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In this article we review and compare a number of existing tests for detecting randomness in time series data, with emphasis on stock market index data. By comparing variance ratio tests with traditional statistical tests, we have the most extensive simulation comparison of such procedures. The investigated tests are compared over a diverse group of distributions, models, and stock market applications. In our stock market data analysis, the choice of data transformation can have a noticeable effect on test results. This study provides the reader with a guide as to which test and transformation is most appropriate for their use.  相似文献   

In a two-sample testing problem, sometimes one of the sample observations are difficult and/or costlier to collect compared to the other one. Also, it may be the situation that sample observations from one of the populations have been previously collected and for operational advantages we do not wish to collect any more observations from the second population that are necessary for reaching a decision. Partially sequential technique is found to be very useful in such situations. The technique gained its popularity in statistics literature due to its very nature of capitalizing the best aspects of both fixed and sequential procedures. The literature is enriched with various types of partially sequential techniques useable under different types of data set-up. Nonetheless, there is no mention of multivariate data framework in this context, although very common in practice. The present paper aims at developing a class of partially sequential nonparametric test procedures for two-sample multivariate continuous data. For this we suggest a suitable stopping rule adopting inverse sampling technique and propose a class of test statistics based on the samples drawn using the suggested sampling scheme. Various asymptotic properties of the proposed tests are explored. An extensive simulation study is also performed to study the asymptotic performance of the tests. Finally the benefit of the proposed test procedure is demonstrated with an application to a real-life data on liver disease.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the test procedures for testing the homogeneity of the proportions in the analysis of clustered binary data in the context of unequal dispersions across the treatment groups. We introduce a simple test procedure based on adjusted proportions using a sandwich estimator of the variance of the proportion estimators obtained by the generalized estimating equations approach of Zeger and Liang (1986) [Biometrics 42, 121-130]. We also extend the exiting test procedures of testing the hypothesis of proportions in this context. These test procedures are then compared, by simulations, in terms of size and power. Moreover, we derive the score test for testing the homogeneity of the dispersion parameters among several groups of clustered binary data. An illustrative application of the recommended test procedures is also presented.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a test for homogeneity based on Kullback–Leibler information (also known as relative entropy). Though widely used in hypothesis testing problems, Kullback–Leibler information is not desirable to many researchers in the context of mixture because of its complicated form. In this article, a weighted relative entropy test (WE test), which has closed form expression in terms of the parameter estimators, is proposed. Theoretical results show that this test is consistent. Some simulation results demonstrate that the WE test is better than some leading tests when the mixture components come from normal distribution, and is competitive with them in the Poisson case. The usage of the test is illustrated in an example with data about acidity index of lakes.  相似文献   

On Testing Equality of Distributions of Technical Efficiency Scores   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The challenge of the econometric problem in production efficiency analysis is that the efficiency scores to be analyzed are unobserved. Statistical properties have recently been discovered for a type of estimator popular in the literature, known as data envelopment analysis (DEA). This opens up a wide range of possibilities for well-grounded statistical inference about the true efficiency scores from their DEA estimates. In this paper we investigate the possibility of using existing tests for the equality of two distributions in such a context. Considering the statistical complications pertinent to our context, we consider several approaches to adapting the Li test to the context and explore their performance in terms of the size and power of the test in various Monte Carlo experiments. One of these approaches shows good performance for both the size and the power of the test, thus encouraging its use in empirical studies. We also present an empirical illustration analyzing the efficiency distributions of countries in the world, following up a recent study by Kumar and Russell (2002), and report very interesting results.  相似文献   

New statistical procedures are introduced to analyse typical microRNA expression data sets. For each separate microRNA expression, the null hypothesis to be tested is that there is no difference between the distributions of the expression in different groups. The test statistics are then constructed having certain type of alternatives in mind. To avoid strong (parametric) distributional assumptions, the alternatives are formulated using probabilities of different orders of pairs or triples of observations coming from different groups, and the test statistics are then constructed using corresponding several‐sample U‐statistics, natural estimates of these probabilities. Classical several‐sample rank test statistics, such as the Kruskal–Wallis and Jonckheere–Terpstra tests, are special cases in our approach. Also, as the number of variables (microRNAs) is huge, we confront a serious simultaneous testing problem. Different approaches to control the family‐wise error rate or the false discovery rate are shortly discussed, and it is shown how the Chen–Stein theorem can be used to show that family‐wise error rate can be controlled for cluster‐dependent microRNAs under weak assumptions. The theory is illustrated with an analysis of real data, a microRNA expression data set on Finnish (aggressive and non‐aggressive) prostate cancer patients and their controls.  相似文献   


This paper develops test procedures for testing the validity of general linear identifying restrictions imposed on cointegrating vectors in the context of a vector autoregressive model. In addition to overidentifying restrictions the considered restrictions may also involve normalizing restrictions. Tests for both types of restrictions are developed and their asymptotic properties are obtained. Under the null hypothesis tests for normalizing restrictions have an asymptotic "multivariate unit root distribution", similar to that obtained for the likelihood ratio test for cointegration, while tests for overidentifying restrictions have a standard chi-square limiting distribution. Since these two types of tests are asymptotically independent they are easy to cotnbine to an overall test for the spccifed identifying restrictions. An overall test of this kind can consistently reveal the failure of the identifying restrictions in a wider class of cases than previous tests which only test for overidentifying restrictions.  相似文献   

