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宁淑华 《社科纵横》2009,(7):123-126
南宋著名理学家张栻一生酷爱山水,又崇奉"学者之诗"和平含蓄境界,其山水诗闲澹简远,极富辋川遗韵。  相似文献   

吴振华 《阅江学刊》2014,(2):120-129
李白《秋浦歌》与王维《辋川集》是天宝后期创作的表现江南秋浦胜境和北方蓝田辋川佳境的两组山水诗。尽管王、李二人没有交往唱和,也没有受到对方的影响,但两组诗还是存在相同之处:它们都继承了南朝大谢、小谢山水诗的艺术传统,运用五绝组诗描写山水景物。《秋浦歌》《辋川集》的差异主要是:李白重主观抒情,王维重客观描摹;李白受民歌影响,追求“诗中有人”,王维则受佛禅影响,追求“诗中有画”、“诗中有禅”。  相似文献   

邵明珍 《求是学刊》2023,(1):151-160
《与魏居士书》确实反映了王维所信奉的“人生哲学”,但王维写作此信不是旨在为自己辩护,而是试图说服魏居士出仕以报效朝廷。魏征后人的贫困是王维十分关切的问题。晚年的王维孤苦伶仃,为朝廷尽忠是其余生唯一的追求。批评王维的诸多学者希望王维退出“浑浊的官场”,但当时包括高适、岑参、杜甫等大批诗人都在想方设法投身其中。“以隐为仕”是初盛唐文人普遍的风气,不能用“亦官亦隐”“独称”王维。王维受释道思想影响很深,但儒家“不废大伦”、积极入世才是其思想的主导方面。历来对王维的《酬张少府》《竹里馆》等作品都存在着严重的“误读”。王维集中“辋川之什”以及系于“天宝下”的不少作品反映了王维对朝政之关切与忧虑。  相似文献   

“和平演变”与反“和平演变”的斗争,是当今资本主义和社会主义斗争的基本特点和重要内容。本文揭露、剖析了帝国主义“和平演变”的战略阴谋及其具体手法,论述了反“和平演变”斗争的长期性、复杂性和艰巨性,并就建立一整套反“和平演变”的战略措施问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

主权债务救助是国际社会应对发展中国家债务危机和发展危机的重要方式,历史和现实经验表明,主权债务救助的作用往往是短期的,其无法从根源上解决债务问题,也无法预防和避免新的债务危机。这根源于主权债务救助的三个结构性难题:主权债务合作中的集体行动难题;主权债务救助目标议程的分散化;发展中国家在世界经济金融体系中的脆弱性。虽然集体行动难题一直是主权债务救助努力克服的核心问题,但债权人的多元化使这一问题更加复杂。主权债务救助目标议程的分散化,尤其是债务救助的政治化则导致债务救助偏离了实际,往往带来更大的负面影响。很多发展中国家抵御外部冲击的能力是非常有限和脆弱的,其是由发展中国家在世界经济金融体系中的位置以及国家治理能力的结构性挑战决定的。由此,主权债务救助必须以缓解这些结构性难题为导向,根据现实变化,反思和重塑债务救助的理念和方式,最大程度降低债务救助的附带影响,必须标本兼治,从系统、综合和发展的视角塑造和践行新时期的主权债务救助。  相似文献   

中国当代文学教改视野中的“三种视角”与“四重对话”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴智斌 《社科纵横》2010,25(6):109-111
《中国当代文学》课程内容具有“三分性”特征,给当前大学生的学习带来了困惑,教师的教学方法需要时时更新。与当代文学课程内容特征相适应,在教学中采用“重读”、“欣赏”、“鉴别”三种视角切入当代文学课程内容,并与此三种教学视角转换相关联而生成的“四重对话”教学方法,是当代文学教学改革的有益探索和重要成果。  相似文献   

