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20世纪70年代以后,美国经济与社会结构调整使黑人人口迁移与分布出现新的变化,持续了半个多世纪的黑人迁离南部的大迁徙发生了全面的逆转。黑人的这次逆向迁移具有三个特点:从北部和西部工业州回迁南部州,从北部、西部大都市区迁往南部大都市区,具有大学以上文化程度的黑人带动了这次逆向迁移。引发这次黑人回迁的原因既有北部不断加强的经济社会"推力",更有南部经济社会和文化的"拉力"。  相似文献   

20世纪50年代集体化改革之前小凉山奴隶制度特有的社会经济进程表明,诺苏社会曾是一个拥有奴隶的社会,但它并不是奴隶社会.该结论基于其他关于奴隶制研究中的传统观念即在奴隶社会中奴隶制是体系得以维持的关键所在.1956年之前,小凉山的生产目的是生计而不是市场.此外,小凉山的精英阶层更依赖于系谱或继嗣,而不是财富;另一个相关论点是,在诺苏身份和认同的决定中,亲属比等级发挥了更为基础的作用.  相似文献   

美国第一个非洲裔总统是在20世纪60年代以来白人主流文化社会控制力下降、出现"族裔认同"这一文化取向的背景下诞生的,是美国盎格鲁-撒克逊白人新教徒与非洲裔、其他各少数族裔长期融合的历史性成果。奥巴马当选是美国选民对"族裔认同"这一新的文化取向的认同,是对政府促进这一文化取向的"授权",将有助于美国构建"一个社会"与社会和谐。  相似文献   

引言·美国的西班牙人成分在40年代,瑞典社会学家冈纳·米尔达尔写了一部名为《美国的困境》的书,书中论述了美国社会一方面标榜公民平等,同时又使黑人处于受歧视地位的矛盾情况。60年代中期,在那一时代逆反文化(contracultura)潮流的推动下,那些法律上的歧视消失了,或者说减少了。尽管当时美国还存在奴隶制的经济和社会残余,但黑人有了选举权,校园教育中的种族主义也在法律上受到反对。在20年后的今天,即80年代,美国又陷入了另一困境之中,这  相似文献   

美州印第安地理人种中的一个亚群,由阿根廷南部和智利的一些部落组成。他们身材高大,皮肤色素呈轻微乃至中等程度,鹰钩鼻。有特殊的适应寒冷气候的能力,这种适应性的一部分原因是提高新陈代谢率以维持体温。从其体型、语言和文化划分属于3支不同的印第人。她们以捕猎骆马、海兽为生。19世纪中期,火地岛人约有1万人,后因阿根廷和智利人排挤,人数锐减,20世纪50年代末至60年代初,仅剩下200-300人。  相似文献   

美国20世纪60年代“奇卡诺运动”探微   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钱皓 《世界民族》2001,122(3):19-26
“奇卡诺运动”是20世纪60年代末美国墨西哥人争取民族自由、平等权利的一个社会运动,它是继美国黑人民权运动后的又一个美国少数族裔集团的民权运动.“奇卡诺运动”的一个直接结果是唤醒了美籍墨西哥人的民族意识,并将处于“边缘地带”的墨西哥文化推向美国文化的中心.因此,研究“奇卡诺运动”不仅填补了我国美国学在这块领域的空白,有助于我们对生活在美国社会“边缘地带”的墨西哥人有一个直观的了解,同时也有助于我们对美国主流文化与亚文化之间的互动关系有一个客观的认识.  相似文献   

美国华人新移民与华人社会   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
华人移居美国始于19世纪30年代,初期移居美国的华人主要来自中国的广东。1965年美国修改移民法后,移居美国的华人数量迅速增加。新移民的到来改变了美国华人社会以粤侨为主的状况,并导致了传统华人社会的变迁。  相似文献   

美国社会保障制度的演变有一个发生、发展和逐步完善的过程,这个过程伴随着近代美国经济的发展史。它是美国经济发展的保护器、安全阀、调节剂。美国现代社会保障制度建立于20世纪30年代,经过70多年的发展,美国社会保障制度形成了包括社会保险、社会福利和私营保险三部分的制度。美国社会保障制度的经验对于我国社会保障制度的完善具有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

当代美国人家庭与婚姻模式的演变及其影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、美国人家庭模式的演变一般认为,20世纪60年代以前,美国人的家庭经历了从大家庭(extented family,指至少由三代人组成的家庭)到核心家庭(nuclear family,指由已婚夫妇和未满18岁的孩子所组成的家庭)的演变。①大家庭是北美殖民地开发初期到19世纪工业化这段时间的主要家庭模式。19世纪中、后期,随着工业化、城市化的迅速发展和人口流动的加速,核心家庭如雨后春笋般地出现,逐渐取代了大家庭的主导地位。进入20世纪60年代后,美国人的价值观偏向于个人主义和性开放,加上反传统、反权威、反理性风潮抬头和女权运动的兴起,美国核心家庭受到巨…  相似文献   

长期以来美国主流社会对白人种族主义的现实存在与危害的漠视,致使种族歧视行为至今在美国社会各个方面仍普遍存在,不仅给美国黑人造成了难以弥合的精神创伤,而且对美国社会具有非常严重的负面影响.为了修正美国历史上对一些弱势群体的不公正与歧视,20世纪60、70年代美国政府颁布和推行了一系列优惠和照顾黑人等弱势群体的政策、法令,即"肯定性行动"计划.然而,这一计划却激起了从而普通白人男性的强烈反对,引发了"逆向歧视"之争.  相似文献   

