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In the 1960s and 1990s, internal strife in Rwanda has caused a mass flow of refugees into neighbouring countries. This article explores the cumulated fertility of Rwandan refugee women and the survival of their children. To this end, we use a national survey conducted between 1999 and 2001 and covering 6,420 former refugee and non-refugee households. The findings support old-age security theories of reproductive behaviour: refugee women had higher fertility but their children had lower survival chances. Newborn girls suffered more than boys, suggesting that the usual sex differential in child survival observed in most populations changes under extreme living conditions.  相似文献   

Competing views exist concerning the impact of geographical mobility on childbearing patterns. Early research shows that internal migrants largely exhibit fertility levels dominant in their childhood environment, while later studies find migrants’ fertility to resemble more closely that of natives at destination. Some authors attribute the latter to adaptation, others claim the selection of migrants by fertility preferences. Moreover, short-term fertility-lowering-effects of residential relocation have also been proposed and challenged in the literature. This paper contributes to the existing discussion by providing an analysis of the effect of internal migration on fertility of post-war Estonian female cohorts. We use retrospective event-history data and apply intensity regression for both single and simultaneous equations. Our analysis shows that first, the risk of birth for native residents decreases with increasing settlement size and the decrease is larger for higher-order parities. Second, it shows that migrants, whatever their origin, exhibit fertility levels similar to those of non-migrants at destination. We also observe elevated fertility levels after residential relocations arising from union formation. Our further analysis supports the adaptation hypothesis. We find no evidence on (strong) selectivity of migrants by fertility preferences.  相似文献   

This paper expands themigration-fertility linkage literature by examiningthe fertility impact of temporary migration inHubei, China. The central hypothesis is thattemporary migration affects migrants' fertilitythrough a detachment process: The separation oftemporary migrants' actual residence from their de jure residence creates a loophole in family planningadministration, weakening the social control overtheir fertility. The analysis of annualorder-specific births since 1979 suggests thattemporary migrants exhibit significantly higherprobabilities of having a second birth thanpermanent migrants and non-migrants once type ofresidence is controlled for; rural-rural temporarymigrants have the highest fertility among all groupsexamined. The results lend support to the detachmenthypothesis while indicating a strong anti-natalimpact of urban residence. Rural-urban temporarymigrants are not the ones to blame for increases inout-planning births in contemporary China, but theirfertility would have been lower if there had been nodetachment. Rural-rural temporary migrants areactually the escapees of the one-child-per-familypolicy.  相似文献   

Using longitudinal data this work analyses historical fertility between 1834 and 1914 in an Alpine village situated in north-east Italy, characterised by scarce resources and by an economy which passed from being traditional and based on closed subsistence to becoming open and integrated. During the initial period studied, this territory can be described as a natural fertility context, where Malthusian preventive checks were long-run mechanisms adopted to overcome the limitations set by the environment. In later years, seasonal migration started to play a predominant role in the community. These flows involved the best skilled, wealthiest and healthiest males and the countries of destination were more modern and affluent, offered better labour opportunities and salaries and possibilities of qualification. Impacts on fertility were strong, evidencing a smaller number of births for migrants, which partly resulted from a reduced childbearing period, with a later start and an earlier stop. The findings of this work therefore show that due to the positive selectivity of these men and to the exposure to influences during their periods of absence, in this village seasonal migrants were the agents of change and also the vanguard of modern reproductive behaviours.  相似文献   

体育文化的传播离不开对身体外表吸引力的关注,体育锻炼常常能增加身体外表吸引力,国外关于外表吸引力的研究表明:(1)外表吸引力判断基本建立在身高、体型、对称性、荷尔蒙性别特征和其他一些具体的体貌线索上;(2)外表吸引力判断包含着进化心理学的意义,是适应环境的结果;(3)外表吸引力的体貌线索与健康有一些关联,女性腰臀比例和体重明显地预测吸引力和健康;(4)"美的即是好的"外表吸引力偏见是普遍存在的.  相似文献   

