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Health care services are increasingly provided in an atmosphere that is fractured by conflicting ethical concerns. This trend had been most noticeable in institutional settings. In response, hospitals have for many years had ethics committees. Their purpose has been to guide providers, patients, and families when decisions with ethical implications have to be made. The shift in focus within the health care delivery system away from hospitals and more to managed care systems and to domination of decision making by primary care providers suggests that expansion of the ethics committee concept may be advisable.  相似文献   

Regardless of the specific outcome of the current health reform debate in Washington, it is likely that major changes to the health care system are in the offering. These changes, many of which are already in place or imminent in some locations, will have a major impact on the evolving relationships between physicians and hospitals. Most expect that these changes will accelerate the development of integrated health care delivery systems that will compete in the marketplace for a mixture of public and private health insurance dollars. In this system of "managed competition," health care dollars will flow to those systems that can ensure the best clinical outcomes while using the least economic resources. In this scenario, competing collaborative health networks that can manage the continuum of care will be central to the health care delivery system. The economic and political ties between physicians and hospitals will become more closely linked as government and private payers of health care services foster the development of these integrated, value-based health care delivery systems.  相似文献   

The need for physicians in management roles in the health care system has never been greater. And the years ahead will see that need broadened and intensified. To maintain their leadership role in medical affairs in hospitals and other types of health care delivery organizations, physician executives will have to envision provider organizations and systems that have not yet been conceived, let alone developed and implemented. They have to become totally open-minded and futuristic in their thinking. And they will have to help other physicians accommodate this new way of thinking if the medical profession is to continue in a leading role in health care matters. Although numerous factors will have to be anticipated and analyzed by these new physician leaders, the ascendancy of primary care in a managed health care world long dominated by the technical and technological superiority of hospital care will present a particular challenge to the physician executive.  相似文献   

The conventional wisdom strongly suggests a health care provider food chain for the future: Primary care physicians (PCPs), principally family practitioners, on the top playing the lead role, distantly followed by specialists, with hospitals and other ancillary services even further down the line. Is this a reasonable expectation? Will PCPs dominate the new systems? Or will they be but one of many equally necessary components of these developing integrated health care delivery organizations? Looking at the various models now developing, it would seem that future integrated delivery systems will utilize both PCPs and specialists, but with strong augmentation from a diverse assortment of other health care professionals, including nonphysician providers, educators, and administrators. To separate the illusion of primary care dominance of the coming health care system from the likely reality, we should first determine what is driving the apparent present demand for primary care physicians. Next, we will examine the possible and probable reactions to that demand from an economic standpoint and from the points of view of both health care professionals and the public. Finally, we must try to picture how health care provider organizations of the future are likely to look and how they will integrate their health care professionals.  相似文献   

The frenzy of health care reform activity now led by the Clinton Administration's American Health Security Act of 1993 might end in the worst of all possible outcomes: a new government entitlement program financed by business and a global budget. Unbridled entitlement could drive utilization of benefits to the maximum and, with a budget cap, guarantee rationing. So far, the administration has talked about expanding access and controlling costs--not about the health care product. Given the threat that change poses for vested interests, time will undoubtedly lapse before final implementation of a new system. Unless physicians involved in health management seize the opportunity during this window of opportunity to help shape the future of health care delivery, the likelihood of preserving the U.S. health care delivery system as we know it will be dim indeed.  相似文献   

The Department of Veterans Affairs' mission is "to care for him who are shall have borne the battle for his widow and orphan." The Veterans Health Administration comprises 172 hospitals that are the hub of the health care delivery system. It is the largest provider of graduate medical education, and one of the major research organizations in the United States. The medical care budget exceeds $17 billion annually. Most of the persons cared for are not legally entitled to this health care based on service connected disability. The utilization of acute care hospital beds appears excessive when compared to that obtainable with managed care for Medicare or commercial insurance beneficiaries--the cost per member per month is three times higher. There may also be exploitation of the Veterans Administration hospitals by university medical schools. The Veterans Health Administration is a very expensive way to deliver care to entitled service connected veterans. Therefore, it is suggested that privatization be considered as an alternative vehicle for delivering health care.  相似文献   

