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清真寺建筑作为与伊斯兰教密不可分的宗教建筑,与其他宗教建筑相比,具有独特的建筑形制(规划布局、朝向、建筑体型与轮廓、内部结构、建筑用材、艺术表现和附属建筑等方面).本文从清真寺建筑形制入手,剖析了清真寺与其他宗教建筑的不同特性,阐述清真寺的社会功能与其建筑形制的相关性,并就有关的功能性因素作探究,以此来透视伊斯兰教作为世界性宗教的基本特性.  相似文献   

清真寺建筑的特色和地域特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
清真寺是与伊斯兰教紧密联系的宗教建筑,与其他宗教建筑相比,有着自身的建筑特色.本文先从功能、选址、朝向和内部结构等方面剖析了清真寺与其他宗教建筑不同的特性表现,在此基础上,再根据清真寺地理位置的差异,阐述其地域特征,由此来透视伊斯兰教作为世界性宗教的特性.  相似文献   

清真寺建筑的特色和地域特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
清真寺是与伊斯兰教紧密联系的宗教建筑,与其他宗教建筑相比,有着自身的建筑特色。本文先从功能、选址、朝向和内部结构等方面剖析了清真寺与其他宗教建筑不同的特性表现,在此基础上,再根据清真寺地理位置的差异,阐述其地域特征,由此来透视伊斯兰教作为世界性宗教的特性。  相似文献   

清真寺是伊斯兰教极其重要的物质象征,它是信仰伊斯兰教的穆斯林进行宗教活动的重要场所。伊斯兰教的新月在阿拉伯半岛升起时,清真寺最初级的形式已经萌芽。清真寺的历史与伊斯兰教的历史同样久远,它是信仰伊斯兰教的阿拉伯民族历史的见证,清真寺产生和发展的历史,无疑也是伊斯兰教兴起和发展的真实历史写照。本文试从伊斯兰教的兴起开始,对伊斯兰教早期清真寺建筑的沿革、建筑特征及其功能作一初步的探讨。  相似文献   

清真寺作为伊斯兰教的重要宗教活动场所,是穆斯林社区的核心。凡是有穆斯林的地方,几乎都有清真寺。特别在中东阿拉伯国家,清真寺更是随处可见。在伊斯兰史上,清真寺在促进穆斯林社会的政治、经济、文化发展方面一直发挥着重要作用,具有诸多社会功能。本文以伊斯兰历史上著名清真寺为例,着重分析清真寺功能的多样性及其在当代的演变情况。  相似文献   

从伊斯兰史上的著名清真寺看清真寺功能的多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清真寺作为伊斯兰教的重要宗教活动场所,是穆斯林社区的核心。凡是有穆斯林的地方,几乎都有清真寺。特别在中东阿拉伯国家,清真寺更是随处可见。在伊斯兰史上,清真寺在促进穆斯林社会的政治、经济,文化发展方面一直发挥着重要作用,具有诸多社会功能。本文以伊斯兰历史上著名清真寺为例,着重分析清真寺功能的多样性及其在当代的演变情况。  相似文献   

本文通过分析伊斯兰教和清真寺的发展轨迹,认为清真寺不仅是穆斯林朝夕“叩拜(真主)之地”、表达内在信仰与完成“五功”的实践场所和伊斯兰教合法存在的标志,也是穆斯林宗教认同的物质文化符号,它在传播伊斯兰思想、弘扬伊斯兰文化及构建穆斯林社区过程中发挥了核心作用。  相似文献   

黑格尔认为,在造型艺术门类中,最早得到发展的是建筑艺术。阿拉伯穆斯林自迈出阿拉伯半岛之后,在接触城市文明的过程中,对发展建筑业尤为重视,特别是在倭马亚朝时期,为适应宗教、政治、军事的需要,宗教建筑——清真寺,宫廷建筑——王宫、宫邸、行宫,军事建筑——城堡等,乃至民用建筑均得到不同程度的发展,以致形成了阿拉伯伊斯兰建筑史上第一个建筑流派——倭马亚建筑流派。  相似文献   

本文通过分析伊斯兰教和清真寺的发展轨迹,认为清真寺不仅是穆斯林朝夕"叩拜(真主)之地"、表达内在信仰与完成"五功"的实践场所和伊斯兰教合法存在的标志,也是穆斯林宗教认同的物质文化符号,它在传播伊斯兰思想、弘扬伊斯兰文化及构建穆斯林社区过程中发挥了核心作用.  相似文献   

清真寺是伊斯兰文化的一个缩影,研究分析清真寺的社会价值有助于加深我们对伊斯兰文化的认识和了解。本文试从以下几个方面浅述清真寺的社会价值。一是它的美学价值。伊斯兰文化中的建筑艺术以其独特的风格在世界建筑艺术之林独树一帜。清真寺集全世界信仰伊斯兰教的各民族建筑艺术精华于一体,是伊斯兰文化中建筑艺术的结晶,它反映了穆斯林建筑师巧夺天工的建筑技艺及其独特的审美心理。  相似文献   

提供宗教礼拜场所是清真寺的基本功能,内含“六大信仰”的宣传和“五大功修”的实践,在不断协调人神关系中凸现清真寺传播与实践伊斯兰神学精神的实质,并派生出基本建筑元素“变与不变”的发展规律;清真寺还具有教育、科研、慈善、司法、外交、社区服务等一系列衍生功能,渗透着伊斯兰“世俗关切”的情怀,解决了人与人之间的关系;功能发生变异又折射出清真寺在宗教与政治夹缝中生存的尴尬境遇,“涉寺事件”就是“各种权力精英”依赖圣寺、名寺的象征资源优势来达到“政治动员”目的结果,背离了伊斯兰的和平本质与清真寺的禁武精神;在全球化背景下对清真寺功能作客观评估,也是对全球治理中“伊斯兰因素”作深入思考:清真寺功能衍变将对全球文明对话的理论与实践产生深远影响、清真寺的变异功能仍会以“涉寺事件”的方式加大解决阿拉伯一伊斯兰问题的难度、清真寺伊玛目能否坚守“和平与禁武”的基本精神也会对国家和地区的非传统安全产生一定的影响、清真寺的衍生功能已在解决美欧穆斯林移民问题的具体实践中发挥了特殊而积极的作用。  相似文献   

