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孙永军 《社会工作》2008,(12):24-26
社会工作与思想政治工作既有明显的不同,也有相通之处。西方社会工作在工作关系的性质、工作者角色、价值观念等诸多方面存在着不足,这些不足可以通过借鉴思想政治工作的先进经验加以纠正。发展中国式的社会工作,将有助于世界社会工作理论和方法的创新。  相似文献   

从社会工作与农村社会工作发展的现状入手,论述了社会工作尤其是农村社会工作的基础、特征、使命,强调农村社会工作的实践性与反思性,在此基础上提出丰富本土社会工作知识,加强与国际社会工作的对话能力。  相似文献   

在社会救助中,社会工作应充分发挥其预防性功能。专业的社会工作能够在价值理念、理论模式、实务技巧及救助效果等四个方面指导、协助社会救助工作的展开,并使得社会救助的服务工作有效实施。社会救助与社会工作两者之间的有机衔接,将使得社会救助真正实现“从救济到救助、从保障到共生”的转变。  相似文献   

谢莒莎 《社会工作》2009,(12):25-27
社会工作专业的本质是一种道德实践,其对意识形态的介入及专业实践中所涉的道德价值判断和伦理抉择使之不同于一般的专业。社会工作在专业化的进程中包涵着诸多的伦理议题,概括之为:社会工作的道德特质、伦理困境、伦理抉择等。这些构成了社会工作复杂的价值与伦理议胚中的核心议题。对这些问题的探讨有助于进一步澄清社会工作的专业本质,并提升社会工作的专业化水平。  相似文献   

民族社会工作是社会工作在中国实施中的一个重要领域,基于社会工作是一个以价值为本的专业,价值体系的构建对民族社会工作尤其具有重要意义。民族社会工作的价值体系包括社会工作的价值体系、少数民族的价值观、社会工作者个人的素质三方面的内容,其中,社会工作的价值体系是基础,少数民族的价值观和社会工作者个人的素质则是民族社会工作在实务中的具体考虑。  相似文献   

The state of the art in social work research indicates major difficulties concerning the knowledge basis of the discipline. This article aims to contribute to the discourse on the nature of social work research as a scientific activity. The starting-point is the philosophy of science developed within the realist approach. It is argued that knowledge is primarily gained through activity in attempting to change social reality and through communication with other people. Knowledge is also recognized as knowing how to do something. The character of the social work knowledge may particularly be understood within the frame of reference presented by the realist approach. The history of the ideas of social work demonstrates the importance of understanding the interplay between theory and practice in social work. The article attempts to delimit the provisional borders of social work research. A model of social work research fields is presented.  相似文献   

Social work practice is often criticised for lack of support of theories and research evidence. This article attempts to learn from business practice and proposes the creation of a plan as an essential part of social work practice and education to encourage the use of theories and research evidence in social work practice and to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and accountability of social work practice. Based on logic modelling, a modified logic social work practice plan is presented and illustrated using a case example. The plan incorporates basic social work elements and the elements of alternative interventions, monitoring and control as well as cost. The potential benefits of inclusion of practice plan in social work practice and the ways to promote the adoption of a practice plan in social work education and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Correspondence to: Neil Thompson, Avenue Consulting Ltd, PO Box 2060, Wrexham LL13 OZG, Wales, UK. Summary This paper explores the relationship between social movements,social justice and social work. It examines the role of socialmovements in promoting social justice and considers the influencesof such movements in the development of emancipatory forms ofsocial work practice. It also considers the question of whethersocial work can be viewed as a form of social movement in itsown right. A central theme of the paper is the fundamental tensionbetween social work as a force for social regulation and asa force for social development and emancipation.  相似文献   

Summary Traditional and radical social work are amongst the principalcombatants in the paradigm-crisis that is alleged to characterisecontemporary social work. In considering the way in which thesetwo theoretical stances approach one of social work's centralproblems—the relationships between the person and society—itis argued that what is revealed is as much overlap as disagreement.This is in part through the subdued radicalism of a traditionalapproach which struggles to comprehend the effects of societyon clients' lives, and in part because radicalism is incorporatedinto prevailing ways of thinking through having to answer thesame questions as social work orthodoxy. It is because of thisthat Marxist social work is shown to be inevitably compromised,though this is not to deny the important contribution of radicalismin providing more satisfactory answers to crucial social workproblems.  相似文献   

充权理论相信每个人的潜能,把恢复个体社会功能作为社会工作专业的特色内容,把弱势群体确定为社会工作充权的对象。本文以充权理论为基础,主张企业社会工作的工作内容是企业员工的社会关系,企业社会工作者的职责在于为青年工人、女员工、农民工和残疾员工等弱势群体充权。  相似文献   

Clinical, administrative and social action reasons for expanding social work services in hospital based home care programs are persuasive. Hospital departments of social work should consider carefully how they may expand services in home care and coordinate and integrate such activities with social work and discharge planning processes occurring throughout the hospital. It is necessary for social work leadership to be present on professional advisory, quality assurance and similar committees and to use these committees as arenas for expanding the social work role in home care.  相似文献   

王红艺 《社会工作》2011,(20):37-39,42
企业社会工作是专业社会工作的重要的实务领域,是专业社会工作服务于农民工的重要路径。企业社会工作介入农民工服务,将有助于农民工问题的解决。企业社会工作可以在维权和协调劳资关系、协助解决各种实际困难和问题、教育与培训、营造有利于农民工的企业文化等诸多方面为农民工提供服务。企业社会工作介入农民工服务主要有"企业主动引入"和"政府购买服务"两种基本的推进模式,以及作为重要补充的"校企合作"、"社会捐助"等其他推进模式。  相似文献   