Over the past several decades, there has been a plethora of proposals that were developed in response to the ongoing debate on how best to solve the problems of the American health care delivery system. In the past decade, calls for modification of our health system have become even more resonant, as measures to control rising costs were unsuccessful and access to basic services was diminished for many Americans. The most recent addition to the list of proposals for modifying the health care system is the American Health Security Act of 1993, introduced by President Clinton in September 1993. This article will examine the position of the Clinton Administration on health reform and the core elements of the reform package.  相似文献   

After years of attempting to control costs by changing providers' behavior and practice patterns, it has become apparent that the solution lies in the study and cooperation of practitioners. Computers, reports, analysis, and payment reforms have discovered the truth: Many physicians and hospitals have always provided high-quality care efficiently. Costs will be controlled when these providers dominate the health care delivery system.  相似文献   

The last half of the 20th Century has been witness to numerous changes in the delivery and financing of health care services. These changes have impacted the one-to-one doctor-patient relationship that may have existed in the past to become a complex of relationships. The contemporary physician collaborates with many other professionals to assist in the delivery, financing, and monitoring of health care services. These clinicians and other professionals require access to patient information to deliver care and secure payment. The patient understands this. Yet the patient has concerns about the widening circle of persons authorized to access his or her information. These concerns have been amplified by the development of community health information networks--(CHINs). This article focuses on CHINs, both patient concerns and the role physicians can take in developing them.  相似文献   

The era of hospital dominance of the health care field has ended. The new day will belong to insurers and payers. Health maintenance organizations will become the primary actor on the health care scene. If PPOs are added to HMOs, and by 1990 most PPOs will look like HMOs, 70 percent of the U.S. population will be enrolled in such plans. By that time, at least 10 percent of the nation's hospitals will have disappeared.  相似文献   

The cartoon character Pogo, uttering his now famous line, "We have met the enemy and it is us," might well have been referring to the dilemmas that we face today in American health care. A major source of our current difficulties in solving these admittedly complex problems lies in our way of thinking about, or conceptualizing, health care and health care delivery. We are caught in an old paradigm that is simply not adequate for dealing with the health care delivery problems of the '90s, not to mention those of the 21st Century.  相似文献   

The literature is replete, many would say depressingly so, with accounts of the changes that are rocking the health care delivery system. The demands on the system's leadership increases with every change. And the future holds even more changes, with a level of uncertainty that will makes today's demands seem childplay. Physicians, especially physician executives, will surely be key factors in helping the system maintain its fundamental charge of high-quality patient care provided at reasonable cost, but what exactly is expected of them? One point is clear: While their clinical backgrounds will continue to arm them well for reaching the executive suites of health care organizations, physicians who hope to fully succeed in management will have to acquire and master a widening range of management skills. An indication of just how demanding the health care management job will be is provided in this report, based on interviews with physician executives and the people who seek and sell their services.  相似文献   

Other than hold on tight, how does a health care system successfully weather the turbulent conditions facing the industry? This article focuses on key drivers in the three main segments of the health care market: employer-based, commercial/ERISA, and Medicare and Medicaid. Effectively managing the dynamics within these markets will be vital to a delivery system's success and its ability to withstand the forces of change. Given the market changes that are occurring, how does an academic medical center, emerging hospital-sponsored IDS, or a large physician clinic trying to develop a system determine the necessary components and structure? What kind of system will work best? The considerations are numerous and explored in this article.  相似文献   

"As the debate over health care reform rages in Washington, the market is reforming itself. For any given market, it's a question of 'How soon will it hit?', not 'Will it hit?'" Health care reform and market restructuring are ushering in a new era of integrated health care. Although the future is not fully clear, there are at least three competing models for the creation of regional and statewide health systems that will integrate the financing and delivery of services to large enrolled populations of consumers: Payer-driven networks. Provider-sponsored systems. Partnership models. Whatever the future scenario, physician executives will play a larger, more dominant role. Research on integrated health systems has identified three critical success factors for future success: physician-hospital integration, clinical integration and information integration. For managed care to be successful, there must be clinical leadership. The essence of managing care is clinical efficiency, based on "critical-path" treatment protocols and real-time patient care management, supported by integrated information systems.  相似文献   

