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浅析公共财政理论与财政改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共财政是市场经济发展到一定阶段的产物。随着发达国家公共产品理论的创立和福利经济学、新制度经济学的兴起,公共财政已经渐成共识并深入人心。伴随我国经济体制改革的深入发展和社会主义市场经济的建立,我国的财政改革也日益采纳公共财政的理论内涵和理论描述。  相似文献   

家庭结构变迁对养老模式的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着市场经济体制改革的不断深入,计划生育政策的持续推进,传统的家庭结构发生了很大变化,人口老龄化日趋明显,家庭养老的压力越来越大,这迫切要求为养老寻求一种新的途径。因此,从我国当前实际出发,应当将家庭养老、社会养老和社区养老结合起来,形成多层次、多样化的养老保障体系,这是我国养老模式转型的现实选择。  相似文献   

洪银兴 《求是学刊》2004,31(6):61-66
市场化改革不可避免地要牵动国有经济的改革,多元化的市场经济改革并没有放弃国有经济,市场化的改革必须进入新的阶段,即直接以国有经济作为市场化改革的对象。改革与重组能提高国有企业的整体效益。科学的改革观不仅要解决效率问题,还要真正解决以人为本的改革观问题。  相似文献   

In the autumn of 1987, the State Commission for Restructuring the Economic System organized eight units including the Research Group of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) to submit reports providing an outline economic reform plan for China for 1988-1995. The CASS Research Group recommended that enterprise reform and pricing and ownership reforms and their operational mechanisms should be carried out alongside each other in a two main lines approach. China’s deepening economic reforms have adhered to these two main lines throughout the last forty years. The first main line includes the revival and development of the individual economy, followed by the private economy, the introduction and utilization of foreign capital, and the reform of public ownership, including the state-owned system. In 1997, the 15th National Congress of the Party proposed the establishment of a socialist basic economic system with public ownership as the main body and simultaneous development of multiple forms of ownership. “Public ownership as the main body” is reflected in the dominance of public assets among total social assets and the fact that the state-owned economy controls the lifeline of the national economy and plays a leading role in economic development. The dominant role of public ownership has not changed in the forty years of reform and opening up. The second main line covers price reform, building a modern market system, reforming macro-control mechanisms and perfecting the macro-control and regulation system. From 1979 to 2017, our GDP grew at an average annual rate of 9.5 percent, while the CPI grew at an average annual rate of less than 5 percent: a perfect match. The two main line approach is in line with the provisions of economic reform in the new era proposed in the report at the 19th National Party Congress, which focuses on improving the property rights system and market-oriented factor allocation. There is no distinction of primary or secondary in the role of the two main lines; both are equally important. They are united in the establishment and improvement of the socialist market economic system.  相似文献   

价格规制是经济规制的一种重要形式.在现代,自由市场经济已成为历史的陈迹.作为市场经济运行的利益焦点,价格必须接受"规制".政府是价格规制的主体;价格规制的对象是市场活动参与者的价格行为;价格规制的依据是市场活动因垄断、外部性、信息偏在等对帕累托标准的偏离.价格规制不是对市场和市场机制的替代,而是在市场机制作用不充分的时候或地方,由政府为市场机制作用的发挥创造条件.  相似文献   

中俄经济转轨比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在建立市场经济体制的道路上 ,原苏联选择了以私有化和市场化为取向和目标的激进式改革模式 ,而中国选择了在坚持社会主义制度的前提下以市场经济体制置换计划经济体制的渐进式改革模式。两国改革的初始条件不同 ,转轨的取向、目标和模式、进程也不同 ,因而结果也不同。  相似文献   

孙伟  张剑锋 《学术交流》2006,(4):111-114
“东北现象”的出现是体制和结构原因,根源在于市场机制落后,市场化水平不高。因此,东北振兴的根本出路是加快市场化进程。金融是市场经济的核心,在资源配置中起着重要的作用。然而,东北地区金融业的市场化进程远远落后于沿海发达地区,其市场化改革滞后于经济发展的要求,对经济的支撑力度严重不足。我们要借鉴俄罗斯在金融市场化进程中的经验及教训,加快东北地区金融市场化改革的进程,以实现经济的振兴。  相似文献   

