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户籍制度改革对流动人口收入的影响研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
魏万青 《社会学研究》2012,(1):152-173,245
以往关于户籍制度对收入的影响的诸多研究基本上遵循的是工资差异分解模型的思路。然而,将外来人口和本地市民的工资收入差异进行分解,无法克服样本选择性与遗失关键变量带来的偏误。本文基于中国家庭收入调查数据,采用新近发展的倾向得分匹配方法来控制样本选择偏误,并采用自抽样法(Bootstrap)法进行统计推断,以克服小样本偏误,试图回答户籍限制对流动人口收入的影响。研究结果发现:(1)户籍制度对流动人口收入影响非常显著,克服选择性偏误之后的负向效应要高于普通回归结果和代理变量回归结果;(2)户籍限制对倾向得分较低的流动人口的收入效应是正向的,对倾向得分较高(能力较高)的流动人口产生影响为负;(3)这一不利影响随着市场化进程推进变得更显著。  相似文献   

职业测评是一种了解个体与职业相关的各种个性特征的工具和方法,主要对大学生个性特点、职业兴趣、职业价值观和职业人格等方面进行测评,以求做到"人尽其才"、"人岗匹配"。新生在入学选择专业时,对所有的专业只是一个简单的了解,对于该专业到底要学什么、将来要从事什么以及专业前景情况都没有深入的认识,但专业的选择对个人未来的学习生活乃至整个人生的职业生涯都有重要的影响。通过有效的职业测评可以帮助学生了解自己的真实情况,发现自身的职业倾向,在选择专业时就能更加深刻的了解学科的特点、就业前景,结合自己的实际情况做出合理的选择,从而从源头上减少大学生就业困难问题。  相似文献   

刑法中的因果关系既是刑法学者争论最大的一个理论问题,又是一个十分具体的司法实践问题。在刑法中,将某结果归咎于某人时,往往需要查明其行为与结果之间是否存在刑法上的因果关系。因此,刑法中的因果关系在定罪中具有重要意义。然而,对于如何认定刑法上的因果关系及其具体应用,在理论和实践中都有一定的争论。本文从刑法中因果关系的含义入手,具体从因果关系的认定和应用来阐述刑法中的因果关系。  相似文献   

阶级或阶层意识中的心理因素:公平感和态度倾向   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文按照客观社会位置→公平感→态度倾向→阶级意识这一思路探讨个体的公平感和态度倾向等心理因素在阶级阶层意识形成过程中的作用。在研究方法上,以聚类分析、因子分析等统计手段作为建立态度倾向等主观变量的工具,以多项逻辑斯蒂回归(multinomial logistic regression)模型验证变量之间的关系。研究结果表明,不公平感强的人在社会态度上容易出现嫌富怜贫等倾向,公平感等心理因素具有分解来自客观社会位置影响的作用,导致在客观社会位置的维度下,人们的阶级意识呈现碎片化特征;进而认为,阶级意识不是自发形成的。  相似文献   

本文选取了一些外国留学生使用"刚""刚刚""刚才"发生的偏误,将其分为四类:误加、内部混淆、外部混淆、语序不当。并从语际迁移和语内迁移的角度逐一分析产生该类偏误的原因,最后提出了三条教学建议。旨在对实际教学有所助益。  相似文献   

星度问题,对于社会科学研究特别是那些实际性很强的学科──青少年研究等──极为重要。本文试图结合国内外有关研究中的操作实例,对量度问题略作阐析。一、量度的过程我们知道变量有四个衡量等级:名称衡量、顺序衡量、区间衡量与比例衡量。但是,这四个衡量等级只是对变量进行量度的一个方面,衡量等级主要与变量的值相关,而变量本身的意义也需要量度。从变量的意义来划分,有的变量非常具体,有的变量非常抽象。具体变量的意义~目了然,象年龄、性别、月收入这些变量都属于具体变量。我们对具体变量的基度也非常直观与简单。往往一个…  相似文献   

李丽红 《现代交际》2014,(3):163-163
审题,就是写作文前仔细分析题目的内涵和要求,理解题意,弄清作文题目规定的写作目的、选材范围、写作重点、人称及其他具体要求,以便明确主旨,确定体裁。审好题,不仅要看卷上文字,还要"看透纸背",看清命题者的志趣和用心。总体来说审题力求"准""深""新"。要努力做到四点,一要整体把握文意,找最主要的命意。(先概括每段大意,然后明确核心话题);二要紧扣关键词,把准命题者的倾向;三要审准要求;四要从材料的因果关系中挖掘主旨。那么,考场作文临场审题该如何操作呢?本文就此进行探讨。  相似文献   

