trend of close connection first and then reduced. In termsof network density, network centrality, network connectivity and network size, the structural resilience of the oil and gas resource trade network displays ashrinking trend, and the gas trade network is superior. Concerninginvulnerability and recovery, the resilience of the oil trade network issuperior to the natural gas trade network. In simulated attacks, the oil tradenetwork reveals a higher resilience towards intentional attacks, and the gastrade network shows a higher resilience towards random attacks. The Strait ofHormuz and the Strait of Malacca are critical chokepoints in the networks.  相似文献   

What does it mean for a private enterprise in China to be embedded in a family? Our purpose here is twofold: (1) use social network analysis to describe what it means for a firm to be embedded in a family, (2) reveal from the application a new kind of firm, not family, yet akin to family. Armed with data on a large probability sample of private enterprises — a third of which meet ownership and employment criteria of being family businesses — we uncover a category of “hybrid family firms” that look modern in the style of firms that exclude family, but operate socially in ways similar to family firms. Our conclusion from summary statistics on the sample is that there are no differences in average performance level or network advantage for the three categories of businesses: family firms, hybrid family firms, and family-excluded firms. The fact that CEOs of family firms and hybrid family firms more often turn to family as key business contacts is a fact about network composition that raises no question about network mechanisms. Whether the CEO turns to more or fewer family contacts, government help is more likely with stronger political connections, and business success and survival are more likely with a large, open network. That said, the look-modern, act-traditional hybrid family firms stand alone in prospering with a CEO embedded in a closed business network. Recognition of hybrid family firms adds to the literature’s illustrations of social network analysis used to distinguish types of businesses and business people, and extends the population of organizations within which governance and strategy are likely to be better understood when viewed through a family logic.  相似文献   

《Social Networks》1988,10(2):157-182
Attempts at developing the theoretical side of social network analysis have not generated a satisfactory account of its methodological suppositions and implications. This paper clarifies the network conception of the relationship between human action and social structure by documenting the convergence of social netwoek analysis with structuration theory on the principle of methodological individualism. It then uses the convergence argument to suggest a new role for social network analysis in the methodological restructuring of modern social theory.  相似文献   

Reflecting on the compilation and analysis of a range of network datasets drawn from our own work and some prominent examples, we consider the ethical challenges in dealing with network data in business and management settings. We argue that the managerial processes that characterize such settings introduce particular ethical sensitivities in the stages of commissioning and research design, and when collecting, analyzing and reporting network data. These sensitivities arise from the imperatives of business, motivations for commissioning network analyses and the legal authority that managers have over employees. We argue that ethical considerations are much more pervasive in business and management network research than in many other fields.In this contribution, we present a range of ethical challenges in network research in business and management settings that arise at several stages of the research process. For each issue identified, we describe the ethical problem and propose mitigation remedies. From this reflection, we suggest guidelines for other researchers to consider when designing research projects in this application area.  相似文献   

The focus on social networks in migration studies marked a significant departure of understanding. Social networks are not only a mechanism through which the migration process is patterned, but they also have broader implications for migrants and non-migrants alike. Despite the fact that the network character of migration processes has long been recognized in migration studies, for a long time, Social Network Analysis has not been applied. Taking this scholarly omission as a starting point, we seek in this special issue to discuss recent research into social networks and migration that use SNA approaches.  相似文献   

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