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“事业线”在现代社会背景下有了全新的意涵与表征。它从手掌这一中性的身体意象中“逸出”而投射到了女性的胸部,同时形成了对女性身体的物化和贬损,而这种现象在青年女性的职场生活中显得尤为突出。在身体社会学的视野中看来,“事业线“是一种青年女性的职场新污名。这一污名来源于男性的凝视、身体资本的积累逻辑以及身体消费便利性等因素间的相互作用,并负面地影响了青年女性的身体健康。探索新污名的生成机制、社会后果以及治理策略对青年女性在职场中的和谐发展有着重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

残疾污名是针对残疾人负面的刻板印象而引发的偏见和歧视,其消极影响渗透残疾人个人生活和社会参与的诸多方面。现有研究对其成因的解释越来越注重社会文化背景因素。公众污名和自我感知污名是污名测量的主要内容,使用的方法以外显态度测量和内隐社会认知方法为主。当下残疾污名干预的研究主要围绕增加群际接触来改变公众对残疾群体的偏见,采用积极心理干预改变个体自我认知,通过融合教育塑造包容、共享的社会文化三个方面来进行。未来研究可以围绕污名影响的保护机制、残疾人内化污名的差异、残疾污名测量的优化、污名干预效果的评估及干预方式的改进等方面进行。  相似文献   

在当下中国尤其青年当中流行着诸如"绿茶婊"一类的词语,成为对一些青年女性的代称。对"绿茶婊"产生与流行过程以及背后社会心理的分析表明,这类称呼存在泛污名化现象,表现出一般污名、交错污名、内隐污名、自我污名与公众污名分离的特征。这种现象的产生源自于中国社会转型过程中出现的信任危机,陌生人社会来临是信任危机的根源,规则失守使不信任得以扩散,大众传媒的推动进一步强化了不信任。污名的消解需要全社会共同努力,重建信任。  相似文献   

普通高校大学生就业时会遭遇到第一学历歧视,他们承受着工作能力公众污名和自我污名的双重压力。这让普通高校大学生在就业时困境重重:缺少公平竞争的机会、消极对待求职机会、缺乏努力奋斗的动力。通过法律手段为大学生营造公平的就业环境、用人单位消除偏见、学校为学生进行就业指导、普通高校大学生提升自己的实力是破解这些困境的重要对策。  相似文献   

精神障碍者是我国人口比例中不可忽视的一部分,社会各界对于精神障碍者的刻板印象造成了其蒙受污名的现状。通过南京某精神病院和某康复中心的实地考察和对部分精神障碍者及其照顾者的访谈,关注精神障碍者的污名是怎样在各种社会关系的互动中被建构的,其自身又是怎样应对这样的污名,并对精神障碍者如何被社会更好地接受提出思考。  相似文献   

医务工作者处于艾滋病疫情防治的第一线,他们的态度在很大程度上影响了HIV/AIDS人群去医疗机构进行化验检查的意愿。不少国内外文献表示,医务工作者中普遍存在着对艾滋病病毒携带者/病人(HIV/AIDS人群)的污名和歧视态度。大部分的国内文献,都利用质化分析的方法,从病患的角度调查他们经历过的和感受到的医务人员对他们的污名和歧视态度。本研究将利用量化分析方法对南昌市医务工作者进行调查,了解他们的主观态度和想法,并分析其影响因素。最后,希望通过本次研究,能够为当地医疗机构和政府提供一些政策上的建议,为病患和医务工作者营造一个和谐相处的环境。  相似文献   

为探究听力障碍大学生社会责任感的现状及特点,应用大学生社会责任心理量表对268名大学生进行问卷调查。结果表明:听障大学生的社会责任感水平中等偏上,但显著低于普通大学生;女听力障碍大学生的责任态度、责任动机及责任策略水平均高于男生;在普校就读过的听障大学生与未就读过的听障大学生之间的社会责任感无显著性差异;不同口语水平的听障大学生,其社会责任感不存在显著差异。  相似文献   

英语学习对于听障生的必要性是不言而喻的,但听障学生的个体差异决定了他们学习英语与普通学生具有明显差异,这种客观的个体差异亦决定了"各个孩子独特的发展方向与速度,不同的成功与发展可能性",对听障生的个体因素因材施教,确保每个缺陷学生得到最优发展,针对听障生心理生理特点在英语教学创新方面提出一些个人的见解和相关的教学建议。  相似文献   

