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Statistical data are presented on the family in the USSR. Data from the 1979 census are included on number of families and their distribution by size; distribution of families by size and type, social class, and nationality; number of families including members of different nationalities, 1959-1979; number of marriages and divorces, 1960-1981; changes in age at marriage, 1960-1981; and distribution of births by age of mother, 1969-1970, 1974-1975, and 1980-1981.  相似文献   

Data are included on the population of the USSR by sex and Union Republic as of January 1, 1981; birth, death, and natural growth rates for 1979 and 1980; distribution of births, deaths, and marriages by month, 1980; distribution of births by birth order; age distribution of birth rates in urban and rural areas and by Union Republic; death rates from cardiovascular disease and cancer, 1979 and 1980; age at first marriage and marriages by age of bride and groom, 1980; and divorces by duration of marriage and age of spouses, 1980.  相似文献   

Data on the population of the USSR by sex and Union republic as of January 1, 1982, are presented. Data are included on population by sex; birth, death, and natural growth rates, 1980 and 1981; distribution of births, deaths, and marriages by month, 1981; distribution of births by birth order, 1981; age-specific birth rates for rural and urban areas, 1980 and 1981; mortality from cardiovascular disease and cancer, 1980 and 1981; marriages by age of bride and groom, 1981; and divorces by duration of marriage and age of husband and wife, 1981.  相似文献   

Selected vital statistics for the USSR for 1984 are presented. Data are included on birth, death, and natural increase rates, 1983-1984; the distribution of births, deaths, and marriages by month; birth order; age-specific birth rates by rural and urban areas; age-specific birth rates by union republics; distribution of marriages by age and sex; distribution of married couples by age of husband and wife; and divorces by length of marriage and age of husband and wife.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the population of the USSR by sex and Union Republic as of January 1, 1983. Data are included on birth rate, death rate, and natural growth rate, 1981 and 1982; distribution of births, deaths, and marriages by month, 1982; distribution of births by birth order, 1982; age-specific birth rates by rural or urban area and Union Republic, 1981 and 1982; mortality from cardiovascular disease and cancer, 1981 and 1982; marriages by age of bride and groom, 1982; and number of divorces by duration of marriage and age of husband and wife, 1982.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the natural increase of the population in the USSR. Data for 1982-1983 are included on birth, death, and natural increase rates; births, deaths, and marriages by month; age-specific birth rates by urban or rural area and by Union Republic; deaths due to circulatory disease or cancer; marriage by age; and divorces by marriage duration and age of husband and wife.  相似文献   

Official population data for the USSR are presented for 1985 and 1986. Part 1 (pp. 65-72) contains data on capitals of union republics and cities with over one million inhabitants, including population estimates for 1986 and vital statistics for 1985. Part 2 (p. 72) presents population estimates by sex and union republic, 1986. Part 3 (pp. 73-6) presents data on population growth, including birth, death, and natural increase rates, 1984-1985; seasonal distribution of births and deaths; birth order; age-specific birth rates in urban and rural areas and by union republic; marriages; age at marriage; and divorces.  相似文献   

Data are presented on coefficients of population reproduction, 1958-1985; infant mortality by month, 1985; and life tables, 1984-1985.  相似文献   

This is a summary of demographic statistics for the USSR and its constituent republics for the period 1959-1991. Tables include data on population size; rural and urban population; average annual population growth; population by age group; fertility; life expectancy at birth and at selected ages; infant mortality by cause of death, 1989; and mortality of the active population by cause of death, 1989.  相似文献   

张英华 《统计研究》1987,4(4):77-80
一、我国第一部《统计年鉴》的诞生我国从1953年开始每年对外发布《国民经济计划执行情况的统计公报》,编印一些内部使用的统计资料。1959年,为了庆祝建国十周年,在周恩来同志的亲切关怀下,编辑出版了《伟大的十年》(中华人民共和国国民经济和文化建设成就统计)一书,对国内外影响较大。从1960年开始政府决定对外不发布统计公报和公开出版统计资料,整个统计工作完全处于封闭状态。  相似文献   

This is a selection of statistical data on women in the USSR; it covers the period 1970-1989. Tabular data are provided on the number of women by Union republic; the number of women and men by age group and rural or urban area; women's educational levels, sources of income, and occupations; family size for the whole country and for rural and urban areas; women's marital status by age; marriages and divorces; divorce by women's education, age, and number of children; birth rate by Union republic and by nationality; abortion and childbirth for selected years and by Union republic; maternal deaths by Union republic; infant deaths; and female life expectancy.  相似文献   

This is a selection of statistical data on women from the 1989 Soviet census. The data include total female population by republic; rural and urban female population; women's age distribution, income, labor force participation, educational status, and life expectancy; marriage and divorce; birth weight of children born to unmarried women; induced abortion; maternal mortality; and infant mortality.  相似文献   

In this one-page statistical summary, data are presented for the USSR as a whole on fertility, mortality, and natural increase. The data are for five-year intervals from 1940 to 1980 and for single years from 1980 and are presented in terms of both totals and rates.  相似文献   

The structure and dynamics of ethnically mixed families in the USSR are analyzed using 1979 census data for a sample of 3,226,000 families, of which 487,000 were mixed. The data are provided by the ethnic groups concerned and by republic.  相似文献   

Results from the five percent socio-demographic sample survey of the USSR conducted in 1985 are presented. Data are provided on the educational status of the population and the labor force by nationality, republic, sex, and rural or urban area; income; marital status; marriage duration; divorce and separation; intervals between marriages; family size; family characteristics; families with children under 18; internal migration; and distribution of women by number of children ever born, republic, nationality, educational status, and expected family size  相似文献   

Selected official data concerning women and children in the USSR are presented. Data are included on percentage of women in the urban and rural population by republic, women in the labor force, female educational status and occupations, marital status, mothers with children, life expectancy, health care, birth rate, infant mortality, child care, and education.  相似文献   

Selected official data for 1986 and 1987 concerning women and children in the USSR are presented. The data include number of women by Union republic for selected years, 1939-1987; age distribution; elected and appointed officials; labor force participation; educational status; and occupations.  相似文献   

Ethnic differentials in fertility in the USSR are analyzed using data from official sources. Age-specific and total fertility rates for women of various nationalities are presented by Union republic for selected years from 1945 to 1984.  相似文献   

Trends in family size and composition in the USSR over the past 30 years are analyzed, based on data from censuses conducted since 1959. Trends are examined according to territory and urban or rural area. Aspects considered include changes in the number of families, family size, incidence of divorce, single-parent families, and ethnic composition.  相似文献   

Population projections for the Soviet Union are presented up to the year 2015. Separate figures are provided for rural and urban population by republic, and for the economically active population by rural and urban area and republic.  相似文献   

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