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This study examined individuals’ prosocial behaviors by integrating two theories (STOPS: situational theory of problem solving and AAM: anger activism model). To explicate the causal relationship between individuals’ perceptual, cognitive, and emotional factors and prosocial behaviors adoption, this study used a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA). With a survey (N = 312) of individuals who participated in certain types of prosocial behaviors between 2020 and 2021, this study found configurations of core antecedent factors leading to different types of prosocial behaviors. The findings from this study complement the limitations of each theory on its own and contribute to strategic communication practice for nonprofit organizations or other entities involved in encouraging prosocial behaviors.  相似文献   

This study aims to establish and verify an explanatory model for aggressive behaviour, self-esteem, victimization and physical activity in adolescents, and to use this explanatory model to analyse the association of place of residence with these variables. This research analysed 2,273 adolescents from the province of Granada (Spain) using the questionnaires Violent Behaviour at Schools, School Victimization Scale and Global Self-Esteem Scale. An analysis was carried out using structural equations. Results showed that relational and overt aggressiveness are related to self-esteem, victimization and physical activity. Furthermore, relational aggressiveness showed a stronger association with victimization and low self-esteem in adolescents who live in residential care. In addition, overt aggressiveness showed a stronger association with self-esteem in adolescents who live in family homes. Thus, exclusion and social rejection among peers have a greater impact on the victimization of young people who live outside of the family context.  相似文献   

In a context of inflow of immigration and economic crisis, new forms of prejudice and the activation of the perception of threat (realistic and symbolic) will determine the response to immigrant minorities (outgroups). The antecedents of threat are considered to be: the perception of the intergroup situation and the forms of affective prejudice. The outcome variables are ingroup favouritism, prosocial response, empathy and willingness to help. In a cross-sectional study based on a random survey of Basques (n = 500), structural equation modelling analyses were applied to test the differences between realistic and symbolic threat. The results indicate that when the majority group status is perceived as legitimate, the perception of realistic threat arises and this increases ingroup favouritism and decreases prosocial response to the outgroup, directly and through the expression of affective prejudice. Symbolic threat, on the other hand, plays a more limited role. Mechanisms of the perception of realistic and symbolic threat regarding attitudes of natives to immigrants are discussed.  相似文献   

The scientific literature stresses the importance of culture and social environment in determining what people think about alcohol consumption and consequently do. Several pieces of research have proved the influence on young adults’ alcohol use of proximal social contexts of their family and peers. The present study aimed at investigating the influence of family behaviours and norms compared to the peers’ influence in a context where the culture of alcohol is changing between the different generations. Data were collected by means of a self-report questionnaire on a sample of 598 young adults (average age 22.20 years). The variables investigated were socio-demographic characteristics, the alcohol consumption of parents and friends and the parents’ and peers’ approval of alcohol consumption. The results confirmed the role of family and friends in influencing young adults’ consumption of alcohol, stressing a difference between perceived behaviours and norms. The perceived consumption of parents and friends influenced the participants’ consumption. On the contrary, the effects of the approval of drinking were limited. Globally friends had a stronger influence on alcohol consumption in comparison with family.  相似文献   

1 早晨起来,打开手机,读一篇网文,看着看着,我笑了. 故事其实很俗套. 一个女孩和一个男孩相爱,男孩对她百般好,她却一心想到外面的世界去看风景. 几年的时间过去,她的事业顺风顺水,感情生活却一片空白,她用更加努力的工作,来抵抗内心无边无际的空虚. 直到有一天,旧爱发来请帖:明天我要结婚了,你能来参加婚礼吗?  相似文献   


En este estudio pretendemos realizar la evaluación del impacto ambiental de una plaza de Granollers (Barcelona). El interés está motivado por los artículos aparecidos en una revista local que evidenciaban una actitud negativa de la mayoría de la población hacia esta plaza. El objeto de análisis que será prioritario será el lenguaje obtenido a partir de entrevistas semi-estructuradas. ¿Por qué desde la Psicología Ambiental? Principalmente por dos razones. En primer lugar, por la necesidad de la comunicación y coordinación de todos/as aquellos/as que están implicados en la planificación de un medio ambiente construido y en que éste cumpla la función y uso deseado. En segundo lugar, para elaborar un diagnóstico ad hoc y a priori de los espacios construidos. En definitiva se pretende aportar un marco de referencia para que los/las políticos/as, diseñadores/as, arquitectos/as y urbanistas escuchen a los/las psicólogos/as ambientales, antes de proyectar y que escuchen a aquellos/as que utilizan lo proyectado.  相似文献   

Cet article analyse le jeu des acteurs civils et publics précédant la création de la Haute Autorité, plus spécifiquement comment cette dernière est l’aboutissement d’une circulation nouvelle de la réflexion citoyenne et de l’exécutif, mais aussi l’ambivalence de la notion de transparence dans la mesure où celle-ci peut aussi bien montrer que cacher. La transparence s’appuie sur l’exigence de ‘vigilance épistémologique’ (Bourdieu, Chamboredon et Passeron, 1968 Bourdieu, P., Chamboredon, J.-C., and Passeron, J-.C., 1968. Le métier de sociologue: Préalables épistémologiques. Paris: Mouton de Gruyter. [Google Scholar]) typique de la sociologie, mais elle est aussi une fabrication sociale née de jeux d’acteurs et de leurs légitimités respectives. Pour illustrer cette nouvelle forme de circulation régulatrice, le terrain choisi est celui de l’association Regards Citoyens et de son ‘lobbying citoyen’ revendiqué. Il s’agira d’étudier ici les forces et les limites d’une telle approche.  相似文献   