目的:弄清粳型亲籼系花粉育性和小穗育性的遗传规律,选育优良水稻品种。方法:3个杂交组合的亲本、杂种F1代和杂种F2代研究了待测粳型亲籼系花粉育性和小穗育性的遗传规律。结果:G2410亲籼并与籼稻的亲缘关系较远,是粳型亲籼系。粳型亲籼系花粉育性和小穗育性受多基因控制,在一个具体组合中,常受1-2个主基因和多个微效多基因控制,各主基因之间的遗传力大小常有不同,控制小穗育性的基因数比控制花粉育性的基因数更多。  相似文献   

作为服务于“三农”一类新生机构,小额贷款公司灵活游走于官方借贷与民间借贷之间,其“短小快”的特点为“三农”经济发展起到了很好的促进作用,但是其“只贷不存”的特点及缺少财税支持等瓶颈决定了其在竞争中的弱势地位,需要为其发展寻求有利的经济与法律环境。   相似文献   

中小微企业是国民经济运行的基础,但我国目前中小微企业生存困境重重,数量虽然庞大,但平均寿命只有三五年,既有外在的原因也有其内在的不足。中小微企业要发展壮大,必须摒弃急功近利思想,以诚信为本,加强自主创新,注重产品差异化,同时要优化企业股权结构,实现现代企业管理。  相似文献   

人口生育政策不是人口增长状况的唯一决定因素,人口增长也不是经济增长的唯一因素.从生育政策到人口增长再到经济增长与发展存在复杂的传导机制.人口控制政策为改革开放以来的经济增长贡献很大,但并不意味着"高经济增长、低人口增长"是中国长期经济增长的永恒模式.从经济学家关于危机和反危机的理论与一些国家的实践经验看,适当的人口增长有利于经济长期处于准繁荣状态,而持续低迷的人口增长不是长期经济增长的福音.  相似文献   

The existing literature shows that the social interactions in personal networks affect individuals’ reproductive attitudes and behavior through three mechanisms: social influence, social learning, and social support. In this article, we discuss the extent to which the socio-psychological model of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) takes these social mechanisms into account when used in modeling fertility intentions and behavior. We argue that by integrating all three social network mechanisms, the ability of the TPB to explain reproductive events could be enhanced in two respects. First, social influence explains why some beliefs and practices are reproduced at the individual level even in the face of macro-level changes, and social learning mechanisms are crucial to distinguish who finally adopts new behavioral beliefs and practices in response to changes at the macro level. Second, social support relationships represent a capital of services to complement institutional provision (informal child care) as well as a capital of knowledge which helps individuals navigate in a complex institutional environment, providing a crucial element to explain heterogeneity in the successful realization of fertility intentions across individuals. The integration of the three social network mechanisms into the TPB helps to address the connection between changes in what the theory indicates as background factors and variation in individual intentions and behavior. We develop specific hypotheses concerning the effect of social interactions on fertility intentions and their realization and conclude with a critical review of the existing surveys that could serve to test these hypotheses and their limits.  相似文献   

“乡—城”迁移假定农民由乡村向城市迁移,这一假定遮蔽了实践中农民迁移方向的多元性,阶层分化是基本影响因素。以武陵山区龙马乡为例,田野调查发现公共品供给贫困,农民普遍要求迁移。然而实践中农民迁移路径受制于农户拥有的初始资本和可持续生计来源,不同阶层农民的迁移路径呈现层级性。农民迁移在目的地上表现为从城镇、中间集镇到中心村的地域层级,各迁移路径性质分别是非农化迁移、过渡性迁移和农村内部迁移,这种农民迁移实践可以归纳为“层级迁移”。层级迁移是农民阶层分化背景下的农民迁移基本规律。  相似文献   

四川省西北部地区是以藏羌民族集居为主的民族地区,也是四川省的生态资源中心。区域内地理地形复杂,自然保护区数量多、密度大,民族文化浓郁,经济发展落后,居民城市化低。调查发现,由于建立保护区指导思想的制约,现已建立的多数保护区规划缺乏系统科学性,管理系统与职能单一,依然存在来自区域内部居民与外部经济活动对其的破坏。研究认为,要实现保护区的设立为区域社会经济可持续发展创造条件的终极目的,必须以科学发展观为指导思想,对现有的保护区管理系统实施调整与完善,建立具有政府管理职能的资源保护特区,选择以城镇化为主要方式的保护区内就近生态移民,构建科学的自然保护区层次、形成政府(资源保护特区)与民族居民的资源保护利益共同体。  相似文献   

