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政治经济学研究现状与发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、发展历史和主要科研成就政治经济学是经济科学的基础学科。在我国,政治经济学一般被划分为两大块,一块是政治经济学资本主义部分,以马克思《资本论》为基础构建,主要研究资本主义生产关系运动的一般规律,基本内容至今没有太大的变化,概念体系和结构框架也基本没动;另一块是政治经济学社会主义部分,这一块至今没有成型,各大学所使用的教材也不尽一样。改革开放以前及改革开放之初的政治经济学(社会主义部分)一般被称为传统社会主义政治经济学, 最具代表性的教科书当属北方10所高校编写的《政治经济学(社会主义部分)》,简称"北方本",南方16所大学编写的《政治经济学(社会主义部分)》,简称南方本。在理论基点、基本概念、分析框架和体系上,传统社会主义政治经济学有以下明显特点:  相似文献   

一、发展历史与主要科研成就刑事法学主要包括刑法学和刑事诉讼法学。刑法学是关于犯罪、刑事责任及其刑罚的一般规律及其刑事立法、司法理论概括的科学。广义的刑法学,除规范刑法学、理论刑法学、外国刑法学、国际刑法学等内容外,还包括刑事政策学、刑罚学、犯罪学等。就中国刑法学的历史发展看,由于中国统治阶级历来重刑轻民,因而纵然中国古代律典确有诸法合体的成分,但毋庸讳言,其中的刑事法规定较之民商、行政律令等确实相对系统完备得多。中国古代的思想家、儒学家、法家、法学家们因而早就围绕有关刑事律令,形成  相似文献   

一、马克思主义哲学创新如何理解马克思主义哲学的历史地位和当代发展,如何在中国特定的社会历史条件下继承和发展马克思主义哲学,并将其运用于我们的各项事业,是目前哲学界最受关注的核心论题。对这个问题学者们形成了比较一致的认识,就是马克思主义哲学应该创新,必须创新, 能够创新。创新主要从马克思主义原理本身的完善,以及总结概括现实问题两个方面展开。第一个方面,对马克思主义哲学教科书为代表的原理体系进行改革完善,深入进行马克思主义哲学经典作家的文本解读并反思之,从而进行马克思主义哲学原理的全面创新。学者们普遍认为,原来的马克思主义哲学原理教科书,缺乏对实践、主体、价值等问题的  相似文献   

10月27至29日,由中国社科院科研局、湖南省社科院和本刊编辑部联合举办的首届"社会科学研究管理"研讨会暨第三届中国社科院"科研管理"论坛在长沙举行。本次会议的主题是,深入学习贯彻《中共中央关于进一步繁荣发展哲学社会科学的意见》精神,进一步探讨新时期哲学社会科学发展规律,完善社会科学研究管理机制,促进社会科学理论创新。中共湖南省委宣传部副部长郑佳明出席开幕式并讲了话,湖南省社科院院长、党组书记朱有志致欢迎辞。中国社科院党组成员、副秘书长兼科研局局长黄浩涛出席会议并讲话。院  相似文献   

本文主要从清朝民壮的定额化、职能与训练、社会地位三个方面展开论述,试图揭示出清朝民壮的整体状况和特点。笔者以为,只有把民壮放到清朝特定的政治、社会制度背景之下,放到文武分工协防的地方社会治安防范体系中去解读,才能充分理解其自身的特点。  相似文献   


Telephone-mediated group programs are an important but under-utilized medium for reaching frail or disabled older persons' family carers who are in need of support. The primary purpose and style of group programs can range across a broad spectrum–encompassing educational, supportive and therapeutic types. Gerontological social workers are the members of the multidisciplinary care team whose training, experience and supervision makes them most suitable for facilitating this broad range of group types. Drawing on the experience of training a number of group facilitators, this article provides suggestions for social workers contemplating the use of telephone-mediated groups and highlights groupwork skills peculiar to conducting group programs via the telephone.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,外国直接投资(FDI)已经成为中国经济发展的一个重要因素,积极引进外资成为经济发展外向型战略的核心因素。然而,FDI在促进中国经济发展的同时,也带来了一定的负面效应。近年来,学术界开始重新反思FDI对中国的影响:诸如中国吸引外资的政策环境、外资对中国技术进步的影响、外资对中国经济增长的推动作用、外资对中国的经济结构调整的影响、外资是否拉动了中国的就业以及FDI与中国的经济安全等。一、中国吸引外资的有利因素和制约因素影响外资进入的关键变量主要是:中国GDP中长期增长的前景、市场的准入、劳工的成本和素质、基础设施状况、产业的聚集和工业链的效率、投资的政策与环境等。也有观  相似文献   