美国人在第二次世界大战中占领日本以后 ,为彻底根除日本的军国主义 ,建立市场经济新体制 ,采取了一系列改革措施 :解散财阀 ,劳动改革 ,经营者和所有者相分离 ,企业经营目标变迁等。其变革具有强制性、融合性和解放性等特点 ,对日本企业影响颇深  相似文献   

我国的国有企业改革已进入攻坚阶段 ,但改革的终极目标并不是坚持和完善现有的国有企业制度 ,而是要建立新的公营企业制度 ;这种制度的创新也并不要求实现政企分开 ,而是要走向市场经济条件下的政企不分。具体的改革要求是变“国家所有、分级管理”为“国家管理、分级所有” ,即要将企业的所有权划分为各级政府所有 ,对公营企业区分中央公营企业与地方公营企业 ,因而资产的管理体制将与传统体制截然不同。  相似文献   

基本养老保险覆盖面扩展决定因素实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张光  杨晶晶 《社会》2007,27(1):164-164
扩大基本养老保险覆盖面是我国社会保障制度改革的优先目标之一。本文通过对19982003年分省数据的实证分析,发现各省之间的基本养老保险覆盖面的差异,主要是由它们的经济发展水平和市场化程度这两个宏观经济因素与基本养老金给付标准和财政对社会保障补助支出这两个政策因素共同决定的。基于这些发现,考虑到我国经济持续发展和市场化改革深化的趋势,我们对我国社会保障事业的发展持谨慎乐观的态度,并认为在目前,“低水平、高覆盖”仍然是一个符合国情、必须坚持的合理政策选择,地方政府应当在财力许可的范围内,增加对社会保障事业的财政投入。  相似文献   

中国理论经济学60年的重大进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1949年新中国成立到现在,已60年。在中国共产党的领导下,由于推翻了三座大山的黑暗统治,建立了人民当家作主的人民共和国,并逐步走上社会主义的康庄大道,中国经过60年的发展,国家的社会经济面貌发生了翻天覆地的变化,被全世界公认是经济发展最快的国家,  相似文献   

张巍 《创新》2011,5(5):59-62,127
我国国有企业的改革是一种自上而下的渐进式推行的动态调整过程,改革在不断探索中前进,每个时期都有不同特点,这与我国市场经济的发展阶段相适应。改革使得我国国有企业竞争力明显提升,2010年全年实现营业总收入303253.7亿元,同比增长31.1%。“十二五”期间国资委又制定出以转变发展方式为核心的改革,本文就近年来国有企业改革和战略性调整的几个重要方面作探讨。  相似文献   

改革开放以来特别是实行市场经济体制以来,北京市的半城镇化人口数量和人口半城镇化率整体上呈逐渐增长态势.造成北京市人口半城镇化程度逐渐加重的直接原因,是城市流动人口增长快而流动人口转化为城镇户籍人口的比例低;具体来说,是由北京市经济增长、 产业结构升级带来的对劳动力需求的拉力,其他地区在经济、 社会发展水平上与首都存在的较大差距形成的推力,严格控制城镇户籍人口的政策和不断上涨的房产价格造成的迁移阻力,空间承载力对人口容量构成的现实约束力综合作用的结果.要抑制和缓解北京市人口半城镇化状况,需要采取分流拉力、 化解推力、 减小阻力和提升承载力的综合措施.  相似文献   

中国流通领域的改革开放是建立社会主义市场经济体制的重要内容。改革开放之前,中国流通领域长期存在高度集中而又封闭分割的特征,国内与国外市场、内贸与外贸相互隔绝,存在两个管理体制和两种政策环境。经过30年的改革开放,中国流通领域的体制环境已经面貌一新,开放型现代流通体制框架已经初步建立,与WTO接轨的商务管理体制已见雏形,商贸服务业的产业延伸促进了体制创新。改革的主要经验是,以对外开放为先导,以开放促改革;改革遵循先易后难、边破边立、逐步完善的渐进路径;突破传统商品流通领域框架,建立了容纳更多服务业的新商务体制。改革经验的经济学含义是,选择出口导向开放战略作为改革突破口具有必然性:商品与服务流通的市场结构与人力资本存在内在联系;扩大非物质产品流通是体制创新的重要基础。  相似文献   

