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Ranked set sampling is a procedure which may be used to improve the precision of the estimator of the mean. It is useful in cases where the variable of interest is much more difficult to measure than to order. However, even if ordering is difficult, but there is an easily ranked concomitant variable available, then it may be used to “judgment order” the original variable. The amount of increase in the precision of the estimator is dependent upon the correlation between the 2 variables.  相似文献   

Double sampling scheme is used when cheap auxiliary variables may be measured to improve the estimation of a finite population parameter. Several estimators for population mean, ratio of means and variance are available, when two dependent samples are drawn. However, there are few proposals for the case of independent samples. In this paper both cases of dependent and independent samples are dealt with. A general approach for estimating a finite population parameter is given, showing that all the proposed estimators are particular cases of the same general class. The minimum variance bound for any estimator in this class is provided (at the first order of approximation). Furthermore, an optimal estimator which reaches this minimum is found.  相似文献   

The authors consider a double robust estimation of the regression parameter defined by an estimating equation in a surrogate outcome set‐up. Under a correct specification of the propensity score, the proposed estimator has smallest trace of asymptotic covariance matrix whether the “working outcome regression model” involved is specified correct or not, and it is particularly meaningful when it is incorrectly specified. Simulations are conducted to examine the finite sample performance of the proposed procedure. Data on obesity and high blood pressure are analyzed for illustration. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 38: 633–646; 2010 © 2010 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

X be a continuous quality characteristic, with one-sided lower specification limit, having either normal distribution with known σ or exponential distribution. We report on an algorithm allowing the calculation of the so-called ASN-Minimax plan. This plan has minimal maximal average sample size among all double sampling plans for variables that obey the classical two-points-condition on the operating characteristic. We give examples and tables of the ASN-Minimax plans in the normal as well as in the exponential case. Received: March 20, 2000; revised version: January 22, 2001  相似文献   

Chain sampling plan for variables inspection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SUMMARY This paper extends the concept of chain sampling to variables inspection when the standard deviation of the normally distributed characteristic is known. A discussion of the shape of the known sigma single-sampling variables plan is given. The chain sampling plan for variables inspection will be useful when testing is costly or destructive.  相似文献   

In a regression or classification setting where we wish to predict Y from x1,x2,..., xp, we suppose that an additional set of coaching variables z1,z2,..., zm are available in our training sample. These might be variables that are difficult to measure, and they will not be available when we predict Y from x1,x2,..., xp in the future. We consider two methods of making use of the coaching variables in order to improve the prediction of Y from x1,x2,..., xp. The relative merits of these approaches are discussed and compared in a number of examples.  相似文献   

For probability linear regression estimation, conditions are derived where sampling will be robust against violations of the commonly assumed heterogeneous variance model. Stratified pps (spps) and stratified random sampling (spscx) are shown to satisfy these conditions approximately and are more efficient generally than restricted simple random sampling (RSRS) for some real populations and for artificial populations with weights of k = 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0. The criteria needs some additional refinement to better predict relative efficiency of spps and spscx.  相似文献   

Repetitive group sampling procedure for variables inspection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper introduces the concept of repetitive group sampling (RGS) for variables inspection. The repetitive group sampling plan for variables inspection will be useful when testing is costly and destructive. The advantages of the variables RGS plan over variables single sampling plan, variables double sampling plan and attributes RGS plan are discussed. Tables are also constructed for the selection of parameters of known and unknown standard deviation variables repetitive group sampling plan indexed by acceptable quality level and limiting quality level.  相似文献   

The authors show how ranked set sampling, both balanced and unbalanced, can be extended to ordered categorical variables with the goal of estimating the probabilities of all categories. They use ordinal logistic regression to aid in the ranking of the ordinal variable of interest. They also propose an optimal allocation scheme and methods for implementing it under either perfect or imperfect rankings. Results from a simulation study using data from the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey indicate that the use of ordinal logistic regression in ranking leads to substantial gains in precision for estimation of cell probabilities.  相似文献   

V.B. Melas 《Statistics》2013,47(1):45-59
This paper is concerned with the optimal design problem for the particular case of non-linear parametrisation:the parameters to be estimated are included in exponents.Some properties of locally optimal designs as functions of estimated parameters are investigated and a table of such designs in given.We consider also designs to be optimal in the sense of minimax approach.  相似文献   