日本新感觉派的代表作家横光利一彻底坚持了新感觉主义,为日本既成文坛注入了一股新风,和川端康成一同拉开了日本昭和文学的序幕。横光利一在初期文学作品中存在一种通过"性欲"或者"性心理"来把握主人公人性和作品主旨的倾向。因此,本文以小说《太阳》为例,通过弗洛伊德的精神分析法(也称心理分析研究法)来分析解读横光利一的初期文学作品,探究产生这种倾向的原因。  相似文献   

从“生存”到“承认”:公民权视野下的农民工问题   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
对当代中国"农民工"的研究经历了一个从生存论预设下的"生存—经济"叙事模式到公民权视野下的"身份—政治"叙事模式的转变;由于"身份—政治"叙事模式既包容了"生存—经济"叙事模式的关怀,又避免了生存论预设对于"农民工"本身的矮化和对于"农民工问题"的窄化倾向,故相对具有优越性。不过,目前不少在"身份—政治"叙事模式下的农民工研究也存在着一些值得注意的问题,这些问题在很大程度上与研究者们对于中国的户籍制度与农民工问题之关系的本质化理解和处理有关。通过对户籍制度与公民权的重新检视,本文援引新近有关公民权的社会学研究,从承认与排斥的关系来理解公民权的实质,并在此基础上重新认识和思考了"农民工"这个"群体"及其获取公民权的进程。  相似文献   

本文提出了"近来发展迅速的性别理论是如何推翻了传统理论假设的"的问题,主要从三个方面论述:第一,背景;第二,对于西方性别差异的传统理论或观点进行梳理;第三,对当代的主要性别理论进行梳理,并评论当代性别理论对传统理论的批判。  相似文献   

This article discusses the problem of causal inference based on contextual peer effects in education. For this purpose, I first introduce the counterfactual approach to causality and the fundamental problem of causal inference. Subsequently, experiments and a number of statistical methods are discussed as possible approaches to estimate causal effects. In particular, conditioning on observables using common linear regression models as well as matching procedures (such as propensity score matching), fixed-effects models, the difference-in-difference approach, instrumental variables, and the regression discontinuity design are discussed. The introduction of these methods is neither focused on the mathematical background nor on the estimation procedure but rather on the general logic and the assumptions connected with a causal interpretation of the estimated effects. The paper closes with an analysis of compositional peer effects in German elementary schools to illustrate the adequate treatment of selection processes.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the use of field theory in the sociological study of the non‐profit sector. The review first shows how field theory, as a conceptual framework to explain social action, provides a valuable sociological counterweight to prevailing economic and psychological orientations in the interdisciplinary scholarship on the non‐profit sector. However, despite its certain shared assumptions, field theory in sociology encompasses three distinct, albeit interrelated, approaches: the Bourdieusian, New Institutionalist, and Strategic Action Fields perspectives. I comparatively outline the key analytical assumptions and causal claims of each version of field theory, whether and how it recognizes the specificity of the non‐profit sector and then delineate its application by sociologists to the non‐profit sector. I show how scholars' employment of each articulation of field theory to study non‐profit activity has been influenced by pre‐existing scholarly assumptions and normative claims about this third space. The article concludes by summarizing the use of these varieties of field theory in the sociology of the non‐profit sector and by identifying future directions in this line of research.  相似文献   

This article documents the role of uncertainty in social exchange. Specifically, it reviews how social exchange theorists incorporate uncertainty when explaining psychological processes and social behaviors. After identifying and examining the structural roots of uncertainty, the article addresses how uncertainty affects actor behavior and attitude formation, from curbing power use to promoting the development of more committed, trusting and cohesive exchange partnerships. By assessing the consequences of uncertainty and risk for social exchange, this article contributes to sociological knowledge about the nature and form of relationships in an uncertain world.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to demonstrate the theoretical relevance of the concept of “attention” for understanding the social. Against the backdrop of neurological, psychological and philosophical insights into this subject matter, and drawing on both classical as well as current theories on this phenomenon, the article will examine the term’s respective meanings and develop genuinely sociological questions in order to underline the heuristic value of research on this topic. Furthermore, it will be argued that the (post-)modern subject oscillates between being at liberty to bestow his attention at will and being forced to do so, and the social processes accounting for attention gradually becoming an ever more scarce resource will be identified. The field of science is then drawn upon as an example to illustrate the fight for attention, followed by a plea for the comprehensive treatment of attention as a key sociological issue.  相似文献   

