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We demonstrate how to perform direct simulation from the posterior distribution of a class of multiple changepoint models where the number of changepoints is unknown. The class of models assumes independence between the posterior distribution of the parameters associated with segments of data between successive changepoints. This approach is based on the use of recursions, and is related to work on product partition models. The computational complexity of the approach is quadratic in the number of observations, but an approximate version, which introduces negligible error, and whose computational cost is roughly linear in the number of observations, is also possible. Our approach can be useful, for example within an MCMC algorithm, even when the independence assumptions do not hold. We demonstrate our approach on coal-mining disaster data and on well-log data. Our method can cope with a range of models, and exact simulation from the posterior distribution is possible in a matter of minutes.  相似文献   

We consider the use of an EM algorithm for fitting finite mixture models when mixture component size is known. This situation can occur in a number of settings, where individual membership is unknown but aggregate membership is known. When the mixture component size, i.e., the aggregate mixture component membership, is known, it is common practice to treat only the mixing probability as known. This approach does not, however, entirely account for the fact that the number of observations within each mixture component is known, which may result in artificially incorrect estimates of parameters. By fully capitalizing on the available information, the proposed EM algorithm shows robustness to the choice of starting values and exhibits numerically stable convergence properties.  相似文献   

The analysis of word frequency count data can be very useful in authorship attribution problems. Zero-truncated generalized inverse Gaussian–Poisson mixture models are very helpful in the analysis of these kinds of data because their model-mixing density estimates can be used as estimates of the density of the word frequencies of the vocabulary. It is found that this model provides excellent fits for the word frequency counts of very long texts, where the truncated inverse Gaussian–Poisson special case fails because it does not allow for the large degree of over-dispersion in the data. The role played by the three parameters of this truncated GIG-Poisson model is also explored. Our second goal is to compare the fit of the truncated GIG-Poisson mixture model with the fit of the model that results from switching the order of the mixing and truncation stages. A heuristic interpretation of the mixing distribution estimates obtained under this alternative GIG-truncated Poisson mixture model is also provided.  相似文献   

We define the mixture likelihood approach to clustering by discussing the sampling distribution of the likelihood ratio test of the null hypothesis that we have observed a sample of observations of a variable having the bivariate normal distribution versus the alternative that the variable has the bivariate normal mixture with unequal means and common within component covariance matrix. The empirical distribution of the likelihood ratio test indicates that convergence to the chi-squared distribution with 2 df is at best very slow, that the sample size should be 5000 or more for the chi-squared result to hold, and that for correlations between 0.1 and 0.9 there is little, if any, dependence of the null distribution on the correlation. Our simulation study suggests a heuristic function based on the gamma.  相似文献   

A method for robustness in linear models is to assume that there is a mixture of standard and outlier observations with a different error variance for each class. For generalised linear models (GLMs) the mixture model approach is more difficult as the error variance for many distributions has a fixed relationship to the mean. This model is extended to GLMs by changing the classes to one where the standard class is a standard GLM and the outlier class which is an overdispersed GLM achieved by including a random effect term in the linear predictor. The advantages of this method are it can be extended to any model with a linear predictor, and outlier observations can be easily identified. Using simulation the model is compared to an M-estimator, and found to have improved bias and coverage. The method is demonstrated on three examples.  相似文献   

Frequently in process monitoring, situations arise in which the order that events occur cannot be distinguished, motivating the need to accommodate multiple observations occurring at the same time, or concurrent observations. The risk-adjusted Bernoulli cumulative sum (CUSUM) control chart can be used to monitor the rate of an adverse event by fitting a risk-adjustment model, followed by a likelihood ratio-based scoring method that produces a statistic that can be monitored. In our paper, we develop a risk-adjusted Bernoulli CUSUM control chart for concurrent observations. Furthermore, we adopt a novel approach that uses a combined mixture model and kernel density estimation approach in order to perform risk-adjustment with regard to spatial location. Our proposed method allows for monitoring binary outcomes through time with multiple observations at each time point, where the chart is spatially adjusted for each Bernoulli observation's estimated probability of the adverse event. A simulation study is presented to assess the performance of the proposed monitoring scheme. We apply our method using data from Wayne County, Michigan between 2005 and 2014 to monitor the rate of foreclosure as a percentage of all housing transactions.  相似文献   

Asymptotic Normality in Mixtures of Power Series Distributions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract.  The problem of estimating the individual probabilities of a discrete distribution is considered. The true distribution of the independent observations is a mixture of a family of power series distributions. First, we ensure identifiability of the mixing distribution assuming mild conditions. Next, the mixing distribution is estimated by non-parametric maximum likelihood and an estimator for individual probabilities is obtained from the corresponding marginal mixture density. We establish asymptotic normality for the estimator of individual probabilities by showing that, under certain conditions, the difference between this estimator and the empirical proportions is asymptotically negligible. Our framework includes Poisson, negative binomial and logarithmic series as well as binomial mixture models. Simulations highlight the benefit in achieving normality when using the proposed marginal mixture density approach instead of the empirical one, especially for small sample sizes and/or when interest is in the tail areas. A real data example is given to illustrate the use of the methodology.  相似文献   