Interval-valued variables have become very common in data analysis. Up until now, symbolic regression mostly approaches this type of data from an optimization point of view, considering neither the probabilistic aspects of the models nor the nonlinear relationships between the interval response and the interval predictors. In this article, we formulate interval-valued variables as bivariate random vectors and introduce the bivariate symbolic regression model based on the generalized linear models theory which provides much-needed exibility in practice. Important inferential aspects are investigated. Applications to synthetic and real data illustrate the usefulness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Generating samples from a two-stage distribution is an important part of the study of mixture models. These samples are used to examine estimation procedures, and other properties of the mixture model. In this paper we present an exemplary sampling method for generating data from the mixed distribution. This method uses the order statistic spacings of the mixing distribution and random sampling from the distribution conditional on the mixing variable to produce samples from the mixed distribution. We show that this exemplary procedure often produces data with an empirical distribution function closer to the mixed distribution than the Method of Composition. We illustrate the method with an example.  相似文献   

This paper considers quantile regression models using an asymmetric Laplace distribution from a Bayesian point of view. We develop a simple and efficient Gibbs sampling algorithm for fitting the quantile regression model based on a location-scale mixture representation of the asymmetric Laplace distribution. It is shown that the resulting Gibbs sampler can be accomplished by sampling from either normal or generalized inverse Gaussian distribution. We also discuss some possible extensions of our approach, including the incorporation of a scale parameter, the use of double exponential prior, and a Bayesian analysis of Tobit quantile regression. The proposed methods are illustrated by both simulated and real data.  相似文献   

When auxiliary information is available at the design stage, samples may be selected by means of balanced sampling. The variance of the Horvitz-Thompson estimator is then reduced, since it is approximately given by that of the residuals of the variable of interest on the balancing variables. In this paper, a method for computing optimal inclusion probabilities for balanced sampling on given auxiliary variables is studied. We show that the method formerly suggested by Tillé and Favre (2005) enables the computation of inclusion probabilities that lead to a decrease in variance under some conditions on the set of balancing variables. A disadvantage is that the target optimal inclusion probabilities depend on the variable of interest. If the needed quantities are unknown at the design stage, we propose to use estimates instead (e.g., arising from a previous wave of the survey). A limited simulation study suggests that, under some conditions, our method performs better than the method of Tillé and Favre (2005).  相似文献   

The authors consider the optimal design of sampling schedules for binary sequence data. They propose an approach which allows a variety of goals to be reflected in the utility function by including deterministic sampling cost, a term related to prediction, and if relevant, a term related to learning about a treatment effect To this end, they use a nonparametric probability model relying on a minimal number of assumptions. They show how their assumption of partial exchangeability for the binary sequence of data allows the sampling distribution to be written as a mixture of homogeneous Markov chains of order k. The implementation follows the approach of Quintana & Müller (2004), which uses a Dirichlet process prior for the mixture.  相似文献   

Two results for D θ-optimal designs for nonlinear regression models are shown to follow directly from approximate design theory. The first result considered is one concerning the replication of exact designs with minimum support, first established by Atkinson and Hunter and by M.J. Box in 1968, while the second pertains to a heteroscedastic model introduced by Velilla and Llosa in 1992. An illustrative example is provided.  相似文献   

Three-phase sampling can be a very effective design for the estimation of regional and national forest cover type frequencies. Simultaneous estimation of frequencies and sampling variances require estimation of a large number of parameters; often so many that consistency and robustness of results becomes an issue. A new stepwise estimation model, in which bias in phase one and two is corrected sequentially instead of simultaneously, requires fewer parameters. Simulated three-phase sampling tested the new model with 144 settings of sample sizes, the number of classes and classification accuracy. Relative mean absolute deviations and root mean square errors were, in most cases, about 8% lower with the stepwise method than with a simultaneous approach. Differences were a function of design parameters. Average expected relative root mean square errors, derived from the assumption of a Dirichlet distribution of cover-type frequencies, tracked the empirical root mean square errors obtained from repeated sampling with ±10%. Resampling results indicate that the relative bias of the most frequent cover types was slightly inflated by the stepwise method. For the least common cover type, the simultaneous method produced the largest relative bias.  相似文献   

A Bayesian formulation of the canonical form of the standard regression model is used to compare various Stein-type estimators and the ridge estimator of regression coefficients, A particular (“constant prior”) Stein-type estimator having the same pattern of shrinkage as the ridge estimator is recommended for use.  相似文献   

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