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作为我国空气重污染区之一,京津冀空气污染的有效治理迫在眉睫。空气污染的区域性和外部性,使得构建和完善跨域合作治理机制成为解决空气污染问题的根本。虽然在中央和地方层面都有联动治理空气污染的相关政策和相应组织制度安排,但现阶段京津冀政府间合作存在着浅表化及碎片化、低制度化、治理主体和手段单一化等问题。三地发展不平衡及环保诉求的不同、跨域机构权威性的匮乏、利益协调及补偿机制的缺位是导致问题的主要原因。完善区域环保的统一标准和联动监管体系、完善生态补偿和利益共享机制、设立权威性的区域协调机制、鼓励多元主体参与,是提升京津冀空气污染联动治理绩效的可能路径。  相似文献   

京津冀区域环境治理中法律保障问题与困境包括:缺乏统一完善的法律制度环境;缺乏有效的协调与合作组织机制缺乏完善的生态补偿机制;缺乏稳定的深度合作模式;发展不平衡成为推进环境合作治理的主要制约因素。为此,需要完善京津冀区域环境治理法律保障体系,形成区域环境治理法律框架,逐步完善生态补偿法律制度与运行机制,设立华北督察执法局作为统一的区域环境执法机构。  相似文献   

通过政府间合作治理促进区域协调发展,是我国未来较长时期内坚持科学发展观的重大国家战略。作为国家首个省际边界跨省级合作治理试验区的粤桂合作特别试验区,目前在政府间合作中尚存在法律约束程度较低、缺乏有效的政府合作协调机构以及完善合理的政府间合作机制体系等困境。尝试引入府际管理的基本理论,提出粤桂合作特别试验区政府合作的新思路,构建一个包含制度(创造区域政府合作的良好环境)、组织(构建区域网络合作治理体系)、协调(建立区域民主协商谈判体系)和奖惩(推行结果导向的绩效管理体系)的区域间政府合作模式。  相似文献   

现代生态危机不仅是企业转型发展问题,也是科技创新和社会治理问题。虽然地方政府越来越倾向政治绩效最优化和公共利益最大化,但在尚未形成比较完善而成熟的绩效考核体系之前,党政部门仍会以地方政绩和部门利益为中心,还缺乏公共服务均衡化保护。在出现生态危机过程中,利益的纠葛与碰撞很可能触发群体性、突发性事件。此时党政治理模式的纯熟与否将直接影响社会矛盾与冲突能否得到及时有效地缓和与化解。  相似文献   

周颖 《探求》2013,(1):46-50
区域生态补偿重点关注的是区域层面产生的资源环境问题,它以适当的经济、政策手段,协调区域间生态补偿主体、客体之间的利益关系,以达到优化区域发展格局、实现人与自然和谐发展的目的。在经济加速发展的过程中,广佛肇经济圈的跨界水污染、空气污染等区域性环境问题日益凸显,亟待构建一个包括事前、事中、事后这一系统的区域生态补偿机制,该机制从破解“生态不经济、经济不生态”的矛盾出发,对加强三市流域与区域的环境综合整治,实现环境资源共享,建立广佛肇地区绿色优质生活圈有着重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

大湄公河次区域环境合作法律机制分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
澜沧江-湄公河次区域合作顺应了当今经济全球化、区域经济集团化发展的趋势。而要真正实现次区域内各国经济发展的互利共赢,就必须加强和完善次区域内环境合作法律机制的建设,以统筹协调经济增长与环境保护,实现可持续发展。通过考察次区域内各国环境合作的历史与现状,使我们认识到虽然次区域内环境合作法律机制已初步形成,但仍不完善,尚需通过制定《GMS环境合作协定》、设立GMS环境作委员会、建立独立的GMS环境争端解决机制、拓展GMS环境保护法律机制的合作领域与层次等方面予以进一步完善。  相似文献   

黄蓝 《创新》2019,13(1):73-80
随着我国经济的快速发展、人民生活水平的提高,以及国民对公共服务需求的多元化趋势,人们对政府购买公共服务提出了更高要求,因此地方政府公共服务供给职能急需进一步完善、优化。应当遵循协作治理的分析框架,积极寻求公众、非政府组织的治理合作,构建协作治理新范式,即建立健全相关主体利益协调机制,建立政府公共服务供给协调合作机制,打造公共服务供给多中心治理格局,推动购买公共服务运作机制透明化。  相似文献   

张继龙 《阅江学刊》2012,4(2):72-77
学分互换是建设高教强省和区域高等教育一体化的内在要求。江苏高校已通过组建或参与教学共同体、大学联盟等形式开展学分互换的合作,但整体上还处于学分互换的起步和摸索阶段。加强学分互换制度建设应坚持完善学分制改革与推动学分互换并行不悖,坚持高校"自下而上"的自主探索和政府"自上而下"的积极介入并驾齐驱,坚持组织建设、技术建设和利益协调机制建设多管齐下。  相似文献   

