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The role of the senior physician executive is well established in American hospitals and health systems. There is little research, however, on overall physician executive job satisfaction, their perceptions of their organizational role and job performance, or their views of the medical staffs with which they work. A recent survey of physician executives examined these and other areas. It found physician executives to be quite satisfied with their jobs. What follows is a summary of the findings. An article based on the survey will be featured in a future issue of The Physician Executive.  相似文献   

Physician executives continue to have ambitions for the health care CEO role, despite the difficult economic times. And though few have yet been chosen for the position, the expectation is that this will change markedly in the next five to seven years. Today, physician executives have legitimate, relevant professional experiences that directly qualify them for CEO roles in health initiatives. And no executive is more qualified to deal with medical care management issues than the physician executive. Key elements of preparedness are: Executive thinking, bundling projects, and learning to manage managers. The opportunities will be open to those who are ready to take them on.  相似文献   

Today, interest in defining the role of the physician executive and ensuring this individual is effectively integrated into the organization is high for good reason--the ranks of physician executives are growing. What attributes should health care organizations look for when hiring physician executives and what should they should expect of them once they are on the job? Physician executives should: (1) have demonstrated clinical and management skills; (2) have a comfort level with participatory decision-making; (3) have superb interpersonal skills; and (4) be a champion of the patient. Physician executives should expect the following support from their organizations: (1) varied roles and responsibilities; (2) mentoring by other senior executives; (3) lifelong learning opportunities; and (4) complete support of the management team.  相似文献   

Physicians often ask what kinds of jobs there will be for physician executives in the future. Learn what two futurists and four recruiters think about this issue in this excerpt from ACPE's recent book: A Career Guide for Physician Executives.  相似文献   

The HIPAAcratic oath: do no harm to patient data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Physician executives need to prepare their organizations for the next great system-wide challenge--HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. Organizations will have to plan for and execute a compliance program with the same vigor and system-wide participation as they did for Y2K. This article provides a brief overview of HIPAA, emphasizing the privacy and security components that will be the biggest challenge for physician executives. Physician leaders must become actively involved in the policymaking process to ensure a balanced approach to protecting the confidentiality of health information, while giving providers optimal access to data to make informed decisions on patient care and management. Ignoring HIPAA is simply not an option.  相似文献   

The literature is replete, many would say depressingly so, with accounts of the changes that are rocking the health care delivery system. The demands on the system's leadership increases with every change. And the future holds even more changes, with a level of uncertainty that will makes today's demands seem childplay. Physicians, especially physician executives, will surely be key factors in helping the system maintain its fundamental charge of high-quality patient care provided at reasonable cost, but what exactly is expected of them? One point is clear: While their clinical backgrounds will continue to arm them well for reaching the executive suites of health care organizations, physicians who hope to fully succeed in management will have to acquire and master a widening range of management skills. An indication of just how demanding the health care management job will be is provided in this report, based on interviews with physician executives and the people who seek and sell their services.  相似文献   

Senior physician executives were asked to share their insights about how the medical management field has evolved. The Physician Executive Management Center, a Tampa, Florida-based search firm, has been surveying senior physician executives each year for the past decade. This year's report on physician executive compensation and duties in hospitals, managed care organizations, and group practices provides an excellent picture of the growth of the profession, as well as a broad perspective of anticipated changes for the future of medical management. The respondents addressed the following questions: What are the skills necessary for success? How have their jobs changed over the years? Have they made the right choice in pursuing medical management careers?  相似文献   

In late 1993, ACPE and Tyler & Company, a national health care executive and physician search firm based in Atlanta, Ga., jointly conducted a survey of physician executives to determine their most likely behavioral patterns. It is the first of a two-part survey that, when complete, will create a multifaceted profile of the "ideal" physician executive as seen through physician executives' eyes and through the eyes of hospital management. Questionnaires based on the DiSC method of behavioral analysis were mailed to 750 randomly selected members of ACPE. More than 170 responses were received. The survey results showed that the majority of physician executives have strong communications skills, are people-oriented, and are strong leaders. The majority of respondents are self-motivated and industrious and are driven by accomplishments. The second part of the survey, which will be conducted later this year, will poll hospital CEOs and boards of directors about their preferences for behavioral patterns in their executives. Comparisons and consistencies will be analyzed between the two surveys to develop a comprehensive profile of the "ideal" physician executive, and the results will be reported in Physician Executive.  相似文献   

This article is a follow-up to an interview with Charles Dwyer, PhD, which appeared in the 1999 March/April issue of The Physician Executive. He described how physician executives can change the perceptions of today's beleaguered physicians and help them cope with change. We then asked him for some hands-on strategies to deal with physician anger, fear, and resentment. After much contemplation on providing a list of "fixes" that will restore each of us to a state of greater satisfaction, Dr. Dwyer concludes that there are no generalizable solutions because there are too many variables that come into play in each organization, individual, or group. Attending to the self can provide both individual rescue from these turbulent times and the best hope for changes in the system from which patients and health care providers can benefit. If physicians are to regain their power and maintain, or even improve, their quality of life, clearly changes are called for. And these are changes that require persistent effort and uncomfortable adjustments.  相似文献   

