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对学报编辑意识主体性的消解表现进行例举,并分析了产生主体性消解现象的原因,认为学报的边缘化、竞争激励体制的缺失和办刊宗旨的异化是导致编辑丧失主观能动性的主要原因,指出需要从高校的管理体制、学报建设的质量把握和个人观念的转变等方面入手,重新构建学报编辑的意识主体性。 相似文献
青春是电影艺术中一个永恒的话题。2011年,台湾导演九把刀执导的《那些年,我们一起追过的女孩》以小成本制作赢得了4个亿新台币的票房,创造了台湾电影奇迹;2013年,大陆导演赵薇执导的《致我们终将逝去的青春》刷新了2D华语片首映票房纪录,为国内类型片的探索之路增添了一抹亮色。同样是青春题材,同样的大获全胜,但在叙事风格上,《致青春》与《那些年》却呈现出完全不同的特征。本文从叙事风格角度,对这两部作品进行比较。 相似文献
随着现代科技的迅猛发展,智能机器的功能越来越强大,随之人们对科技的盲目崇拜现象也越来越凸显,导致人类人本精神的缺失,致使技术出现异化,消解人自身的主体性和社会性,出现严重的文化危机。本文试图阐述在人工智能时代出现文化危机的表征,依据现实表征突出强调文化重建的必要性,最后从消解技术的异化、实现技术的人化,回归生活世界、重建人类共同文化价值,立足文化整体性、重塑文化的整合功能这三个方面提出文化重建的路径,寻求破解智能化时代文化危机问题的路径。 相似文献
IN China,the story of Hua Mulandisguising herself as a man andjoining the army is an ageless themeand every household knows the story.The name of the heroine was spreadeven wider when Walt Disney Companysuccessfully launched an animatedproduction of it.The animated film,“Hua Mulan,”caused a stir in theinternational film market.Amused andmoved by the woman’s story,morepeople became interested in its origin;sowhere is the hometown of Hua Mulan? 相似文献
Niza Yanay 《Symbolic Interaction》1996,19(1):21-36
In light of a study in Israel, which found that 28% of secular girls and 63% of religious girls expressed strong hatred toward Arabs (Cal and Maislees 1989), this paper explores the difference in emotional experience between the two groups of girls. Through in-depth interviews, it examines the meaning of national hatred as knowledge produced within a particular cultural discourse. In the case of the religious girls, feelings of hatred are produced through defensive emotion work aimed at securing the position of female religious subjectivity. The experience of the secular girls shows that when no single discourse is afforded privileged status, dissonant forms of knowledge stimulate the transformation of hatred into understanding and taking the role of the other. In both cases, the paper demonstrates the interplay between national discourse (secular and religious), emotional experience (of hatred), and the construction of (women's) subjectivity. 相似文献
Philip Kuhn 《Studies in Gender and Sexuality》2013,14(4):395-405
This essay discusses how writing from a maternal perspective can construct maternal subjectivity in a linguistic form. Maternal subjectivity is understood as the aggregate of subject positions, or “representations,” experienced by a woman who is a mother. Writing can form connections between subject positions, including those which have been split off or denied because of culturally induced ambivalence, to establish a subjectivity that is multiple rather than split. Through a reading of Mary Gordon's novel, Men and Angels, I show how the text's narrative structure, as it represents a mother's discourse with her own mother, her discourse with herself, and her discourse with her child, incarnates the plurality of self positions that mothers possess and constructs a relationship or “grammar” between them. By evoking this complex maternal subjectivity, mother-writing can be understood as a gesture toward recognition–both within the text, for its characters, and outside the text, for the mother/writer. 相似文献
Pygmalion is a legendary figure of Cyprus.He is most familiar from Ovid’s Metamorphoses,X,in which Pygmalion was a sculptor who fell in love with a statue named Galatea he had carved.Venus granted Pygmalion’s wish and Pygmalion married the ivory sculpture changed to a woman under Venus’blessing.This love story becomes a popular subject for numerous artists in later generations.The celebrated Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw’s play Pygmalion is one of most notable creations based on this ancient Greek myth.This thesis aims at doing a comparison between the two versions,analyzing Shaw’s Pygmalion’s succession to the former mythical one and the innovative subversion. 相似文献
Salman Türken 《Globalizations》2016,13(1):32-46