分析政府应对突发公共事件的协调能力是探讨政府应急能力的重要切入口,它着眼于政府与其他主体的互动关系及其行为所发挥的作用,包括政府制度协调能力、政府人员协调能力、政府信息协调能力、政府物资协调能力和政府资金协调能力等五个部分.目前,中国政府协调能力主要存在应急管理主体间的协调缺乏完善的制度框架、机构与人员整合有待加强、信息采集与辨识能力较弱、应急物资多种储备方式间整合不足、调度效率不高及风险和成本分担机制不健全等问题.这些问题亟须通过建立应急管理主体间合作协议框架、强化应急协调机构的枢纽作用、建立公开化的信息共享机制和科学化的信息处理制度、整合应急物资储备体系优化物资调度系统以及建立健全风险和成本分担机制来加以解决.  相似文献   

我国多元化、跨层级、条块式的政策制定和执行模式,难以超越地方政绩和部门利益的科层制窠臼,不兼容的政策目标导致以邻为壑的政策指令和行政规章出炉,背道而驰的政策执行引发区域和部门冲突,损害了社会整体利益。政策网络既关注政策过程,注重政策目标协调、政策执行中的沟通互动和政策效果反馈,对政策过程进行全程控制;又侧重结构边界互动,基于平行关系协调多元政府及社团利益,建构各级政府及社团间的伙伴关系模型,减少政策冲突的可能性。政策网络的兼容特质凸显,从整体性治理视野对多个自主政策子系统整合叠加以消除负效应,在尊重信任、信息共享基础上实现各级政府及社团跨地域、超部门、多层级的无障碍互动,促成国家与社会、地方政府及行政部门之间、利益团体及个人价值的整合融通,形成多元伙伴型共同治理格局。  相似文献   

论我国上市公司的制度性缺陷   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
叶祥松 《求是学刊》2002,29(4):57-60
文章所述上市公司制度性缺陷主要是指公司治理的缺陷 ,它包括内部治理和外部治理两个方面 :从内部治理来看 ,主要是 :行政权力和行政机制几乎控制了从企业股票发行到上市直至公司运作的全过程 ;股权结构的畸形和单一 ;内部人控制 ;上市公司目标的扭曲 ;公司治理组织架构的矛盾和冲突等。从外部治理来看 ,主要是 :市场治理机制的不完善或治理力度不够 ;有关监管机构的监管不力和市场中介机构的不健全等  相似文献   

Governance is a kind of holistic governance and the notion of governing holistically should be established. The holisticity of governance is reflected in the unity and coordination between value rationality and instrumental rationality, normative appeal and practical appeal as well as global governance and state governance. Global and state governances are two strategic considerations in contemporary China. Actively participating in global governance and rationally promoting state governance is the rational choice of contemporary China, which plays a unique and significant role in realizing the social transformation and national rejuvenation and modernization of contemporary China. Deepening state governance with the help of global governance and promoting global governance with the support of state governance is the basic idea and dimension of understanding and grasping the interaction, coordination and overall planning between the two. The restrictions and effects of global governance on state governance are mainly reflected in such considerations as objects, mechanisms, concepts and interests of governance, and modernization of state governance system and improvement of governance capacity can promote and deepen global governance in a more effective way.  相似文献   

“新代理人”:项目进村中的村治主体研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李祖佩 《社会》2016,36(3):167-191
在项目进村过程中,"新代理人"成为描述当前村治主体角色性质的核心概念。契合当前项目进村要求,进而满足村庄社会项目诉求是"新代理人"形成的权威基础。在基层政府"悬浮"的背景下,村治主体的谋利冲动与村庄社会的项目诉求相互交织,村庄中交际能力强、关系网络广且关系重心和利益空间在村庄之外的部分村民登上村庄政治舞台。"新代理人"的治理实践表现出一种利益治理的逻辑,这实质上是后税费时代基层治理困境的延续。在村庄社会增量逻辑的主导下,以"新代理人"为核心要素的村庄权力结构呈现固化态势。"新代理人"与传统代理人在权威来源、精英替代逻辑、治理机制和治理绩效等方面存在显著不同,这也凸显出"新代理人"概念所蕴含的学术价值和现实意义。"新代理人"脱离于国家和乡村社会的双重规制,是基层治理研究的一个新议题。  相似文献   

崔聪聪 《创新》2013,(2):75-79
云计算、大数据等网络新技术挑战了以有限资源为基础的物权和知识产权制度。CtoB模式的出现,对产品责任制度提出了挑战。网络新技术与新应用提出的挑战使电子商务进入到生态化治理时代。政府治理是电子商务生态化治理的重要一环,为适应电子商务生态化治理的需要,政府应改变现行的监管思路和方式,重新定位自己的角色,积极开展消费者教育。  相似文献   

