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Statistical data from the 1937 census of the USSR are presented. Topics covered include total population by sex for individual republics, autonomous republics, areas, krai, and oblasts; population of cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants; population by age and sex; and nationalities.  相似文献   

Selected results from the 1989 Soviet census are presented. They concern population size, sex ratio, and age distribution of the rural and urban population for the whole country and constituent republics; and number of families and family size by rural and urban areas for the whole country and constituent republics.  相似文献   

Since it would take too long (100 years) to ascertain all demographic data about a given age group, i.e., all those born in a given year, these data are determined hypothetically by measuring the various characteristics of persons of all ages in a given time period (1-2 years). Also needed is an indicator of the population as a whole; cumulative coefficients are used for this purpose. One of these is the overall coefficient of births, meaning the number of children a women would have over her whole period of fertility if she had the precise number of children at each period in her life as other women of that age. An analogous indicator is used for measuring mortality--the average life expectancy of a person at each stage in his life. The crude coefficient of population reproduction represents the number of girls to which each woman will give birth between the ages of 15 and 50. This has to be corrected by the number of those who will not live to reproductive age. The result is the corrected coefficient of reproduction of the female population. This coefficient is often thought to reflect the population's growth prospects; if less than unity, therefore, the population will not reproduce itself. This is an incorrect interpretation. The impact of immigration and emigration on the population must also be incorportated. In addition to the above hypothetical indicators, we must also develop real population indicators. Techniques must also be employed to evaluate the reliability of these demographic indicators.  相似文献   

Results from the five percent socio-demographic sample survey of the USSR conducted in 1985 are presented. Data are provided on the educational status of the population and the labor force by nationality, republic, sex, and rural or urban area; income; marital status; marriage duration; divorce and separation; intervals between marriages; family size; family characteristics; families with children under 18; internal migration; and distribution of women by number of children ever born, republic, nationality, educational status, and expected family size  相似文献   

Selected results of a socio-demographic survey conducted in the USSR in 1985 are presented. The survey covered approximately 13 million people. Topics considered include family size, assistance to mothers of young children, birth rates, age at marriage, educational status, income, and internal migration.  相似文献   

The ethnic composition of the USSR is described using data from the 1979 census of population. Tables provide information for the country as a whole and for individual republics and autonomous districts on nationality, the number of people who speak Russian fluently, and those who consider Russian their native language.  相似文献   

This is a summary of demographic statistics for the USSR and its constituent republics for the period 1959-1991. Tables include data on population size; rural and urban population; average annual population growth; population by age group; fertility; life expectancy at birth and at selected ages; infant mortality by cause of death, 1989; and mortality of the active population by cause of death, 1989.  相似文献   

The author discusses the importance of family and household statistics for analyzing and understanding trends in population growth and other demographic processes. Problems with methods currently used to collect and organize data on families are described, with a focus on the need to change some of the methodology and terminology used in population censuses and surveys. The geographical focus is on the USSR.  相似文献   

The authors evaluate the reliability of infant mortality data in the USSR. Various indirect estimation methods are assessed. The focus is on the Bourgeois-Pichat method, which they apply to available statistics for individual Union republics. They conclude that this method can be used with data sets of varying degrees of reliability.  相似文献   

Geographic and ethnic differences in fertility and mortality in the USSR are analyzed. Trends within individual Union republics are explored according to sex, age, cause of death, and ethnic group.  相似文献   

Data from a survey conducted in the USSR at the end of 1984 involving approximately 48,500 young families are presented. The results show that over 40 percent of such families live with their parents; in 90 percent of families both spouses work; 80 percent have at least one child; and 60 percent have received assistance from their parents.  相似文献   

A special population survey of five percent of the electoral districts of the USSR is described. The survey, which is planned for January 1985, will provide data on families, number of children, and migration. It will involve approximately 50,000 specially trained enumerators and supervisors. The results will be used to supplement data from the 1979 census and to provide demographic input for the 1986-1990 five-year plan.  相似文献   

通过对子女接受过高等教育的农村家庭调查问卷的数据分析,检验农村教育人力资本投资与家庭养老的相关性.研究发现,在人力资本投资的前期,随着家庭对子女高等教育投入的增加,教育支出与精神慰藉显著正相关,教育支出与经济回报、生活照料负相关,教育支出与家庭养老总回报的正相关但不显著.  相似文献   

