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空间是理解社会的重要维度。传统社会地域和空间高度一体化,进而也与时间不可分割。由于技术的推动,现代社会的空间发生了结构性变化,即时间与空间相互分离。数字社会的空间已经不同于地理意义上的空间,即它日益呈现出虚拟空间、流动空间和编码空间的特点,且这种空间更多地成为一个全息空间。空间构成的根本变化使得数字社会的空间需要根据构成数字社会空间的基础要素——代码来进行治理,这就需要在代码的基础上对整个社会治理体系进行重塑。 相似文献
中国人口城镇化政策必须超越城乡二元的概念框架和理论体系,充分认识中国已经并将长期处于市民、农民、移民(流动人口)三元社会结构的客观现实,一揽子谋划解决市民、农民、移民三大群体的待遇问题.在现有的生产力发展水平下,追求“同城同待遇”,并不是指生活在一座城市中的市民、农民、移民享有完全相同的具体待遇,而应该是“同城同待遇指数”,即同一座城市的市民、农民、移民的待遇指数基本相同.要围绕市民、农民、移民三大群体的待遇问题做好人口城镇化的政策设计,在定量分析测评待遇指数的基础上,采取“完善市民待遇、提升农民待遇、落实移民待遇”的路径,不断缩小不同群体、不同区域的待遇指数,最终实现“同国同待遇指数”和共同富裕. 相似文献
残障不仅是一种生理现象,也可被理解为一种社会经验.为了反抗残障的生物医学话语,社会学内部诸多理论传统通过不同的研究范式来解释残障现象.本文理清和呈现不同理论传统中“残障”的不同意义,提出残障概念的四个理论面向:社会偏差、社会压迫、日常经验以及身体“体现”,具体分析这四类理论面向产生的背景、基本论述及内部的差异性表述,评述其解释力及其局限性,旨在通过系统的梳理社会学视角下残障研究的理论脉络,了解西方语境下残障的社会学意义,为中国残障研究的开展和本土残障理论的建构提供借鉴. 相似文献
"社会空间"视角是当代西方一种重要的城市问题研究思路,重点关注城市空间的"差异和不平模式",对国内城市贫困问题的研究具有重要参考价值。这一视角下的实地调查表明,在居住空间、日常活动空间和购物空间三个层面,较其他群体,城市贫困居民体现出了一定的空间差异性;进一步考察主体角度的空间认同和抗争,则发现当前社会转型期城市贫困在社会空间层面已经呈现出一些聚集和隔离的趋势。基于此,建议在政府主导下,在城市整体规划和改造过程中兼顾"空间正义",将"民生"和"减贫"纳入到主流日程规划中以应对未来城市社会空间问题。 相似文献
"社会空间"视角是当代西方一种重要的城市问题研究思路,重点关注城市空间的"差异和不平模式",对国内城市贫困问题的研究具有重要参考价值。这一视角下的实地调查表明,在居住空间、日常活动空间和购物空间三个层面,较其他群体,城市贫困居民体现出了一定的空间差异性;进一步考察主体角度的空间认同和抗争,则发现当前社会转型期城市贫困在社会空间层面已经呈现出一些聚集和隔离的趋势。基于此,建议在政府主导下,在城市整体规划和改造过程中兼顾"空间正义",将"民生"和"减贫"纳入到主流日程规划中以应对未来城市社会空间问题。 相似文献
老字号不仅是一种品牌和一类企业,同时也是城市文化与社会生活的符号象征。人们能够通过感观体验对老字号形成认同,其深层原因在于老字号背后的记忆隐喻以及人们对老字号的空间认知。 相似文献
重视空间问题,重视"时空压缩"这类全球化时代的新颖现象,不言而喻是非常重要的,但如果由于误解而错失了从马克思资本学说对之进行深层阐释的可能性,将会是十分重大的理论损失。马克思在《资本论》及其手稿中,表现出来的在某种意义正是一种"空间主义"。"空间转向"论者将马克思的《资本论》误读为"反空间主义",从根本上来说,乃根源于对马克思辩证法的误读。他们并没有充足的理由笼统地否弃马克思所开创的批判理论之传统,需要修正的只能是卢卡奇所发展的黑格尔主义式的批判理论传统。且由于他们对于马克思思想的误读而对"时空压缩"现象处于一种浅层解释水平,因而我们便有必要从马克思相关观念出发,重新考虑对于"时空压缩"现象的深层解读。马克思的剩余价值理论对于像"时空压缩"这样的新的历史现象仍有足够的解释潜力,而无须在基本理论层面上来一个"空间转向"。 相似文献
新型城镇化是现代化发展的必由之路,现阶段中小城市培育是新型城镇化发展的重要内容,基层城镇化逻辑路径创新是中小城市培育的关键之举。镇改市是近年来基层城镇化发展的一大态势,将条件具备的建制镇培育为具有城市功能的现代型小城市。镇改市发轫于浙粤地带经济发达镇强镇扩权行政体制改革。顺应我国新型城镇化发展的需要,结合自身省域特情,2016年山东省将10个条件具备的经济发达镇试点培育为现代型新生小城市,B镇是其中之一且具有典型性。本文欲将B镇新生小城市发展作为案例分析主体,探讨其转型发展的条件、举措和成就,并探讨其发展现存问题及原因,进而提出新生小城市优化发展建议。 相似文献
新中国工业化建设过程中,作为时代主人翁的"三线人"经历了国家政治意志下的政策性身份生产、单位制框架下的身份实践与体制改革下的结构性身份消解,后又被动地进入了一个变动不居的时空情境,尤其是单位制向市场制的结构之变、体制改革集体主义到个体主义的价值之变以及主人翁到边缘人的身份之变,形成了一股新时代追求群体认同与群体价值的力量,与历史和回忆的自然动力共同驱动"三线人"的自我建构,形成了以艰苦的身体记忆、光荣的心理记忆与愉悦的生活记忆为主要内容的集体记忆。基于内在动力的集体记忆外展延伸与客观的社会主流价值外在联结,共同形成了公共视域下的"三线精神"。从集体身份到集体记忆到"三线精神",串起了"三线人"的情感社会化历程,也串起了宏大历史过程中"三线人"的时空变迁。 相似文献
城市化中的空间社会分层与中国机理 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
中国社会分层研究的一个新趋向是从资源性分层进入空间性分层,快速发展的城市化及其内含的空间不平等被作为重要社会问题得到关注。国内已有研究发现,中国的某些现象尽管可在西方社会找到对应物,但总体上不能从西方理论得到解释。然而,研究者们尚未提出基于中国现实和资料的理论。作为建立中国理论的一个尝试,提出与西方的市场制相对应的统管制概念,并利用中国资料予以证明;分析了统管制的内涵、样式、运作以及特殊的社会分层效应。 相似文献
在社会学研究中,如何确定研究对象,如何确立研究关系,以及如何才能获得对研究对象的正确认识和理解?这些是社会学研究领域一直争论不休的问题。从实证主义到人文主义,再到"另类"范式,社会学并未获得统一的方法论体系,对方法论进行探讨的目的是要在反思之中对研究方法保持足够的警觉,避免"为方法而方法"的倾向。 相似文献
