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浩瀚林海中的簇簇寝陵、座座殿宇、门坊、城垣、道路、桥涵,无不流溢着斑斓的色彩,像龙宫凤厥辉映于苍穹之下,气势恢弘,壮丽而又深沉。清西陵实为中国古建筑史上罕见的精美之作。2000年11月,联合国将它正式列为世界文化遗产。  相似文献   

慕陵是清朝第六代皇帝道光的陵墓。图为隆恩殿,其与众不同之处在于它的金丝楠木结构、不施彩绘和原木蜡烫  相似文献   

汶川地震发生已将近三个月了,人们在为逝者哀痛、为生者欣慰、为救援者感动的同时.也在思考这场巨大的灾难带给人们的启示。在这场巨震中,我们的国民、政府和社会表现出了令人震撼的精神力量。我们坚信。太阳,会在废墟上升起;心灵,会在阵痛后新生;中国,会在灾难中成长。  相似文献   

Hong Kong Named the World's Freest Economy for the 11th Straight Year 香港连续第十一年荣膺全球最自由经济体 In the Heritage Foundation/Wall Street Journa/2005 Index of Economic Freedom, published on January 4,2005,Hong Kong was named as the world's freest economy for the 11 th straight year.China rose to the rank of 112th,up 16 notches from 128th in 2004.  相似文献   

Deng XiaoPing Forever,a Top Unadorned Family Story《永远的邓小平》,一个朴素到极点的家庭故事August 22,2004,sees the 100th anniversary of Deng Xiaoping'sbirth.While the Chinese people commemorate the late outstanding  相似文献   

Beijing Ritan Inn House北京日坛会馆Beijing Ritan Inn House is located southwest of Ritan Park,and it sits on 6,000 square meters,It mainly offers Chinese and French-style grilled food.Its European-style bar serves first-class coffee,cigars and Chinese tea.The inn can accommodate more than 500 people at one time.It's an ideal place for a birthday party,friends' gathering,entertaining business partners or a wedding ceremony.  相似文献   

Your moagazine cannot but increase our surgefo go back fo China soon你们的杂志使我们产生了再次拜访中国的冲动I must say we are impressed-with the well-written and highly interesting anticles,the selection of pertinent,up-to-date topicsand the professional and attractive quality of the printing and layout.Although we have been in China many times,and have seenthe amazing development,we find new angles and intriguing approaches in your articles.We are looking forward to reading more  相似文献   

YeYuru:Women in Science Are All Beautiful叶玉如:投身科学的女性都是美丽的2004年度“教科文-欧莱雅世界杰出女科学家成就奖”得主之一,中国科学院院士、香港科技大学生物化学系主任叶玉如说:“我的成功得益于对科学的热爱,认真,和团队精神。”In March,the 2004 L'Oreal-Unesco For Women In Science,the International Scientific Awards  相似文献   

Henan Opera Master Chang Xiangyu Were in the Flesh豫剧表演艺术大师常香玉音容宛在Just half a year ago, thousands of workers saw 80-year-old Chang Xiangyu, noted Chinese Henan Opera actress, performing at a construction site in Beijing for the 2008 Olympic Games. Now she has passed away in Henan Province, the birthplace of Henan Opera.  相似文献   

It brings Chinese culture and history right into our living rooms你们的杂志再现了中国的历史和文化Editor-in-chief Yun Pengju said in his article that the May issue is a tribute to Mother's Day - may I add my congratulations to all mothers out there! I am humbled that you saw fit to include my article in this special edition, though I must say I was caught off I guard.Thanks for capturing the Forbidden City in Motion-quite a fascinating experience we had, and, of course, for all the informative articles about successes and milestones for the Women of China, These make interesting reading from cover to cover. As women, we need to have a vigorous campaign for this very informative magazine, as it brings Chinese culture and history right into our living rooms.Neo Gaseitsiwe, Botswana  相似文献   

Compulsory Education Law’s Implementationunder Inspection义务教育法列入全国人大执法检查计划 The compulsory education law,which went into effect asof July 1,1986,has been included in the 2004 inspectionplan for implementation by the Standing Committee of theNational People’s Congress(NPC),along with some otherlaws.such as the soil management law and the trade unionlaw.  相似文献   

Sri Lanka——Beyond Your Dreams斯里兰卡——"飞越你的梦想"A gala dinner,with the theme Beyond Your Dreams,was hosted by the Sri Lankan Embassy in Beijing on March 3 to celebrate the successful conclusion of the  相似文献   

亲爱的读者朋友们:"心情"是展现您日常所想所说的一个栏目,我们热情欢迎您参与本栏目。请将您的姓名、职业、照片(一兆左右),加上您想说的话,发送至wocm@vip.sina.com,您将有机会出现在杂志上,向其他读者展现您的风采。  相似文献   

Beijing Sihe Courtyard Hotel北京四合宾馆Sihe Courtyard Hotel is located in Beijing's commercial hub.Two white-marble lions stand at the hotel's entrance,as if they are watching the view and life of the city.The hotel is one of the few quadrangles(compound with houses around a courtyard) left in Beijing.It was built during the Qing  相似文献   

Travel Around China《游遍中国》Authors:Various Publisher:Collins Travelers from all over the world have grown to appreciate China's history and scenery. In 2008,the growing world power is sure to become an even more popular destination, especially while and after hosting the Beijing Olympics.Travel Around China is an overview of tourism in this intriguing country,from Beijing to the Great Wall and beyond. Considering a trip to China? This beautiful,four-color guide gives you a full account of  相似文献   

African Women from the group dance with the Chinese schoolgirls they have aided 非洲使节夫人与她们资助上学的中国女童一起跳舞  相似文献   

不论是飘雪的夜晚,还是春风荡漾的午后;不论是拖着跋涉的疲惫脚步,还是摇晃着微熏的兴奋,我们唯一的方向就是家!家是什么?家是丈夫留在妻子脸颊上的吻痕;是婴儿落地时的啼哭;是母亲伸向孩子的臀腕,是奶奶唠唠叨叨的串串思念……在中国人的传统观念中,家是社会生活中最小的单位,社会生活是建立于家庭制度之上的。古代人强调知识分子要“修身、齐家、治国、平天下”,可见“齐家”很重要,古人又说“家和万事兴”,可见美满的家庭是一切事业的基础。  相似文献   

An Unusual Trip to Tangshan大使夫人唐山行Spouses of heads of African diplomatic missions recently visited Tangshan City, Hebei Province. The All-China Women's Federation organized the trip. Tangshan is a city full of wonder. Despite being flattened by an earthquake in 1976, Tangshan has become a modem, prosperous city. The distinguished ladies marveled - during visits to the Tangshan Memorial Hall and the Anti-seismic Monument - at the great wonders created by Tangshan's residents.  相似文献   

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