The influence of neoliberalism on culture and subjectivity is well documented. This paper contributes to understanding of how neoliberal ideology enters into the production of subjectivity. While subject formation takes place in multiple and contradictory ways and across multiple social sites, we focus on the increasingly popular media discourse of self-development, and examine it as a technology of neoliberal subjectification. Drawing on Foucauldian understandings, we analyze data from two different newspapers from two different national contexts, both of which are heavily influenced by neoliberalism. Based on our analysis, we detail four interrelated discourses—rationality, autonomy and responsibility, entrepreneurship, and positivity and self-confidence—demonstrating how these discourses constitute the neoliberal subject in ways consonant with neoliberal governmentality. There is no observable resistance to subject positions offered within these discourses. Self-development discourse instills stronger individualism in society, while constraining collective identity, and thus provides social control and contributes to preserving status quo of neoliberal societies. 相似文献
David Klugman 《Clinical Social Work Journal》1997,25(3):297-313
The philosophical systems of existentialism and constructivism have generated distinct clinical approaches based on seemingly incompatible conceptions of subjectivity and its role in clinical work. The premise of this paper is that, taken together, existential and constructivist perspectives provide an essentially dialectical view of personal identity, suggesting that a bi-polar model of subjectivity may yield a broader therapeutic gain than either/or positions. I demonstrate this premise by illustrating the central tenets of each approach using clinical vignettes, then further elucidate each position by drawing upon its philosophical underpinnings. Finally, I present a longer clinical illustration that contains both an existential and a constructivist phase. 相似文献
Noreen Giffney Ph.D. MSc. Michael O'Rourke M.Litt. 《Studies in Gender and Sexuality》2013,14(2):69-79
This article offers an outline and preliminary analyses of key aspects of Lisa Baraitser's (2009) Maternal Encounters as a situating opening piece in a special feature arising from an intensive seminar on Baraitser's work held in Dublin in September 2010. The first section opens out some of the psychoanalytic implications of Baraitser's theory of maternal subjectivity. The second section considers the importance of temporality and the interruption of the “seamless” thinking subject for the emergence of a maternal subject and considers Baraitser's maternal subject in relation to some key queer and feminist positionings of maternity. The final section assesses the text's contribution to philosophical debates. First, it discusses how Baraitser attends to the everyday in developing an aesthetics of ordinariness. Second, it looks at deconstruction and inhabitation. Finally, it considers cultural phenomenology, objects, and the magic Baraitser locates in things. 相似文献
伊战结束至今已一年多了,但战后的伊经济重建却进展缓慢,原因是伊经济重建是一项庞大系统工程,美国事先对其难度估计不足,也缺乏具体计划;伊资金严重缺乏,债务负担沉重;伊安全形势严峻,重建工作雪上加霜;美独家主导重建的做法使许多国家对参与重建的兴趣不高;伊政治过渡进程一波三折,且各派利益斗争激烈.尽管这种局势对伊经济重建产生了一定的消极影响,但考虑到重建额大、周期长、利润丰厚,且伊石油储量丰富,各国对伊重建前景仍然看好. 相似文献
This paper argues that our understandings ofourselves as gendered, as either masculine or feminine,are a power effect of the contemporary discourse ofgender difference. The main premise of the paper is that this social construction of genderallows for gender difference to be resisted — andthe form of resistance analyzed here isgender-inappropriate dress. Two forms ofgender-inappropriate dress — male transvestism and female power dressing —are discussed in the paper and argued to present aparticular kind of challenge to our discursivelyconstituted sense of the rigidity and mutual exclusivityof the gender divide. This analysis is used in theconclusion to offer some critical comments regarding thestrand of organizational analysis which argues for afeminization/reeroticization of the workplace. 相似文献