《Asia Pacific journal of social work》2013,23(1):41-51
In attempting to establish a social security system that would function to smooth the transition from a planned to market economy, the government of China has, for most of the time in the past decades, focused its efforts on setting up social insurance programs in the urban areas. Along with the emergence of urban poverty since the mid 1990s, the emphasis of the government has shifted to means-tested social assistance programs as the major means to combat poverty and maintain social stability. However, with the absence of more equitable social and economic policies that can protect people against the many risks associated with a market economy, the role of social assistance is very limited. 相似文献
Social Work and Social Justice in Northern Ireland: Towards a New Occupational Space 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Correspondence to: Dr John Pinkerton, School of Social Work, Queens University Belfast, 7 Lennoxvale, Belfast BT9 5BY, Northern Ireland. E-mail j.pinkerton{at}qub.ac.uk Summary This article considers the concept of social justice by referenceto the experience of social work in Northern Ireland duringthe past forty years of communal, paramilitary and state violence.It notes the contested nature of the concept and its chequeredhistory within the professional ideology of social work generallyand its absence as a significant explanatory and motivationalconcept for social workers in Northern Ireland to date. It arguesthat in the emerging post-conflict situation social work asa profession needs to operationalize a view of social justicethat acknowledges social and cultural diversity in order toredefine the profession itself and direct its relationship toboth the state and civil society. 相似文献
Summary The article explores the condition of state social work in Englandtoday. It is based on interviews with experienced social workersemployed by local authority social services departments acrossthe north of England. These front line state social workersprovide a penetrating insight into the diverse ways in whichtheir work has been transformed and degraded and the mannerin which the needs of clients have been largely ignored. Fromtheir perspective, the election of a Labour government in 1997proved to be a massive disappointment and many social workersreported that it has further undermined state social work practice,workers and clients. The paper seeks to offer an explanationby noting the neo-liberalism of Labour's social policy and thedire consequences which flow from New Labour's fixation withwaged work as the principal solution to social exclusion andpoverty. Above all, it seeks to provide an opportunity for theviews of front-line state social workers to be heard. 相似文献
