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The problem of testing the equality of the medians of several populations is considered. Standard distribution-free procedures for this problem require that the populations have the same shape in order to maintain their nominal significance level, ever asymptotically, under the null hypothesis of equal medians , A modification of the Kruskal-Wallis test statistic is proposed which is exactly distribution-free under the usual nonparanetric asswnption that the continuous populations are identical with any shape. It is asymptotically distribution-free when the Continuous populations are asswned to be syrmnetric with equal medians.  相似文献   

Sampling from finite populations when there is autocorrelation between the population units, is the subject of study in this paper. The case when the autocorrelation function for the population is convex is examined. We provide, in the first instance, the best unbiased predictor of the population mean under the assumptions of the assumed model. For this predictor, the optimum class of sampling strategies under the model-complete criterion is determined. For practical applications, a subclass of the above class of strategies is considered and it is shown in Section 4 that the centrally located is the optimal one. Finally, some numerical examples and comparison study has been carried out in order to see, in practice, the merit of the optimal strategies suggested in the present paper.  相似文献   

The need to establish the relative superiority of each treatment when compared to all the others, i.e., ordering the underlying populations according to some pre-specified criteria, often occurs in many applied research studies and technical/business problems. When populations are multivariate in nature, the problem may become quite difficult to deal with especially in case of small sample sizes or unreplicated designs. The purpose of this work is to propose a new approach for the problem of ranking several multivariate normal populations. It will be theoretically argued and numerically proved that our method controls the risk of false ranking classification under the hypothesis of population homogeneity while under the nonhomogeneity alternatives we expect that the true rank can be estimated with satisfactory accuracy, especially for the “best” populations. Our simulation study proved also that the method is robust in the case of moderate deviations from multivariate normality. Finally, an application to a real case study in the field of life cycle assessment is proposed to highlight the practical relevance of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

The paper proposes Wald statistic for testing homogeneity of parameters of k populations and gives the asymptotic expansion of the distribution function under a null hypothesis and of power function of it under contiguous alternatives. It shows that Wald statistic is the same as Nagao's statistic (1973) for testing homogeneity of covariance matrices of multivariate normal populations.  相似文献   

In this article, we discuss a two-stage procedure for selecting the largest location parameter among k(k≥2) two-parameter exponential populations(or products) from an accelerated test. The accelerated test will be conducted at a higher stress level than that of normal in the second stage. under certain assumptions between parameter and stress leveL, the two-stage selection procedure, which guarantees that the probability of correct selection is at least p*, is proposed. At the end of the paper , we present some useful tables that serve as a guide for the needed sample size in the second stage.  相似文献   

A set of p populations is subjected to a first sampling. From this, it is required to select one of the populations so that the mean of a future sample is maximized. Extensions to this problem are discussed and solved by the use of predictive densities. These results are finally adapted to populations with covariate structure under systems of balanced sampling. Applications to quantitative genetics are indicated.  相似文献   

The author presents a multivariate location model for cluster correlated observations. He proposes an affine‐invariant multivariate sign statistic for testing the value of the location parameter. His statistic is an adaptation of that proposed by Randles (2000). The author shows, under very mild conditions, that his test statistic is asymptotically distributed as a chi‐squared random variable under the null hypothesis. In particular, the test can be used for skewed populations. In the context of a general multivariate normal model, the author obtains values of his test's Pitman asymptotic efficiency relative to another test based on the overall average. He shows that there is an improvement in the relative performance of the new test as soon as intra‐cluster correlation is present Even in the univariate case, the new test can be very competitive for Gaussian data. Furthermore, the statistic is easy to compute, even for large dimensional data. The author shows through simulations that his test performs well compared to the average‐based test. He illustrates its use with real data.  相似文献   

In this paper we present various diagnostic methods for a linear regression model under a logarithmic Birnbaum-Saunders distribution for the errors, which may be applied for accelerated life testing or to compare the median lives of several populations. Some influence methods, such as the local influence, total local influence of an individual and generalized leverage are derived, analysed and discussed. We also present a connection between the local influence and generalized leverage methods. A discussion of the computation of the likelihood displacement as well as the normal curvature in the local influence method are presented. Finally, an example with real data is given for illustration.  相似文献   

The usual formulation of subset selection due to Gupta (1956) requires a minimum guaranteed probability of a correct selection. The modified formulation of the present paper includes an additional requirement that the expected number of the nonbest populations be bounded above by a specified constant when the best and the next best populations are ‘sufficiently’ apart. A class of procedures is defined and the determination of the minimum sample size required is discussed. The specific problems discussed for normal populations include selection in terms of means and variances, and selection in terms of treatment effects in a two-way layout.  相似文献   

Stochastic ordering is a useful concept in order restricted inferences. In this paper, we propose a new estimation technique for the parameters in two multinomial populations under stochastic orderings when missing data are present. In comparison with traditional maximum likelihood estimation method, our new method can guarantee the uniqueness of the maximum of the likelihood function. Furthermore, it does not depend on the choice of initial values for the parameters in contrast to the EM algorithm. Finally, we give the asymptotic distributions of the likelihood ratio statistics based on the new estimation method.  相似文献   

