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Analogs of some classical recurrence relations for moments of order statistics for a one truncation parameter densities are derived. These relate the kthorder moment of the rthorder statistic Xr:nto the kthorder moment of Xl:ior Xr:rvia an integral operator. Similar results are obtained for product moments. An application is also given.  相似文献   

Newton's binomial series expansion is used to develop a (class of) distribution function(s) Fr:∝ which may be interpreted as the distribution of the rthorder statistic with nonintegral sample size∝. It is shown that Fr:∝ has properties similar to Fr:n. Multivariate extension is considered and an elementary proof of the integral representation for the joint distribution of a subset of order statistics is given. An application is included.  相似文献   

As the sample size increases, the coefficient of skewness of the Fisher's transformation z= tanh-1r, of the correlation coefficient decreases much more rapidly than the excess of its kurtosis. Hence, the distribution of standardized z can be approximated more accurately in terms of the t distribution with matching kurtosis than by the unit normal distribution. This t distribution can, in turn be subjected to Wallace's approximation resulting in a new normal approximation for the Fisher's z transform. This approximation, which can be used to estimate the probabilities, as well as the percentiles, compares favorably in both accuracy and simplicity, with the two best earlier approximations, namely, those due to Ruben (1966) and Kraemer (1974). Fisher (1921) suggested approximating distribution of the variance stabilizing transform z=(1/2) log ((1 +r)/(1r)) of the correlation coefficient r by the normal distribution with mean = (1/2) log ((1 + p)/(lp)) and variance =l/(n3). This approximation is generally recognized as being remarkably accurate when ||Gr| is moderate but not so accurate when ||Gr| is large, even when n is not small (David (1938)). Among various alternatives to Fisher's approximation, the normalizing transformation due to Ruben (1966) and a t approximation due to Kraemer (1973), are interesting on the grounds of novelty, accuracy and/or aesthetics. If r?= r/√ (1r2) and r?|Gr = |Gr/√(1|Gr2), then Ruben (1966) showed that (1) gn (r,|Gr) ={(2n5)/2}1/2r?r{(2n3)/2}1/2r?|GR, {1 + (1/2)(r?r2+r?|Gr2)}1/2 is approximately unit normal. Kraemer (1973) suggests approximating (2) tn (r, |Gr) = (r|GR1) √ (n2), √(11r2) √(1|Gr2) by a Student's t variable with (n2) degrees of freedom, where after considering various valid choices for |Gr1 she recommends taking |Gr1= |Gr*, the median of r given n and |Gr.  相似文献   

Collings and Margolin(1985) developed a locally most powerful unbiased test for detecting negative binomial departures from a Poisson model, when the variance is a quadratic function of the mean. Kim and Park(1992) developed a locally most powerful unbiased test, when the variance is a linear function of the mean. It is found that a different mean-variance structure of a negative binomial derives a different locally optimal test statistic.

In this paper Collings and Margolin's and Kim and Park's results are unified and extended by developing a test for overdispersion in Poisson model against Katz family of distributions, Our setup has two extensions: First, Katz family of distributions is employed as an extension of the negative binomial distribution. Second, the mean-variance structure of the mixed Poisson model is given by σ2 = μ+cμr for arbitrary but fixed r. We derive a local score test for testing H0 : c = 0. Superiority of a new test is proved by the asymtotic relative efficiency as well as the simulation study.  相似文献   

Recursive estimates fnr(x)of the rth derivative fr(x)(r=0,1)of the univariate probability density f(x) for strictly stationary processes {Xj,} are considered. The asymptotic variance-covariance of fnr(x)is established for stationary triangular arrays of random variables satisfying various asymptotic independence-uncorrelatedness conditions.  相似文献   

We study the r-content Δ of the r -simplex generated by r+ 1 independent random points in R”. Each random point Zj is isotropic and distributed according to λ||Zj||2 ~ beta-type-2(n/2, v), λ, v > 0. We provide an asymptotic normality result which is analogous to the conjecture made by Miles (1971). A method is introduced to work out the exact density of W = (rλ)r(r!Δ)2/(r + |)r+l and hence that of Δ. The distribution of W is also related to some hypothesis-testing problems in multivariate analysis. Furthermore, by using this method, the distribution of W or Δ can easily be simulated.  相似文献   

