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为所有儿童提供一个安心、安全,能最大程度实现自我和社会参与的健康成长环境是儿童福利的核心部分,而儿童福利政策则是实现上述目标的政策保障。本文以日本儿童福利政策的发展变迁为纵轴,分析梳理20世纪90年代日本儿童福利政策从“补缺型”向“普惠型”、从“儿童福利”向“儿童、家庭福利”、从“救助、保护”向“自立支援”转变的背景和主要内容.为我国儿童福利体系发展提供拳者视点.  相似文献   

随着我国现代化进程的不断加快,农村的剩余劳动力大规模向城市转移,孩子与父母被迫分离,大量的留守儿童便出现在公众视野中,他们不仅引起了社会的广泛关注,在学术界也掀起了一股研究热潮。本文主要从留守儿童社会适应入手,对已有的一些研究进行深入分析,为今后留守儿童社会适应的进一步研究提供参考。  相似文献   

儿童福利是社会保障制度中最基本和最核心的部分,西方工业化国家大多有儿童资助的传统,许多国家都建立了儿童福利制度,儿童福利已成为工业化国家社会保障体系中的重要组成部分。对儿童的资助不仅体现了一种社会正义原则,而且也强化了家庭责任感和社会责任感。本文分析概括了西方国家儿童福利模式的发展情况。列举若干国家对于儿童福利模式的做法,根据中国儿童福利的优势和不足,借鉴他国成功经验.提出推动儿童福利立法建设、建立专门的儿童行政管理机构、建设职业化的儿童福利工作人员队伍、普及儿童大病救助和对残障儿童的福利津贴制度、对福利机构和救助机构多元治理、倡导政府儿童福利理念由儿童生存向儿童发展转变等有针对性的建议。  相似文献   

在“留守儿童与社会工作”的各种探讨中,关于社会政策在解决留守儿童问题中的作用尚没有引起人们的足够重视。  相似文献   

本文对我国近十五年关于儿童福利研究的论文进行了梳理,总结了相关研究的发展趋势、主要研究内容及存在问题。通童福利的历史研究等。我国儿童福利研究存在的不足主要是:关于儿童福利基本理论问题研究有待加强;儿童福利政策对儿童心理需求关注较少;对女童福利的研究严重缺乏;很少从儿童福利的角度认识教育的重要作用。  相似文献   

就我国儿童福利来说,需要通过一部儿童专门的综合性法律,如《儿童福利法》,全面规范儿童福利的各项内容,包括确保儿童基本生存和健康发展的各个方面。  相似文献   

福利三角:一个社会政策分析的范式   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
福利三角是西方社会政策研究领域中的重要概念。本文从社会福利的视角讨论福利三角概念的含义;研究福利三角理论包含的制度内容;区别福利三角与福利多元组合的不同。社会政策是通过国家力量介入社会过程提升人民福利的一种方式。三角中的家庭、(市场)经济与国家三种不同的制度与它们之间的互动,不仅仅表示社会政策产生的动力机制,而且支持了社会政策的制定。本文最后将福利三角范式嵌入社会排斥与社会政策的实证研究中,阐述福利三角和社会政策的关系,指出了社会政策发展对建立和谐社会的意义。  相似文献   

据世界卫生组织统计,目前全国约有脑瘫儿童病例600万例,并以每年4.6万的速度递增,已成为严重的公共卫生问题。但通过中国知网等学术网站检索得出目前关于脑瘫儿童社会救助研究的论文仅有3篇,因此,基于福利多元主义理论提供的福利多元主体,从政府、家庭、学校、医疗机构、社区、非政府组织六个方面,探寻脑瘫儿童社会救助存在的问题,并提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

This article reports on research that investigated the images of social workers engaged in child welfare work as portrayed in movies, a major medium of popular culture. Findings from an analysis of 27 movies spanning from 1938 to 1999 are presented with particular attention to themes about how children are depicted as recipients of child welfare services and how child welfare worker activities and interventions are portrayed. Ways that the results of the research can guide intervention efforts that more accurately and more completely portray the activities, values, and knowledge base of the profession of social work are suggested.  相似文献   

流动儿童是跟随农民工父母或其他监护人进入城市生活或学习的0-16岁农村户籍儿童。我国流动儿童的各项社会福利已取得显著进展,包括营养与健康、教育机会与教育质量、家庭与社会支持等。但是,流动儿童的社会福利水平仍有待提高,许多福利不平等问题亟待解决。为此,需建立新型的以“常住人口”为服务对象的管理模式,建立流动儿童登记管理制度,建立健全流动儿童社会福利工作协作机制等。  相似文献   

In the last five years there has been an increased drive to include the perspectives and contributions of service users in social work education in the United Kingdom. In this paper we discuss the experience of one project that attempted to bring together service users, academics and practitioners to jointly develop and deliver a module that sought to examine the perspectives of families living in poverty who were in receipt of children and families social work services. Through doing this it was hoped that it would be possible to raise practitioners’ awareness of how poverty impacts on parenting and how they could develop an approach that was non‐punitive and genuinely supportive. The paper starts by exploring the context of service user involvement in social work education and then describes the development and process of this collaborative project. The paper concludes with recommendations for both projects seeking to engage service users in empowering and meaningful ways, as well as social work practice within an anti‐oppressive framework.  相似文献   