In this article, an unbiased estimator for finite population variance is developed under linear systematic sampling with two random starts and an explicit expression for its variance is also obtained. The study is supported by two real life situations. A detailed numerical comparative study has been carried out to compare its average variance with the average variance of the conventional unbiased estimator for finite population variance under simple random sampling for a wide variety of populations. Results based on the study strongly favor the use of the developed estimator for such populations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a nonparametric test for homogeneity of overall variabilities for two multi-dimensional populations. Comparisons between the proposed nonparametric procedure and the asymptotic parametric procedure and a permutation test based on standardized generalized variances are made when the underlying populations are multivariate normal. We also study the performance of these test procedures when the underlying populations are non-normal. We observe that the nonparametric procedure and the permutation test based on standardized generalized variances are not as powerful as the asymptotic parametric test under normality. However, they are reliable and powerful tests for comparing overall variability under other multivariate distributions such as the multivariate Cauchy, the multivariate Pareto and the multivariate exponential distributions, even with small sample sizes. A Monte Carlo simulation study is used to evaluate the performance of the proposed procedures. An example from an educational study is used to illustrate the proposed nonparametric test.  相似文献   

The problem of selecting good populations out of k normal populations is considered in a Bayesian framework under exchangeable normal priors and additive loss functions. Some basic approximations to the Bayes rules are discussed. These approximations suggest that some well-known classical rules are "approximate" Bayes rules. Especially, it is shown that Gupta-type rules are extended Bayes with respect to a family of the exchangeable normal priors for any bounded and additive loss function. Furthermore, for a simple loss function, the results of a Monte Carlo comparison of Gupta-type rules and Seal-type rules are presented. They indicate that, in general, Gupta-type rules perform better than Seal-type rules  相似文献   

This paper is concerned primarily with subset selection procedures based on the sample mediansof logistic populations. A procedure is given which chooses a nonempty subset from among kindependent logistic populations, having a common known variance, so that the populations with thelargest location parameter is contained in the subset with a pre‐specified probability. Theconstants required to apply the median procedure with small sample sizes (≤= 19) are tabulated and can also be used to construct simultaneous confidence intervals. Asymptotic formulae are provided for application with larger sample sizes. It is shown that, under certain situations, rules based on the median are substantially more efficient than analogous procedures based either on sample means or on the sum of joint ranks.  相似文献   

The estimation of the location vector of a p-variate elliptically contoured distribution (ECD) is considered using independent random samples from two multivariate elliptically contoured populations when it is apriori suspected that the location vectors of the two populations are equal. For the setting where the covariance structure of the populations is the same, we define the maximum likelihood, Stein-type shrinkage and positive-rule shrinkage estimators. The exact expressions for the bias and quadratic risk functions of the estimators are derived. The comparison of the quadratic risk functions reveals the dominance of the Stein-type estimators if p ≥ 3. A graphical illustration of the risk functions under a “typical” member of the elliptically contoured family of distributions is provided to confirm the analytical results.  相似文献   

Selection from k independent populations of the t (< k) populations with the smallest scale parameters has been considered under the Indifference Zone approach by Bechhofer k Sobel (1954). The same problem has been considered under the Subset Selection approach by Gupta & Sobel (1962a) for the normal variances case and by Carroll, Gupta & Huang (1975) for the more general case of stochastically increasing distributions. This paper uses the Subset Selection approach to place confidence bounds on the probability of selecting all “good” populations, or only “good” populations, for the Case of scale parameters, where a “good” population is defined to have one of the t smallest scale parameters. This is an extension of the location parameter results obtained by Bofinger & Mengersen (1986). Special results are obtained for the case of selecting normal populations based on variances and the necessary tables are presented.  相似文献   

Exact formulas for the expected value and variance of the median and trimmed mean are found as functions of the elements of a finite population under simple random sampling. A simulation study is performed to compare the performance of the median and trimmed mean versus the mean when sampling from various simulated finite populations. Finally, the asymptotic performance of these estimators, when sampling from infinite populations, is compared with the finite populations results.  相似文献   

The asymptotic behavior of linear rank statistics for comparing the locations of two populations, where the observations are ranked jointly with other populations, is considered. Under certain conditions, the asymptotic behavior of these statistics does not depend on which other populations are included in the ranking. In particular, the difference of a pair of these statistics, with the same score function, but based on two different rankings, converges to zero in probability under Pitman alternatives and Chernoff-Savage conditions on the scores and underlying distributions.  相似文献   

Density ratio models (DRMs) are commonly used semiparametric models to link related populations. Empirical likelihood (EL) under DRM has been demonstrated to be a flexible and useful platform for semiparametric inferences. Since DRM-based EL has the same maximum point and maximum likelihood as its dual form (dual EL), EL-based inferences under DRM are usually made through the latter. A natural question comes up: is there any efficiency loss of doing so? We make a careful comparison of the dual EL and DRM-based EL estimation methods from theory and numerical simulations. We find that their point estimators for any parameter are exactly the same, while they may have different performances in interval estimation. In terms of coverage accuracy, the two intervals are comparable for non- or moderate skewed populations, and the DRM-based EL interval can be much superior for severely skewed populations. A real data example is analysed for illustration purpose.  相似文献   

In many applied classification problems, the populations of interest are defined in terms of ranges for the dependent variable. In these situations, it is intuitively appealing to classify individuals into the respective populations based on their estimated conditional expectation. On the other hand, based on theoretical considerations, one may wish to use the classification rule based on the posterior probabilities. This article shows that under certain conditions these two classification rules are equivalent.  相似文献   

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