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Conclusion Whatever actually happens in the next ten years, one general prophecy is likely to be fulfilled. This is that advances will depend at least as much on the imagination of statisticians as on their mathematical and computing skills. I don't think we pay enough attention to trying to develop imagination among our students.  相似文献   

Prior studies have shown that automated variable selection results in models with substantially inflated estimates of the model R 2, and that a large proportion of selected variables are truly noise variables. These earlier studies used simulated data sets whose sample sizes were at most 100. We used Monte Carlo simulations to examine the large-sample performance of backwards variable elimination. We found that in large samples, backwards variable elimination resulted in estimates of R 2 that were at most marginally biased. However, even in large samples, backwards elimination tended to identify the correct regression model in a minority of the simulated data sets.  相似文献   

A particular case of Jain and Consul's (1971) generalized neg-ative binomial distribution is studied. The name inverse binomial is suggested because of its close relation with the inverse Gaussian distribution. We develop statistical properties including conditional inference of a parameter. An application using real data is given.  相似文献   

There are a number of situations in which the experimental data observed are record statistics. In this paper, optimal confidence intervals as well as uniformly most powerful (MP) tests for one-sided alternatives are developed. Since a uniformly MP test for a two-sided alternative does not exist, generalized likelihood ratio and uniformly unbiased and invariant tests are derived for the two parameters of the exponential distribution based on record data. For illustrative purposes, a data set on the times between consecutive telephone calls to a company's switchboard is analysed using the proposed procedures. Finally, some open problems in this direction are pointed out.  相似文献   

The asymptotic non-null distribution of the locally most powerful invariant test for sphericity is derived under local alternatives and the power is compared with that of the likelihood ratio test, which is admissible (Kiefe and Schwartz (1965)) and has a monotone power function (Carter and Srivastava (1977)). Up to 0(n -3/2) the powers are essentially the same.  相似文献   


The problem of testing Rayleigh distribution against exponentiality, based on a random sample of observations is considered. This problem arises in survival analysis, when testing a linearly increasing hazard function against a constant hazard function. It is shown that for this problem the most powerful invariant test is equivalent to the “ratio of maximized likelihoods” (RML) test. However, since the two families are separate, the RML test statistic does not have the usual asymptotic chi-square distribution. Normal and saddlepoint approximations to the distribution of the RML test statistic are derived. Simulations show that saddlepoint approximation is more accurate than the normal approximation, especially for tail probabilities that are the main values of interest in hypothesis testing.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the problem wherein one desires to estimate a linear combination of binomial probabilities from k>2k>2 independent populations. In particular, we create a new family of asymptotic confidence intervals, extending the approach taken by Beal [1987. Asymptotic confidence intervals for the difference between two binomial parameters for use with small samples. Biometrics 73, 941–950] in the two-sample case. One of our new intervals is shown to perform very well when compared to the best available intervals documented in Price and Bonett [2004. An improved confidence interval for a linear function of binomial proportions. Comput. Statist. Data Anal. 45, 449–456]. Furthermore, our interval estimation approach is quite general and could be extended to handle more complicated parametric functions and even to other discrete probability models in stratified settings. We illustrate our new intervals using two real data examples, one from an ecology study and one from a multicenter clinical trial.  相似文献   


In this article, a two-parameter generalized inverse Lindley distribution capable of modeling a upside-down bathtub-shaped hazard rate function is introduced. Some statistical properties of proposed distribution are explicitly derived here. The method of maximum likelihood, least square, and maximum product spacings are used for estimating the unknown model parameters and also compared through the simulation study. The approximate confidence intervals, based on a normal and a log-normal approximation, are also computed. Two algorithms are proposed for generating a random sample from the proposed distribution. A real data set is modeled to illustrate its applicability, and it is shown that our distribution fits much better than some other existing inverse distributions.  相似文献   

A generalization of the Poisson distribution was defined by Consul and Jain (Ann. Math. Statist., 41, (1970)) and was obtained as a particular family of Lagrange distributions by Consul and Shenton (SIAM. J. Appl. Math., 23, (1972)). The distribution is subsequently named the generalized Poisson distribution (GPD). This GPD reduces to the Poisson distribution for ? = 0. When the data have a one-way layout structure, the asymptotically locally optimal Neyman's C(d) test is constructed and compared with the conditional test on the hypothesis Ho? = 0. Within the framework of the generalized linear models an appropriate link function is given, and the asymptotic distributions of the estimated parameters are derived.  相似文献   

