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Selective screening for children and mass screening for adults are the two strategies for detecting hypercholesterolemia and identifying individuals at risk for early heart attacks that have been recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Medical Association. The interval marking the end of childhood and the beginning of adulthood is a time of transition without an unwavering demarcation line. It is a time when many adult disorders that demand attention and detection begin. Because of the close relationship of elevated cholesterol levels in youth to subsequent cardiovascular disease, a small liberal arts university began mandatory mass cholesterol screening for all full- or part-time students who matriculated in September 1977. More than thirty 18- and 19-year-old first-year students with unknown hypercholesterolemia were detected each year. The mean cost per case identified is estimated to have been $212. The author concluded that mass screening of students entering college can identify, at a reasonable cost, students who have high levels of cholesterol.  相似文献   

The author and colleagues examined campus resources for gay, lesbian, and bisexual (GLB) students at 119 US colleges to determine how the presence of such resources affected sexually active students' condom use. A random sample of unmarried, sexually active college students surveyed in 1999 completed questionnaires. Condom use was compared across schools with different levels of GLB resources. Condom use rates, analyzed by sex and sex-partner groups, ranged from 32% to 52%. With additional college variables controlled for, GLB resources were positively associated with the proportion of sexually active students who used condoms (p < .001). This association existed primarily for students with only opposite-sex partners. The author's findings suggest that campus resources for GLB students may be associated with college students' condom use.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The authors developed and validated measures of college drinking expectations, psychosocial influences, and values. PARTICIPANTS: Freshmen at college entry (N = 320) and the end of freshman year (N = 420) participated. METHODS: The College Drinking Influences Survey, administered in paper and Web-based versions, consists of 3 distinct scales: (1) the College Drinking Expectations Scale assesses expectations for drinking norms and consequences; (2) the Psychosocial Drinking Inventory evaluates social influences, stress, and sensation seeking; and (3) the Drinking Values Scale assesses drinking decisions based on personal choice, social responsibility, and institutional obligation. RESULTS: Factor analysis, interitem reliability, and correlations with existing instruments demonstrated validity and reliability. Differences between the sexes were in predicted directions, and multiple regression using subscale scores as predictors accounted for significant variance in drinking behaviors across the freshman year. CONCLUSIONS: Data support the usefulness of the scales for identifying student alcohol risk and protective factors.  相似文献   


Objective: To examine fruit and vegetable intake and self-efficacy among U.S. college students in a rural, Southern location. Participants: Undergraduate students (n?=?1503) enrolled in a university-wide health class at one large public institution during the spring 2017 semester. Methods: Cross-sectional survey data were collected online and analyzed using independent samples t test, one-way ANOVA, and regression. Results: On average, participants did not meet fruit or vegetable intake recommendations. Mean self-efficacy scores were 17.2 (SD?=?3.4) and 16.42 (SD?=?3.7) for fruit and vegetables, respectively, with statistically significant differences observed by sex and race (p?<?0.05). Hierarchical multiple regression results indicated self-efficacy explained 20.9% (fruit) and 29.3% (vegetables) of the variance in consumption. Similar patterns were found for meeting daily fruit and vegetable intake recommendations. Conclusions: Health campaigns are needed to address sex and racial disparities in college student fruit and vegetable intake and self-efficacy.  相似文献   

Despite overwhelming evidence of the importance of physical activity, only 20% of US adults meet physical activity recommendations. A subsector of the population vulnerable to inactivity is college students. There is a disconnect between evidence-based physical activity programming and dissemination into college communities, which may be overcome through logic model development and evaluation. The purpose of this paper is to discuss logic model development for a service-learning, dog walking program for undergraduates. Participants were undergraduates (18–25 years). Process evaluations and observational data were used in a content analysis to determine major themes to create the logic model. A set of resources were needed to complete program activities, which led to short- and long-term outcomes. The overarching goal of the program is to improve the overall health status of college students and companion animals. This logic model may have significant public health impact as it can serve as a framework for universities wanting to develop, implement, and evaluate a service-learning, dog walking program for students.  相似文献   