The analysis of traffic accident data is crucial to address numerous concerns, such as understanding contributing factors in an accident''s chain-of-events, identifying hotspots, and informing policy decisions about road safety management. The majority of statistical models employed for analyzing traffic accident data are logically count regression models (commonly Poisson regression) since a count – like the number of accidents – is used as the response. However, features of the observed data frequently do not make the Poisson distribution a tenable assumption. For example, observed data rarely demonstrate an equal mean and variance and often times possess excess zeros. Sometimes, data may have heterogeneous structure consisting of a mixture of populations, rather than a single population. In such data analyses, mixtures-of-Poisson-regression models can be used. In this study, the number of injuries resulting from casualties of traffic accidents registered by the General Directorate of Security (Turkey, 2005–2014) are modeled using a novel mixture distribution with two components: a Poisson and zero-truncated-Poisson distribution. Such a model differs from existing mixture models in literature where the components are either all Poisson distributions or all zero-truncated Poisson distributions. The proposed model is compared with the Poisson regression model via simulation and in the analysis of the traffic data.  相似文献   

Generalized linear mixed models are widely used for describing overdispersed and correlated data. Such data arise frequently in studies involving clustered and hierarchical designs. A more flexible class of models has been developed here through the Dirichlet process mixture. An additional advantage of using such mixture models is that the observations can be grouped together on the basis of the overdispersion present in the data. This paper proposes a partial empirical Bayes method for estimating all the model parameters by adopting a version of the EM algorithm. An augmented model that helps to implement an efficient Gibbs sampling scheme, under the non‐conjugate Dirichlet process generalized linear model, generates observations from the conditional predictive distribution of unobserved random effects and provides an estimate of the average number of mixing components in the Dirichlet process mixture. A simulation study has been carried out to demonstrate the consistency of the proposed method. The approach is also applied to a study on outdoor bacteria concentration in the air and to data from 14 retrospective lung‐cancer studies.  相似文献   

Zero inflated Poisson regression is a model commonly used to analyze data with excessive zeros. Although many models have been developed to fit zero-inflated data, most of them strongly depend on the special features of the individual data. For example, there is a need for new models when dealing with truncated and inflated data. In this paper, we propose a new model that is sufficiently flexible to model inflation and truncation simultaneously, and which is a mixture of a multinomial logistic and a truncated Poisson regression, in which the multinomial logistic component models the occurrence of excessive counts. The truncated Poisson regression models the counts that are assumed to follow a truncated Poisson distribution. The performance of our proposed model is evaluated through simulation studies, and our model is found to have the smallest mean absolute error and best model fit. In the empirical example, the data are truncated with inflated values of zero and fourteen, and the results show that our model has a better fit than the other competing models.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose an efficient and robust estimation for the semiparametric mixture model that is a mixture of unknown location-shifted symmetric distributions. Our estimation is derived by minimizing the profile Hellinger distance (MPHD) between the model and a nonparametric density estimate. We propose a simple and efficient algorithm to find the proposed MPHD estimation. Monte Carlo simulation study is conducted to examine the finite sample performance of the proposed procedure and to compare it with other existing methods. Based on our empirical studies, the newly proposed procedure works very competitively compared to the existing methods for normal component cases and much better for non-normal component cases. More importantly, the proposed procedure is robust when the data are contaminated with outlying observations. A real data application is also provided to illustrate the proposed estimation procedure.  相似文献   


In this paper we introduce continuous tree mixture model that is the mixture of undirected graphical models with tree structured graphs and is considered as multivariate analysis with a non parametric approach. We estimate its parameters, the component edge sets and mixture proportions through regularized maximum likalihood procedure. Our new algorithm, which uses expectation maximization algorithm and the modified version of Kruskal algorithm, simultaneosly estimates and prunes the mixture component trees. Simulation studies indicate this method performs better than the alternative Gaussian graphical mixture model. The proposed method is also applied to water-level data set and is compared with the results of Gaussian mixture model.  相似文献   

In this paper we present Bayesian analysis of finite mixtures of multivariate Poisson distributions with an unknown number of components. The multivariate Poisson distribution can be regarded as the discrete counterpart of the multivariate normal distribution, which is suitable for modelling multivariate count data. Mixtures of multivariate Poisson distributions allow for overdispersion and for negative correlations between variables. To perform Bayesian analysis of these models we adopt a reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm with birth and death moves for updating the number of components. We present results obtained from applying our modelling approach to simulated and real data. Furthermore, we apply our approach to a problem in multivariate disease mapping, namely joint modelling of diseases with correlated counts.  相似文献   