清真寺是伊斯兰教最重要的建筑物,其功能随着历史发展而不断演变。中古时期的清真寺以宗教功能为基础,兼具社会、政治和文化功能,在穆斯林生活中占据核心地位;近代以来,清真寺保持和加强民族认同以及提供情感依托和社会支持的功能得到强化,大众动员功能逐渐增强。这些功能在全球化时代得到进一步发展,在一定程度上缓解了全球化引起的伊斯兰国家民族认同危机、经济结构面临调整、人口跨国流动增加等压力。  相似文献   

Scholars have examined the changes in religious architecture over time but few have focused on the ongoing presence of religious buildings in communities nor how long-standing congregations interact with their older building. This study utilises two Internet data sources – Google Street View and the websites of religious congregations – to examine the fate and online presentation of the buildings of four Protestant denominations in the Chicago region from 1936 to today: Disciples of Christ, Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, Presbyterian, and Seventh-day Adventist. The patterns found show the stability of many church buildings over eight decades and how they help anchor some religious groups – even though newer congregations use a number of these structures – yet congregations make unique choices about presenting their buildings through their website. These findings suggest religious buildings continue to influence their original religious congregations, newer groups using the building and neighbourhoods decades after they are constructed.  相似文献   

The public debate in France has rolled out heatedly on the building of minarets, with opinion polls giving a majority of French opposed to the idea. Nevertheless, a fair number of mosques has been built throughout the past century. The French reception of mosques is therefore a complicated case. Recalling the history of French mosques and its different turns, with a focus on recent history, allows a glimpse at the visibility of Islam in the national sphere in France and its public reception. It also underlines that religious buildings, in the city, are at the intersection of different levels: questions of identity, of politics, of faith, and of integration, are all at stake.  相似文献   

Although mosques worldwide serve the same spiritual purposes, they are significantly different in structure from one area to another within and among localities, countries and continents of the world. Muslims used whatever was available to them in their environment and their limited experience in building mosques resulted in structural differences in mosques until the age of globalisation, when some world-class mosque structures were popularised among Muslims. This paper is an attempt to produce a historical survey of the architectural designs of mosques in Ilorin in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Through exploratory research, the paper gives a thematic history of Ilorin mosques’ architecture that started as a simple structure in the nineteenth century reflecting the immediate cultural setting, to become edifices in the twentieth century reflecting outside cultural influences, for the purpose of meeting the spiritual, social, physical and psychological needs of Muslims.  相似文献   

《Home Cultures》2013,10(2):217-235

Focusing on the state-run system of architectural offices as a mediator between politics and practice, this article considers how the 1948 Communist Party takeover of Czechoslovakia affected architectural practice and the establishment of housing types in the early 1950s. The legacy of a strong local construction industry before 1948 was critical to these developments. At the new Institute of Prefabricated Buildings, created in 1952, architects and engineers continued earlier research on prefabricated construction technologies. Through this work, the Czechoslovak government and its architectural administration soon concluded that its best long-term option for solving the country's housing crisis was the use of structural panel construction. Fifty years later, one in three Czechs still lives in the more than one million apartments built with this technology between 1954 and 1990. Structural panel construction was not a Soviet import; instead it developed out of local wartime experimentation at the Bat'a Shoe Company in Zlín, independently of similar research undertaken in the Soviet Union and other parts of the Eastern Bloc in the same years. Although buildings that look similar were constructed in the region and similar housing types appeared across Europe after the Second World War, this article argues that structural panel technology in Czechoslovakia is an example of local continuities in the building industry, rather than evidence of the homogenization of the postwar European landscape.  相似文献   

在伊斯兰教发展的历史长河中,埃及爱资哈尔清真寺是穆斯林做礼拜的地方,是探寻伊斯兰学问的场所,是传播伊斯兰文化的中心。因此,爱资哈尔清真寺的作用不仅表现在宗教方面,也表现在教育和社会方面。爱资哈尔清真寺是伊斯兰文化的一个特殊缩影,研究分析其社会价值有助于我们加深对伊斯兰文化的认识和了解。  相似文献   

政治化程度较低和教派关系融洽是阿塞拜疆什叶派区别于黎巴嫩、伊拉克等国什叶派的显著特征。16世纪初伊朗萨法维王朝将什叶派定为国教,加速了阿塞拜疆人的什叶派化进程。19世纪初期以来沙俄和苏联的先后统治,给阿塞拜疆留下了深厚的世俗化遗产。1991年独立之后,阿塞拜疆的宗教政策以世俗化为核心,大致经历了温和规范、严格管控和局部调整三个时期。在此背景下,什叶派以宗教为旗帜的政治化主要包括两种表现形式,即巴库聚礼清真寺社团的温和政治参与和纳达兰村的激进政治抗争。什叶派大国伊朗虽然力图以多种方式影响阿塞拜疆什叶派,但效果比较有限。当前,虽然阿塞拜疆什叶派与政府存在一定矛盾,但远未达到对抗的程度,弱政治化和弱教派认同将是阿塞拜疆什叶派发展的长期现象。  相似文献   

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