This paper sets out the environment of inequality in which social work and the poor have recently operated. It explores pragmatic and idealist arguments concerning whether or not the poor need social work. Finally, policy solutions developed in consultation with social service users and carers are suggested in relation to poverty and social exclusion. Social exclusion can be linked to relative poverty as exclusion from economic and social norms. However, there is a wider brief in our own government’s publications and those of Europe, of examining how people are excluded from actions and policies of agencies who are there to support them. This paper will retain the concepts of poverty as lack of material income, and inequality as the gap between the rich and the poor, while being aware of the policy implications for social service users and carers of the more comprehensive process of being shut out partially or fully from social, economic, political and cultural systems. The debates around social work, social exclusion and inequality that follow establish: that some of the poor do need social work; that the poverty of social service users is related to policies that have restructured welfare in Britain; that the reason for individuals approaching or being referred to social services are complex but are likely to include financial deprivation as a key contributory factor; that if the poor do need social work, advocacy is essential rather than social work being seen as concerned only with social control—taking children into care, mentally ill people into hospitals, and advising the DSS on the suitability of claimants for benefits. Finally, the discussion turns to new policy agendas on social exclusion instigated by the Labour government. What positive difference can such policies make for social service users, their carers and social workers?.  相似文献   

This article focuses on STOP4-7, an ecological early intervention programme for children with serious behavioural problems in Belgium, which includes social skills training for children, management training for parents and classroom management training for teachers. We argue how this type of social work benefits from empirical research on its effects on children and parents. Yet social work research that addresses these questions needs to extend its focus to overt and covert inclusion and exclusion mechanisms that operate through social work. Finally, we argue that, in the case of STOP4-7, social work is embedded in the process of social and political framing of the problems it is supposed to solve. By extending the focus of social work research to the very construction of social problems, we show how social workers may perform their agency as reflective practitioners, rather than being objects of interventions.  相似文献   

Summary This essay reviews the development of the generic concept andoffers three models and several concepts that are seen as relevantto the progress of generic theory for social work practice.A major gap in professional social work has been identified.The generic approach is seen as having exciting potential foreducating and training multi-skilled social workers, but a greatdeal of head and heart work is necessary before the idea ofgeneric social work can become a practical and viable reality  相似文献   

In 2010, the Vietnamese government officially recognized social work as a profession. This study explores whether key stakeholders in the development of social work in Vietnam (i.e. policy‐makers, pioneering educators, and practitioners) had reached a shared understanding about the mission and core values of Vietnamese social work by the end of 2015. An exploratory survey was conducted with 65 participants representing key stakeholders of social work in Vietnam. Participants had a shared but rather generic, at times vague, and overly optimistic view of the mission of Vietnamese social work as a “helping profession” that would be able to solve every social problem and present in all areas. There was a strong, unanimous desire for Vietnamese social work to focus on human dignity, social justice, and individuals’ rights, mixed with the preservation of Vietnam's collective, community‐based culture under the central guiding role of the state.  相似文献   

This article examines the locus of control construct and its utility from a social work perspective. For an overview, the background and evolution of the locus of control concept and the characteristics of internally and externally controlled individuals are provided. How this construct is relevant to social work is treated in relation to social work functions, areas of application, as well as relevant social work treatment issues. The article concludes by examining common criticisms of the locus of control construct and argues for a formal inclusion of this concept in the education and treatment process in social work.  相似文献   

Reflexive Modernity and Social Work in Ireland: A Response to Powell   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The aim of this article is respond to some of the issues addressedby Powell (1998). It focuses on his consideration of the roleand task of social work within a changing society. I argue that,before postulations about the future role of social work inIreland can be made, consideration of its current nature andthe form of its discourses are necessary. I then go on to critiquePowell's analysis of social work in the context of conceptssuch as empowerment, participation and prevention and arguethat, by failing to consider the necessarily regulatory andcentralized nature of much of Irish social work currently, suchan analysis remains merely rhetorical. Powell's reference tothe Irish Association of Social Workers' Code of Ethics (1995)as evidence of social work entering a period of reflexive modernityis also examined. The article concludes with a call for a moveaway from utopian speculation within Irish social work discoursetowards a more realistic and constructive analysis of both thefuture potential and the limitations of Irish social work, givenits spatial and discursive constraints.  相似文献   

Social work addresses social issues that constrain the betterment of a community. However, social work practice is struggling to deal effectively with the development challenges of Bangladesh. Based on a literature review and the experiences of the authors, this paper explores the emerging issues where social work practice is anticipated as a promising alternative for bringing sustainable social development in Bangladesh. Simultaneously, the paper discovers the limitation of social work practice in Bangladesh addressing these challenges.  相似文献   

社会工作以助人自助为宗旨,在弱势群体的救助中起着举足轻重的作用,而弱势群体的存在又促进了社会工作的不断发展。作为一种专业助人活动,社会工作在救助弱势群体领域有着无法比拟的先天优越性,因此我们应当在借鉴西方成功经验的基础上,立足于我国实际情况,尽快完善以社会组织和个人为主的社会支持系统,使我国社会工作在弱势群体救助领域沿着更加科学更加专业的路径发展。  相似文献   

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