We consider functional measurement error models, i.e. models where covariates are measured with error and yet no distributional assumptions are made about the mismeasured variable. We propose and study a score-type local test and an orthogonal series-based, omnibus goodness-of-fit test in this context, where no likelihood function is available or calculated-i.e. all the tests are proposed in the semiparametric model framework. We demonstrate that our tests have optimality properties and computational advantages that are similar to those of the classical score tests in the parametric model framework. The test procedures are applicable to several semiparametric extensions of measurement error models, including when the measurement error distribution is estimated non-parametrically as well as for generalized partially linear models. The performance of the local score-type and omnibus goodness-of-fit tests is demonstrated through simulation studies and analysis of a nutrition data set.  相似文献   

In this article, tests are developed which can be used to investigate the goodness-of-fit of the skew-normal distribution in the context most relevant to the data analyst, namely that in which the parameter values are unknown and are estimated from the data. We consider five test statistics chosen from the broad Cramér–von Mises and Kolmogorov–Smirnov families, based on measures of disparity between the distribution function of a fitted skew-normal population and the empirical distribution function. The sampling distributions of the proposed test statistics are approximated using Monte Carlo techniques and summarized in easy to use tabular form. We also present results obtained from simulation studies designed to explore the true size of the tests and their power against various asymmetric alternative distributions.  相似文献   

This paper compares and generalizes some testing procedures for structural change in the context of cointegrated regression models. The Lagrange Multiplier (LM) tests proposod by Hansen (1992) are generalized to testing for partial structural change. An exponential average LM test is also suggested following the idea of Andrews and Ploberger (1992). In particular, an optimal test for cointegration is developed. We also propose a new cointegration test which is robust to a possible one-time discrete jump in the intercept. We tabulate the asymptotic critical values for the above tests and conduct a small Monte Carlo simulation to investigate their finite sample performance.  相似文献   

This paper compares and generalizes some testing procedures for structural change in the context of cointegrated regression models. The Lagrange Multiplier (LM) tests proposod by Hansen (1992) are generalized to testing for partial structural change. An exponential average LM test is also suggested following the idea of Andrews and Ploberger (1992). In particular, an optimal test for cointegration is developed. We also propose a new cointegration test which is robust to a possible one-time discrete jump in the intercept. We tabulate the asymptotic critical values for the above tests and conduct a small Monte Carlo simulation to investigate their finite sample performance.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a new multiple test procedure for assessing multivariate normality, which combines BHEP (Baringhaus–Henze–Epps–Pulley) tests by considering extreme and nonextreme choices of the tuning parameter in the definition of the BHEP test statistic. Monte Carlo power comparisons indicate that the new test presents a reasonable power against a wide range of alternative distributions, showing itself to be competitive against the most recommended procedures for testing a multivariate hypothesis of normality. We further illustrate the use of the new test for the Fisher Iris dataset.  相似文献   

In applications of generalized order statistics as, for instance, reliability analysis of engineering systems, prior knowledge about the order of the underlying model parameters is often available and may therefore be incorporated in inferential procedures. Taking this information into account, we establish the likelihood ratio test, Rao's score test, and Wald's test for test problems arising from the question of appropriate model selection for ordered data, where simple order restrictions are put on the parameters under the alternative hypothesis. For simple and composite null hypothesis, explicit representations of the corresponding test statistics are obtained along with some properties and their asymptotic distributions. A simulation study is carried out to compare the order restricted tests in terms of their power. In the set-up considered, the adapted tests significantly improve the power of the associated omnibus versions for small sample sizes, especially when testing a composite null hypothesis.  相似文献   

We consider several grouping tests for regression misspecification, with reference to housing-demand function estimation. We compare three existing test procedures, demonstrate modifications necessary in most applications, and propose a fourth test to distinguish between two categories of potential specification error. The test procedures are evaluated in artificial simulations of alternative errors. Finally, we apply the tests to FHA home purchase data. We reject the hypothesis that household and grouped regressions differ only by sampling error or random mismeasurement of household income or price. Our results have implications for choices among test procedures and interpretations of previous housing-demand analysis.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider testing the location parameter with multilevel (or hierarchical) data. A general family of weighted test statistics is introduced. This family includes extensions to the case of multilevel data of familiar procedures like the t, the sign and the Wilcoxon signed-rank tests. Under mild assumptions, the test statistics have a null limiting normal distribution which facilitates their use. An investigation of the relative merits of selected members of the family of tests is achieved theoretically by deriving their asymptotic relative efficiency (ARE) and empirically via a simulation study. It is shown that the performance of a test depends on the clusters configurations and on the intracluster correlations. Explicit formulas for optimal weights and a discussion of the impact of omitting a level are provided for 2 and 3-level data. It is shown that using appropriate weights can greatly improve the performance of the tests. Finally, the use of the new tests is illustrated with a real data example.  相似文献   

