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One of the general problems in clinical trials and mortality rates is the comparison of competing risks. Most of the test statistics used for independent and dependent risks with censored data belong to the class of weighted linear rank tests in its multivariate version. In this paper, we introduce the saddlepoint approximations as accurate and fast approximations for the exact p-values of this class of tests instead of the asymptotic and permutation simulated calculations. Real data examples and extensive simulation studies showed the accuracy and stability performance of the saddlepoint approximations over different scenarios of lifetime distributions, sample sizes and censoring.  相似文献   

Techniques for testing hypotheses about parameters in the regression models under the situation of grouped data are provided. A test statistic similar to conventional F statistic is considered. A simulation study performed for a few cases shows that the proposed statistic has an approximate F distribution and is useful in applications.  相似文献   

A general randomization test for nonparametric hypotheses which is a modification of permutation tests in proposed. The exact level of the test is derived and under mild gegularity conditions, a general result on the consistency of the power function is obtained. Applications to several testing problems are considered. Asymptotic expansions of the power of this test are derived with respect to contiguous alternatives thus test are derived with respect to contiguous alternatives thus enabling us to make deficiency comparisons with permutation tests. The paper concludes with some Monte Carlo simulations verifying the theoretical results derived.  相似文献   

In recent years different approaches for the analysis of time-to-event data in the presence of competing risks, i.e. when subjects can fail from one of two or more mutually exclusive types of event, were introduced. Different approaches for the analysis of competing risks data, focusing either on cause-specific or subdistribution hazard rates, were presented in statistical literature. Many new approaches use complicated weighting techniques or resampling methods, not allowing an analytical evaluation of these methods. Simulation studies often replace analytical comparisons, since they can be performed more easily and allow investigation of non-standard scenarios. For adequate simulation studies the generation of appropriate random numbers is essential. We present an approach to generate competing risks data following flexible prespecified subdistribution hazards. Event times and types are simulated using possibly time-dependent cause-specific hazards, chosen in a way that the generated data will follow the desired subdistribution hazards or hazard ratios, respectively.  相似文献   

Serial testing is introduced as a general method for carryig out a large umber of hypothesis tests , while maintaining a reasonable bound on the simultaneous Type I error probabilities . The power properties of serial testing differ from those of other simultaneous test procedures, and serial P-values a reassociated with the models under consideration.  相似文献   

In this article, a competing risks model based on exponential distributions is considered under the adaptive Type-II progressively censoring scheme introduced by Ng et al. [2009, Naval Research Logistics 56:687-698], for life testing or reliability experiment. Moreover, we assumed that some causes of failures are unknown. The maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) of unknown parameters are established. The exact conditional and the asymptotic distributions of the obtained estimators are derived to construct the confidence intervals as well as the two different bootstraps of different unknown parameters. Under suitable priors on the unknown parameters, Bayes estimates and the corresponding two sides of Bayesian probability intervals are obtained. Also, for the purpose of evaluating the average bias and mean square error of the MLEs, and comparing the confidence intervals based on all mentioned methods, a simulation study was carried out. Finally, we present one real dataset to conduct the proposed methods.  相似文献   

Consider the problem of testing the composite null hypothesis that a random sample X1,…,Xn is from a parent which is a member of a particular continuous parametric family of distributions against an alternative that it is from a separate family of distributions. It is shown here that in many cases a uniformly most powerful similar (UMPS) test exists for this problem, and, moreover, that this test is equivalent to a uniformly most powerful invariant (UMPI) test. It is also seen in the method of proof used that the UMPS test statistic Is a function of the statistics U1,…,Un?k obtained by the conditional probability integral transformations (CPIT), and thus that no Information Is lost by these transformations, It is also shown that these optimal tests have power that is a nonotone function of the null hypothesis class of distributions, so that, for example, if one additional parameter for the distribution is assumed known, then the power of the test can not lecrease. It Is shown that the statistics U1, …, Un?k are independent of the complete sufficient statistic, and that these statistics have important invariance properties. Two examples at given. The UMPS tests for testing the two-parameter uniform family against the two-parameter exponential family, and for testing one truncation parameter distribution against another one are derived.  相似文献   

A class of bivariate symmetry tests for complete data and competing risks data is considered. Saddlepoint approximation for the exact p-values of the underlying permutation distribution of these tests is derived. Several simulation studies are conducted to evaluate the performance of the saddlepoint approximation and the asymptotic approximation. The saddlepoint approximation was found to be highly accurate and superior to the asymptotic approximations in replicating the exact permutation significance.  相似文献   

We study the information content of South African inflation survey data by determining the directional accuracy of both short-term and long-term forecasts. We use relative operating characteristic (ROC) curves, which have been applied in a variety of fields including weather forecasting and radiology, to ascertain the directional accuracy of the forecasts. A ROC curve summarizes the directional accuracy of forecasts by comparing the rate of true signals (sensitivity) with the rate of false signals (one minus specifity). A ROC curve goes beyond market-timing tests widely studied in earlier research as this comparison is carried out for many alternative values of a decision criterion that discriminates between signals (of a rising inflation rate) and nonsignals (of an unchanged or a falling inflation rate). We find consistent evidence that forecasts contain information with respect to the subsequent direction of change of the inflation rate.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider tests for assessing whether two stationary and independent time series have the same spectral densities (or same autocovariance functions). Both frequency domain and time domain test statistics for this purpose are reviewed. The adaptive Neyman tests are then introduced and their performances are investigated. Our tests are adaptive, that is, they are constructed completely by the data and do not involve any unknown smoothing parameters. Simulation studies show that our proposed tests are at least comparable to the current tests in most cases. Furthermore, our tests are much more powerful in some cases, such as against the long orders of autoregressive moving average (ARMA) models such as seasonal ARMA series.  相似文献   