随着社会的快速发展,文明的不断进步,人们对残疾人群体的关注度越来越高,特别是残疾儿童教育问题,受到了高度重视。在残疾儿童中,听障儿童占有比率较大。听障儿童语言康复教育训练作为特殊教育中基础教育的重要构成环节,必须对其在学龄前教育中的重要性予以正确认识。基于此,提出合理、科学的教育训练方法,以提高听障儿童的语言能力。  相似文献   

特殊儿童是指有听障、智障、脑瘫、自闭症、多重残疾等的儿童。由于这些儿童存在这样那样的身体精神缺陷,因此将教学内容和教学模式生活化,使他们掌握一定的生活自理及生存技能,便是每一位特殊教育教师应该探讨和研究的问题。为了适应特殊儿童发展的需要,结合自己近十几年的教学经历,总结和介绍了在特殊儿童生活化教学方面的实践经验,希望能为特殊教育尽一份力。  相似文献   


Stigma is a major barrier to recovery for individuals with mental illnesses. It interferes with community living and attainment of resources and goals and damages self-esteem and self-efficacy. Given that social workers provide much of the mental health care to individuals with mental illnesses, and that actions to reduce stigma support the social justice mission of social work, addressing stigma should be a focus of social work interventions. The goals of this paper are to explore stigma theory in general and for individuals with serious mental illnesses, discuss the implications of this stigma analysis for social work, and make recommendations for action in both practice and research.  相似文献   

Suicide stigma’ contributes to the silencing of parental suicide within family and social networks. This article departs from a narrative theoretical framework on grief and identity to analyse suicide-bereaved youths ‘breaking the silence’ through self-disclosure in self-initiated chat threads on the Internet, which is their way of actively seeking social support, telling of their experiences and opening up space for a renegotiation of the meanings around suicide. The article investigates which narrative frameworks for the interpretation of suicide are operating in these contexts, and whether and, if so, how stigma is reproduced or counteracted. Two frameworks are identified: ‘Who is to blame for suicide?’; and ‘What caused the suicide?’. The former is utilized by the newly bereaved chat-initiators, who attribute blame for suicide to the parent and/or themselves in accordance with stigmatizing discourses. These are reproduced in the responses first and foremost of the non-suicide-bereaved, who construct a dichotomy between the deceased parent as ‘perpetrator’ and the child as ‘victim’ in order to relieve blame. A lack of contact with other suicide-bereaved youths can reinforce feelings of otherness. Identities, however, can potentially be de-stigmatized by the meanings drawn from the latter framework.  相似文献   



The aim of the study is to examine the impact of diversion program characteristics on social stigma of delinquent adolescents in Jordan.


A street survey of adults was conducted in Amman, Jordan. Respondents were randomly assigned to read one of four vignettes involving a delinquent adolescent who participated successfully in one of four types of juvenile justice interventions: detention center placement; diversion with counseling; diversion with counseling plus victim apology and restitution; and diversion with counseling plus family-based apology and restitution. Respondents reported their willingness to accept the adolescent as a member of their child's school, as a friend of their child, as a spouse for their child, and as a future employee. Seventy seven percent of adults approached participated (N = 137).


Respondents reported greater willingness to accept the adolescent when he participated in any of the three diversion programs compared to the detention center condition (β = .80, p < .05). However, there were no differences among the diversion program types (i.e., counseling only, counseling plus individual restorative justice, counseling plus tribal restorative justice) in acceptance levels. Regardless of intervention type, the perception that the adolescent had ‘learned his lesson’ was associated with greater acceptance and with heightened expectations of future success.


