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多利益攸关方是弥补《巴黎协定》达成后主权国家治理赤字和打破集体行动困境的关键要素,它们长期参与全球气候谈判与治理且实现了自身的数量增长和身份转换。多利益攸关方的影响路径主要体现为气候治理多维"软权力"、谈判议题内容设置与调整。究其发展动因,不仅是气候治理体系碎片化带来的谈判参与政治空间扩大化,而且是全面提升气候治理行动的重要选择,更是联合国"零排放竞赛"等重塑气候治理权威的需要。然而,多利益攸关方在参与全球气候治理进程中依然存在价值诉求差异、代表非均衡性、独立性较弱等种种局限。为此,需要推动"自上而下"的联合国管理制度以实现多利益攸关方对于气候治理的有序参与,同时以"自下而上"的最小化多边主义路径实现气候治理的有效参与,并突出多利益攸关方在气候治理体系规则中的独立地位。  相似文献   

巴黎模式开启了"自下而上"全球气候治理的新时代,最大程度上团结了国家之外的多利益攸关方力量。其中非国家行为体在气候政治中的治理性权威日益增强,体现为认知性影响力、手段性影响力、社会性影响力、资源性影响力和象征性影响力的不断提升。特朗普政府的全面"去气候化"政策刺激美国非国家行为体开始追求一种地方性气候领导力,并且谋求这种地方性气候行动在全球气候治理层面的可见性,这表现为通过多元网络性伙伴关系来建构其结构性影响力;通过议题引领和主场峰会外交来提升其手段性影响力;通过权威性和系统性研究强化其认知性影响力;通过把握政治机会和塑造集体认同来增显其象征性影响力。非国家行为体的快速崛起对于后巴黎时代的气候格局造成了不可忽视的深远影响,能否与之形成良性互动将影响中国在全球气候治理中引领性作用的发挥。  相似文献   

全球化的深入发展,促进了世界财富的增长,也导致了全球性问题的涌现,催生了全球治理的需求.由于中等强国的实力弱于大国,在国际政治尤其是在全球治理中的作用一直被忽视.事实上,中等强国在特定的治理领域发挥着领导者的作用.本文论述在硬实力总量给定的条件下,中等强国在全球治理中是如何发挥不同于大国的作用,主导和促进某些全球性问题的治理进程,为中国参与全球治理提供可资借鉴的经验.  相似文献   

本文以温州烟具协会为例,分析了行业协会在达成集体行动中的作用,以及发挥作用的机制和条件.研究表明,行业协会是集群企业集体行动的组织基础,温州烟具协会在行业自律、游说政府、应对国际贸易争端等方面都发挥了举足轻重的作用.行业协会之所以能发挥上述作用,与协会核心成员的小群体特征、组织规范的形成、组织学习能力的提高以及组织社会声望的积累有关.另外,获得政府部门的授权、协会成员的异质性、与政府和其它相关组织之间的互助协作是集体行动取得成功的重要条件.  相似文献   

德国政府治理能力现代化实现过程中,在政府机构改革、信息公开、政府采购监督、公共服务模式创新等方面积累了丰富的经验。其治理能力现代化实践,建立在社会市场经济理论与现代政府治理理论的基础上,主要是通过参与区域协同治理、社会治理和经济治理实现的。建议广州围绕处理好政府与市场关系,发挥粤港澳大湾区区域核心发展引擎作用,发挥公众在共建共治共享中的主体作用,对照国家治理体系和治理能力现代化要求,畅通公众参与政府治理渠道,推动区域协同治理,提升政府公共服务效率与治理能力。  相似文献   

