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The purpose of this work is to analyse how some ideological variables (ambivalent sexism, culture of honour, and right-wing authoritarianism) affect rape myths acceptance (RMA). Two hundred and fourteen university students (83 men and 131 women), mean age 20.39 years old, participated. The results show that there is a high correlation between RMA and hostile sexism, benevolent sexism, culture of honour, and right-wing authoritarianism. Hostile sexism and right-wing authoritarianism predict RMA in both male and female samples. Benevolent sexism predicts RMA in the female sample. In addition, in the male sample right-wing authoritarianism interacts with hostile sexism to predict RMA, while in the female sample right-wing authoritarianism interacts with benevolent sexism to predict RMA. These results show the close relationship existing between certain ideological variables and RMA.  相似文献   


El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la influencia del sexismo (benevolente y hostil) y la empatía en las actitudes de la policía hacia la intervención en casos de violencia contra la mujer en las relaciones de pareja (preferencia por la intervención en función de que la víctima esté dispuesta o no a denunciar). La muestra está compuesta por 409 Policías Locales. Los resultados obtenidos a partir de un diseño factorial 2×2×2 revelaron diferencias significativas en el efecto principal del factor sexismo benevolente y en la interacción de la empatia por el sexismo hostil. Se analizan las implicaciones de estos resultados para la formación y selección de agentes de policía en el ámbito específico de la intervención en casos de violencia contra la mujer en las relaciones de pareja.  相似文献   


A lo largo de este artículo pretendemos ofrecer una revisión actualizada de una perspectiva de liderazgo que surge en los años 80 y define un «Nuevo Liderazgo». El resurgimiento de liderazgo carismático se produce como consecuencia de ser este un tipo de liderazgo con mayores beneficios, por lo que los investigadores psicosociales empiezan a tener en cuenta sus componentes y efectos. Después de un breve repaso a los antecedentes sociológicos del liderazgo carismático, se exponen las aportaciones desde la Psicología Social al estudio de las características de este tipo de liderazgo teniendo en cuenta que los resultados dependen de la relación carismática que se produce entre el líder y seguidores, concebida primero como una propiedad y luego como un proceso. Por último, apuntamos los posibles límites del liderazgo carismático.  相似文献   

Based on the Social Representations Theory (SRT) applied to the social construction of risk and the role played by group identities, this study examines the construction of risk created by the mass media in health epidemics. An experimental design with split-ballot questionnaire and 319 participants was used in which message framing (human interest vs. attribution of responsibility) and proximity (high vs. low) were manipulated for a high invulnerability identity (youth) vs. a low invulnerability identity (elderly) population. Results showed that the human interest framing increased the perception of risk, especially when the proximity of the epidemic was high; this effect was explained by people’s emotional response. Furthermore, youth projected the risk towards ‘the other’ in order to protect their invulnerability identity. Finally, we stress the importance of the SRT on a theoretical and applied level for risk communication in health crises.  相似文献   


Una de las estrategias preventivas recomendadas en el ámbito de la violencia contra la mujer en las relaciones de pareja, es la valoración del riesgo de reincidencia. Sin embargo, es escasa la investigación en torno a qué variables se relacionan con la valoración de riesgo realizada por los profesionales. En este trabajo, a partir de la información obtenida de 291 hombres penados por violencia de género, se analizaron las relaciones de diversas variables psicológicas, actitudinales y sociales, con dos medidas posibles de valoración de riesgo que pueden obtenerse a partir del SARA (Spousal Assault Risk Assessment); el Sumatorio de Factores de Riesgo de Reincidencia y la Valoración Global de Riesgo. El modelo de ecuaciones estructurales estimado mostró que las variables actitudinales y psicológicas utilizadas en el estudio se relacionaban significativamente con el Sumatorio de Factores de Riesgo, mientras que únicamente la impulsividad y las variables sociales se relacionaron significativamente con la Valoración Global de Riesgo. En la discusión se subraya la importancia del apoyo social y comunitario en la evaluación del riesgo de reincidencia.  相似文献   


Este trabajo analiza la importancia de las redes sociales de apoyo en la integración del enfermo mental en la comunidad. Se analizan las características de las redes sociales de las personas con desórdenes psiquiátricos. Se discute la importancia que tiene una red social de apoyo adecuada como un componente fundamental para la permanencia del enfermo mental en la comunidad y se subraya la relevancia de intervenciones dirigidas al fortalecimiento y reconstrucción de la red de apoyo social de las personas que padecen o han padecido enfermedades mentales. Finalmente se examina la contribución de estrategias de intervencion dirigidas tanto a los pacientes como a sus familiares como los grupos de autoayuda y los programas comunitarios de apoyo en el ámbito de la salud mental.  相似文献   

We studied how the sex of the aggressor and their motivations for attacking influence the social perception of intimate partner violence, as well as the sex of the observer and their sexist ideology. University students read a scenario in which both members of a heterosexual couple harmed each other owing to controlling or reactive motivations. After that, they were asked to identify the motivations of each partner and estimate the seriousness of what occurred, the number of aggressions described and the frequency of this kind of episode in real life. The results showed that the men and women properly identified the motivations underlying the aggressive behaviours, considered control violence more serious than reactive violence, and perceived more of the first kind of aggression. However, the men estimated a lower frequency of these episodes in real life, especially episodes of control violence. The ambivalent sexism of the men is related to these assessments. These results are particularly important with regard to the debate on gender symmetry/asymmetry in intimate partner violence.  相似文献   

