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关于城市供水企业产权改革探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文通过优化产权结构、规范产权置换体系等方面来探讨供水企业的产权改革。  相似文献   

耕地是人类赖以生存的主要生产资料,是人们的衣食之源.我国人均耕地是世界上最少的国家之一,土地总体质量欠佳,有效后备耕地资源不足,人地矛盾异常突出,如何切实有效地保护耕地,以实现耕地总量动态平衡的目标,已经引起各级政府的高度重视.目前人们较多关注的问题是宏观调控、行政管理、总体规划、法律保护、动态监测等等,这无疑都是十分正确和非常有意义的.然而,从长远观点和根本意义上分析,土地产权制度本身的缺陷所引起的种种问题可能恰恰是耕地有效保护的难点.  相似文献   

华伟  巩腾 《科学发展》2014,(8):48-54
上海房产税改革试点运行3年有余,取得了先行先试的改革示范效应,但房产税在财政收入筹集和房地产市场调节上发挥的作用并不显著,其原因主要在于房产税税制要素设计不尽合理、房产税功能定位有偏差.进一步改革的优化路径是:完善税收结构,合理税负分布,稳定和优化房地产宏观税负;合理设计房产税税制要素,实现房产税向存量房逐步过渡;清理不合理的行政事业性收费,设立配套税,打包征收;逐步把房产税培育为地方主体税种,以降低财政对土地出让金的依赖.通过以上改革,实现房地产税收体系的整合和房地产税制的重塑,为我国房地产市场稳健运行建立税收制度基础.  相似文献   

随着城市化的不断推进,部分农村集体土地被转换为城市建设用地。涉及城市化的农村居民理应分享到土地资源优化配置的财富性收益,同时完成农民到市民的身份转换。上海近郊在城市化过程中对建设用地的需求越来越大,经济发展和保护农民合法权益是必须处理好的一对重要关系。从现有经验看,集体所有制土地产权换股权是合理利用、优化配置郊区集体所有制土地,协调好产业发展与农民权益保障的有效改革路径,也是上海实现包容性城市化发展、消除新二元结构的重要制度创新。  相似文献   

NASW serves as the professional association for social workers, yet little is known about how NASW chapters engage social workers and social work students in policy practice. This article presents the results of a survey of 40 NASW state chapters, describing how NASW engages social workers in legislative advocacy, the role of legislative advocacy days, and the involvement of social work students in NASW advocacy efforts. Findings indicate state chapters are very involved in policy practice and legislative advocacy days appear to be one prominent vehicle in engaging members and social work students in legislative advocacy.  相似文献   

孙雷 《科学发展》2014,(2):95-104
推进农村集体经济组织产权制度改革是农村改革发展中的一个具有方向性的重大课题,也是在新的历史条件下维护农民集体收益分配权、壮大农村集体经济的重要实现形式。上海市农村集体经济组织产权制度改革工作虽已取得初步成效,但由于缺少国家层面法律法规和相关配套扶持政策的支撑,在一定程度上造成了地方配套扶持政策难以突破,影响了基层参与改革的积极性。建议在国家层面开展对农村集体经济管理方面的立法工作,从法律层面对集体经济组织法人地位的确立、集体经济组织成员身份的界定、集体资产的管理等方面予以明确和规范。  相似文献   

With the majority of poor people now living in middle-income countries and the post-millennium development goals framework taking shape, the issue of inequality has gained prominence in many policy debates. Although detailed assessments of poverty and well-being are crucial for formulating adequate policies, all too often such assessments focus on average outcomes. In this paper we present an analysis of child well-being for Kazakhstan that moves beyond averages in two ways: first, it explicitly reports on the situations of different socioeconomic groups of children in society; second, it applies a method that is diversified by age group and thereby accounts for differences among children across stages of childhood. Kazakhstan illustrates the need for more nuanced and in-depth analyses, given the significant but far from universal economic growth within the country. We find that there are large discrepancies in child well-being outcomes between different regions and that high levels of economic output do not necessarily go hand in hand with improved outcomes in terms of poverty and well-being. We argue that child well-being studies need to be more in depth, thereby ensuring that levels of inequity across socioeconomic groups and between children in different age groups are given due consideration.  相似文献   

现阶段,我国深化农村产权制度改革的核心任务是完善农村集体资产股份6项权能试点.6项权能改革试点可分3个层面予以推进:一是全面开展集体资产股份占有权、收益权试点;二是有条件开展集体资产股份有偿退出权、继承权试点;三是慎重开展集体资产股份抵押权、担保权试点.  相似文献   