张华 《社会》2015,35(3):221-240
基于国家-社会关系的视角,在目前对当代中国行业协会的主流研究中,公民社会理论强调国家对社团干预的放松和市场经济的发展对协会的影响,法团主义则强调国家对协会的控制与合作。通过对文献的回顾发现,还有一类重要的研究--依附理论的视角,没有得到中国研究者的足够重视。依附理论的视角关注在宏观的国家-社会关系讨论之下权力的实际运作对行业协会的影响,认为除了国家对社团的控制之外,国家对经济的干预也影响了企业家的行为和他们的集体行动意愿。由于国家权力的保留和市场的不完全,企业和行业协会形成了对政府的依附关系,而行业协会仍然镶嵌于国家机构内部,成为依附于地方政府的工具,而不是企业与政府之间的连接纽带。当代中国的行业协会涉及到国家、市场和企业多方的互动关系和复杂的制度环境,依附理论的视角重新定义了行业协会的角色,提供了个体研究的途径和原有研究中未被重视的其他解释变量,为我们进一步了解中国行业协会的发展环境和影响因素构建了可行的分析框架。  相似文献   

冷战后,社会组织及其行动在全球和区域议题治理中发挥着越来越重要的作用,且通过不断搭建各种类型的倡议网络,一方面影响政府决策,另一方面提高公众意识,在治理中发挥着独特的作用。在澜湄水资源治理中,各种社会组织既发挥着重要作用,又面临一定的发展障碍。本文从社会组织倡议网络的视角,梳理了社会组织倡议网络的发展和运行方式,以及对澜湄水资源治理所产生的影响,并结合案例分析了社会组织在澜湄水资源治理中面临的制度化障碍,提出中国应客观看待和正确引导社会组织,在流域和国内两个层面不断建立和完善制度化安排,鼓励社会组织在澜湄水资源治理中发挥应有的积极作用,推动实现澜湄水资源的良治。  相似文献   

杨典 《社会》2018,38(2):46-83
自20世纪80年代以来,由于金融全球化和美式“股东资本主义”的兴起,“股东导向型”公司治理制度在全世界的影响越来越大,被誉为最佳公司治理模式或“国际惯例”。它不但影响了德、日等发达国家,也影响了中国等发展中国家和转型国家的公司治理改革。本文认为,“股东导向型”公司治理制度在中国的传播主要由内生性和外生性两大动机驱动,经过两个阶段和通过三种机制完成。第一阶段是在跨国层面,“模仿性同构”机制和“规范性同构”机制发挥了重要作用;第二阶段是在国内企业层面,政府通过法律法规和政策等手段要求企业采用新的公司治理模式,即“强制性同构”机制发挥了主导作用。对中国公司治理改革的社会学分析有助于我们从一个不同于经济学和管理学的新视角加深对中国金融市场和上市公司的理解,对于反思西方新自由主义企业制度,构建具有中国特色的现代企业制度具有较为重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

非政府组织及其全球气候治理伙伴关系网络的兴起,在全球气候治理领推动形成了一种新的治理模式并充分发挥其影响力、有效遏止了主权国家气候治理的赤字。本文采取多元研究方法,通过论证包括全球科学和知识专业性伙伴关系、全球气候安全政治伙伴关系、全球气候议题公众传播伙伴关系和全球气候经济商业伙伴关系在内的伙伴关系网络,探讨了其应对气候变化的优势与贡献,并发现全球气候治理模式由政府主导正转向多重伙伴关系共同参与的趋势。非政府组织参与建设的全球气候治理伙伴关系网络正积极引领全球气候治理理念构建和方案制定,通过对个人、社会和企业直接施加影响,把全球层面的气候治理理念与方案落实到地方治理中心的实践行动,并不断加强与全社会各种行为体之间的通力合作,为探索和发现最优的气候治理解决途径提供支持。通过全球气候治理伙伴关系网络,非政府组织不仅形成了全球气候治理的联动效应,也推动各行为体致力于气候变化领域的人类命运共同体的建设。  相似文献   

