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Through the application of rhetorical analysis, this essay examines three cases that exemplify a specific type of paracrisis - faux pas - with the purpose of entertaining consideration of paracrisis as a rhetorical situation. This analysis explicitly concerns the rise of an “expectation gap” that leads to a paracrisis of an organization’s own doing. Using three cases as illustrations, this paper looks at how an organization alters one rhetorical situation through a choice of rhetorical strategies, ranging from pure advocacy to pure accommodation, only to generate a new rhetorical situation that requires a reconsideration of Burke’s scene-purpose pentadic ratio to inform conflict positioning.  相似文献   

Contemporary sociology makes the case that the concepts of society and social structure are past their sell-by dates. Our world is marked by impermanence and social life is characterised by mobilities. Even self-identity has become liquid. Social actors use consumption artefacts and services to re-design themselves in ways that are commensurate with their deepest desires. However, we argue that disabled people are unlikely to recognise themselves in these debates. Young disabled people, in their quest for identity and consumer citizenship, meet with ubiquitous barriers and closed markets. In their experience choice and mobility are rhetorical. They encounter immobilization and exclusion from the kinds of consumer lifestyles that their non-disabled peers take for granted. Furthermore, we argue, that at the heart of consumer culture is an aesthetic of youthfulness that is profoundly alien to 'the anomaly'. The signifiers of 'youth' and disability are in profound tension. Cultures of consumption are constituted in ways that mark young disabled people off as outsiders who need not apply for entry.  相似文献   

Many utility companies offer their customers the choice of participation in an average payment plan, which enables them to pay a fixed sum for their utility bill each month (with final settlement at the end of the billing year), instead of the conventional “pay as you go” billing procedure. Because customers on average payment plans are protected from paying large bills during peak energy-use seasons and because the information about monthly energy use and its cost is perhaps less salient to them, it was hypothesized that customers on the average payment plan would use more electricity than customers not on the plan. Using a nonequivalent control group design, the electricity consumption of a selection of customers of two utility companies (Ns = 475 and 74) was examined. The results showed that there was no evidence to support the hypothesis. Since the logic of hypothesis testing does not permit the ready acceptance of the null hypothesis, several procedural, methodological, and statistical points were made to buttress the conclusion that the average payment plans had no effect on electricity consumption.  相似文献   

We present a vision for improving household financial surveys by integrating responses from questionnaires more completely with financial statements and combining them with payments data from diaries. Integrated household financial accounts—balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows—are used to assess the degree of integration in leading U.S. household surveys, focusing on inconsistencies in measures of the change in cash. Diaries of consumer payment choice can improve dynamic integration. Using payments data, we construct a statement of liquidity flows: a detailed analysis of currency, checking accounts, prepaid cards, credit cards, and other payment instruments, consistent with conventional cash flow measures and the other financial accounts. (JEL D12, D14, E41, E42)  相似文献   

The following critical essay on the social return on investment (SROI) methodology is broken into two parts. In the first section, focusing on the categorization dynamics of the SROI, I review a set of methodological and ethical tensions surrounding the SROI, using examples from my own work and other published works using SROI. These tensions include the fact that the project requires standardization to achieve comparability while concurrently offering a flexibility in constructing a narrative of impact that is attractive to users. In the second section, focusing on the legitimation dynamics, I define a narrow scope for where, despite the aforementioned pitfalls, that the SROI can be quite effective in building a rhetorical argument for directing material resources. The essay argues that despite ongoing methodological challenges, the investor lens and market logic undergirding the metric provide a powerful frame for persuasion that can be used to construct worthiness and value creation for constituents not already constructed as such.  相似文献   

Based upon observation in a cognitive treatment program for incarcerated violent offenders, this article uses a social constructionist approach to examine the program's rhetorical construction of inmates as particular "types'of beings. The program's practices contain ideological representations of criminals that, in turn, sustain and reproduce the program's logic. Specifically, the typification of inmates'"erroneous thoughts'and "anger'is examined as an example of how inmates are "talked into being'criminal types (Heritage 1984, p. 290). Inmates are asked to decontextualize and rearticulate their criminal pasts according to a criminological language of "cognitive distortions'deemed characteristic of criminal "personalities.'In this reductionist process, inmates'"techniques of neutralization'(Sykes and Matza 1957) are stripped away. Facilitators interpret inmates'social and situational counterrhetorics as indications of their criminal minds, thereby sustaining the individualistic typification in criminal classification and correctional philosophy. Thus, the micropolitics of the Cognitive Self-Change program reveals the dynamic, discursive construction of criminal selves according to institutional conditions and demands. In conclusion, it is argued that institutions engaged in managing human conduct require particular constructions of pathological individuals in order to do their work.  相似文献   