Some new censoring schemes for comparing lifetimes of machines were introduced in Srivastava (1987), wherein it was shown that in general, these improve on the accuracy and also reduce the total expected time under experiment as well as the expected length of the experiment. Although the above studies were initiated under the generalized WeibuU distribution, the detailed development of the theory for the expected time or length were made under the Weibull only. In this paper, for a certain important special case, this development is extended to the generalized Weibull. Also, an error in the above paper is pointed out, and corrected, showing that the new schemes are actually superior to what they appeared to be there. Furthermore, under a realistic cost function, the problem of planning such experiments is discussed. An example for machines with a series connection is provided.  相似文献   

We attempt to identify the 25 most-cited statistical papers, providing some brief commentary on each paper on our list. This list consists, to a great extent, of papers that are on non-parametric methods, have applications in the life sciences, or deal with the multiple comparisons problem. We also list the most-cited papers published in 1993 or later. In contrast to the overall most-cited papers, these are predominately papers on Bayesian methods and wavelets. We briefly discuss some of the issues involved in the use of citation counts.  相似文献   


Statistical distributions are very useful in describing and predicting real world phenomena. In many applied areas there is a clear need for the extended forms of the well-known distributions. Generally, the new distributions are more flexible to model real data that present a high degree of skewness and kurtosis. The choice of the best-suited statistical distribution for modeling data is very important.

In this article, we proposed an extended generalized Gompertz (EGGo) family of EGGo. Certain statistical properties of EGGo family including distribution shapes, hazard function, skewness, limit behavior, moments and order statistics are discussed. The flexibility of this family is assessed by its application to real data sets and comparison with other competing distributions. The maximum likelihood equations for estimating the parameters based on real data are given. The performances of the estimators such as maximum likelihood estimators, least squares estimators, weighted least squares estimators, Cramer-von-Mises estimators, Anderson-Darling estimators and right tailed Anderson-Darling estimators are discussed. The likelihood ratio test is derived to illustrate that the EGGo distribution is better than other nested models in fitting data set or not. We use R software for simulation in order to perform applications and test the validity of this model.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduced a new probability distribution named as inverse power Maxwell distribution. The proposal distribution can be seen as an extension of the Maxwell distribution with more flexibility in modeling upside-down lifetime data. Some statistical properties of this distribution are derived. In estimation viewpoint, five methods are used for estimating the unknown parameters of the distribution and these methods are performed through the simulation study. Finally, two real data sets were analyzed to illustrate the applicability of the proposed distribution, proving that it fits each real data set much better than some other existing distributions.  相似文献   

The uniformly most powerful unbiased test in exponential family situations involving the F-distrlbution is illustrated with examples. Its performance is compared with that of the more conventional equal-tails test. A FORTRAN program for computing the critical values and tail sizes of this test is also presented.  相似文献   

一、中央苏区调查统计工作的特点和作用   (一 )中央苏区调查统计工作的特点1 统计工作的重要性。统计工作是认识社会的利器。要在中国进行革命斗争 ,就必须了解和把握中国的国情 ,这就需要进行社会调查。通过调查统计 ,取得翔实的资料 ,为指导工作和制订政策提供可靠的依据。 1930年 5月 ,毛泽东在《调查工作》中指出“没有调查就没有发言权”并强调“调查就是解决问题” ,一切结论产生于调查情况的末尾 ,而不在它的先头。他还要求 :“凡担负指导工作的人 ,从乡政府主席到全国中央政府主席 ,从大队长到总司令 ,从支部书记到总书记 ,一定…  相似文献   

Interval estimation of the νth effective dose (ED ν), where νis a prespecified percentage, has been the focus of interest of a number of recent studies, the majority of which have considered the case in which a logistic dose-response curve is correctly assumed. In this paper, we focus our attention upon the 90% effective dose (ED 90 ) and consider the situation in which the assumption of a logistic dose-response curve is incorrect. Specifically, we consider three classes of true model: the probit, the cubic logistic and the asymmetric Aranda-Ordaz models. We investigate the robustness of four large sample parametric methods of interval construction and four methods based upon bootstrap resampling.  相似文献   

The standard hypothesis testing procedure in meta-analysis (or multi-center clinical trials) in the absence of treatment-by-center interaction relies on approximating the null distribution of the standard test statistic by a standard normal distribution. For relatively small sample sizes, the standard procedure has been shown by various authors to have poor control of the type I error probability, leading to too many liberal decisions. In this article, two test procedures are proposed, which rely on thet—distribution as the reference distribution. A simulation study indicates that the proposed procedures attain significance levels closer to the nominal level compared with the standard procedure.  相似文献   

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