Consider a random sample of sizen drawn from a continuous parent distributionF. A basic and useful known property associated with such sample is the following: the conditional distribution of thej th order statistic given a valuet of thei th order statistics, (j>i), coincides with the distribution of the(j?i) th order statistic in a sample of size (n?i) drawn from the parent distributionF truncated at the left att. In this article we mention some applications of this property, and provide a new application to the construction of an Uniformly Minimum Variance Unbiased (UMVU) estimator in the case of two-truncation parameters family of distributions.  相似文献   

Let x be a random variable having the normal distribution with mean μ and variance c2μ2, where c is a known constant. The maximum likelihood estimation of μ when the lowest r1 and the highest r2 sample values censored have been given the asymptotic variance of the maximum likelihood estimator is obtained.  相似文献   

In the present paper the distribution theory of maximum and minimum of ther th concomitants from k independent subgroups each of same size m from the Morgenstern family is investigated. Some applications of the results in estimation of the scale parameter of a marginal variable in the bivariate uniform distribution and a selection problem are discussed.  相似文献   

g of the population correlation coefficient has been suggested in case of probability proportional to size with replacement sampling. The asymptotic bias, variance and the estimate of the variance of the estimator rg have been obtained. A comparison of this estimator has been made with the estimator r given by Gupta et al (1993) and usual estimator r1 for PPSWR sampling. The proposed estimator rg satisfies the condition −1≤rg≤1 which the estimator r does not satisfy. Received: September 1, 1999; revised version: May 29, 2001  相似文献   

If events are scattered in Rn in accordance with a homogeneous Poisson process and if X is the location of the event with minimal [d]lP norm, then in the case p = n the nth absolute powers of the coordinates of X form a sample of size n from a gamma distribution with shape parameter 1/n. In an age of parallel computing, this fact may lead to some attractive simulation methods. One possibility is to generate R = [d]X[d] and U = Y/[d]X[d] independently, perhaps by setting U = Y/[d]Y[d] where Y has any p.d.f. which is a function only of ¦Y¦. We consider for example Y having the uniform distribution in an lP ball.  相似文献   

A doubly stochastic process {x(b,t);b?B,t?Z} is considered, with (B,β,Pβ) being a probability space so that for each b, {X(b,t);t ? Z} is a stationary process with an absolutely continuous spectral distribution. The population spectrum is defined as f(ω) = EB[Q(b,ω)] with Q(b,ω) being the spectral density function of X(b,t). The aim of this paper is to estimate f(ω) by means of a random sample b1,…,br from (B,β,Pβ). For each b1? B, the processes X(b1,t) are observed at the same times t=1,…,N. Thus, r time series (x(b1,t)} are available in order to estimate f(ω). A model for each individual periodogram, which involves f(ω), is formulated. It has been proven that a certain family of linear stationary processes follows the above model In this context, a kernel estimator is proposed in order to estimate f(ω). The bias, variance and asymptotic distribution of this estimator are investigated under certain conditions.  相似文献   

x 1, ..., x n+r can be treated as the sample values of a Markov chain of order r or less (chain in which the dependence extends over r+1 consecutive variables only), and consider the problem of testing the hypothesis H 0 that a chain of order r− 1 will be sufficient on the basis of the tools given by the Statistical Information Theory: ϕ-Divergences. More precisely, if p a 1 ....., a r: a r +1 denotes the transition probability for a r th order Markov chain, the hypothesis to be tested is H 0:p a 1 ....., a r: a r +1 = p a 2 ....., a r: a r +1, a i ∈{1, ..., s}, i = 1, ..., r + 1 The tests given in this paper, for the first time, will have as a particular case the likelihood ratio test and the test based on the chi-squared statistic. Received: August 3, 1998; revised version: November 25, 1999  相似文献   