The acceleration of structural reform in the Russian economy dictated by the logic of the transitional period inevitably gives impetus to layoffs and mass unemployment. The reform of the economic mechanism is taking place in a period of gravest crisis, which has gripped literally all aspects of social life. Under these conditions, the experience of countries with a developed market economy in reducing the severity of the employment problem is extremely important to us. In the last six decades, state employment policy in these countries has been transformed into an extensive and relatively balanced system of measures which make it possible to correct processes in the labor market. Public works programs have become one of the important directions of this policy.  相似文献   

动员式改革:中国农村改革理论与经验的再探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邓万春 《社会》2008,28(3):156-179
新制度经济学并不足以解释20世纪70年代末至80年代初的中国农村改革。这场改革具有浓厚的动员色彩,是一次动员式改革。这次动员式改革既不同于以群众运动为代表的组织化动员,也不同于市场转型背景下的准组织化动员。该动员式改革采取了物质刺激和精神鼓励相结合的形式,并有两个显著的特点:改革过程中动员与制度建设相互作用;国家不能完全控制动员的影响。中国农村市场化的启动是作为动员式改革的非意图性后果出现的。  相似文献   

当代经济规制理论的沿革与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济体制市场化进程的加速 ,政府对微观经济主体的管理 ,越来越多地从直接干预国有经济主体的经营活动转向对全社会各类所有制的微观经济主体的市场行为进行规制。因此 ,经济体制改革的深化要求理论界加强微观经济规制理论的研究。对当代经济规制政策变迁有深刻影响的两类经济规制理论 :一是主张政府强化经济规制理论的沿革 ,简述了从早期的传统市场失灵论到消费者信息不完全理论和现代市场失灵论的发展脉络 ;二是主张政府简化规制理论的发展 ,概述了非市场组织理论、利益集团理论、政治企业家职能理论和新古典经济学的经济规制理论等新理论  相似文献   

China has experienced rapid economic growth since its reform and opening up 40 years ago. The prime mover and key driver of these amazing achievements originated in China’s transformation from a planned economy to a socialist market economy, and from a closed economy to an open economy. The optimal allocation of the various factors of production and the interaction of economic growth and structural upgrading also played a significant part. China’s economic growth over the 40 years has applied, and proven effective, the general principles of development economics, and more importantly, based on the realities of China, it has contributed to theoretical innovation and institutional innovation, leading China along the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Entering the new era, China is committed to building a modern economic system and promoting high-quality development under the guidance of the new development concepts of innovation, coordination, green development, opening up and sharing.  相似文献   

试论当前中国宏观调控法律体系的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宏观调控在社会经济发展中有着重要的作用。中国在进行社会主义市场经济改革中非常重视宏观调控的作用,并不断致力于宏观调控原则和措施的法律化。为了满足社会主义市场经济发展和法治原则的要求,有必要结合中国改革的经验并借鉴国外有关立法的先例,加快构建中国完备的宏观调控法律体系。  相似文献   

The economic reforms that have been pursued in Russia since the beginning of the 1990s, paradoxical as it may be, have not yet unequivocally and clearly revealed the class (the segment of the population) that will objectively serve as their motive force. The most active social group initiating transformations in the sphere of the economy and pushing them forward in the initial stages was the intelligentsia (and primarily representatives of the "creative" professions). However, it was demanding and striving for, first and foremost, political freedoms, with a poor idea of the essence, results, and consequences of the changes that were declared associated with the transition to the market economy "as in the civilized countries." And while the intelligentsia still occupies an exceedingly active position with regard to political freedoms and "human rights," its notions in relation to market transformations have evolved substantially. Today it demands a market economy for others, while putting forward for themselves slogans such as "Culture (science, the press ...) cannot live by the laws of the market," "The state is obligated to support (to finance) culture, science, education, the mass media ... " and the like.1  相似文献   

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