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许地山笔下的春桃形象虽有浪漫主义色彩,但更具有现实主义特点。从春桃的精神世界来看,她虽然地位卑微、生活困苦,却拥有独立的意志、强烈的自尊、健全的人格、务实的精神。从现实合理性来看,春桃外貌的美丽清洁是小说必要的审美元素,以克服其社会职业的卑微不洁;其生活环境是大都市北京而非保守的乡村为她创造了宽松自由的环境;小说一女二夫情节在现实生活中也有存在,近似于民间奇异婚俗。从作者的创作动机来看,春桃形象反映了许地山关于人生问题、妇女问题的思考,是对以往创作的一种超越,也是个人情感追求的一种流露。  相似文献   

Psychosocial perspectives on children’s development are allied to theories that recognize the ‘self’ as essentially a social entity. The quality of relationships that children experience in their social environment have a profound effect on their socio-emotional development, personality formation and social competence. To this extent, psychosocial theories of children’s development and wellbeing can provide child and family social workers with a powerful framework within which to analyse, assess and practise. However, it is also recognized that the character of child welfare practices and policies are influenced by prevailing political climates. A simple dichotomy is described between political philosophies of the right and left; libertarianism and communitarianism; individual freedom and collective action. It is argued that the present swing to libertarian individualism has brought about major changes in the policy and practice of much child and family social work, including a preference for theories that emphasize people’s psychological independence, rationality and personal responsibility. In such a climate, child and family social work becomes more legalistic, orientated towards principles of justice rather than welfare, and towards rights and responsibilities rather than personal relationships and social competence. Psychosocial developmental theories, with their emphasis on the importance of social relationships and the emotional interconnectedness of people in community, fare less well under the rigours of psychological individualism and free-market economics. The paper concludes that if children’s psychosocial development and competence are a product of their social history, practices that psychologically ‘disembed’ people from their relationship environment are unable to consider children’s needs within a coherent, well-grounded theoretical framework. If child and family social work is premised on helping children develop social understanding and emotional wellbeing, theory and practice are best served by taking a psychosocial perspective.  相似文献   

肖军 《南亚研究》2012,(3):111-124
作为一个具有悠久历史的文明古国,印度外交思想的雏形在其传统政治文化中就能找到渊源。印度政治文化不仅囊括具有现实主义取向的"考底利耶主义"与激进的"斯瓦拉吉"思想,也包含具有崇高道义法则的"法胜"思想与"非暴力"思想。本文从历史、地理、宗教精神及广义的文化等五个方面探讨印度二元性政治文化的来源,并阐述这种政治文化的特征。在政治文化传统的影响下,印度形成了独具特色的外交思想。  相似文献   

Disney’s animated heroine Pocahontas has been touted as a new type of protagonist differing from her predecessors whose lives revolve around men. Pocahontas’ romance eventually does become subordinate to her role in protecting the social fabric of her village. Yet in placing the needs of her community before her own personal desires, she fulfills societal expectations of today wherein young women are supposed to progress from selfish absorption in relationships to selfless dedication nurturing others. Pocahontas, then, models the submersion of a young woman’s desires to allow a commitment to selfless altruism.  相似文献   

章太炎的语言文化观与印度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李群 《南亚研究》2009,(2):129-139
印度历史、文化、社会及其进步人士的民族独立观和复兴思想,对章太炎社会革命学说和学术理念方面产生了明显的影响。章太炎依据自己在小学方面的特长,以印度文字为参照,对中国文字的发音、起源等问题进行考证、清理和净化,形成独立、完整的汉语言文字学系统,为民族复兴提供了强有力的文化实证支持。  相似文献   

This paper details a study that listened and empowered an adult (Beth, a pseudonym), through the use of a life story methodology, to reflect on her childhood experiences of parental drug misuse. Voice Relational Analysis was applied to Beth's life story to assist the researcher to unravel and cipher, through the complexities and nuances of her voice, Beth's familial relational experiences and the lengthy lineage these have had on her ability to relate with others. This paper highlights the somewhat complex composition of her interpersonal relationships and reveals how she related both positively and negatively within them.  相似文献   