Organizational rhetoric is critically questioned for ethics of its strategic processes and aspirational goal of persuasive, inescapably self-interested influence. Such critique pits strategic engagement needed for self-governance against self-interested framing (spin) and other dysfunctions. This theoretical essay takes stock of research literature to evaluate the ethics of organizational rhetoric, as rationale for public relations, and justify shifting from a strategic functional to an ontological, agonistic view of public relations. Relevant literature justifies the ethics of fairness (which features regard for others’ interests) to guide rhetorical processes and prefer outcomes as societally responsible. From classical Greece to postmodern theory of agonism, analysis of rhetoric centers on self-governance: achieved by stakeholders addressing rhetorical problems in rhetorical situations to deliberate strategic legitimatization. The discursive role of public relations intersects ethics of fairness and rhetorical citizenship, advocacy and dialogue, discourse and engagement at individual and societal levels. Public relations should be linked to an ontological ethics regarding strategic means of rhetorical influence toward ends accomplished collectively by agonistic pursuit.  相似文献   

家庭经济背景影响子女进入不同类型的高校,在收费较高的各类民办高校学生中,来自中、高收入家庭子女的比例较高。通过对大学新生的调查发现,不同家庭经济背景的学生对所读高校的满意度并无显著差异;与此同时,无关家庭经济背景,就业前景成为学生择校时的最重要影响因素。作为一种有目的性的社会行动,不同家庭经济背景子女的高校选择过程是个体主观理性选择的结果,是个体出于自身条件、资源的不同及需求和偏好的不同所作出的最符合自身利益的选择,具有充分的理性和实践逻辑。  相似文献   

This paper develops an explanation of cultural consumption that is beyond structural relations and therefore brings the logic of action underlying cultural consumption into focus. In order to do so, central concepts from rational-choice-theory and practice-theory are taken into account and combined by means of the model of frame-selection (MFS). It results an integrative model which traces cultural consumption back to the interplay of opportunities, preferences, orientations, and routines, the former two being rather consciously considered parameters of a rational choice- and the latter two automatically processed cultural internalisations. Empirically the model is tested by analysing highbrow cultural consumption behaviour. It can be shown that preferences, opportunities, orientations, and routines each have an independent influence besides structural variables. Moreover, it can be observed that with cultural orientations and routines being strongly internalized the effects of preferences and opportunities decrease, which is in line with the interaction assumed by the MFS.  相似文献   

This article reports on a study conducted to clarify whether visual rhetorical codes may be regarded as a significant readability barrier in a development communication setting. The semantic and pragmatic comprehension of three rhetorically encoded posters with a Tuberculosis theme were measured in a study population consisting of 150 high‐literate and 150 non‐literate adult clinic patients in Bloemfontein, South Africa. The results suggest that rudimentary rhetorical codes meant for the semantic level of comprehension (e.g. repetition, opposition, exchange of visual elements) are appropriate for a non‐literate target group, whereas advanced rhetorical articulations intended for the pragmatic level of comprehension (e.g. complex visual rhetorical premises and arguments) should be restricted to high‐literate target groups. In other words, the lower the literacy level of the target group, the lower the level of the visual rhetoric that should be used to engage the viewer.  相似文献   

In On Populist Reason Ernesto Laclau proposes that the reputedly ‘empty’ rhetorical excess of populism constitutes the ontological and aesthetic ground on which the existence of an entity called ‘the people’ depends. This essay considers the tensions and affinities between the particular set of aesthetic relations that Laclau attributes to populist rhetoric, on the one hand, and the set of apparently techno-economic relations that Guy Debord describes as the logic of spectacle in The Society of the Spectacle, on the other, arguing that Laclau's conception of populism compels us to recast the ontological problem of the relation that Debord describes between the social and the spectacular in expressly aesthetic terms. Beginning from this premise, the essay contends that the ‘empty’ aesthetic conventions likewise associated with spectacular entertainment – and in particular, the staging of the relation between audience and onstage spectacle that defines the variety showcase aesthetic in this account – enact a set of tropic relations that constitutes the audience as a generalized figure of ‘the people’ in much the same terms as Laclau's rhetoric. Tracing this aesthetic logic through an especially charged performance from the history of blackface minstrelsy, the essay concludes by considering how such a staging of the relation between populism and spectacle might challenge the dominant models for understanding what constitutes ‘popular’ aesthetic form within Cultural Studies, and in the process, afford new critical insights into the formal dimension of Laclau's political logic.  相似文献   