When the results of biological experiments are tested for a possible difference between treatment and control groups, the inference is only valid if based upon a model that fits the experimental results satisfactorily. In dominant-lethal testing, foetal death has previously been assumed to follow a variety of models, including a Poisson, Binomial, Beta-binomial and various mixture models. However, discriminating between models has always been a particularly difficult problem. In this paper, we consider the data from 6 separate dominant-lethal assay experiments and discriminate between the competing models which could be used to describe them. We adopt a Bayesian approach and illustrate how a variety of different models may be considered, using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation techniques and comparing the results with the corresponding maximum likelihood analyses. We present an auxiliary variable method for determining the probability that any particular data cell is assigned to a given component in a mixture and we illustrate the value of this approach. Finally, we show how the Bayesian approach provides a natural and unique perspective on the model selection problem via reversible jump MCMC and illustrate how probabilities associated with each of the different models may be calculated for each data set. In terms of estimation we show how, by averaging over the different models, we obtain reliable and robust inference for any statistic of interest.  相似文献   

Abstract.  We consider a two-component mixture model where one component distribution is known while the mixing proportion and the other component distribution are unknown. These kinds of models were first introduced in biology to study the differences in expression between genes. The various estimation methods proposed till now have all assumed that the unknown distribution belongs to a parametric family. In this paper, we show how this assumption can be relaxed. First, we note that generally the above model is not identifiable, but we show that under moment and symmetry conditions some 'almost everywhere' identifiability results can be obtained. Where such identifiability conditions are fulfilled we propose an estimation method for the unknown parameters which is shown to be strongly consistent under mild conditions. We discuss applications of our method to microarray data analysis and to the training data problem. We compare our method to the parametric approach using simulated data and, finally, we apply our method to real data from microarray experiments.  相似文献   

In many financial applications, Poisson mixture regression models are commonly used to analyze heterogeneous count data. When fitting these models, the observed counts are supposed to come from two or more subpopulations and parameter estimation is typically performed by means of maximum likelihood via the Expectation–Maximization algorithm. In this study, we discuss briefly the procedure for fitting Poisson mixture regression models by means of maximum likelihood, the model selection and goodness-of-fit tests. These models are applied to a real data set for credit-scoring purposes. We aim to reveal the impact of demographic and financial variables in creating different groups of clients and to predict the group to which each client belongs, as well as his expected number of defaulted payments. The model's conclusions are very interesting, revealing that the population consists of three groups, contrasting with the traditional good versus bad categorization approach of the credit-scoring systems.  相似文献   

Mixture of linear regression models provide a popular treatment for modeling nonlinear regression relationship. The traditional estimation of mixture of regression models is based on Gaussian error assumption. It is well known that such assumption is sensitive to outliers and extreme values. To overcome this issue, a new class of finite mixture of quantile regressions (FMQR) is proposed in this article. Compared with the existing Gaussian mixture regression models, the proposed FMQR model can provide a complete specification on the conditional distribution of response variable for each component. From the likelihood point of view, the FMQR model is equivalent to the finite mixture of regression models based on errors following asymmetric Laplace distribution (ALD), which can be regarded as an extension to the traditional mixture of regression models with normal error terms. An EM algorithm is proposed to obtain the parameter estimates of the FMQR model by combining a hierarchical representation of the ALD. Finally, the iterated weighted least square estimation for each mixture component of the FMQR model is derived. Simulation studies are conducted to illustrate the finite sample performance of the estimation procedure. Analysis of an aphid data set is used to illustrate our methodologies.  相似文献   

For clustering mixed categorical and continuous data, Lawrence and Krzanowski (1996) proposed a finite mixture model in which component densities conform to the location model. In the graphical models literature the location model is known as the homogeneous Conditional Gaussian model. In this paper it is shown that their model is not identifiable without imposing additional restrictions. Specifically, for g groups and m locations, (g!)m–1 distinct sets of parameter values (not including permutations of the group mixing parameters) produce the same likelihood function. Excessive shrinkage of parameter estimates in a simulation experiment reported by Lawrence and Krzanowski (1996) is shown to be an artifact of the model's non-identifiability. Identifiable finite mixture models can be obtained by imposing restrictions on the conditional means of the continuous variables. These new identified models are assessed in simulation experiments. The conditional mean structure of the continuous variables in the restricted location mixture models is similar to that in the underlying variable mixture models proposed by Everitt (1988), but the restricted location mixture models are more computationally tractable.  相似文献   

The authors study the asymptotic behaviour of the likelihood ratio statistic for testing homogeneity in the finite mixture models of a general parametric distribution family. They prove that the limiting distribution of this statistic is the squared supremum of a truncated standard Gaussian process. The autocorrelation function of the Gaussian process is explicitly presented. A re‐sampling procedure is recommended to obtain the asymptotic p‐value. Three kernel functions, normal, binomial and Poisson, are used in a simulation study which illustrates the procedure.  相似文献   

In this article, we apply the Bayesian approach to the linear mixed effect models with autoregressive(p) random errors under mixture priors obtained with the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. The mixture structure of a point mass and continuous distribution can help to select the variables in fixed and random effects models from the posterior sample generated using the MCMC method. Bayesian prediction of future observations is also one of the major concerns. To get the best model, we consider the commonly used highest posterior probability model and the median posterior probability model. As a result, both criteria tend to be needed to choose the best model from the entire simulation study. In terms of predictive accuracy, a real example confirms that the proposed method provides accurate results.  相似文献   

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