The author proposes a general method for constructing nonparametric tests of hypotheses for umbrella alternatives. Such alternatives are relevant when the treatment effect changes in direction after reaching a peak. The author's class of tests is based on the ranks of the observations. His general approach consists of defining two sets of rankings: the first is induced by the alternative and the other by the data itself. His test statistic measures the distance between the two sets. The author determines the asymptotic distribution for some special cases of distances under both the null and the alternative hypothesis when the location of the peak is known or unknown. He shows the good power of his tests through a limited simulation study  相似文献   

A procedure is proposed whereby R test statistics F=(F1F2…Fr)together with "randomly generated critical points" (C1C2…Cr) may be used to construct a simultaneous test for

a family containing R hypotheses. This procedure provides simultaneous tests having an exact prescribed type I error rate; the procedure does not require the distribution of F to be known. The simultaneous test is illustrated for making all pairwise comparisons in a one-way ANOVA model.  相似文献   

In recent years, numerous feature screening schemes have been developed for ultra-high dimensional standard survival data with only one failure event. Nevertheless, existing literature pays little attention to related investigations for competing risks data, in which subjects suffer from multiple mutually exclusive failures. In this article, we develop a new marginal feature screening for ultra-high dimensional time-to-event data to allow for competing risks. The proposed procedure is model-free, and robust against heavy-tailed distributions and potential outliers for time to the type of failure of interest. Apart from this, it is invariant to any monotone transformation of event time of interest. Under rather mild assumptions, it is shown that the newly suggested approach possesses the ranking consistency and sure independence screening properties. Some numerical studies are conducted to evaluate the finite-sample performance of our method and make a comparison with its competitor, while an application to a real data set is provided to serve as an illustration.  相似文献   

Two-stage (double sample) tests of hypotheses are presented for testing linear hypotheses in the general linear model. General and one-sided alternatives are considered. Computational techniques for computing critical points are discussed. Tables of critical points are presented. An example suggests that two-stage tests can achieve the same power as a fixed sample size test while reducing considerably the expected number of observations required for the test  相似文献   

Tests of sharp null hypotheses, although frequently computed, are.rarely appropriate as the major end product of statistical analyses, except possibly in some, areas of the natural sciences. But procedures closely akin to tests, although often less formal, are needed in almost every investigation in which exploratory data analysis is used to help to decide upon the statistical model appropriate for the final analysis. The term “diagnostic check”has been suggested by Box and Jenkins for these procedures. Traditional statistical tests often suggest useful diagnostic checks -and this, in my view, is what tests are mainly good for-but visual examination and interpretation of data plots are often equally important. Biere is also much to be gained by the development of new diagnostic checks, and testing theory may be useful as one guide to this development.  相似文献   

Implementation of the Gibbs sampler for estimating the accuracy of multiple binary diagnostic tests in one population has been investigated. This method, proposed by Joseph, Gyorkos and Coupal, makes use of a Bayesian approach and is used in the absence of a gold standard to estimate the prevalence, the sensitivity and specificity of medical diagnostic tests. The expressions that allow this method to be implemented for an arbitrary number of tests are given. By using the convergence diagnostics procedure of Raftery and Lewis, the relation between the number of iterations of Gibbs sampling and the precision of the estimated quantiles of the posterior distributions is derived. An example concerning a data set of gastro-esophageal reflux disease patients collected to evaluate the accuracy of the water siphon test compared with 24 h pH-monitoring, endoscopy and histology tests is presented. The main message that emerges from our analysis is that implementation of the Gibbs sampler to estimate the parameters of multiple binary diagnostic tests can be critical and convergence diagnostic is advised for this method. The factors which affect the convergence of the chains to the posterior distributions and those that influence the precision of their quantiles are analyzed.  相似文献   

We evaluate the performance of various bootstrap methods for constructing confidence intervals for mean and median of several common distributions. Using Monte Carlo simulation, we assessed performance by looking at coverage percentages and average confidence interval lengths. Poor performance is characterized by coverage deviating from 0.95 and large confidence interval lengths. Undercoverage is of greater concern than overcoverage. We also assess the performance of bootstrap methods in estimating the parameters of the Cox Proportional Hazard model and Accelerated Failure Time model.  相似文献   

For the competing risk setting where the lifetime data are due to one of several distinct and exclusive causes, comparison of cause-specific hazard rates is of interest to researchers. In this paper we survey existing methods for related tests and provide a new test for a common overall rate for all causes and groups. Tests given in the literature for checking for a common rate for causes and a common rate for the groups are shown to be in the same framework as the proposed test for common overall rate. Asymptotics are shown to follow a common theme for each test. An extensive numerical and graphical investigation and an example are presented to substantiate the proposed methods.  相似文献   

A new class of nonparametric tests, based on random projections, is proposed. They can be used for several null hypotheses of practical interest, including uniformity for spherical (directional) and compositional data, sphericity of the underlying distribution and homogeneity in two-sample problems on the sphere or the simplex. The proposed procedures have a number of advantages, mostly associated with their flexibility (for example, they also work to test “partial uniformity” in a subset of the sphere), computational simplicity and ease of application even in high-dimensional cases.  相似文献   

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