王宏宇  张亚辉 《民族学刊》2015,6(6):13-17, 97-98
聚焦于工业化早期的英格兰以及美洲加勒比殖民地的甘蔗种植园,西敏司《甜与权力》以糖为刻画对象,将糖的生产、糖的消费、自然性与社会性、权利的规约与意义的制造纳入到纵向的历史叙事结构中,勾勒出糖从一件奢侈品化身为工业化生产之商品的过程,并与早期资本主义原始积累、奴隶化生产,乃至国与国之间的政治经济关系密切联系,从而建构出同世界贸易体系并行的权利文化网络。  相似文献   

Over the last twenty years or so there has been a greatly increased anxiety in Australia over those people now often identified as asylum seekers. In this article I argue that this change of attitude is connected with the ongoing reconstruction of Australia as a neoliberal state. I link the importance of the border of the nation-state with the development of capitalism and go on to argue that there is a direct relation between the assumptions of neoliberalism and Giorgio Agamben's theorization of the state of exception. With this argument I suggest that the state of exception is fundamentally raced. I discuss the Australian relationship between migrants, race and capitalism, which historically worked in terms of the White Australia policy, and think about how asylum seekers are understood to threaten the racialized, neoliberal order of Australian capitalism.  相似文献   

From the analysis of archival material about small farming communities, in the northern region of the State of Rio de Janeiro, during slavery and in the period immediately post‐emancipation, this article revisits the intersection of race and class by showing how slaves, indigeneous peoples, and freed men and women have been an integral part of the constitution of this country's rural classes. By identifying a variety of socio‐economic and cultural ties between communities of runaway slaves, quilombos (maroon settlements), slave and freed peasants and slaves' autonomous economic activities in the plantation, this article departs from tradition historiography of Brazilian peasantry and shows how its history cannot be separated from of the history of the black Brazilian peasantry. More importantly, it describes how black historical experiences in Brazil has been constitutive of a complex peasant economic sector.  相似文献   

新西兰毛利人那塔胡部落是当代全球原住民发展的成功典型。那塔胡人在秉持自身文化核心价值的同时,吸纳西方民主政治和现代企业制度,利用历史赔款形成部落集体资产,主动融入现代世界经济体系。这个过程既是新西兰国内族群关系和政治经济博弈的历史演变,也是非西方文明对近代以来西方资本主义主导的全球化进程的本土化适应。从发生学的意义上来讲,全球化和本土化同时发生和发展,是同一个过程的两个方面。那塔胡的传统文化价值观念,并未成为现代部落发展的障碍,而是在资本的协助下形成更高水平的部落一体化形式。它的未来发展,预示着一种不同于西方资本主义的社会文化生态。  相似文献   

国家观念反映着一定时期人们对当时国家和国际体系的认知;不同时代(如奴隶制时代、封建制时代、近代和现代)有着不同的国家观念与内涵。开展国家观念的研究,对理解全球化背景下的国际政治经济体制,具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   


This article analyzes the role of STEM initiatives designed by city and corporate elites in a large urban district and outlines an alternative, grassroots vision for (STEM) education and city schools. Within a neoliberal context of gentrification, displacement, disinvestment, and privatization, STEM schools have become strategic components of Chicago’s ‘portfolio district’ that serve the interests of racial capitalism in three ways. First, STEM schools provide a claim to fairness in the midst of racist school closures. Second, STEM high schools are a corporate strategy for racially stratified labor force preparation that restricts curriculum and reifies tracking. Third, curriculum restriction prioritizes corporate interests over students’ capacity to shape their communities and the world. The authors draw on the wisdom of Chicago communities who have led resistance against corporate education reform to critique Chicago STEM policy and point to critical mathematics and science education as part of a model for sustainable community schools.  相似文献   

Brazil has high levels of socio-economic inequality and an inequitable distribution of access to higher education. How much of this inequality is associated with race or class is an important question in light of the current debate over affirmative action and the suitability of race and social targeted policies. There are those who claim that racial disparities in the educational system are a result of students’ social status and not a result of racism, while others believe race is an important factor that superposes the effect of class. This study uses national survey data from Brazil’s Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (National Secondary Education Exam [ENEM]) to examine the relationship between race and access to higher education of high school students between 2004 and 2008. The results document a vicious circle which connects the schooling of the young with their race, socio-economic status, and university attendance.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the complex ways in which immigrant young adults make sense of their Americanized ethnic and racial identities. The analysis draws on a large set of in-depth interviews (N?=?233) collected with immigrants between the ages of 18 and 29 across three regions in the US (California, New York, and Minnesota) in the early 2000s and is in dialogue with emerging new theories of immigrant incorporation which combine the insights of traditional assimilation and racialization frameworks. The identity narratives that emerge from these interviews demonstrate the overarching significance of racial and ethnic identification for young adults across various immigrant communities. The narratives also highlight some of the contextual factors involved in the construction of an ethnic identity in the US such as experiences with discrimination; or the presence of co-ethnic communities. The final substantive section explores how young American immigrants in the transition to adulthood attempt to cultivate hybrid, bicultural identities that balance their American-ness with the ongoing experience of living in a deeply racialized society. The paper concludes by discussing implications for the literature on identity formation and the transition to adulthood as well as on the immigrant incorporation experience.  相似文献   

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