随着人类海洋活动的增加,海洋生态安全问题日趋严峻,已成为国家战略性问题和海洋可持续发展的核心。我国海洋生态安全问题主要表现在:海权纷争、污染严重、灾害频发、生物多样性锐减等诸多方面,海洋生态安全意识、价值观、法律、规划、科研资金投向的不合理,是导致这些不安全因素的主导原因。海洋生态安全治理已成为国家治理的重要举措,维护我国合法的海洋权利和权益,实现海洋事业稳定发展,必须要以软治理为保障,促进硬制度的顺利实施,构建一个包括治理目标、治理理念以及治理路径的"软硬结合"的海洋生态安全现代化治理体系。  相似文献   

Continuums of Care (CoCs) are the primary coordinating bodies for homeless services in the United States. However, the complexities involved in delivering homeless services across interagency networks challenges coordination and system improvement. CoC governance, planning, and service provision have received little attention in academic literature, and thus, Continuums attempt to manage complex systems with little guidance. This evaluation applied community-based system dynamics with homeless consumers and service providers to (1) identify capability traps that impede services delivery and to (2) engage stakeholders in a structured system improvement process. Results revealed organizational structures for governance and planning that inhibit system outcomes. Insights led to policy and practice recommendations for the homeless system.  相似文献   

The outbreak of the financial crisis in Europe and America in 2008 was a landmark event in the history of global governance. It showed that the international system and governance mechanism was unable to adapt to the new global situation or solve the new challenges and problems caused by the rapid development of globalization. Global governance needs to explore new ideas, new paths and new strategies. However, to advance the transformation and development of global governance, in-depth cooperation by the great powers is not all that is involved; also inevitable are the redistribution of international power, interests and responsibilities, contradictory global concepts and fierce competition among the great powers. The next five to ten years are a key period both for the transformation and development of global governance and for China's full-scale rise. The latter is not only a process of China's integration into the global governance system but also a process whereby China influences global governance reform. China should seize the opportunity of the global governance crisis and changes to promote benign interaction between China and the world and should become an advocate, designer, shaper and leader in the improvement of the global governance system, focusing on the construction of national governance, the governance of East Asia, global governance and the governance of certain advantageous fields. Its active assumption of the historic mission of the new era of globalization has laid a solid foundation for China to grow into a great major country.  相似文献   

人力资本理论与公司治理结构的完善   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李良 《学术交流》2005,(11):93-97
公司治理结构研究的是公司为谁服务、由谁控制、风险和利益如何在各利益集团之间分配等一系列问题。传统的公司结构过于注重保护出资人的利益,产生了“内部人控制”与“人才流失”等负面公司治理效应。在批判吸收人力资本理论的基础上,为解决前述问题,我们提出了应当承认人力资本所有者的价值与价格,确定不同人力资本所有者内部利益分配比例,合理分配控制权,实现风险与利益分配的相对独立与制约等公司治理结构完善措施。  相似文献   

The article describes the long history of urbanisation, including developments in four jurisdictions – three in Greater China (the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan) and Australia. While each has its own history, all now face challenges associated with continuing urbanisation and the growth of very large cities. There are broadly similar economic forces at work, but differences in scale and differences in the “growth machines” involved and the institutional arrangements within which urban governance operates. The article explains the growing importance internationally of urban governance and the growing interest in the “performance” of cities. The authors then set out two case studies describing developments in urban governance around Shanghai and around Sydney. In both cases, the scale of big city growth is demanding both horizontal and vertical coordination, and processes that facilitate citizens and civil society participation. While the very different institutional arrangements in these jurisdictions have led to different urban governance arrangements, there are common challenges that have led to some common governance developments such as having a lead government with citywide and comprehensive public service responsibilities, and also having the national government play an increasingly active role in support.  相似文献   

In many developed countries, the provision of disability services has undergone significant transformations, from institutional to community based care, and from oganisational to personalised funding. Yet delivering disability support remains an ongoing challenge for governments. Specifically, the relative success of different types of disability support governance is convoluted and problematic given the diversity and complexity of disability support systems and the people they serve. To enhance the systematic analysis and evaluation of disability support governance, this paper conceptually advances four distinct models based on the locus of control and coordination of such support: uncoordinated; casework governance; dwelling‐based governance; and user‐coordinated. Using illustrations from case studies of individuals receiving care, the identification of these ideal types enables their relative strengths, weaknesses, and the occasions of governance failure to be articulated. No one model is universally applicable to people, nor immune to failure. Furthermore, the paper presents a novel approach to visualising actual disability support arrangements as social networks. The utility of such visualisations for analysing individual and system‐ wide arrangements is outlined. In the context of Australia's developing National Disability Insurance Scheme, these conceptual and analytical developments are argued to be important tools for policy and service analysis and reform.  相似文献   

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