卢君 《社会工作》2011,(7):74-76
随着我国工业化和现代化进程的推进,原有城市空间已不能满足现今迅猛发展的要求。在这个前提下,征地被提上日程,失地农民也随之产生。政府在制定关于征地的补偿政策时,采取的是一种后发性战略,不能完全覆盖问题的所有方面。本文运用一个新视角———发展型社会政策,来看待失地农民问题并提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

卢君 《社会工作》2011,(14):74-76
随着我国工业化和现代化进程的推进,原有城市空间已不能满足现今迅猛发展的要求。在这个前提下,征地被提上日程,失地农民也随之产生。政府在制定关于征地的补偿政策时,采取的是一种后发性战略,不能完全覆盖问题的所有方面。本文运用一个新视角———发展型社会政策,来看待失地农民问题并提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

Community acceptance of the mentally ill is fundamental to a successful change to community-based care, now being implemented in New South Wales. This policy was based on an inquiry that viewed acceptance optimistically and postulated that contact with the mentally ill would be a favourable influence. The applicability of this extension of the ‘contact hypothesis’ from its original racial context is tested in one area of Sydney. The results indicate that the type of contact arising from community mental health facilities is not an effective catalyst of relevant attitude change, and suggest particular difficulties among the lower two socioeconomic classes.  相似文献   

在社会主义市场经济条件下企业职工思想道德观念的变化特点 ,一是职工的思维导向发生了变化 ,二是价值观念发生了变化 ,三是交际范围发生了变化。企业职工思想道德行为的价值取向及引导方法应是进行人生价值观的引导 ,“利己”与“利他”行为取舍的引导 ,社会环境治理的引导  相似文献   

We examine alternative forms of bilingual education that have significant implications for intergroup relationships and the reduction of prejudice in two different national settings: Canada and the United States. The Canadian programs are intended for English-speaking students from the culturally dominant group, whereas the U.S. programs we discuss are intended for language minority and language majority students. Both aim to promote proficiency in English and another language. These programs provide many of the conditions that are argued to be essential for the reduction of prejudice and discrimination. They also provide students with the communication skills and cultural awareness that facilitates intergroup contact. The history and current structure of these programs along with salient educational practices are reviewed, and research relevant to changes in intergroup behavior and attitudes is discussed.  相似文献   

An analysis of social and health data available from the 1986 census and hospital records for the Western Metropolitan Region of Sydney, indicated that there was a wide variation in social class ratio, percent of Australian born people, respiratory disease and drug and alcohol morbidity. There was a significant negative correlation between social class and percent of Australian born people. There was no relationship between mortality rates from respiratory diseases and social class ratio or percent of Australian born people. However there was a significant correlation of drug and alcohol morbidity with the social class ratio. External and internal factors may explain these findings.  相似文献   

An analysis of social and health data available from the 1986 census and hospital records for the Western Metropolitan Region of Sydney, indicated that there was a wide variation in social class ratio, percent of Australian born people, respiratory disease and drug and alcohol morbidity. There was a significant negative correlation between social class and percent of Australian born people. There was no relationship between mortality rates from respiratory diseases and social class ratio or percent of Australian born people. However there was a significant correlation of drug and alcohol morbidity with the social class ratio. External and internal factors may explain these findings.  相似文献   

因海而生,因海而兴的青岛似乎与生俱来就是一座适合恋爱的城市.青岛最明丽、最旖旎的海岸线几乎都在市南区的沿海一线,市南区的浪漫气质与生俱来,这是一座为爱情、为婚礼而生动的城区.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of AIDS-related discrimination on the philosophical right to the pursuit of happiness. Essentialisation of AIDS and homosexual status and blame for disease are associated with attitudinal, affective and behavioural discrimination. Such prejudice may lead to damaged self image and psychological dysfunction, and may also increase stress and disease progression. The possible effects of limiting discriminatory utterances are examined, in terms of both individual and social prejudice. It is concluded that the right to the pursuit of happiness exists and that there are legal remedies possible to counter the negative effects of psychosocial oppression which have been demonstrated. Dr Michael Ross is Co-ordinator, AIDS Programme, South Australian Health Commission, PO Box 65, Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000, and Clinical Senior Lecturer in Psychiatry and Community Medicine, Flinders University Medical School, Adelaide.  相似文献   

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