This study theorizes and empirically tests a conceptual framework to understand how a company can better motivate its employees to carry out persistent prosocial behavior and develop positive organization-employee relationships through corporate social responsibility (CSR) involvement. A managerial approach, employee participative decision making in CSR, is examined for its impact on the prosocial behavioral outcome among employees and the relational outcome for the organization. Furthermore, a psychological mechanism that emphasizes employees’ perceived need satisfaction is examined as the underlying explanation that drives the effectiveness of the managerial approach. The study results support that empowering employees to co-construct CSR decisions with top management is effective in satisfying employees’ basic psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness. This in turn increases the employees’ intention to maintain long-lasting involvement in CSR and improves their relationships with the company. This study provides important implications for public relations professionals and organizational leaders on how to improve their internal CSR communication and involvement practice and cultivate desirable organization-employee relationships.  相似文献   

Daphne de Marneffe (2004 de Marneffe , D. ( 2004 ). Maternal Desire: On Children, Love, and the Inner Life . New York : Little Brown and Company . [Google Scholar]) has enriched our theoretical understanding of maternal desire as fundamentally a desire to relate to or “be with” (p. xi) one's child. This view can enable consideration of children's subjectivity and agency through thinking about the intersections of mothers' and children's desires and subjectivities. Contemplating the meanings of maternal desire necessitates attending to multiple practices of mothering in a range of relational contexts. Finally, there is value in considering maternal presence and time in conjunction with children's sense of time and the present in order to imagine a relational time that both mothers and children construct.  相似文献   

Through ethnographic and historical inquiry, this article inspects the usefulness of the concept of hybridity for an analysis of Rio's samba and carnaval. If differentiated from mestiçagem, the concept of hybridity can productively be put to use. The discourse on mestiçagem is the basis for dominant narratives of national identity and celebrates samba and other Afro-Brazilian cultural forms as symbols of Brazilianness and racial democracy. Such political use of culture was initiated by President Vargas's appropriation of subaltern performance genres in his populist project of modernity. At the same time, as expressions of Afro-Brazilian culture, samba and carnaval are contested performances; many celebrate the “racially democratic” character of samba spaces as a core domain of Afro-Brazilian sociability. This article traces the roots of samba and carnaval in Rio de Janeiro and examines their current import for a politics of identity by drawing from interviews and fieldwork at escola de samba Unidos da Cereja. The article stresses the methodological importance of addressing multiple practices and voices emerging in the context of samba performances. The concept of hybridity can thus describe Afro-Brazilians' use of culture in the negotiation of power imbalances and alternative values.  相似文献   


La idea de que las mujeres tienen una ventaja para liderar se ha hecho muy popular en la actualidad. Sin embargo, las investigaciones ofrecen resultados contradictorios, lo cual ha generado un gran debate. Para comprender este debate son fundamentales los trabajos de Eagly y Carli (2003a, 2003b), quienes afirman que existen tanto ventajas como prejuicios hacia las mujeres líderes. En nuestro trabajo revisamos el papel de las aspiraciones de las mujeres hacia puestos de liderazgo tal y como se refleja en la literatura sobre prejuicio hacia las mujeres líderes. Nuestros resultados muestran que las mujeres anticipan ciertos problemas derivados del desempeño de una posición de liderazgo ya que éstas siguen experimentando prejuicio, especialmente en contextos masculinos. Interpretamos estos resultados basándonos en la Teoría de la Congruencia de Rol de Eagly y Karau (2002).  相似文献   

This article in the journal “Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation (GIO)” bridges Adam Grant’s popular concept of givers, takers and matchers to state-of-the-art theories and research of prosocial organizational behavior such as Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB). By proposing a three-dimensional framework of social orientation, the authors provide an approach allowing the reconciliation of inter-individual differences of social motives and situational factors, enabling cooperative behavior in the workplace. The practical implications of encouraging cooperative behaviour and collegial support are indicated for individual (personnel selection and development), team (team design and values) and organizational (organizational culture development) levels.  相似文献   

姑娘因为失恋从楼上摔下来,造成高位截瘫。一个小伙子得知她的遭遇后,曾多次求爱,都遭到了姑娘的拒绝。后来,小伙子意外受伤致残,也造成高位截瘫。正当他万念俱灰的时候,姑娘在母亲和哥哥的陪同下,来到小伙子家。于是,一场惊世之恋开始。最近,这对夫妇把自己的血泪爱情写成了畅销书……  相似文献   


A lo largo de este artículo pretendemos ofrecer una revisión actualizada de una perspectiva de liderazgo que surge en los años 80 y define un «Nuevo Liderazgo». El resurgimiento de liderazgo carismático se produce como consecuencia de ser este un tipo de liderazgo con mayores beneficios, por lo que los investigadores psicosociales empiezan a tener en cuenta sus componentes y efectos. Después de un breve repaso a los antecedentes sociológicos del liderazgo carismático, se exponen las aportaciones desde la Psicología Social al estudio de las características de este tipo de liderazgo teniendo en cuenta que los resultados dependen de la relación carismática que se produce entre el líder y seguidores, concebida primero como una propiedad y luego como un proceso. Por último, apuntamos los posibles límites del liderazgo carismático.  相似文献   

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