中国农村集体经济组织产权制度改革取得初步成效,但由于缺少法律法规和相关配套扶持政策的支撑,在推进过程中遇到了不少瓶颈问题和制约因素。其中,在思想认识方面,要通过有针对性的宣传,实行"一把手"工程,建立目标考核制度;在农村集体资产量化范围方面,各地可以先量化经营性资产,暂不量化非经营性资产和资源性资产,待条件成熟后再逐步扩大。在成员资格界定方面,鼓励地方根据实际情况,制订文件,规定标准,积极探索。在股权(份额)设置方面,应以农龄为主要依据,并充分尊重群众选择,由集体经济组织通过公开程序自主决定。完成产权制度改革后所建立的新型集体经济组织,可因地制宜选择有限责任公司、社区股份合作社和经济合作社等多种形式,各级政府和相关部门应积极予以支持。  相似文献   


This research focuses on the gendered nature of legislative institutions by examining the conflict resolution styles of state legislative committee chairs. Based on a survey of 285 state legislative committee chairs, focus groups and individual interviews, the study examines a sizeable cohort of men and women engaged in fundamentally similar leadership tasks but under varying institutional circumstances and in more than a single state. The research finds that women committee chairs raise their voices to resolve conflicts in a different way from their male colleagues. More importantly, the study shows how gender composition of the membership, the distribution of gender power, and the extent of professionalization influence conflict resolution style. These data challenge the predominant view of legislative leadership as transactional behavior and suggest the need to consider whether masculine behavior and institutional norms have been conflated.  相似文献   

One of the problems with the now independent countries of Central Asia is that they have little history of independent statehood and even less experience of any ideological context that legitimizes a specific set of political arrangements, other than the discredited Marxist model of the Soviet system. Neither habit nor attachment to a coherent set of political ideals is very helpful as the basis for individual identification with or support of the State. Perhaps as a consequence, political operatives in Central Asian countries have opted to emphasize the centrality of ethnicity to legitimize their current political arrangements. But in Kazakhstan this presents a potential problem – the country is ethnically very diverse, has a large Russian/Slavic population and the ‘core nation’ of ethnic Kazakhs comprises a bare majority of Kazakh citizens. We utilize survey research to test the influence such factors as ethnicity, religion and other nexus of identity have on feelings of attachment to the state. Our findings indicate that identifying as ‘Kazakh’ indeed has a positive effect on identification with the state, as do identifying as Sunni Muslim and ‘Asian’. However, institutional trust and economic well-being are also positive influences on affective regard for the state, allowing an opening for broadening and deepening the basis for state legitimacy.  相似文献   


Legislative committees are often the epicenter of parliamentary influence, so their composition matters. Men are widely overrepresented in prestigious, influential committees, with women concentrated in low-status committees. These gender gaps have repercussions for power, visibility, careers, and policy outcomes. Yet the puzzle of why committees are gendered remains unsolved. Combining insights from quantitative and qualitative methods, we offer two major advances. We develop the literature on committee allocations, providing the first comprehensive gendered analysis. And we show how gender permeates all aspects of political careers from socialization to the political summit, leading to deep-rooted inequalities of power, influence, and opportunity.  相似文献   

对集体经济组织产权制度改革不应只看作是简单的资产分配问题,这是顶层设计重新整合农村资源、调整农业结构、提升农业产业、盘活农业经济、打通利益链条、培育新型农民、促进区域发展、缩小城乡差距、实现城乡一体化发展的大好契机.产权制度改革是长期的过程,需要在实践中解决陆续出现的矛盾和问题,在实践中不断探索.  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国中小企业促进法》已于2003年1月1日起施行。从目前学术界和实践部门的评议来看,似乎是一片喝彩声,认为它是对我国中小企业立法的一个巨大突破。应该说,在加入世贸组织及我国中小企业作用日益重要的大背景下,该法的出台是可喜可贺的,它的进步性也是十分明显的,标志着我国促进中小企业发展的事业开始走上规范化和法制化的轨道。然而,笔者认为,《中小企业促进法》在立法上尚不够完善,仍存在若干缺陷,例如法律规定政策性明显而可操作性不强;没有理顺中小企业管理机制;对中小企业权益保护不够;个别规定违反了市场化原则;扶持措施…  相似文献   

This article argues that, unlike other Central Asian states, the official response in Kazakhstan to its Islamic revival is distinctively ambivalent and even contradictory. The Nazarbayev government has rhetorically embraced the Kazakh qoja-centred Sufi heritage and the Hanafi school of Sunni Islam as the ‘traditional’ forms of Islam among Kazakh nomads and perceived them as constituent elements of the nation-building process. However, the representatives of the political elite have in reality unknowingly absorbed much of ‘untraditional’ Salafi Islam and ignored, marginalised or even suppressed the revival of Kazakh Sufism. This is in part because of their limited knowledge of the indigenous Kazakh Islamic tradition and in part due to the younger generation’s greater exposure to a range of Salafi-dominated influences emanating from abroad. The article begins with a brief historical perspective on the relationship between qoja-centred Sufism and ‘Kazakh-ness’ which is essential for establishing an analysis of the fissures in the current religious and political ideology pertaining to Kazakh nation-building.  相似文献   

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