Let [^(\varveck)]{\widehat{\varvec{\kappa}}} and [^(\varveck)]r{\widehat{\varvec{\kappa}}_r} denote the best linear unbiased estimators of a given vector of parametric functions \varveck = \varvecKb{\varvec{\kappa} = \varvec{K\beta}} in the general linear models M = {\varvecy, \varvecX\varvecb, s2\varvecV}{{\mathcal M} = \{\varvec{y},\, \varvec{X\varvec{\beta}},\, \sigma^2\varvec{V}\}} and Mr = {\varvecy, \varvecX\varvecb | \varvecR \varvecb = \varvecr, s2\varvecV}{{\mathcal M}_r = \{\varvec{y},\, \varvec{X}\varvec{\beta} \mid \varvec{R} \varvec{\beta} = \varvec{r},\, \sigma^2\varvec{V}\}}, respectively. A bound for the Euclidean distance between [^(\varveck)]{\widehat{\varvec{\kappa}}} and [^(\varveck)]r{\widehat{\varvec{\kappa}}_r} is expressed by the spectral distance between the dispersion matrices of the two estimators, and the difference between sums of squared errors evaluated in the model M{{\mathcal M}} and sub-restricted model Mr*{{\mathcal M}_r^*} containing an essential part of the restrictions \varvecR\varvecb = \varvecr{\varvec{R}\varvec{\beta} = \varvec{r}} with respect to estimating \varveck{\varvec{\kappa}}.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the minimum variance unbiased estimation in the modified power series distribution introduced by the author (1974a). Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of minimum variance unbiased estimate (MVUE) of the parameter based on sufficient statistics are obtained. These results are, then, applied to obtain MVUE of θr (r ≥ 1) for the generalized negative binomial and the decapitated generalized negative binomial distributions (Jain and Consul, 1971). Similar estimates are obtained for the generalized Poisson (Consul and Jain, 1973a) and the generalized logarithmic series distributions (Jain and Gupta, 1973). Several of the well-known results follow trivially from the results obtained here.  相似文献   

Let X be a po-normal random vector with unknown µ and unknown covariance matrix ∑ and let X be partitioned as X = (X (1), …, X (r))′ where X(j)is a subvector of X with dimension pjsuch that ∑r j=1Pj = P0. Some admissible tests are derived for testing H0: μ = 0 versus H1: μ ¦0 based on a sample drawn from the whole vector X of dimension p and r additional samples drawn from X(1), X(2), …, X(r) respectively, All (r+1) samples are assumed to be independent. The distribution of some of the tests' statistics involved are also derived.  相似文献   

In this paper we assume that in a random sample of size ndrawn from a population having the pdf f(x; θ) the smallest r1 observations and the largest r2 observations are censored (r10, r20). We consider the problem of estimating θ on the basis of the middle n-r1-r2 observations when either f(x;θ)=θ-1f(x/θ) or f(x;θ) = (aθ)1f(x-θ)/aθ) where f(·) is a known pdf, a (<0) is known and θ (>0) is unknown. The minimum mean square error (MSE) linear estimator of θ proposed in this paper is a “shrinkage” of the minimum variance linear unbiased estimator of θ. We obtain explicit expressions of these estimators and their mean square errors when (i) f(·) is the uniform pdf defined on an interval of length one and (ii) f(·) is the standard exponential pdf, i.e., f(x) = exp(–x), x0. Various special cases of censoring from the left (right) and no censoring are considered.  相似文献   

Let (θ1,x1),…,(θn,xn) be independent and identically distributed random vectors with E(xθ) = θ and Var(x|θ) = a + bθ + cθ2. Let ti be the linear Bayes estimator of θi and θ~i be the linear empirical Bayes estimator of θi as proposed in Robbins (1983). When Ex and Var x are unknown to the statistician. The regret of using θ~i instead of ti because of ignorance of the mean and the variance is ri = E(θi ? θi)2 ?E(tii)2. Under appropriate conditions cumulative regret Rn = r1+…rn is shown to have a finite limit even when n tends to infinity. The limit can be explicitly computed in terms of a,b,c and the first four moments of x.  相似文献   

Based on a sample from an absolutely continuous distribution F with density f, and with the aid of the Bahadur (Ann. Math. Statist. 37( 1966 ), 577-580) representation of sample quantiles, the asymptotic joint distribution of three statistics, the sample pth and qth quantiles (0 < p < q < l) and the sample mean, is obtained. Using the Cramer-Wold device, asymptotic distributions of functions of the three statistics can be derived. In particular, the asymptotic joint distribution of the ratio of sample pth quantile to sample mean and the ratio of sample qth quantile to sample mean is presented. Finally, consistent estimators are proposed for the variances and covariances of these limiting distributions.  相似文献   

Suppose that we are given k(≥ 2) independent and normally distributed populations π1, …, πk where πi has unknown mean μi and unknown variance σ2 i (i = 1, …, k). Let μ[i] (i = 1, …, k) denote the ith smallest one of μ1, …, μk. A two-stage procedure is used to construct lower and upper confidence intervals for μ[i] and then use these to obtain a class of two-sided confidence intervals on μ[i] with fixed width. For i = k, the interval given by Chen and Dudewicz (1976) is a special case. Comparison is made between the class of two-sided intervals and a symmetric interval proposed by Chen and Dudewicz (1976) for the largest mean, and it is found that for large values of k at least one of the former intervals requires a smaller total sample size. The tables needed to actually apply the procedure are provided.  相似文献   

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