殖民主义和反殖民主义并存斗争的历史背景决定了加缪文化身份的多重性和复杂性。多元混杂的文化身份不仅使加缪文字书写中呈现出一种"殖民情结",而且在面对阿尔及利亚民族独立问题时,文化身份的复杂性让加缪处于一种十分尴尬的境地,迫使他不得不做出艰难的伦理选择。谴责一切暴力行为是作家伦理选择的出发点。从文学创作到"介入活动",加缪都在向世人传达一种真挚而朴素的人道主义。  相似文献   

常新 《唐都学刊》2012,28(6):23-27,41
工夫与本体问题是宋明儒学的显题,李二曲承袭阳明"合本体工夫而一"之说,强调二者的统一性,其"格物致知"说与"慎独"说都是基于"致良知"、"止于至善"的为学工夫,其"格物致知"同阳明一样是一种向内的意向性活动,通过对先验良知的情感体验,进而达到"穷理"的道德境界。他对"独"的理解更接近《中庸》的原意,其"慎独"的工夫论强调了实践与行动的重要性,对于晚明以来王学末流的学风具有一定的批判意义。  相似文献   

The historian’s morality and the impartiality in the writing of history are widely regarded as im-portant factors in the field of the historiography.Starting from the discussions about the difficulties of com-piling historiography,the scholars in Ming Dynasty have paid special attention to "Xinshu"and gradually make a nomenclature of it in the field of the historical criticism.They also consider that the historical work should be endowed with the public benefit of specifying "Gongyi",while the historians should be endowed with the social responsibility of holding "Gongyi".These discussions have enriched the understanding of historiography in the ancient time to a certain extent,and have their significance to the society.Through an elaboration of the discussions of "Xinshu" and "Gongyi" of the scholars in Ming Dynasty,an evaluation of the achievement of these discussions in the field of the historical criticism will be made.  相似文献   

刘磊 《社科纵横》2010,25(4):114-115,118
文章论述了从原始道教到魏音玄学,道家思想从"道生"到""贵无"、"独化"的逻辑发展。  相似文献   

王志清 《唐都学刊》2007,23(6):97-102
"后王维时代"的王维接受,呈现出接受的多元和动态的特点:全盘接受—部分接受—全盘拒绝。走向王维和走离王维,都是时代的选择。而这样的选择,无疑使诗歌出现了千新万变的繁荣,中唐诗人创造了别开生面的奇异世界。因此,王维的边缘化,其实质涉及到社会转型而引发的诗歌转型,是诗歌自身发展的必然。  相似文献   

付兴林 《唐都学刊》2004,20(5):38-42
王维和孟浩然是盛唐两位著名的隐逸诗人,但由于人生经历、处世哲学及价值观念等的不同,他们的隐逸呈现出较明显的差异性。从隐逸的动机看,王朝隐以图自安,孟弃世以逞其志;从隐逸的形式看,王富贵山林、亦官亦隐,孟情寄山水、布衣终身;从隐后的心情看,王恬淡平和,孟怨怅愤懑。  相似文献   

刘青海 《求是学刊》2012,(1):125-132
盛唐之前,主要由谢灵运开创的山水诗和由陶渊明开创的田园诗一直是两个各自独立发展的题材类型,只有到了王维,山水和田园才更紧密地结合在一起,并且取得了同样高度的艺术成就。重新探讨王维诗歌与陶、谢的渊源,主要包括如下两个方面:第一,王维对陶的关注贯穿其整个艺术生涯,但对陶的认识并非一成不变,而是复杂多面的,对陶的接受也有一个变化的过程,这些都在其田园山水之作中体现出来;第二,王维同时接受陶谢的影响,对陶谢不同的艺术各有汲取,并在某些具体的作品、境界中有所融合。总的来说,王维在艺术上,更接近于陶的自然,而对谢的华贵也有所汲取,但对谢是以扬弃为主的。  相似文献   