The CAGE questionnaire is one of several brief screening instruments that has been successful in detecting alcoholism in a general population. There is evidence, however, indicating that none of these instruments has sufficient validity for detecting the less severe pattern of problem drinking that is more typical of college students. This study analyzed survey data, including CAGE questions, to identify items that would have sufficient test operating characteristics more valid for screening problem drinkers. Problem and normal drinking patterns were defined by combining certain categories of quantity-frequency data with categories of alcohol-related problems. Problem and normal drinkers were identified as those students at the ends of the quantity-frequency/alcohol-problems continuum. Differences between the two groups in response frequencies to a 17-item alcohol-use survey were examined using chi-square analyses. Five items showing highly significant differences were identified, and sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive values were calculated at possible cutoff points. These items were (1) a positive response to any 2 of the 4 CAGE items, (2) reporting rarely or never choosing nonalcoholic beverages at social events, (3) driving under the influence at least 6 to 10 times or more in the last year, and (4) having started regular use of alcohol before the college years. At the recommended cutoff score for a positive test, the items have a sensitivity of 88%, specificity of 87%, and positive predictive value of 52%. When used for screening in a population similar to this, it will fail to identify 12% of the problem drinkers and will falsely classify 13% of all normal drinkers as problem drinkers.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Gambling expectancies have been reported to be an important variable in adolescents' gambling behaviours. However, little is known regarding the role of gambling expectancies among Chinese adolescents. This study aimed to identify Chinese adolescents' expectancies for gambling and to evaluate their relation to gambling behaviours. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were performed which confirmed that a five-factor model was a good fit for the data. The five factors – namely, social benefits, relational costs, material gain, being out of control, and money loss – were revealed. The findings demonstrate the importance of understanding gambling behaviours within specific cultural contexts.  相似文献   

This pilot study presents data on an underreported group: college students who require psychiatric hospitalization. Although the study is too small to sustain broad generalizations, the authors found indications of significant correlations between students' hospitalization and the academic cycle, substance abuse, and distance from home. It is hoped that other institutions will undertake similar studies of this group of students to provide a broader body of data from which to draw inferences regarding prevention, intervention, and psychiatric hospitalization.  相似文献   

The authors examined the effects of (1) communication-skills training, (2) relationship-specific education, or (3) risk information on the condom use of 106 heterosexual college students who were in sexually active relationships. Postintervention assessments of in vivo communication-skills demonstrated that participants in the communication-skills group acquired the skills to use direct requests for condom use and to counter partner refusal statements more effectively than participants in the other conditions (ps < .01). Despite successful skill acquisition, however, students failed to change their subsequent communication or condom-use behavior. This pattern of findings is considered in terms of how the development of sexual partnership in this cohort affects the interplay of motivation and skills for condom use.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the prevalence of recurrent pain in a college student sample. Of the 1,564 students surveyed, 467 (29%) indicated that they had experienced recurrent pain at an intensity that was mostly in the mild-to-moderate range. Students who reported having recurrent pain were significantly older and more depressed than students who did not indicate they suffered from recurrent pain. Pain intensity was positively correlated (r = .14) with depression among the students who reported having recurrent pain. Implications of the findings for future research, treatment, and health promotion efforts are discussed.  相似文献   

The negative effects of sleep difficulties have been well documented. However, the prevalence of such problems among US college students has not been well studied. Design difficulties are common in the limited number of existing investigations, making it difficult to estimates the prevalence and types of disturbance studied. The authors describe the use of a quantitative-based assessment instrument to provide an initial indication of students' sleep problems and to serve as a means of addressing some of the deficiencies in the literature. In their sample of 191 undergraduates at a rural southern university, they found that most of the students exhibited some form of sleep disturbance and that women, in general, reported more sleep disturbances than men did. They suggest how colleges and university officials can alter procedures to minimize students' sleep disturbances and reduce the deleterious effects of sleep problems on academic performance.  相似文献   

This study aims to develop a complementary and more comprehensive measurement to assess the nature of investment value affecting consumers’ investment behavior. Recent research suggests that consumers may desire and obtain certain outcomes from investments that have not been anticipated in mainstream finance and economics literature. These benefits might be hedonistic or altruistic, self-expressive or emotional and experiential. Yet, while an increasing amount of attention has been paid to this topic, little effort has been made to develop an appropriate measurement scale for the subjective consumer perceptions of investments. To address this gap in the literature, this study introduces the concept of Perceived Investment Value (PIV), and develops and validates a measurement scale for the concept. The ultimate 18-item PIV scale parsimoniously represents six Perceived Investment Value dimensions: Economic value—Monetary savings; Economic value—Efficiency; Functional value—Convenience; Emotional value—Emotions and Experiences; Symbolic value—Altruism; and Symbolic value—Esteem. The final measurement scale demonstrates acceptable reliability and validity. Implications related to the developed scale are discussed in terms of their potential to inform a future research agenda.  相似文献   

The authors present a new conceptual framework for assessing and treating traumatized college students. The framework, constructivist self-development theory (CSDT), blends object relations, self-psychology, and social cognition theories. It is founded upon a constructivist view of trauma in which the individual's unique history shapes his or her experience of traumatic events and defines the adaptation to trauma. Within this theory, the authors suggest approaches to setting the frame for trauma therapy, including stabilizing acute symptoms and setting appropriate expectations for treatment. CSDT provides a framework for the systematic assessment and practical treatment of three aspects of the self that are affected by trauma. These include self-capacities, or the ability to tolerate strong affect and regulate self-esteem; cognitive schemas, or beliefs and expectations about self and others in the areas of frame of reference (or identity and world view), safety, trust, esteem, intimacy, power, and independence; and intrusive trauma memories and related distressing affect. Finally, the authors provide guidelines for assessing the need for longer term treatment.  相似文献   

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