付美艳 《学术交流》2012,(3):152-155
《榆树下的欲望》中的爱碧曾被作为捍卫爱情的勇士而进入人类文学史的光荣榜,然而在剧中她从"妖妇"到"天使"的转变,并不是剧情发展的水到渠成,而是剧作家奥尼尔试图维护两性关系中男强女弱模式的一种努力,在文本背后隐藏的是对男权被颠覆的焦虑。女性主义批评通过对文本的重新阅读和阐释,以新的视角,在文本中找寻男权意识对女性在精神上的控制。当爱碧进入这样一种文学批评视野,发现虽然最开始她是一个男权话语樊篱的突围者,但她不过是一个不自觉的女性解放者,最终又一头栽回男权话语体系的怀抱,通过杀婴,成就了一曲"伟大"的爱情绝唱。这变异的母性,实质是男权社会的作茧自缚。  相似文献   

In economically meaningful interactions negotiations are particularly important because they allow agents to improve their information about the environment and even to change accordingly their own characteristics. In each step of a negotiation an agent has to emit a message. This message conveys information about her preferences and endowments. Given that the information she uses to decide which message to emit comes from beliefs generated in previous stages of the negotiation, she has to cope with the uncertainty associated with them. The assessment of the states of the world also evolves during the negotiation. In this paper we analyze the intertwined dynamics of beliefs and decision, in order to determine conditions on the agents that allow them to reach agreements. The framework for decision making we consider here is based on defeasible evaluation of possibilities: an argument for a choice defeats another one if it is based on a computation that better uses all the available information.  相似文献   

廉文澂 《唐都学刊》2011,27(1):116-120
影视剧编写是以丰富的表现力、想象力提高作品的审美内涵而产生艺术效果的。《关中枪声》以多重悬念、高潮迭起的妙趣横生,展示剧情的矛盾冲突,突出剧情出奇制胜的变化,而令人情不自禁的惊奇。剧情更关注审美主体——人物形象及其性格的刻画,创造了一系列个性鲜活具有审美内涵的艺术形象。剧情又以广阔的叙事空间,鲜明的地域性,历史的真实性,生活的宏丽性,融历史、人情、侠义于一炉,形成雄浑、宏伟、壮丽的画卷。  相似文献   

汉娜.阿伦特是最早从哲学视角对公共领域问题进行深入系统思考的哲学家。在建构公共领域理论时,她将世界性作为公共领域的存在论基础,目的是建立一个世界性的公共领域,为人类寻求一个稳定的家园,型塑一种世界性的生活方式。这一探求成为贯穿阿伦特政治思想的主要线索,使阿伦特政治理论之特色得以彰显。  相似文献   

赫勒的个体解放理论及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赫勒在对马克思阶级解放理论进行批判研究的同时,系统地论证了个体解放的合法性、可能性与实现途径。赫勒的个体解放理论是其社会批判理论的出发点和归宿点,该理论并未诉诸无产阶级的阶级意识,而是致力于日常生活的微观革命,强调个体解放是人类解放的途径。  相似文献   

The present study extends prior research exploring the role of school contextual factors in predicting individual adolescent substance use by examining how a school’s racial composition is associated with American Indian adolescent tobacco and marijuana use. Using a subsample of 523 American Indian students from the restricted use Add Health data, we consider both individual and school contextual factors across 99 schools. Our results suggest that a school’s racial composition is associated with individual tobacco and marijuana use among American Indian youth, but in different ways depending upon the substance. Our findings illustrate the importance of extending research on the correlates of substance use for racial and ethnic minorities beyond studies examining African-Americans and/or Hispanics.  相似文献   


This article traces the emergence of a multisensual aesthetic in the works of modernist avant-garde artist and poet Mina Loy. Loy's creative efforts were heterogeneous, spanning multiple media: a poet and painter, she was also a designer, actor and inventor. Seeking to instantiate herself in a cultural climate which tended to objectify the female body, Loy's multisensual art aimed to make the viewer/listener/reader sense as she did, and, in so doing, made important advances in the cultural configuration of women as whole, complex beings worthy of intellectual, physical, artistic and spiritual presence in the world.