The goal was to adapt the Double Standard Scale to the Basque language and to validate it in this language. The sample was comprised of 2,919 adolescents in secondary school. The reliability was analysed and the cross-validation method was applied with exploratory factorial analysis and confirmatory factorial analysis to check the structure of the scale. A differential item analysis was performed according to sex. Finally, correlations were made with ambivalent sexism and distorted beliefs about women and violence, and a contrast of means was performed by sex and age groups using variance analysis and effect sizes. The results were: (a) good internal consistency; (b) a one-dimensional structure with seven items; (c) just one item presents a differential functioning; (d) a positive, significant relationship between the sexual double standard, ambivalent sexism and sexist beliefs; (e) boys and younger adolescents showed a greater adherence to the double standard; and (f) social desirability affects the responses of girls, especially younger ones.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to determine the risk factors and protective factors of being a victim of couple violence, considering cultural conventions, coping, social support, external attribution and violence in childhood. A non-probabilistic sample of 223 women and 177 men was used. The risk factors in the sample as a whole were being male, the coping strategy of accommodation, violence in childhood and external attribution, while the protective factors were partner support and an active coping style. The study concludes with suggestions for interventions and research.  相似文献   

In this article we propose a mediation model for the association between system justification and psychological well-being (i.e., the palliative function of ideology), based on system justification theory and compensatory control theory. Specifically, we argue that endorsing system-justifying beliefs leads to increased perceived personal control, which in turn predicts higher well-being. We used a convenience sample of students from two Peruvian universities. The results showed that system justification was related to general psychological well-being and personal control. In addition, indigenous students rated lower on system justification, general psychological well-being, self-esteem and personal control. Next, we found that the association between system justification and general psychological well-being was stronger among indigenous students, and this relationship was partially mediated by personal control. In addition, we showed that the mediation model is moderated by ethnicity, so that personal control is a mediator only among non-indigenous participants. We conclude that personal control is a mechanism involved in the palliative function of ideology among this group. Finally, we discuss possible explanations for the mechanisms involved in the palliative function of ideology among low-status individuals.  相似文献   

This study explores the influences of organizational socialization on the intention to stay and innovative behaviours using a two-time design with a sample (N = 308) of volunteers who provide advice and guidance. Furthermore, it analyses the mediating role of perceptions of organizational justice on the relationships between socialization and results. Our findings support the proposed hypotheses; that is, they showed that the higher the organizational socialization, the higher the intention to stay and the more innovative behaviour shown by the volunteers, and that both effects are mediated by the perceived organizational justice. The practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Although previous research has shown a clear association between being a target and a perpetrator of bullying, there are no available studies exploring possible moderators of this relationship. The aim of this study is to examine the moderating role of psychological detachment and empathy on the relationship between target and perpetrator in workplace bullying situations. The sample was made up of 392 employees from a variety of organizations in the private security sector located in Madrid. Results revealed that psychological detachment and empathic concern moderated the relationship between the target and perpetrator of bullying, such that subjects with high levels of detachment and empathic concern reported lower rates of bullying as a perpetrator. These results are in line with the affect-regulation strategies model.  相似文献   

Unilateral Initial Attraction (UIA) is a first unilateral awareness towards an unknown person and can be the starting point of an interest in voluntarily initiating an interaction or relationship. In order to create a measure tapping this feeling, Study 1 asked individuals to indicate attributes characterizing UIA (Phase 1), and to rate their centrality (Phase 2). These were used to develop the Measure of Initial Attraction (MIA) comprising one component of arousal and another of unilateral interest. While the former is shared with the love construct, the latter differentiates from measures of passion. The MIA proved to be a valid and reliable instrument with the capacity to discriminate UIA across different relationships (Study 2) and targets (Study 3), with good convergent validity (Study 3). Results are discussed within the framework of personal relationships.  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested that sensitivity to provocation and frustration differently predict aggressive behaviour. In the study reported in this paper, two potential mediators of the relationships among both sensitivities and self-reported aggression were examined, namely instrumental and expressive beliefs about aggression. A sample of 318 participants (52% men) took part in the study. Structural Equation Modeling demonstrated that sensitivity to provocation was related to both types of beliefs about aggression, whereas sensitivity to frustration was associated with expressive beliefs. However, only instrumental beliefs mediated the relationship between sensitivity to provocation and both physical and verbal aggression. Analysed variables predicted 46% of the variance in physical aggression and 11% of the variance in verbal aggression. Additionally, men reported higher physical aggression and endorsed more instrumental beliefs than women. Implications for understanding emotional and cognitive mechanisms involved in regulation of aggression are discussed.  相似文献   