In recent years, the emphasis on economic necessity when explaining engagement in alternative consumption practices (i.e. informal and/or second-hand modes of goods acquisition) has been challenged by an agency-oriented reading that views participation to be more a matter of choice, and more recently by a geographically sensitive approach that ascribes agency to affluent populations and economic necessity to deprived populations. To evaluate critically these contrasting explanations, data collected from 120 face-to-face interviews in the city of Leicester are here reported. The finding is that these previous accounts that reduce consumers participation in alternative consumption practices to the mono-causal explanations of either economic necessity or choice obfuscate how both often coexist in people's explanations for participation, albeit in varying ways in different populations. This paper thus displays the need to reconcile the previous reductive either/or explanations through the use of a both/and approach that recognizes and unpacks how both economic necessity and choice are variously entangled in rationales for participation in alternative consumption practices.  相似文献   

Roberts (Aggregation and Revelation of Preferences. Papers presented at the 1st European Summer Workshop of the Econometric Society, pp. 321–349. North-Holland, 1979) showed that every social choice function that is ex-post implementable in private value settings must be weighted VCG, i.e. it maximizes the weighted social welfare. This paper provides two simplified proofs for this. The first proof uses the same underlying key-point, but significantly simplifies the technical construction around it, thus helps to shed light on it. The second proof builds on monotonicity conditions identified by Rochet (J Math Econ 16:191–200, 1987) and Bikhchandani et al. (Econometrica 74(4):1109–1132, 2006). This proof is for a weaker statement that assumes an additional condition of “player decisiveness”. Supported by grants from the Israeli Ministry of Science and the Israeli Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

As I reviewed the available case information on Allan, the concept of career development shaped my impressions of the client. “Career development is, for most people, a lifelong process of getting ready to choose, choosing, and typically, continuing to make choices from among the many occupations available in our society. Each person undertaking this process is influenced by a great number of factors, including family, personal values and aptitudes, and societal context” (Brown, Brooks, & Associates, 1990, p. xvii). As this statement suggests, career development is a holistic approach to counseling individuals. Each “factor” represents a piece of the puzzle that guides the individual through the process. Life-style issues (i.e., family, leisure, sexual orientation, personal values, societal context), as well as interests, work values, and skills are tightly interwoven within an individual's major or career choice.  相似文献   

Textbooks in empirical research of voting behavior usually distinguish between the sociological approach, the social psychological approach and the rational choice approach. The distinction is based on the component of explanation on which each approach is focused. In doing so, it is neglected that the logic of explanation changes in accordance to the main determinant of voting behavior. This paper points out this difference between the three approaches, while concentrating on party affiliation and issues as components of explanation. With reference to the “Retrospective Voting” approach of Fiorina and attitude theories of Fishbein, Ajzen and Fazio an integrative model is presented in which the specific relevance of one of the two components of explanation depends on the mode of decision making. The mode of decision making again also determines the logic of explanation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a sufficient condition on the domain of admissible preferences of a social choice mechanism under which the properties of individual and coalitional strategyproofness are equivalent. Then, we illustrate the usefulness of this general result in the case where a fixed budget has to be allocated among several pure public goods. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to our referee for an extremely careful and detailed report. His/her challenging questions did force us to be more acute on the scope of validity and the limits of our result. We would like also to thank Bernardo Moreno for pointing out a mistake in the statement of Theorem 1 as it was formulated in an earlier version and for sending a copy of his joint work with Barbera et al. (2008). This is the only one paper we know of, offering an alternative systematic analysis of the question explored in our paper.  相似文献   

If the proliferation of new social movements thematized in Hegemony and Socialist Strategy was the key conjectural feature on the horizon of radical democratic politics in Euro-America in 1980s, the eruptions of the people in the streets and slums all over the world, and especially in the global south, is hauntingly present in the background of On Populist Reason. With the democratic imaginary now gone global, Laclau's positing of the people as the political subject par excellence and populism as the paradigmatic logic of the political acquires new pertinence. This double privileging is accompanied by a series of shifts in emphasis in the conceptual architecture of Laclau's theory of hegemony. Aside from the further radicalization two pivotal terms in Laclau's social ontology – heterogeneity and contingency – one can observe three other noticeable shifts in emphasis: First, on the plane of discursivity (or in the differential field of the meaningful) the articulatory practices are increasingly characterized in terms of their rhetoricity (i.e. the mode of braiding the rhetorical form with its function); and, furthermore, the tropological characterization of the articulatory practices progressively yields to an analysis of their performative emergence by way of ‘naming’. Second, there is a corresponding shift in the analytic interest from the discursive production of the nodal points (such as ‘free market’ or ‘law and order’) to the discursive production of empty signifiers (especially, of the ‘people’). Third, the conflictual social field is configured not only in terms of antagonisms but also in terms of dislocations.  相似文献   

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