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正读书有啥用刚才在火车站自助取票,听后面一位大叔说:"读书有啥用?大学生还不是得给我打工。"于是我取完票默默地把语言选择为English。剪发头发长了准备去剪发,洗头小妹给我系上围布,看到我的表情,吓了她一跳,"大哥,你眼睛好大哦!"  相似文献   

A.时尚女人秀发保养窍门多剪发后因为发尾会形成切口,发丝会变得比较脆弱,容易打结,所以可以在剪发后加强深层护发,并使用润发乳舒缓发丝纠结的状况。至于烫发,不但会使发丝链键结构受到破坏,头发也容易变得干燥、分岔、没有光泽,在烫发时记得选择值  相似文献   

I WANT TO LEARN CHINESE我想学中文A:你会说中文吗?Ni hui shuo Zhongwen ma?Do you know how to speak Chinese?B:我会一点儿。Wo hui yidianr.I know a little bit.A:你能看中文书吗?B:是,我学过中文。Shi,wo xue guo Zhongwen.Yes,I have learned Chinese.A:你喜欢学习中文吗?Ni xihuan xuexi Zhongwen ma?Do you like studying Chinese?B:我很喜欢学习中文。  相似文献   

Q:Easy Life Wizard,I need to see a doctor in Beijing.Is that difficult? Can you offer some suggestions?A:Thank you for writing to us .Here's some information for you.轻松生活顾问:像我这样生活在北京的外国人应该到哪里去看医生?  相似文献   

BORROWING MONEY借钱A:我有一件事想请你帮忙。Will you do me a favor?  相似文献   

I Didn't See Anything Good about It没看出好来Méi kàn chūhǎo lai One may use this sentence to comment on something when he/she thinks there's nothing wonderful about it,or when he/ she cannot foresee any favorable development trend in it. Example例句: 1.A:Lao Li,how was the dance performance last night? B:I didn't see anything good about it. A:老李呀,昨儿的舞蹈晚会怎么样? B:哼,没看出好来。2.A:Lao Li,how are my shares doing? B:I haven't spotted a good trend. A:老李呀,我这股票的走势怎么样? B:哎呀,没看出好来。  相似文献   

A.请问,有空房间吗?QYng wen, you kong fangjian ma? May I ask, are any rooms available?B.有,你要几间?You, ni yao ji jian?Yes, how many rooms do you want?A.我要一间。Wo yao yi jian. I want one room.B.单人房间还是双人房间?Dan ren fangjian haishi shuang ren fangjian? Do you want a single room or a double room?  相似文献   

Q:I'm a foreigner who's just arrived in China. I love dogs. Now, I want to keep a dog here. I don't know if I am allowed to own a dog, or how to find out the process for registering a dog. Are mere any regulations specific to foreigners?A:After consulting with relevant departments, we have obtained the following information:轻松生活顾问,我是个刚到中国不久的外国人。我喜欢狗并一直养狗。现在我想在中国养狗,但不知你们国家对于外国人养狗有哪些具体规定。你能帮助我吗?  相似文献   

While holding this edition of Women of China,you may wonder whois the policewoman on the cover?Beforeyou read our special report-Ren Changxia:A Public ServantPeople Won’t Forget,I wish to tell you a little about this most unusualpolice officer.  相似文献   

In 1908,New Youth,a very influential Chinese magazine, raised three questions:When will Chinese people be able to compete in the Olympics? When will China win its first Olympic medal? When will China host the Olympic Games? A mere 100 years later,the three questions have been answered.To the first question,the best answer is Hou Yong's new movie,"The One Man Olympics."  相似文献   