This article draws from several overlapping literatures to frame urban–rural migration in the United States as the cause of emerging dimensions of inequality. To begin, the article reviews the amenity migration field of research, noting that scholars often underestimate or overlook inequality within rural destinations because common research lenses and methodological decisions inadvertently mask it. The article then describes a second thread of research that explicitly implicates migration as a driver of inequality and a third that draws connections to gentrification. Finally, the article reviews more recent research that characterizes inequality in rural destinations using a more global sociological perspective. The author draws attention to work, which recognizes that migration constitutes a material and theoretical connection between inequality experienced locally and societal inequality at the national and global scales.  相似文献   

This article reviews sociological approaches to the production, evaluation, and diffusion of knowledge in the arena of scholarly production – the sciences, social sciences, and humanities. At first glance, sociological approaches to scholarly knowledge production seem to congeal around the hard sciences, on the one hand, and philosophy, on the other. I eschew this polarization and construct an analytic frame of reference for analyzing the sociological dimensions of scholarly production more generally. This article maps successive phases of sociological approaches to scholarly production, by overlaying and distinguishing among theories in the sociology of knowledge, sociology of science, and sociology of intellectuals. I analyze classical theorists’ emphases on class analysis and the social function of intellectuals; mid-century adaptations of functionalism, social structure theory, and institutional theory to analyze intellectual and academic life; critical and reflexive theories, including feminist critiques of science and knowledge; recent emphases on how social movement politics and social networks influence intellectual change; theories of the university as a professional arena and a field of culture production; and studies of knowledge-making practices in group research situations. In addition to arguing for more theoretical and methodological precision in analyses of scholarly and scientific knowledge-making, I conclude with cautionary tales and future prospects for sociological studies of modern academic life.  相似文献   

Propensity score analysis is a relatively recent statistical innovation that is useful in the analysis of data from quasi-experiments. The goal of propensity score analysis is to balance two non-equivalent groups on observed covariates to get more accurate estimates of the effects of a treatment on which the two groups differ. This article presents a general introduction to propensity score analysis, provides an example using data from a quasi-experiment compared to a benchmark randomized experiment, offers practical advice about how to do such analyses, and discusses some limitations of the approach. It also presents the first detailed instructions to appear in the literature on how to use classification tree analysis and bagging for classification trees in the construction of propensity scores. The latter two examples serve as an introduction for researchers interested in computing propensity scores using more complex classification algorithms known as ensemble methods.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of the use of the framing concept in mass communication research. It focuses on the questions what a frame is and how it is measured, how variation in framing can be explained and what the effects of media framing are. Specific attention will be paid to the sociological origins of framing. The article concludes with recommendations for future research. It argues that a more systematic and conceptually precise measurement of framing is warranted and suggests how the scope of frame‐building and framing‐effects studies can be extended.  相似文献   

While the sociological study of white identity has traversed many stages, its most recent turn emphasizes the contextual heterogeneity of whiteness. Because of this increased attention to context and locality, the study of whiteness has never been more amenable to cultural analysis than it is today. Hence, an emphasis on different white racial formations that span a political spectrum from conservative to liberal and racist to antiracist is now dominant. In this vein, white nationalists and white antiracists represent the distinct polarities of contemporary inquisitions into white identity formation. Motivated by this academic milieu, this article first reviews the common perception that whiteness is in ‘crisis’ and polarizing into antagonistic political projects. Second, the article scans the literature on white nationalist and white antiracist groups, making explicit the relation to cultural theory. Third, the article questions why these two groups are consistently juxtaposed against one another and how such a conceptualization hinders, rather than advances, cultural analysis. Fourth and last, the article advanced a cultural sociological framework for understanding white racial identity formation that neither collapses white identities into a monolithic collective nor reifies white formations as a static typology. Such an approach considers the general processes and contexts which produce ‘whiteness’ and give it meaning, as well as illuminates the social relationships and practices in which white racial identity formations become embedded.  相似文献   

Homelessness holds a longstanding place on the sociological research agenda, and has become particularly prominent in sociological literature since the 1980s. Recent literature reviews have summarized this research, but have only briefly considered the body of work focused on the experience of homelessness. I use this literature review to provide a more complete summary of this work on the daily lives, activities, subcultures, social relationships and networks, and social interactions of homeless individuals. I then explore variations in these experiences across important characteristics – such as gender, race and ethnicity, family status, and sexual orientation – as well as within three particular contexts that have been studied by sociologists: the streets, shelters and other service organizations, and social movements and collective action. I also consider how the homeless encounter and manage stigma and salvage the self. In addition to reviewing this literature, I consider how this work contributes to sociological understandings more broadly, and potential future research directions.  相似文献   

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