我国实行市场经济以来,对国家与市场关系的考察成为经济学界对市场经济理论研究的主要方法论原则,并达成了一些基本共识:在中国,没有国家的市场和没有市场的国家都是行不通的;相比而言,中国市场经济的形成、发展和完善离不开国家的主导性作用.但国家与市场的边界、国家如何有效地发挥与市场经济要求相适应的职能作用等问题仍没有得到很好的解决.而通过对国家与市场关系理论发展历程的考量,不仅使我们获得丰富的理论给养,其特定的研究范式还具有极其重要的方法论意义:不能把市场失灵或政府失灵作为研究、评价、构建国家与市场关系的唯一前提;客现背景和与之相适应的利益诉求是研究、评价、构建国家与市场关系的客观基础;国家与市场的关系状态是两者在一定条件下和一定时期内的动态平衡,不存在对任何一方的绝对否定;国家与市场的关系实质上是国家强制性与市场自主性的关系;完善的市场经济是国家法治与市场自治良性互动的必然结果.  相似文献   

Researchers studying right-wing authoritarianism (RWA) have discussed the need to distinguish authoritarian followers from leaders. Altemeyer's (2003) studies raise several issues about political leadership in the real world. First, are most leaders of authoritarian social movements high on both RWA and social dominance (SDO)? Second, is it possible to be an authoritarian leader of a repressive social movement without being high on SDO? Third, it would be useful to develop techniques to assess SDO at a distance. Fourth, what roles do the psychological motives of need for power, need for affiliation and intimacy, and need for responsibility play in motivating leadership behavior in high SDO leaders? Finally, does social dominance exist in countries with non–Western value systems? Understanding the psychology of leaders of repressive social movements may help us develop ways to limit access to the power they crave and to mitigate the damage that they do.  相似文献   

气候变化是全球性的,区域气候治理合作是解决气候变化问题的有效途径。东盟十国具有相似的地理、经济、政治文化背景,合作往来日益密切。东盟国家积极投入,共同参与气候治理合作,建立了合理有效的气候治理机制,开展的气候治理项目不仅局限于东盟内部,更包含了国际间的合作与协助。东盟气候治理合作开展以来,主要有实施力度有限、成效不明显、气候治理技术方面的研究不足等问题。和平合作是解决气候变化问题的唯一道路,和则双赢,争则双损。  相似文献   

Objectives. The logic of collective action suggests that public broadcasting stations should not receive the empirically observed level of member support they do. Why do people contribute to public television when they can view it without contributing? Methods. The hypothesis tested is that “norms of cooperation” govern the behavior of individuals in collective action situations. This article tests the hypothesis with an original survey of public television viewers in three large communities. Results. The survey data provide support for the “norms of cooperation” hypothesis. The higher the level of characteristics of an individual that measure cooperation, the more likely the individual is to give to public broadcasting, all other factors being equal. Conclusions. Norms of cooperation—an important part of social capital—help overcome the logic of collective action where it concerns public television contributions.  相似文献   

The role of the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) in shaping the arts and cultural sector is not well understood. In this paper, I focus on the development of the governance of the creative placemaking policy to unpack the complexity of the role of the NEA. Governance is used to refer to collective action designed to achieve a general interest through different actors from both the government and civic society. I use intergovernmental relations theory to capture governance dynamics in creative placemaking. In particular, I focus on three main tools developed by the NEA to spur a multi-level governance: research, grants, and partnerships. What emerges is that the role of the NEA in the development of the creative placemaking policy is multifaceted as it includes offering and leveraging funding, shaping the conversation, providing insights, and spurring collaborations. These actions create a multi-level governance based on a dynamic exchange between national and local governments, and the involvement of a variety of actors from civil society.  相似文献   

黄荣贵  桂勇 《社会》2013,33(5):88-117
本文结合社会运动联盟理论和城市治理理论,比较了上海和广州两个城市跨小区的业主组织联盟形态,提出一个基于治理结构与政治机会(威胁)的比较分析框架来理解两个城市业主组织联盟形态的差异。研究发现,与广州相比,上海的物业管理制度更加完善,基层治理组织架构也更加健全,体制内支持者相对缺乏,从而降低了社会冲突发生以及冲突激化为社会性公共议题的可能性。考虑到都市抗争的反应性特征以及中国社会管理体制所具有的社会控制和利益表达双重功能,都市抗争研究应该具体分析行动限制的制度根源、国家在预防社会抗争出现以及在抗争过程中的多重角色。  相似文献   