Correspondence to Eileen McLeod, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK. Summary We argue that tackling the impact of social inequality on physicalhealth should become a central objective of social work andintrinsic to the development of anti-oppressive practice. Thisis on three grounds. First, the suffering embodied in inequalityin physical health should be a cause of concern to social workers,as a pervasive social problem. Secondly, awareness of socialwork's complicity in contributing to such a problem, throughits historical role in implementing state policies, needs toinform assessment of social work outcomes. Nevertheless, thirdly,social worknot confined to health care settingswhichredresses social disadvantage and tackles its consequences forphysical well-being can contribute to greater equity in health.Indicative examples of such practice are provided in relationto health maintenance, living with ill health and terminal illness.Finally, consideration is given to the current wider politicalcontext in which social work addressing health inequalitiesis embedded and to the need for complementary organizational,professional and political initiatives to buttress its development. 相似文献
空间产生记忆,记忆会因空间的变更而发生形变.北京八宝山的社会记忆在抗战胜利前后经历了由以日人为主体的侵华记忆,向以中国军民为主体的抗日记忆和以中国革命先烈为主体的革命记忆的转变.日本占据时期,日方为纪念在侵华战争中战死的日本军人在八宝山建造忠灵塔,借以动员 日军的侵华战争.抗战胜利后,国民党政权将其改建为忠烈祠,用以纪念在抗战中牺牲的中国军民,忠烈祠成为承载中国抗战记忆的国殇圣域.中华人民共和国成立后,中国共产党在八宝山修建革命公墓,以其作为先烈的安息之地和教育后代的场所,革命公墓成为红色圣地.从忠灵塔到忠烈祠再到革命公墓的空间变更,显示了政治变动下八宝山社会记忆的形变. 相似文献
Correspondence to John Harris, University of Warwick, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK. E-mail: J.Harris{at}warwick.ac.uk Summary Marshall's formulation of social citizenship embodieda depoliticized understanding of what was seen as a given, progressiveand irreversible stage of societal development, which encompassedthe provision of state social work. A consequence of this approachwas the failure to situate social citizenship in a specificpolitical and policy context; in Marshall's case, the post-warBritish social democratic welfare state. Within this, a morecentral position was secured for state social work, throughits unification and incorporation into bureau-professional regimeswhich were made responsible for responding to citizens' socialneeds as clients of the state. The New Right's attack on theinstitutionalization of social citizenship in bureau-professionalregimes included the accusation that state social work had infringedservice users' rights and produced a passive, dependent clientele.The New Right's alternative formulation of the consumer-citizenled to the development of a new political consensus on socialcitizenship. Beginning from an acceptance of this consensus,procedural rights are seen as one way of extending social citizenshipin state social work and as a precursor to the possibility ofwider participation by service users in its provision. 相似文献