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韩宏韬 《唐都学刊》2006,22(2):10-12
孔颖达的<对<论语>问>,是一篇精美的政论文,但宋代俞德邻认为,唐太宗误认曾子为孔子,而颖达竟不省,故责其告君欠谨.俞德邻的解读依据<新唐书>.根据<贞观政要>、<旧唐书>、<十三经注疏>、<全唐文>,<新唐书>所载<对<论语>问>错误有二其一,张冠李戴;其二,文体不合.同时,<全唐文>等文献所载<对<论语>问>的几处异文值得商榷.  相似文献   

《新唐书》是北宋中叶官方修史的重要成果,既有不屑五代衰世而借重修唐史以争正统的政治色彩,又有取法后王、以唐为鉴而巩固当朝统治的现实诉求,故其在"述往"之余,更着眼于"思来";不沾沾于史料保存,更注重历史思想层面的思索,具体反映在历史编纂方面,便是极为重视有唐一代的理乱兴衰和典章经制,在总结唐朝历史治乱问题上得出了许多深刻认识。同时,由于北宋与五代修史环境截然有别,文治大兴,所据文献见闻益广,故在一定程度上又可补《旧唐书》之阙。  相似文献   

余群 《学术交流》2004,(10):154-157
《世说新语》无论是思想内容、艺术形式,还是书名、编排体制等,都明显受到了《论语》的影响。具体表现为:一、《世说新语》有尊儒思想。二、大量运用《论语》典故。三、学习《论语》的人物形象塑造法。四、大量的篇章是仿效《论语》而作的。五、语言风格具有《论语》的简练含蓄、富于哲理和机趣的特征。六、仿效《论语》写实的笔法。  相似文献   

旧常谓《论语集解》以玄释儒,语涉玄虚。本文以为其实不然,并以《论语集解》成书之经过、《论语集解》著作之体例《论语集解》旧谓玄虚处辨等三种途径析之,以证明《论语集解》实恪守儒家之学,所谓以玄释儒实不可信。  相似文献   

《论语》曾对中外一些大企业家产生重要影响 ,作为现代企业在吸取西方现代管理科学的同时 ,还应从传统思想 ,特别是集中了孔子思想主要内容的《论语》里寻找源泉。《论语》中“学而优”、“己身正”、“人为本”、“施仁德”、“义利兼”、“重诚信”、“和为贵”等思想可以给现代企业家以启示 ,是企业经营中的法宝。  相似文献   

陈丛兰 《唐都学刊》2012,28(4):23-27
《贞观政要》继承和发展了儒学政治哲学的人性理论。其官德保障机制体现在内修与外治两个方面,一则从非制度的内在层面强调官吏通过思、慎和学的途径修身养德,二则从制度的外在层面加强旨在预防、考课与奖惩官员的吏治建设。体现自律与他律、儒学政治哲学与法家政治理念的统一,完善了中国传统政治外儒内法的基本模式。  相似文献   

董晔  李妍妍 《唐都学刊》2006,22(3):131-134
孔子在《论语》中用“思无邪”对《诗经》作了整体性的评价。毋庸置疑的是,无论后人对“思无邪”作何种解释,它的意思仍是说:《诗经》中的所有篇章都合乎孔子的政治思想、伦理道德和审美标准。由于《诗经》的内容和思想倾向相当复杂,所以要想准确把握孔子之“思无邪”、“一言以蔽之”的原因,就必须考察其在《诗经》和《论语》中所处的不同文化语境,以及由此造成的两种含义之间的内在关系。  相似文献   

赵宏宇 《探求》2013,(3):40-45
《论语》是一部有着两千多年解释史的儒家经典作品,但历代注家在解释这部经典的过程中,都要对文本自身的歧义性和语境的模糊性做出富有说服力的诠释.比照这些不同诠释方式之间的差异,阐明先儒在注释《论语》过程中所面对的歧见与困难,并从解释学的角度对此做出分析与观照,既可以让我们在更加本原的意义上理解文本与诠释之间的张力关系,也有助于我们以更好的方式来解读《论语》以及其他类似的经典文本.  相似文献   

陈雯 《社科纵横》2011,(10):116-118
“勇”是中国传统伦理的重要德目。《论语》中的“勇”可分为子路之勇和成人之勇,并集中于对前者的论说。“勇”作为德性的内在构成要素之一,依仁义礼智诸德而立,与诸德目共同构成了孔子理想人格的德性基础。无论在古代还是当代,勇德都具有丰富的意涵和重要的价值。  相似文献   

<论语>是儒家的经典之作.<论语>以富有生活气息和诗化的语言塑造了孔子伟大的教师形象.他是一位具有实事求是、诲人不倦教学态度的师长;是一位运用因材施教、启发式教学方法的智者;是一位具有注重素质教育、拥有教书育人理念的教育家;是一位幽默风趣、拥有温而厉性格特点的长者;也是一位一生锲而不舍、顽强从教的奋斗者.  相似文献   

马萌 《唐都学刊》2005,21(1):25-29
部分学者认为,白居易<长恨歌>"方士寻觅"一段情节来源于当时的民间传说.从白居易的生平事迹考察,此段情节的构思多有依据,白居易年轻时的恋爱经历对这一情节的形成有决定性的影响.  相似文献   