Intervention characteristics can influence public stigma in the Middle East. For justice involved youths, interventions that increase perceptions that youth have learned their lesson is a crucial ingredient to stigma reduction efforts. Social work interventions with delinquent adolescents and their families need to incorporate stigma management strategies that convey lesson-learning as a key intervention outcome.  相似文献   

Drawing from stigma theory, this study examines strategies for coping with stigma in online support forums for Israeli childless women. Quantitative content analysis of two online support forums and in-depth interviews with group members ? for voluntarily childless and for infertile Israeli women ? are used to address the study’s research questions. Childbearing is highly valued in Israeli society and women who do not become mothers end up to be widely and deeply stigmatized. Results indicate that the type of stigma and the social context play an important role in the use of online stigma-coping strategies. Posts discussing stigma dominate both forums. Members of both groups use group identification as a stigma-coping strategy and develop a sense of community to cope with stigma. Nevertheless, group identification is more common in the fertility group, while the stigma challenging occurs significantly more in the voluntarily childless group. Excerpts from interviews with group members shed light on the motivations and benefits of becoming forum members. By addressing the role of computer-mediated communication in coping with the Israeli childless stigma, this study contributes to the stigma and feminist literature by highlighting the ways local pronatalist norms influence the manifestation of different coping strategies in online environments.  相似文献   


The AIDS epidemic in Africa remains a serious health crisis. Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in Africa play a critical role in the delivery of HIV prevention services. An important barrier to their HIV prevention efforts is stigma directed at persons living with HIV/AIDS. In order to understand how stigma affects HIV prevention programming, we conducted in-depth qualitative interviews with NGO directors in 29 African countries. Qualitative analytic approaches were used to identify key themes. Substantial discrimination and stigmatization of HIV-positive persons was reported. HIV-positive women were particularly likely to suffer negative social and economic consequences. The stigma associated with HIV interfered with disclosure of HIV status, risk-reduction behaviors, and HIV testing, creating significant barriers to HIV prevention efforts.

Interventions to reduce AIDS-related stigma in Africa are urgently needed. Reducing the burden of stigma is critical to fighting the epidemic in Africa and could play an important role in global HIV reduction.  相似文献   


Measurement of, and response to, three different stigmas and their exposure (homosexual behavior, sex work, and drug use) were studied a group of 90 key-informant recruited male sex workers in Houston, Texas who were over 18 and had exchanged sex for money in the previous 7 days. Respondents reported on self-identified sexual orientation and were interviewed, including providing responses on a measure of perceived stigma relating to sexual behavior and drug use. Two thirds were white, almost all had used drugs (many in the past week), and half had ever injected. A fifth identified as heterosexual, with the remainder split between gay and bisexually-identified men. There was a high level of homelessness and contact with the criminal justice system for drug and property offences. Consciousness about drug-related stigma was moderately associated with concerns about drug-related exposure and sensitivity to rejection as a drug user, but not to exposure as homosexual or as a sex worker. Drug-using status is related to greater concern about exposure as a sex worker. Data suggest that stigma is domain-specific and that there are different patterns of response to different stigmata in the same individual. Measurement of stigmata and concern about exposure and rejection need to be specific to stigmatized behaviors, and not generalized to other stigmatized behaviors since the data suggest that they are minimally related.  相似文献   

We examine the issues around the stigmatization of homelessness and how it links to capitalism. Society focuses on the individual as the cause of his or her own state of homelessness, blaming the victim rather than focusing on the larger antecedent social and economic forces, such as unemployment, limited affordable housing, and breakdowns in kinship networks. Social stigma occurs in situations where there is unequal social, economic, and political power and there is an opportunity to label, stereotype, separate (us versus them), lose status, and discriminate. Stigmatization is due, in part, when people feel threatened by another group. Society categorizes people who are homeless as no longer “useful” and/or “functional” members of capitalism, since they do not actively work and support the system. The paper ends on a discussion of the limits of social change in a capitalist society.  相似文献   

This report evaluates the extent of perceived and enacted HIV/AIDS-related stigma in a rural setting in Zambia. Stigmatisation is abundant, ranging from subtle actions to the most extreme degradation, rejection and abandonment. Women with HIV and pregnant women assumed to be HIV positive are repeatedly subjected to extensive forms of stigma, particularly once they become sick or if their child dies. Despite increasing access to prevention of mother to child transmission initiatives, including anti-retroviral drugs, the perceived disincentives of HIV testing, particularly for women, largely outweigh the potential gains from available treatments. HIV/AIDS related stigma drives the epidemic underground and is one of the main reasons that people do not wish to know their HIV status. Unless efforts to reduce stigma are, as one peer educator put it, “written in large letters in any HIV/AIDS campaign rather than small”, stigma will remain a major barrier to curbing the HIV/AIDS pandemic.  相似文献   

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