What is the CPE Tutorial and how can it help advance the careers of physician executives? This five-day program teaches executive skills that make physician executives more valued in the marketplace. When candidates successfully pass an evaluation judged by a panel of health care CEOs, recruiters, and Fellows of the College, they become Certified Physician Executives (CPEs). This certification provides recognition to potential employers that CPEs have: stature as a physician; been successfully tested in all disciplines of medical management; demonstrated management experience; and successfully completed the Tutorial with a five minute presentation describing skills and competencies on the last day. As CPEs become widely known in the marketplace, the designation will be a valued credential that helps physician executives get and keep desirable positions, as well as advance to the next level in their careers.  相似文献   

Most physician executives today have acquired substantial management training and experience, and many have worked with and relied on the expertise of mentors for their career guidance and development. Physician executives are actually becoming executives who happen to be physicians. They view themselves first as leaders, then as physicians, and finally as managers. That is a remarkable transformation in perception. To chronicle this process, Witt/Kieffer, Ford, Hadelman & Lloyd conducted a national survey this spring among senior physician executives in both payer and provider organizations. The data provide a "snapshot" of their role, and may also suggest some future scenarios for the industry. The primary reasons for choosing to pursue a management role noted by most participants include a desire to be part of the health care solution and an interest in management and leadership challenges.  相似文献   

It is not the same subject that was projected in the '70s when quality assurance leaped on the health care scene. As complex as quality assurance is, contemporary discussions of quality are much more multifaceted. At the core of health care quality, however, is clinical practice. The consensus among speakers at the College's National Conference of Physician Executives in May in San Antonio, Tex., is that medical quality will not be managed in the interests of patients, buyers, and providers in the absence of significant involvement by physician executives.  相似文献   

The next step for career growth for many physician executives will be the top leadership role in a health care organization. The availability of such positions for physicians has been limited in the past but could very well open in the future. As physicians, administrators, and boards begin to trust each other more and form meaningful partnerships, the potential for physician CEOs increases. In 1997, the Physician Executive Management Center conducted surveys of physicians serving in CEO roles in hospitals and group practices throughout the country. We compared the results with earlier surveys we had conducted since 1986. This article reports the significant findings of these surveys on areas such as employment contracts, job duties, skills and talents, and remuneration.  相似文献   

Fraud and abuse, which can occur in all industries, also exist in the health care industry. This problem is compounded by the reality that "American medicine, although undergoing evolution, now faces changes of a magnitude that has never before been encountered." These changes are creating new realities for physician executives and also new challenges. As there are changes in business practices, there will be changes in how fraud occurs in health care. Physician executives need to be sensitive to the possibility of fraud and abuse as an unwanted component in medical losses in managed care systems.  相似文献   

Why should physician executives care about medical informatics? For that matter, what is medical informatics anyway? Broadly defined, medical informatics is the study of the collection, storage, retrieval, and analysis of data and information in health care to support clinical and administrative decision making. Informatics is important because, in the past 10 years, powerful computer, software, and information technologies have been developed to enable health care organizations to automate some of the work of decision making, for improved quality of care and cost control, and for successful managed care contracting. This new emphasis on informatics in health care was the impetus for the founding by ACPE earlier this year of The Informatics Institute, which will be involved in educational and research activities in the growing area of medical informatics. In this new column in Physician Executive, Dr. Marshall Ruffin, President and CEO of the Institute, will discuss the role of medical informatics in health care delivery and financing and its relation to physician executives.  相似文献   

The rapid change in the managed health care industry is placing substantial demands on the managerial and leadership skills of physician executives. These changes are forcing a reevaluation of the fundamental principles of managed care organizations, specifically in terms of patient satisfaction, cost containment, and quality health care. Additionally, the physician executive will be confronted with substantial issues concerning future staffing needs. This article assesses the health care industry's environment to suggest where managed care is going and how physician executives should position themselves to optimize their position in the marketplace.  相似文献   

Results of the 2001 Physician Executive Compensation Survey are in and they show that physician executives working in practice/hospital management companies or single specialty groups earn the highest pay. Physician executives with advanced degrees appear to earn more, as well.  相似文献   

Earlier this year, the Physician Executive Management Center conducted a survey of physician executives in management positions in hospitals, group practices, managed care organizations, and industry. Information was obtained for physician executives in both full-time and part-time roles. In addition to gathering compensation information, the survey sought to define the scope and intensity of the responsibilities of physician CEOs and senior medical managers (medical directors or the equivalent) in these organizations. In this article, the authors summarize the findings on responsibilities for senior medical managers in hospitals, group practices, and managed care organizations.  相似文献   

Physician executives are engaged in a search for ways to maintain balance, enthusiasm, and gratification in today's health care delivery environment. The primary resource for effecting positive change is themselves. This article addresses both pragmatic and philosophical initiatives that could assist them in their search. It postulates the premise that physician executives help themselves, their patients, and the state of health care service when they help each other.  相似文献   

In summary, physician managers have a bright future. They are working on one of the most exciting professional interfaces--medicine and management. The future of medicine is both high-tech and low-tech. It will challenge all physician executives. For a few years, health care organizations will experience turbulence and stress. The name of the game for physician managers will be organizational survival. The nation will then move into an era of abundance in medical care, and the management game will switch from survival to thrival. Managers are key players in the world of tomorrow. The physician executive is a manager and therefore a key player. One of the best things about the future of the physician is that he has one.  相似文献   

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