This paper provides two procedures to perform the Kolmogorov–Smirnov (K-S) tests on stable random variables. One utilizes the integral representation of the cumulative distribution function of this random variable to perform the K-S test; the other utilizes the Gil-Pelaez-Roseń transformation of data (Csörg(1983)) to test uniformity on (0,1) for the transformed sample. Both procedures are examined and evaluated by a simulation study.  相似文献   

It is common to test if there is an effect due to a treatment. The commonly used tests have the assumption that the observations differ in location, and that their variances are the same over the groups. Different variances can arise if the observations being analyzed are means of different numbers of observations on individuals or slopes of growth curves with missing data. This study is concerned with cases in which the unequal variances are known, or known to a constant of proportionality. It examines the performance of the ttest, the Mann–Whitney–Wilcoxon Rank Sum test, the Median test, and the Van der Waerden test under these conditions. The t-test based on the weighted means is the likelihood ratio test under normality and has the usual optimality properties. The other tests are compared to it. One may align and scale the observations by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation of each point. This leads to other, analogous test statistics based on these adjusted observations. These statistics are also compared. Finally, the regression scores tests are compared to the other procedures.  相似文献   

We study the invariance properties of various test criteria which have been proposed for hypothesis testing in the context of incompletely specified models, such as models which are formulated in terms of estimating functions (Godambe, 1960) or moment conditions and are estimated by generalized method of moments (GMM) procedures (Hansen, 1982), and models estimated by pseudo-likelihood (Gouriéroux, Monfort, and Trognon, 1984b,c) and M-estimation methods. The invariance properties considered include invariance to (possibly nonlinear) hypothesis reformulations and reparameterizations. The test statistics examined include Wald-type, LR-type, LM-type, score-type, and C(α)?type criteria. Extending the approach used in Dagenais and Dufour (1991), we show first that all these test statistics except the Wald-type ones are invariant to equivalent hypothesis reformulations (under usual regularity conditions), but all five of them are not generally invariant to model reparameterizations, including measurement unit changes in nonlinear models. In other words, testing two equivalent hypotheses in the context of equivalent models may lead to completely different inferences. For example, this may occur after an apparently innocuous rescaling of some model variables. Then, in view of avoiding such undesirable properties, we study restrictions that can be imposed on the objective functions used for pseudo-likelihood (or M-estimation) as well as the structure of the test criteria used with estimating functions and generalized method of moments (GMM) procedures to obtain invariant tests. In particular, we show that using linear exponential pseudo-likelihood functions allows one to obtain invariant score-type and C(α)?type test criteria, while in the context of estimating function (or GMM) procedures it is possible to modify a LR-type statistic proposed by Newey and West (1987) to obtain a test statistic that is invariant to general reparameterizations. The invariance associated with linear exponential pseudo-likelihood functions is interpreted as a strong argument for using such pseudo-likelihood functions in empirical work.  相似文献   

We propose a new procedure for combining multiple tests in samples of right-censored observations. The new method is based on multiple constrained censored empirical likelihood where the constraints are formulated as linear functionals of the cumulative hazard functions. We prove a version of Wilks’ theorem for the multiple constrained censored empirical likelihood ratio, which provides a simple reference distribution for the test statistic of our proposed method. A useful application of the proposed method is, for example, examining the survival experience of different populations by combining different weighted log-rank tests. Real data examples are given using the log-rank and Gehan-Wilcoxon tests. In a simulation study of two sample survival data, we compare the proposed method of combining tests to previously developed procedures. The results demonstrate that, in addition to its computational simplicity, the combined test performs comparably to, and in some situations more reliably than previously developed procedures. Statistical software is available in the R package ‘emplik’.  相似文献   

Statistical tests for two independent samples under the assumption of normality are applied routinely by most practitioners of statistics. Likewise, presumably each introductory course in statistics treats some statistical procedures for two independent normal samples. Often, the classical two-sample model with equal variances is introduced, emphasizing that a test for equality of the expected values is a test for equality of both distributions as well, which is the actual goal. In a second step, usually the assumption of equal variances is discarded. The two-sample t test with Welch correction and the F test for equality of variances are introduced. The first test is solely treated as a test for the equality of central location, as well as the second as a test for the equality of scatter. Typically, there is no discussion if and to which extent testing for equality of the underlying normal distributions is possible, which is quite unsatisfactorily regarding the motivation and treatment of the situation with equal variances. It is the aim of this article to investigate the problem of testing for equality of two normal distributions, and to do so using knowledge and methods adequate to statistical practitioners as well as to students in an introductory statistics course. The power of the different tests discussed in the article is examined empirically. Finally, we apply the tests to several real data sets to illustrate their performance. In particular, we consider several data sets arising from intelligence tests since there is a large body of research supporting the existence of sex differences in mean scores or in variability in specific cognitive abilities.  相似文献   

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