This study aims to disentangle the effects of interest in politics and internal political efficacy in the prediction of different political activities. The analysis examines the hypothesis that political interest is a more important precursor of electoral and unconventional political participation, and that both political interest and efficacy are required to promote participation in political parties. Using the German Longitudinal Election Study, multiple regression analyses yield that political efficacy is a strong and positive predictor of intentions to participate in party politics and unconventional political behaviour. Political interest has differential effects on voting conditional on whether respondents are surveyed before or after elections, and differential moderated effects appear for conventional and unconventional political action. The findings are discussed with respect to the importance of political interest and efficacy for citizen participation.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to undertake the transcultural adaptation and validation of the Short Grit Scale (Grit-S) to measure university students’ levels of perseverance and passion for achieving long-term goals. To accomplish this, the Grit-S scale was linguistically and culturally adapted from English to Spanish via the Translation, Review, Adjudication, Pre-testing and Documentation method. After that, the adapted scale was administered to a convenience sample of 1,129 university students comprised of 29.6% males and 70.4% females with a mean age of 21, and finally, its psychometric properties were analysed and compared to the original version. The results reveal acceptable values for the internal consistency of the total scale (α = .71) and outstanding fit indexes for the proposed two-factor structural model (i.e., Consistency of Interest and Perseverance of Effort) (RMSEA = .041, CFI = .96), and the parameters of transcultural adaptation were similar to those in its original version.  相似文献   


Se estudia la representación social de la sexualidad y su relación con las actitudes y comportamientos sexuales en una muestra de 395 estudiantes de psicología mexicanos. Se empleó un cuestionario, integrado por un test de asociación libre de palabras para determinar el contenido semántico de la representación, dos escalas tipo Likert para medir actitud hacia la sexualidad y la homosexualidad, así como preguntas cerradas y abiertas sobre conductas sexuales. El análisis de datos se realizó por análisis de conglomerados, análisis factorial, correlaciones, comparaciones de medias y chi-cuadrado. En el núcleo central de la representación social encontramos una sexualidad definida por la identidad de género y la heterosexualidad, cuyo ejercicio se basa en el amor y valores de respeto. El análisis de conglomerados arroja 5 grupos semánticos. Estos grupos presentan una asociación débil con las actitudes, pero independencia con la conducta. Por el contrario, las actitudes se relacionan con la conducta sexual en un grado de débil a moderado. Se discute la conexión de lo cognitivo con el comportamiento y el efecto de las medidas usadas.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to adapt the Activism and Radicalism Intention Scale to Spanish. To do so, two studies were performed. In the first, which had a sample of 514 participants, the instrument was adapted to Spanish and a confirmatory factorial analysis was conducted. The psychometric results obtained were similar to those of the original version, and the scale’s two-dimensional structure was replicated. In the second study, the psychometric characteristics of the original instrument were also replicated, but in this case with a sample of 133 participants comprised of sympathizers and activists in the 15-M anti-austerity movement. Regarding the validity of the scale, both studies provide evidence on the coherence of the construct in terms of both its internal structure and its theoretical relationship with other psychosocial variables. The reliability of the instrument obtained in both samples studied was acceptable. In short, this study presents a tool in Spanish which can be useful for studying individuals’ and groups’ predisposition towards more or less violent political mobilization.  相似文献   


Este estudio analiza los correlatos psico-sociales de la participación en manifestaciones tras el atentado del 11 de Marzo de 2004 en Madrid. Se aplicó, una semana después del atentado, una batería de pruebas a 1650 estudiantes y conocidos de estos (38% de la muestra) en seis ciudades y ocho universidades. Las personas que declararon mayor participación en manifestaciones mostraban mayor identificación y auto-estima colectiva nacional, informaban de más afrontamiento altruista o prosocial, menor afrontamiento de aceptación impotente y evitación, mayor búsqueda de apoyo social, mayor comunicación con otros, exposición a medios de comunicación de masa y pensar para entender lo ocurrido. Declararon compartir más valores de Seguridad y Benevolencia y creer más en la Benevolencia del Mundo Social. La participación se asociaba a una visión de mayor movilización colectiva para afrontar lo ocurrido, a una mayor emocionalidad colectiva negativa y a una percepción de mejor clima emocional y cohesión social. Sólo la participación directa se asociaba con alta eficacia colectiva y personal, con conductas altruistas o pro-sociales y con emociones colectivas positivas y con cohesión.  相似文献   

The socio-demographic and psychosocial approval determinants of the work conducted by the truth and reconciliation commissions (TRC) are analysed based on original survey data from Chilean, Argentinian and Peruvian samples (N = 2,947). A linear multiple regression analysis was carried out (R2 between .28 and .44; f2 between .45 and .78) which reveals the positive effect of commission functions perceived achievement, mainly the knowledge of truth (β = .28), justice (β = .15) and the contribution in creating a common history (β = .15). An analysis by country reveals in Chile salient variables such as institutional trust, political ideas, institutional apologies and hope and sadness emotions. In Argentina, together with TRC functions, the degree of information about the work of the commission and the perception of a negative social climate appear as relevant predictors. As regards Peru, the degree of exposure to violence appears as a good predictor of TRC’s work support. The results show the relevance of TRC functions’ fulfillment, as well as the role of institutional variables in the approval of the work they have done.  相似文献   

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