The process of billing an insurance company for health care services has changed radically. In the past few years, the emphasis has been on automation. The change is fueled by the opinion of cost containment experts who claim that automation will help reduce costs in the U.S. health care delivery system. Key to success for the provider in adapting to this change will be understanding the coding used in the billing process and following standards of accuracy and fairness. This article is not intended to represent the adjudication rules of any particular insurance company. It is the result of experience as a practicing surgeon and as a consultant in the health care field.  相似文献   

Ambulatory care has always been a stepchild. Hospitals have been and are the focal point of quality activity. Traditionally driven by Joint Commission decree and more recently inspired by market forces, hospitals find the resources to do quality. It was quality assurance in the '80s. It is quality management in the '90s. Some of this activity has oozed out into ambulatory care, but not much. We in ambulatory care have been too busy producing as many patient visits as possible in an environment of limited resources. All that is now changing. As ambulatory care becomes more and more important in the overall health care delivery scheme, medical quality management in this environment will also take on greater significance. Leading the way will be the electronic medical record.  相似文献   

Something is definitely wrong with the American health care system. Too many citizens are denied health care, and health care costs continue to rise at an uncomfortable and intolerable rate. Ensuring care for all is a paramount goal. There is no way to simultaneously cover everyone; leave the reimbursement of physicians unrestrained; ensure instantaneous access to every imaginable high-technology service; subsidize the world's costliest and least efficient health bureaucracy; and contain costs. Widespread dissatisfaction in all quarters--physicians, hospitals, third-party payers, regulators and consumers--has led to an avalanche of reform proposals. Rapidly changing social, political, and economic environments; rising fiscal pressure; and an evolving understanding of the major determinants of health have also created pressure for changes. There are some new and hopeful signs that America is facing up to the need for changes in the health care delivery system. The Pan American Uni-Care Health Plan that is described in this article may serve as a reasonable balance among these competing priorities.  相似文献   

Moderator: Good evening. Tonight I will be moderating a debate on the Health Care System Salvage and Coverage Overhaul Act of 2010 (Senate Bill 1, with companion legislation in the House). The bill is awaiting final congressional action, and the issue is considered so important that all 14 major television networks are carrying this debate live, along with many radio networks and at least 1,873 Internet/World Wide Web sites. As you know, S.B. 1 would provide immediate federal aid to the 1,000 hospitals and health care systems that are currently in bankruptcy; extend government-subsidized coverage to the estimated 90 million Americans who lack it; return to the federal government a wide range of health care regulatory and payment activities that had been transferred to the states; and prohibit certain types of health care enterprises and services, chiefly proprietary delivery and managed care systems. At the moment, the chances of its passage are too close to call. Arguments in support of S.B. 1 will be presented tonight by Sen. Joseph P. Kennedy II, Democrat of Massachusetts; arguments in opposition to the bill will be presented by Sen. George W. Bush, Republican of Texas; and the view of the Independent Party will be presented by former Kansas Senator Nancy Kassebaum, who also speaks as chairman of the National Nonpartisan Commission to Save American Health Care. Senator Kennedy will begin.  相似文献   

Because hospitals and home health agencies have been predominantly separate organizations, coordination of their efforts has not been optimized. However, with the recent proliferation of hospital-based home health agencies, opportunities to integrate these health care service delivery systems have increased. Bethesda Memorial Hospital, Boynton Beach, Fla., is a 362-bed not-for-profit community hospital with a Medicare-certified home health agency organized as a department of the hospital. Until recently, the home health agency was generally perceived as a separate entity whose services were distinct from hospital services. Progress toward integration of hospital and home care services was given impetus through collaboration of the home health agency administrator and a newly appointed director of medical affairs who was given the responsibility as medical director of the home health agency. A prime responsibility of the director of medical affairs was to reduce length of stay and hospital costs through appropriate resource management.  相似文献   

In October 1992, the American College of Physician Executives sponsored a study tour to Berlin, Germany, and Amsterdam, Holland. Meetings were held with government officials, third-party payers, and providers, and onsite visits were made at hospitals, clinics, and academic centers. The purpose was to study the health care delivery system in those countries and to share some insights with the countries' hosts on the U.S. system. Beginning in this issue of the journal, 5 of the 10 study tour participants describe their impressions of the tour and of the health care systems in the countries that were visited. This first report compares the health care delivery systems of the United States, Germany, and Holland. In subsequent reports, the German and Dutch health care systems will be described in greater detail and the ability of the United States to adopt European health care systems will be assessed.  相似文献   

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