Loy's assemblage art of the 1950s is shown to be a radical attempt to push the medium of collage into a more complex dimensionality in an effort to represent emerging understandings of perception and consciousness, positioning her as a major contributor to a defining art form of modernism. Bolstered by an appreciation of her own body as sensually charged and relational, Loy ascertained the simultaneity of present absence, connectivity and juxtaposition characterizing collage. This article articulates how, by troubling normative conceptions of dimensionality Loy's assemblages underscore the material and textual aspects of language explored in her collage-inflected poetry.  相似文献   


The article studies the experience of slavery and its abolition on the sugar plantation La Esperanza, on the northern coastal plain of Puerto Rico. It offers a snapshot of La Esperanza's slave crew and presents insights into the affective relationships slaves established among themselves. Based on census material and court records, the article focuses on slave agency and on the opportunities rendered by the political and administrative context created in the colony after the triumph of liberalism in Spain. As the abolition of slavery approached, the local court restricted planters' traditional rights to administer punishment to their bondsmen, who they now began to see as potential free citizens. Slaves responded accordingly and played a decisive part in the process of change, thus showing understanding of the law and its possibilities. The events described here will help depict how ‘freedom’ took shape and how the administration of justice was becoming an exclusive prerogative of the state and its already dense network of intervention. The slaves were quick to observe and partake in the rigorous truth-establishing processes of meticulous investigation and witness interrogation characteristic of the practice of ordinary justice as it began to break into the plantation.  相似文献   

冯望岳 《唐都学刊》2005,21(1):141-145
丁玲是20世纪中国文学发展史上最具有现代品格的"真的人"和文学大师.她辉煌而独异的创作历程,表明她不仅平生始终犹如"飞蛾扑火,不死不止"般地执著追求光明与自由世界,而且以非凡的直觉感应力和理性透析力,审视与摒弃一切"金玉其外,败絮其中"的事物.  相似文献   


This paper explores the author's experience as a cancer patient. She explains why she did not seek talk therapy after learning of her diagnosis. Instead, art therapy provided access to her unconscious and helped her process bodily changes after surgery. It facilitated communication of her experience to others and expanded her self-definition. She describes the importance of other avenues of non-verbal communication, including touch, and concludes that many different modalities may provide support and comfort during critical life crises.  相似文献   

李颖晖 《社会》2015,35(1):143-160
基于结构决定与相对剥夺的两种视角,本文研究发现了教育程度对收入分配公平感的复杂影响路径。教育程度作为优势性地位获得,对分配公平感存在正向影响。教育程度越高,收入分配公平感越强。但这种正向影响也存在条件性:教育作为个人地位投资,激发相应的回报期待,随着基于教育投入的期待收入与实际收入差距的扩大,这种正向影响会降低,且教育程度越高,降低的幅度越大。这一条件性的发现有利于解释既有研究的矛盾结论,具有重要的社会意涵:当教育投资作为“制度化手段”无法实现地位获得这一“文化目标”时,这种“断裂”可能会引发“分配不公”的心理失范。  相似文献   

郑瑞祥 《南亚研究》2010,(4):154-156
朱新天博士的新著《印度教万神殿艺术——印度王后井探秘》,是她近20年来苦心研究印度艺术的结晶。该书已分别以中、英、法三种文字同时出版,在国际印度艺术研究领域产生了重要影响。  相似文献   


A therapist's three experiences as a recipient of psychotherapy have led her to appreciate the ways in which one therapy informs another. She examines what may be learned from a less than successful therapy. She reflects on several lessons she has learned from her own therapieslessons that have shaped her as a clinician. In particular, she notes that when the therapist and patient are remarkably similar in their values and strengths, the therapist needs to take great care that key issues are not glossed over or mishandled.  相似文献   

中国古代社会性质问题研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王长坤  鲁宽民  尹洁 《唐都学刊》2005,21(3):120-123
中国古代社会性质即中国奴隶制问题自20世纪20年代末讨论以来,聚讼纷争,至今尚无定论。其讨论大致分四个阶段:第一阶段围绕中国社会史问题;第二阶段围绕古史分期;第三阶段形成"三论五说"八种不同意见;第四阶段"中国未经奴隶社会论"再度兴起。综观80年的讨论历程,有些问题值得认真反思:首先,应将政治界限同学术分歧区别开来;其次,要辩证地看待革命导师的意见,破除教条主义;最后,中国古代社会性质讨论仍需用民主讨论的方法进一步推向深入。  相似文献   

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