冀德荣 《唐都学刊》2002,18(3):111-113
我国传统道德文化在道德教育方面集中表现为它的系统观、内省观、中道观、德治观及其传承的社会公德和职业道德。继承我国道德教育的优秀传统 ,对于提倡以德治国 ,贯彻《公民道德建设实施纲要》 ,加强和改进当前的德育工作都具有积极意义。道德教育创新 ,必须坚持社会主义导向 ,给传统赋予新的时代精神 ,改革不合理的内容与方法 ,创设良好的社会舆论环境 ,逐步建立起有中国特色的与我国社会主义市场经济相适应的广泛而有效的道德教育体系  相似文献   

Despite requirements for Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training, little is known about how much this training actually influences the thinking and behaviors of participants. Interview-based qualitative research methods were used to study the reactions of Ph.D. students and postdoctoral fellows to what was taught in an RCR course. For trainees with limited prior RCR experience, or who agreed with what was taught, it was relatively easy to influence their attitudes and how they thought they would use the new information in the future. However, if their prior experiences or existing knowledge conflicted with what was taught they resisted and often rejected new ideas that were presented. Interviews also revealed the tremendously complex process trainees must undergo trying to resolve or integrate all of the different perspectives they receive on RCR from other sources. These results revealed the importance of viewing RCR training from the perspective of learning theory and how prior knowledge influences what people learn. The results also support the need for periodic rather than one-time RCR training to counter the often conflicting views and practices young scientists experience in real-life research settings.  相似文献   

魏晋之后,士文人的生存形态明显不同于此前的士人,由儒家的价值生存形态转向了自然生存形态.源于老庄的自然生存,被转化为现实中可行可见的自在和逍遥,自然生存成为士文人日常生存中明确的美学目标.从阮籍和嵇康等追求返回生命本然状态的自在和逍遥,到"外在自然"走入两晋士文人的生存视野,再到陶渊明返回南山实现"内在自然"和"外在自然"合一的诗意栖居,魏晋的士文人构建了一种完全不同于儒家伦理生存的自然生存美学.  相似文献   

In this study we gathered data on the misconduct policies of social science journals and combined it with the data from our previous study on journal misconduct policies, which did not include enough social science journals for data analysis. Consistent with our earlier finding, impact factor of the journal was the only variable significantly associated with whether a journal had a formal (written) misconduct policy with an odds-ratio of 1.72 (p < 0.01). We did not find that type of science (physical, biomedical, or social) or publisher had a significant effect on whether a journal had a policy. Another important finding is that less than half of the journals that responded to the survey had a formal misconduct policy.  相似文献   

郭清香 《求是学刊》2003,30(2):110-114
顾炎武为学以身体力行著称于世.他反对有明以来空谈之风,倡导经世致用.针对当时学者急功近利不肯踏实读书,甚至于为成名而剽窃他人的无耻之举,顾炎武提出"博学于文"、"行己有耻"的为学之道,特别强调学术道德的学术意义和社会意义,并将其作为为学之本.他的学术道德思想对于纠正目前的学界风气和促进理论创新,仍有重要的价值.  相似文献   

This research sets out to discover what impact parental schizophreniamakes on a child’s life. It focuses on the daily lifeand experiences of children. Their health, education, familyand leisure activities are examined. Contact with helping agenciesand their unmet needs are investigated. The sample was drawnfrom the children of patients attending the mental health servicesin South West Dublin. They were matched with a control groupof children of well parents. The majority of children who haveone parent with schizophrenia had similar profiles to the childrenof well parents in the areas of physical health, positive familyfeelings, friendships, hobbies and household tasks. In a numberof other areas, however, differences were found. Sample childrenhad more psychiatric disturbance, more problems associated withschool, less contact with relatives and spent more time at home.The children had little access to services and were upset byhospital visiting. The need for an educational programme andsupport for these children was demonstrated. It is recommendedthat a more co-ordinated approach is required by both adultand child mental health services in order to meet their needs.  相似文献   

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