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Support for marriage as an institution in Russian society remains very strong, although divorce is becoming more frequent. Reasons for wishing to divorce are a mix of economic, social, and personal factors, and divorce is no longer perceived as something that is extremely negative and unacceptable.  相似文献   

哲学的未来应该是什么样的呢?首先,在与科学的关系方面,哲学应该在坚持自身的科学性的同时在方法上和科学相区别;其次,唯物主义与唯心主义需要和解而不是对立;最后,哲学不能以立法者的身份出现,它的科学性在于寻找答案的过程而不在于答案本身。  相似文献   

哲路 《今日辽宁》2008,(2):14-21
国家经济发展战略体现了国家宏观经济发展格局和重点。地区发展战略纳入国家战略是一个系统工程,既要符合地区经济发展的目标和方向,又要与国家总体战略相吻合  相似文献   

机器人餐厅、3D食品打印机、窗宝机器人、幼教机器人、私人定制影院、智能门铃……7月份在青岛相继召开的软博会和电博会上,“新、奇、特”的高科技智能产品仿佛把人带进了美妙的“未来世界”,展示了在工业、家居、教育、娱乐等领域中的智能解决方案,科幻大片中的一幕幕正在变成现实.  相似文献   

This article describes, compares, and assesses inertia, rentier, mobilization, and modernization strategies to guide Russia's socioeconomic development.  相似文献   

宗教世俗化及其未来   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着人类自我意识的发展,宗教世俗化问题被提上日程,尤其是近代以来,片面强调科学理性,忽视价值理性。使现代人价值失落,信仰危机,新兴宗教、膜拜团体出现。变革传统宗教,加快世俗化步伐,宗教才能不断适应现代社会人们的精神需求。  相似文献   

辽宁中部七城市联手构建沈阳经济区,完全符合当今世界经济发展的潮流,完全符合经济全球化、区域经济一体化的客观规律,是落实中央关于振兴东北老工业基地战略的重要举措,是我们七城市的共同愿望。辽阳市委、市政府有决心在建设沈阳经济区中发挥积极作用,作出应有的贡献。第一,自觉摆正位置,主动融入沈阳经济区。辽阳市将本着主动接轨、全面融入、联手合作、实现共赢的原则,积极融入沈阳经济区中。一要牢固树立大局观念。教育和引导全市上下跳出行政区划的禁锢,打破城市之间的壁垒,自觉把辽阳置身于沈阳经济区这个大局当中。二要加强规划衔接…  相似文献   

The first symposium in our country on the social problems of cities was held this year at the Institute of the International Workers' Movement of the USSR Academy of Sciences on the theme "Urbanization and the Working Class in the Face of the Scientific and Technical Revolution." The symposium was sponsored by the Scientific Council on Applied Social Research Problems of the USSR Academy of Sciences and by the Institute. Approximately 250 persons, to whom a number of papers were presented for discussion, participated in the symposium. These papers discussed theoretical and methodological problems of urbanization, the findings of urbanization studies in the USSR, in capitalist countries, and in developing countries.  相似文献   

We consider some of the ways in which mindfulness theory can provide new solutions to current problems and address potential future problems that may result from changes in demographics and technology. Specific research questions are suggested to see how increasing mindfulness and decreasing mindlessnesscan work to diminish these social problems as they occur specifically in the classroom, the workplace, and the social predicament of getting old. We discuss (a) recasting some of the problems of the elderly into problems of perspective about the elderly, (b) mindful ways of dealing with increased ethnic diversity, (c) differentiating between changing the workplace work and changing the character of the work itself and (d) the advantages and ways of increasingmindfulness in the classroom.  相似文献   

今天在我用"新经济与中国未来发展"这样一个题目在这里发言的时候,需要作一点说明,那就是我使用的"新经济"这个词,同在这个会上许多发言者使用的不完全一样.在这个会议上,许多发言者讲的"新经济"的概念,如《中国经济时报》2000年6月1日的一篇文章里所携带那样:"最早是人们在描述美国经济近几年的走势时提出的".美国经济从1991年3月开始由谷底攀升,连续增长至今.  相似文献   

Shenyang, one of China's major industrial bases with brilliant history, finds itself in the forefront of the ongoing move to "rejuvenate northeast China". Shenyang people, numbering 7.2 million, have decided to march in the forefront of the great move. Modern history came into existence in Shenyang in the early 1920s, and gained initial ground during the Republic of China (1912-1949). Following the founding  相似文献   

辽阳是辽东半岛中部重要的对外开放城市,也是建设和发展中的现代化生态型新兴工业城市。近年来,作为辽阳的传统和优势产业,农业越来越受到重视,取得了长足的发展,在国民经济中的地位不断提升,牵动作用日益增强,已发展成为辽阳的四大支柱产业之一,为全面有效地解决农村和农民问题提供了强大动力和可靠保证,成为全市经济持续快速健康发展和人民生活水平稳步提高的坚实基础。辽阳农业和农村经济稳步发展2004年,辽阳市农业和农村经济发展实现了历史性跨越。农业总产值实现44亿元,农民人均纯收入实现3819元,较之“九五”末期的1999年分别增长67.3…  相似文献   

新人类与我们可能的未来   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何兰萍 《社会》2001,(11):31-33
上个世纪末的最后几年里 ,70年代出生的新一代成为大众媒体的热门话题。他们自称新人类 ,在许多方面有着引人注目的表现和骄人的成绩 ,也有世人不解的种种举动。有人说他们是中国垮掉的一代 ,仿佛他们就是世风日下 ,道德滑坡的象征。身为70年代的一员 ,我们总觉得对新人类的看法不能简单化。他们不是父辈想象中的那样 ,只要消费不要头脑 ,只要快乐不要思考。他们有自己的奋斗目标 ,也有自己的生活规则。从某些方面说 ,他们是异常孤独的一群  相似文献   

2006年9月20日傍晚,清华大学,初秋,微凉,张国祥着一件白衬衫,坐在经济管理学院教室的讲台后,对面是数百位年轻学子投来的专注而思辨的目光。未来的栋梁们正在关注的是这样一件事:来自老工业基地沈阳的  相似文献   

沈阳是中国重要的工业基地, 曾拥有过辉煌的历史,在振兴东北老工业基地的新形势下,沈阳再一次被历史推到了世界的面前。“东北大振兴,沈阳要先行”——这是720 万沈阳人在21世纪经济大变革中提出的一个战略口号,更是历史赋予沈阳的重任。  相似文献   

Future Directions in Youth Involvement Research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Youth activity involvement has received increasing research and theoretical attention and should be of particular interest to social development investigators. Involvement has been correlated with a wide range of positive developmental indices, although not for all activities nor for all children. However, our ability to interpret such findings has been restricted by measurement and design limitations. Greater attention needs to be given to assessment issues and to determining the unique effects of psychological vs. behavioral engagement, as well as to capturing the dynamic nature of engagement and the moderating role of individual differences. 'Big picture' models of the entire engagement process (such as the one presented here) will help identify gaps in our research knowledge and will integrate existing evidence and theory.  相似文献   

The State Committee for Automation and Machine-Building commissioned a group of plant designers and architects to prepare blueprints and present their ideas on a machine-building plant to be built 15 to 20 years in the future. The author of this article headed the project. ["The Factory of the Future," Ekonomicheskaia Gazeta, July 1, 1960—abridged.]  相似文献   

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