Youth leadership development is a growing area of research and practice in recent years. This paper will present a conceptual model highlighting the key components necessary in cultivating young leaders including skills development, environmental factors and commitment to action. In each of these categories, a number of aspects, supported by international literature known to be important in developing leaders, are presented. In the skills section, important factors include social and emotional intelligence, the ability to collaborate with others (including problem solving and conflict resolution), the ability to articulate a vision and finally the ability to gain insight or knowledge into the particular subject area. Environmental conditions include having authentic opportunities that enable young people to practise and hone their skills. In terms of action, both the ability to inspire and motivate followers through high expectations and role modelling pave the way to having a good team on which to build youth leadership. This, together with mastery as developed through the ability to persist and endeavour, is critical to any successful youth leader.  相似文献   

社会网研究的架构:以组织理论与管理研究为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
罗家德  王竞  张佳音  谢朝霞 《社会》2008,28(6):15-38
本文认为社会网研究存在于七大领域之中。根据各研究领域,本文以组织与管理研究为例说明每一领域要研究的内容,并阐述了社会网结构与社会关系如何在集体行动与个体行动之间搭起一座桥,而其间的自组织现象更使得集体行动绝非个体行动的线性加总,而有着复杂现象的特性——不同的自组织会产生分歧的行动结果,相同的个体行动可能在不同的结构中产生完全相反的集体行动。解开此非线性行为之谜,正是未来社会网研究要继续努力的重要方向。  相似文献   

Within the framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol, international carbon politics inevitably presents itself as the logic or essence of “ecological imperialism,” reflecting a few Western countries’ expansion and development of their historically formed international hierarchical superiority or exclusive hegemony on the basis of their domestic capitalist economies and politics. This is an intrinsic obstacle to creating a more equitable, democratic and effective global climate or environmental governance system. Criticism of international carbon politics and its “ecological imperialism,” based on traditional “green-left” theories from Marxist philosophy and political economy, provides a theoretical basis for seeking an alternative way to cope with global climate change effectively. As a responsible developing country, China’s response to climate change is not only an internal requirement for the promotion of its own sustainable development, but also reflects its responsibility to create a community of shared future for mankind. This rationale for our time determines that it is necessary for China to become a world leader in coping with global climate change and environmental governance through a leadership which lies in making a contribution rather than fighting for hegemony.  相似文献   

Economic research suggests that, in some circumstances, exogenously restricting the information leaders can provide to followers can overcome the free-riding problem and coordination failures, and improve efficiency in collective actions. The reason is that a leader’s information advantage can deprive followers of the information necessary for profitable defection. In this paper, we focus on situations where the decision to restrict access to information is an endogenous choice made by the leader. We experimentally investigate if leaders choose to strategically withhold information when appropriate to improve outcomes. To address this question, we adopt a single-shot collective action game in which a leader–follower setting with information advantage for the leader can potentially solve the free-riding problem and coordination failures. Our results suggest that leaders, in many circumstances, fail to utilize their information advantage to improve efficiency. This implies that groups may benefit if a nontransparent information regime is exogenously imposed on them.  相似文献   

This paper provides a unified treatment of oil stockpiling and demand restraint as policy responses for enhancing energy security and examines the implications of recent changes in the structure and performance of the international oil market for the design of policies. These issues are addressed using a dynamic programming framework in which international policy actions of key oil-importing countries are modeled as a Nash dynamic game. Significant policy implications from the analysis include: (1) the result that, with realistic assumptions about disruption risks and inventory capacities, differences between noncooperative and coordinated stockpile policies appear to be minor and (2) significant mutual gains could be reaped from a modest degree of collective restraint on normal market oil demand. The broader role of international cooperation in enhancing energy security is also discussed.  相似文献   

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