This paper reports a study in which parents who had received child protection intervention set out to develop a “Service Users' Guide” to help parents newly receiving intervention better understand and cope with the process. The study took place in Ontario, Canada between 2004–2009. Ninety-five parents took part in 13 focus groups and 20 individual interviews. A mix of Participatory Action and grounded theory methods were used to enable parents to develop their service uses guide. As the study progressed it quickly became evident that the biggest issue parents face when receiving intervention is an imbalance in power between themselves and workers. This paper describes the problems this power imbalance causes for parents and presents a potential solution suggested by parents themselves – the development of a child welfare service users' association or union. Parent's ideas about why this association is needed, how it could function, and the benefits it might bring, are discussed. The paper concludes by reviewing the benefits a service users' association might bring not only for those receiving child welfare intervention, but all social work services.  相似文献   

试论困境儿童的国家救助——以儿童福利理论为视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
困境儿童的救助工作是我国儿童福利事业发展中的重要组成部分。做好困境儿童的救助工作是党、政府、国家、社会和公民共同的责任,因此,必须把对困境儿童的救助工作提升到国家战略的角度来考虑。既要正确认识困境儿童群体的异质性,设计多元化的政策和服务,尽快建立和完善普惠型困境儿童救助政策体系,又要承认困境儿童的能力和优势,允许部分困境儿童自主地选择接受受助方式;还要以儿童视角来保障困境儿童游戏娱乐的权利。  相似文献   

Aimed at graduate and undergraduate social work instructors, this article identifies the problem of inadequate attention to children in social work education in the US. The authors argue that social work ethics require social work educators to address children as a vulnerable population. They argue that children will be more central in social work education if instructors adopt a child perspective defined by three knowledge categories, development, well‐being and hope, that serve as reference points in teaching. A triangular strategy of position, attitude and action is provided to guide the day‐to‐day use of a child perspective in the classroom. The authors examine sources of the problem, describe its effects on students' education and future practice and provide classroom examples and teaching techniques.  相似文献   

The current study examined a nationwide sample of the ICWA section within state Title IV-B Child and Family Services Plans. Content analysis was performed to examine whether states were meeting ICWA mandates and federal requirements and interviews with regional/central Administration for Children and Families administrators and state officials were conducted. Major findings included ACF program instructions lacked detail and clarity as to what should be included, a majority of states reported consulting with tribes in the CFSP development, and over half of all state CFSPs did not reference any of the three specific measures outlined in ACF guidelines. Implications of findings are discussed and recommendations are offered to develop measurable outcomes to evaluate ICWA compliance and improve the federal monitoring processes.  相似文献   

童潇 《科学发展》2016,(12):45-55
推动社会组织参与治理是完善城市公共治理、提升治理绩效的重要一环.上海应提升对社会组织作用的认识水平,推动社会组织进一步填补城市公共治理漏洞:促进社会组织优化产品和服务,提升精细化水平,改善城市公共治理绩效;积极构建整合社会组织参与城市公共治理的格局体系,促进社会组织广泛参与;完善体制机制、丰富和拓宽参与渠道,提升参与便捷性和有效性;搭建协作平台,促进多主体协作联动,提升治理效率.  相似文献   


This paper discusses participatory research with young people who are leaving public care in Finland to begin independent lives. The aim of the research, organised by SOS Children's Villages International, was to bring about change in alternative care arrangements, particularly those involving young people's transition to independence. The project used a participatory research design based on employing care-leaving peers as co-researchers. This paper adheres to the methodological principles of empowerment in analysing the personal experiences of young people leaving alternative care with the goal of informing good practice. The findings suggest that the peer research method can be an effective means of empowering young people to develop research skills and to be involved in knowledge production, as well as serving as a means of promoting improved services for “care-leavers”, those young people who are leaving either foster care or institutional care. The participatory and peer research method challenges the traditional understandings of expertise and knowledge production. Although the hierarchy between adult researchers and young people as co-researchers is still evident, the method provides possibilities for better understanding the social- and health-service systems and their challenges and pitfalls from a user's perspective.  相似文献   

In order to add to the growing literature on intergenerational rates of family violence, data were collected from a community-based child abuse agency. The study's purpose was to compare the co-occurrence of child abuse/neglect (CAN) and domestic violence (DV), and the prevalence of CAN and parent's childhood history of abuse. Data were collected from 537 families through intake and subsequent interviews in an attempt to determine the relationship among CAN and DV, and CAN and parent's childhood history of abuse. A chi-square analysis indicated significant relationships among these variables. Of the participants in this sample, 48.9% had experienced both CAN and DV. These results also indicated that 66.3% of participants had a childhood history of CAN and were currently experiencing issues of CAN with their own children. Logistic regression was utilized to examine whether families involved with Child Protective Services (CPS) were at higher risk for DV and/or parental childhood history of CAN. The results indicate that CPS-involved families were approximately three times as likely to have a parent reporting a childhood history of CAN but were not at significantly higher odds for DV. Implications for service delivery are discussed.  相似文献   

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