聚焦百年芬兰老学研究的历史浮沉,可以看到两种源流促成了北欧老学的勃兴:一是欧洲语种的转译途径,二是芬兰入华传教士汉学家对道家智慧的世纪追寻。这两种源流的交汇使得20世纪中叶以来的芬兰老学译介进入快速发展轨道。经过聂米宁、阿波宁与米娜等汉学家的开拓,芬兰当代老学研究聚合了欧洲多语种译本与马王堆汉墓帛书考古新发现,发展出比较经学视野下的新型译介范式。百年芬兰老学译介的源流线索折射出中国道家经典走向欧洲的多维度发展路径,为深度理解“中国-北欧”道学与神学本体论终极视阈汇通与核心价值观的对话模式开启了崭新的视角。  相似文献   

社会性别意识在生育行为和生育观中的重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在社会性别的视角下,主要通过对不同经济收入村民、不同文化程度村民和不同年龄村民的微观实证考察的结果,尝试性地概括影响生育行为和生育观中社会性别意识的经济、文化和社会因素,以及社会性别意识在生育行为和生育观中的重要作用。  相似文献   

Fertility rates are known to be higher in city suburbs. One interpretation is that the suburban ‘context’ influences the behaviour of individuals who reside there while an alternative is that the ‘composition’ of the suburban population explains the higher fertility levels. Furthermore, suburban in-migrants who intend to have children may have a significant influence on suburban fertility rates. Using Finnish longitudinal register data we show that fertility rates are higher in the suburbs and rural areas and lower in the cities. Fertility variation across these residential contexts decreases significantly after controlling for women’s demographic and socio-economic characteristics. However, it does not disappear entirely suggesting that the local context may have some influence on fertility. While movers to suburbs do display higher fertility levels than non-migrant residents, their overall impact is not great because they form a small share of the suburban population.  相似文献   

适时推进小城镇发展战略 ,是整合西部资源优势 ,优化产业结构水平 ,实现产业化、市场化共同发展的战略举措。新疆生产建设兵团 (以下简称兵团 )在履行屯垦戍边神圣使命过程中 ,壮大了发展小城镇的产业基础和技术优势。在西部开发和我国加入WTO推动下 ,兵团应立足农业强势 ,加快工农、城乡一体化建设步伐 ,走集中和分散相结合的城市化道路 ,大力发展融合型城市 ,构建有核心增长力的小城镇体系 ,为兵团社会经济跨越式发展规划战略蓝图  相似文献   

由于各方面的原因 ,目前宜昌市中小企业发展与金融支持存在的主要问题与障碍是资金不足且借贷难和金融服务滞后。因此 ,必须努力构建全方位、多层次的中小企业发展与金融支持体系  相似文献   

我国境内的人口流动和民族迁徙,自秦汉以来便以汉族呈放射状向周边地区逐步蔓延扩散和少数民族呈向心状往靠内地区迁徙流动的总体趋势。延至当代,20世纪70年代末改革开放前,主要是以汉族为主体的各类内地人员前往边疆民族地区"支边",以后是风起云涌的全国性人口流动大潮,其中既有少数民族流往内地,又有内地汉族流往边疆民族地区。历史上和现阶段少数民族人口的流动与迁徙,对于中华民族的发展壮大、我国民族分布"大杂居,小聚居"整体格局的形成,以及边疆民族地区的开发和建设,都具有重要的历史作用和社会功能。  相似文献   

金融危机下农村劳动力回流原因与效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村外出劳动力回流,是当代农村劳动力流动令人瞩目的一个社会现象.受全球金融危机的影响,整体就业形势不容乐观,全国各地不同程度地出现了农民工返乡潮,受到社会各界的广泛关注.因此,研究如何应对农村劳动力回流大潮,地方政府应该出台怎样的相关措施与政策有着现实的重要意义.  相似文献   

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