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Newcomb's problem supposedly involves your choosing one or else two boxes in circumstances in which a predictor has made a prediction of how many boxes you will choose. We argue that the circumstances which allegedly define Newcomb's problem generate a previously unnoticed regress which shows that Newcomb's problem is insoluble because it is ill-formed. Those who favor, as we do, a ``no-box' reply to Newcomb's problem typically claim either that the problem's solution is underdetermined or else that it is overdetermined. We are no-boxers of the first kind, but the underdetermination we identify is more radical than any previously identified: it blocks the very set-up of the problem and not just potential solutions to the problem once it has been set up. The defect is subtle, but it cripples every genuine version of the problem, regardless of variations in such things as the predictor's degree of reliability, the basis on which the prediction is made, or the amount of money in each box. The regress shows that, surprisingly enough, no one can understand Newcomb's problem, and so no one can possibly solve it. 相似文献
S. D'Urso 《The Australian journal of social issues》1974,9(2):108-117
The democratization of schools is becoming the most embracing question in Australian education. Contrary to popular belief, lay and professional, incidental learning within schools is more potent than the intended cognitive outcomes of learning, that is, the principal function of schooling is latent rather than manifest. The social relations of schooling within a bureaucratic system, together with the general prevalence of a subject-divided curriculum, teacher-focused classrooms, and competitively oriented grading, condition the young as future jobholders and as citizens of a mass-technocratic society. Schools need to be transformed into autonomous lifelong learning centres to foster the correlative, democratic values of individuality and community. 相似文献
Timothy Van Zandt 《Theory and Decision》1996,40(3):235-247
This note explores the consequence of hidden information acquisition for static choice theory. We show that any choice function in the observable problem can be consistent with some well-behaved choice function in a metaproblem with unobservable costly information acquisition. This illustrates how choices may not satisfy consistency conditions because a decision maker's decision process (in this case, information acquisition) depends on her feasible set. It also illustrates the importance of modeling the source of violations of consistency conditions, rather than simply weakening axioms on preferences. 相似文献
Probabilistic theories of rationality claim that degrees of belief have to satisfy the probability axioms in order to be rational. A standard argument to support this claim is the Dutch Book argument. This paper tries to show that, in spite of its popularity, the Dutch Book argument does not provide a foundation for normative theories of rationality. After a presentation of the argument and some of its criticisms a problem is pointed out: the Dutch Book argument applies only to situations with a specific formal structure. Several attempts to justify the argument for more general situations are considered and rejected. The only way to remedy the shortcoming, it is argued, seems to be the acceptance of a far-reaching and highly implausible empirical hypothesis. 相似文献
Laura Hapke 《Journal of popular culture》2008,41(5):888-889
修辞作为一种调动情感和诉诸日常合理观念的说服技术,能够增强法律的公信力.然而,法律修辞并非修辞在法律领域的简单运用,普通修辞建立在公共信念的基础上,注重大众所认可的合理,法律应用强调专业性质的法理,修辞经常诉诸情感,而法律则是逻辑推理的领域.在发挥修辞说服功能的同时,要想限制其对法律的侵蚀作用,我们必须以法律人群体的合法理念为标准,注重逻辑推理,增强对抗性论辩,克服修辞对法律的消解作用. 相似文献
在全球经济普遍降温的背景下,稳定强健的内需是保持我国经济持续发展的关键性力量,而现期我国居民的生活却呈现出高储蓄、低消费的态势,消费严重滞后于投资的快速增长。与城镇居民相比,农村居民的消费行为具有明显的滞后性,这种滞后是由于农村社保体系的不完善引起的。提高城乡居民消费能力的关键是打破城乡二元结构。 相似文献
受访者推动抽样:研究隐藏人口的方法与实践 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
“隐藏人口”的特点是规模较小且成员一般不愿暴露身份,因此很难使用常规抽样方法对其进行研究。近年来出现了一种新的研究隐藏人口的方法——受访者推动抽样(RDS)方法,该方法在传统“雪球抽样”方法的基础上,结合社会网络分析的理论和方法,使研究者有可能根据样本对总体特征做出合理的推论。本文对RDS方法的理论渊源、基本思路、主要操作步骤和原理进行了简要介绍,并探讨了在实际操作过程中应注意的问题。 相似文献
本文回顾了中国金融业相对滞后的改革历程 ,论述了当前金融业存在的主要隐患 ,并在此基础上提出了进一步深化金融改革的设想 ,即从处理和根除大量银行不良债权入手 ,把银行改革与企业改革结合起来 ,进而促进金融市场的发育及其与国际金融市场的接轨。 相似文献
吴勇 《广州城市职业学院学报》2010,4(3):72-75
大学将教学计划改革为人才培养方案,更加重视隐性教育功能,使之在人才培养中将发挥越来越重要的作用,这是大学对教学本质回归的一种诉求,从一定意义上讲,也是对当前大学对学科、工程或职业能力为目标的功利化能力本位教育观的否定。 相似文献
Rhoda K. Unger 《Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy》2002,2(1):43-52
This article looks at three measuring instruments—the Right-Wing Authoritarianism Scale, the Social Dominance Orientation Scale, and the Attitudes About Reality Scale—used to examine covert ideology and its relationship to social and political beliefs and behaviors. These scales share similar ideological components involving abdication of moral responsibility to an outside agent, belief that one's own ideology represents the only form of truth, and negative beliefs about individuals who are not members of one's own group. Evidence is provided to suggest that radical fundamentalists and some groups within U.S. society share ideological beliefs that differ in degree rather than kind. These beliefs make it easy for them to divide the world into "us" and "them" and exacerbate the present conflict. 相似文献
Donald Perlgut 《The Australian journal of social issues》1986,21(3):163-171
Management of public rental housing is out of public view because most of the rules, regulations, and management policy directions arise from within the housing authorities themselves. As such, the policies can be vague, contradictory, and unrelated to the actual social and economic situations of the residents of public housing. The housing estate manager must translate these policies into a workable day-by-day relationship with tenants. The quality of housing estates is the result. We must be concerned, for on this quality rests the success or failure of our public housing policy. 相似文献