Official population data for the USSR are presented for 1985 and 1986. Part 1 (pp. 65-72) contains data on capitals of union republics and cities with over one million inhabitants, including population estimates for 1986 and vital statistics for 1985. Part 2 (p. 72) presents population estimates by sex and union republic, 1986. Part 3 (pp. 73-6) presents data on population growth, including birth, death, and natural increase rates, 1984-1985; seasonal distribution of births and deaths; birth order; age-specific birth rates in urban and rural areas and by union republic; marriages; age at marriage; and divorces.  相似文献   

This paper uses data from the Family Expenditure Survey for five selected years between 1968 and 1990 to examine trends in the income distribution in the UK, highlighting the role of women's labour force participation and earnings. The increased labour force participation of married women (especially mothers of young children in the 1980s) made a greater contribution to the decline of the 'traditional' male breadwinner family than the increased number of lone parents. The lower half of the distribution of weekly earnings became increasingly dominated by women. Though women's weekly earnings remained low relative to men's, the increase in their participation meant that, over the period, an increased share of family income came from women's labour market income: in 1990 nearly a quarter of the income of families with children came from women's earnings. Women's earnings were an important factor in keeping families out of poverty. There was no trend towards increasing feminization of poverty over the sample period. Adult women were somewhat more likely to be poor than adult men were, but female-headed families were very much more likely to be in poverty, and much more dependent on state benefits, than male-headed families were. Women's increased role in the labour market affected those in male-headed families more than those in female-headed families. Alongside a broad tendency for women's earnings to reduce poverty and inequality, there is evidence that the female population has become more economically polarized.  相似文献   

The author describes the life and works of A. V. Chayanov, an agricultural economist in the USSR. His works emphasized the link between the size of peasant families and their economic status, and he concluded that the larger the family, the more prosperous the household. The author suggests that Chayanov's methodology for analyzing the demographic development of peasant families and households is still viable today.  相似文献   

Summary.  The paper presents a hierarchical discrete time survival model for the analysis of the 2000 Malawi Demographic and Health Survey data to assess the determinants of transition to marriage among women in Malawi. The model explicitly accounts for the unobserved heterogeneity by using family and community random effects with cross-level correlation structure. A nonparametric technique is used to model the base-line discrete hazard dynamically. Parameters of the model are computed by using a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. The results show that rising age at marriage is a combination of birth cohort and education effects, depends considerably on the family and to some extent on the community in which a woman resides and the correlation between family and community random effects is negative. These results confirm a downward trend in teenage marriage and that raising women's education levels in sub-Saharan Africa has the beneficial effect of increasing age at marriage, and by implication reducing total fertility rates. The negative correlation between family and community random effects has policy implications in that targeting communities with an intervention to increase age at first marriage may not necessarily yield reduced fertility levels in individual families. A campaign that is geared towards individual families would achieve the desired goals. Overall, the findings point to the need for the Government in Malawi to enact public policies which are geared at vastly improving women's education at higher levels. The variation in marriage rates over families poses problems in delivering the policy, since particular policies must be devised for specific groups of families to accomplish the required social and health objectives.  相似文献   

Trends in family size and composition in the USSR over the past 30 years are analyzed, based on data from censuses conducted since 1959. Trends are examined according to territory and urban or rural area. Aspects considered include changes in the number of families, family size, incidence of divorce, single-parent families, and ethnic composition.  相似文献   

"Secondary analysis of General Household Survey and Labour Force Survey data shows how the structure of families in Great Britain has changed over the last 20 years. Dependent children are now less likely to be living in a couple family and more likely to be living with a lone mother who is either single or divorced. Families in simple households with just two generations have become more common over time. Lone mothers are now more likely to be living in simple households. The paper also considers how the number and ages of dependent children are associated with family and household type. Log-linear models are used both to smooth the data and to predict family structure in the year 2000. Gaps in our knowledge about current family structures are discussed together with implications of the findings for social policy."  相似文献   

The results of a 1981 sample survey on family planning in Poland show that the average birth ratio for couples married in 1975 is 2.1 (2.0 in the cities and 2.5 in rural areas). With a much lower mortality rate, this minimal reproduction ratio still provides the fairly high natural population growth which is characteristic of all industrialized nations. This birth ratio is maintained by almost universal use of various birth control methods after 6-7 years of marriage, i.e., an average family with 2 children is planned and created by means of contraceptives and abortions. The family planning situation in Poland is discussed for women who: 1) plan to have more children, 2) might change their decision not to have more children, and 3) made a final decision not to have more children. The reasons for these decisions are thoroughly analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the extent to which couples are able to reach their reproductive objectives. The analysis indicates that many couples would have had more children if the husband received a higher salary, housing conditions were better, and the mother could quit her job for at least some period of time. Birth control is used because most couples are satisfied with having 2 children and consider their reproductive objectives fulfilled.  相似文献   

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