Recognizing bias in health research is crucial for evidence-based decision making. We worked with eight community groups to develop materials for nine modular, individualized critical appraisal workshops we conducted with 102 consumers (four workshops), 43 healthcare providers (three workshops), and 33 journalists (two workshops) in California. We presented workshops using a “cycle of bias” framework, and developed a toolbox of presentations, problem-based small group sessions, and skill-building materials to improve participants' ability to evaluate research for financial and other conflicts of interest, bias, validity, and applicability. Participant feedback indicated that the adaptability of the toolbox and our focus on bias were critical elements in the success of our workshops.  相似文献   

In the context of global developments in the measurement of child poverty, this article critiques the limited success of the Indian government to develop a comprehensive social policy approach to address multi‐faceted deprivation suffered by Indian children. Since independence in 1947, Indian governments have focused on childhood deprivation through various programmes to improve food security, education and health. However, these programmes have functioned in siloes without any linkages to each other, along with poor budgetary commitment which has resulted in sub‐optimal policy outcomes. Based on the theoretical approaches of Amartya Sen's capability approach and Townsend's consensual approach to poverty measurement, this article highlights the intrinsic importance of child well‐being to society. To achieve its objectives, the article is organized into four main parts. First, the article provides an overview of Indian children's deprivation and poverty, and the policy approach. Second, it provides conceptual advancements globally on the measurement of child poverty and deprivation. Third, it highlights the importance of utilizing these indicators to measure child poverty in the Indian context. Fourth, it concludes with a critical analysis of children's budgets and social policy in India to highlight that the Indian government's approach towards child well‐being is not only conceptually flawed, but that its commitment is extremely poor.  相似文献   

英汉语中“悲伤”情感的认知均基于人们对该情感的身体体验和对人类身体的认识,同时又受各自文化背景和思维模式的制约,即英汉“悲伤”隐喻具备具身普遍性和文化特异性。从具身认知和体验哲学的角度对二者的认知共性进行阐释,并从理想化认知模式的视角探讨二者差异性的成因可以对英汉语中的“悲伤”隐喻有系统的认知。  相似文献   


Innovation has become a core driver for the success and survival of organizations regardless of their size and nature. A plethora of literature has discussed the importance of innovation in profit-based organizations, while nonprofit organizations (NPOs) have generally been ignored in research. This study examines the influence of the sub-dimensions of innovation on the performance of NPOs. Data were collected through structured questionnaires using a sample size of 309 NPOs operating in the emerging market Pakistan. The hypotheses were tested through structural equation modeling (SEM) in AMOS.21. The results indicate that process innovation and organization innovation have significant positive influence on the performance of NPOs, while product innovation and marketing innovation have insignificant influence on the performance of NPOs. NPOs are advised to give enough attention to process and organization innovation in order to boost their performance. Future researchers are encouraged to test the model in other environmental settings. Implications for practice were discussed.  相似文献   

<春秋>三传对于泓之战中宋襄公的行为从大致相同的史实记载中却得出了迥异的看法,原因在于三传各自的性质和思想特点有所不同.其中<左传>的记载有较为鲜明的史学特点,其叙事之中也体现了一种历史的理性.<公羊传>和<毂梁传>更侧重义理的阐发从而体现出经学的特色.但<公>、<毂>对宋襄公截然相反的评价,其根本原因在于二传之着眼点不同.而进一步思考,<公羊传>的推崇理想和<毂梁传>的注重现实是密不可分的,这正体现了理想与现实之间的一种张力.  相似文献   

黄忠廉 《阅江学刊》2011,(2):113-118
“释”是严译《天演论》达旨术最重要的变通策略“增”之一种。“释”的单位有字、词、小句、复句,以词语为多。“释”的方式有释正以俗、释以中例、释略以详、释以背景、释以内涵等。严译的“释”具有释疑解惑、解释原因、具化内容、提供相关知识等功能。  相似文献   

The perceptions and judgments of social workers who interview the child and family are especially significant factors in child abuse assessment process. The current study describes and compares child protection workers’ assessment processes in Korea and the USA through the use of case vignettes and in‐depth interview. The responses from social workers in these two countries were compared and discussed in the areas of: risk assessment; perception of the main problems; tolerance of corporal punishment; and judgments about appropriateness of interventions. Most revealing was that Korean social workers determined abuse based on their child abuse definition and the US Army FAP social workers determined abuse based on their definition, which was affected by legal standards and cultural differences. Korean social workers are more likely to remove a child from the home, even in mild cases, but US FAP social workers would recommend child removal from the home as a last option. The social workers that participated in this survey play a vital role in the safety of children in child protective services. Both countries can benefit from sharing information to improve the child protection services delivered. Social workers' professional judgment leads to objective and consistent outcomes and are less likely to compromise child safety in the decision making process.  相似文献   

产业集聚是现代经济发展的重要特征,特别是后工业时代的到来,服务业集聚受到了学术界越来越多的关注。文章从服务业集聚水平的测度出发,对CES函数进行了扩展应用,以更好地得到能反映服务业集聚水平的h指数,并从指数中分解出布局集聚经济、城市集聚经济和内部集聚经济等三个因素来分析其具体的影响程度,在此基础上,通过对广州市批发零售...  相似文献   

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