1 .Voeabulary:看内科牙医胃疼心脏拉肚子比.。之.垅y血yiw之it云ng xin叻ngL丘d血21see .physlcla.deltt诬st stomae加aehe heart diarrhoea恶心食欲打针王xlos加iy西d五名旋nskk apPetlte have an五njeetion1 .UsefulE却ress拓此A:大夫,D血ifu,有,点儿不舒服。y6u di五n erb立sh云fuB:A:B:D伙tor,I毋二说feeli.g well.怎么啦?Z范n me la?What,5 the matter?我发烧,头疼。W6伍sh厄。,t6ut睡ng1 bave a tem衅rature and a headache.童量体温。Li丘ng lidngt互w厄n.Let me take your te.碑rature·^:37.8度 s五n shi qiT卜irty,evenB…  相似文献   

DRINKING TEA 请朋友喝茶A:请喝茶! Please, have some tea!B:对不起,我不喜欢喝茶。 Sorry,I' do not like to drink tea.A:什么茶也不喜欢吗?A:你喝点什么? What would you like to drink?B:我喜欢喝茶。 I would like to drink tea.A:喝什么茶?红茶、绿茶还是花茶?  相似文献   

I'm Here, Am I Not?我这不是来了吗?Wo zhe bushi lai le ma? Some people like finding excuses-such as traffic jams or having been busy with something-for arriving late, rather than apologizing. Sometimes, they even blame their critics, by saying "I'm here, am I not," as if they have been wronged by others. Example例句: 1. A: Well, everyone who ought to come has come. Oh, why isn't Lao Li here yet? B: (Lao Li hurries in, panting heavily, and takes a seat) But I'm here already! A:啊,该来的差不多都来了。咦!老李怎么还没来?B:(老李喘着粗气跑进来坐下)我这不是  相似文献   

A:We can offer you this In different levels of quality.B:Is there much of a difference in price? A:Yes,the econome model is about 30% less.B:We'll take that one.A:这产品我们有三种不同等级的品质。B:价钱也有很大的分别吧? A:是的,经济型的大约便宜30%。B:我们就买那种。  相似文献   

A:请问,银行在哪儿?Qing wen, yinhang zai nar?May I ask, where is the bank?B:银行在前边。Yinhang zai qianbian. The bank is just ahead.A:远吗?Yuan ma? Is it far away?  相似文献   

A假设有一天你当了公司老板,你的管理风格如何?a.严谨有纪律,强调高效率b.随意自由,让员工自我管理c.交给别人管理B下班后想到健身房运动一下,你会选什么运动?a.有氧舞蹈b.跑步机c.每一种都使用C你打算去旅行,你会如何整理行李?a.请家人帮你整理b.想到什么放什么c.先写一张清单,然后一一准备D你的生日快到了,你希望过一个什么样的生日?a.和朋友一起狂欢b.和情人度过浪漫的一天c.和平常日子没两样,不喜欢过生日E假如你的职业是演员,你有什么设限?a.不拍穿泳装或只穿内衣的戏  相似文献   

MAKING A TELEPHONE CALL打电话A:喂,您好!Hello!B:您好!请问李江在吗?Hello!May I speak to Li Jiang?A:对不起,他现在不在这儿。  相似文献   

DO YOU LIKE MUSIC?你喜欢音乐吗?A:你喜欢音乐吗?Do you like music?B:我很喜欢音乐。I like music very much.A:你喜欢哪种音乐?古典音乐还是流行音乐?  相似文献   

CICI 《女性大世界》2004,(9):100-102
垂坠直发永远流行,是2004年秋冬季时尚中传递出的鲜明信念,A型波波剪”、“暖金垂炫箱型波波剪”将会在大热中流行。想象一下:在一个剪发造型中同时实现短发与长发,这不仅唤起你似曾相识的感觉,也会带来全新的感受,人不同侧面诠释出‘垂坠直发永远流行’的丰富内涵。  相似文献   

IN a classroom of the Costume Schoolwith the Textile University of China inShanghai,a young female teacher drewseven faces on the blackboard.She pointedto a rhomboid face and asked her students,“If someone with this shaped face raisedtheir eyes,what woud they look like?” “A fox,”burst out a student. “Yes.This shape,with a thin foreheadand a pointed chin,appears very caustic.Ihave this face.”  相似文献   

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