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利用出生地资料进行人口迁移分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在世界各国的人口普查和其他人口调查中 ,“出生地”是最广泛地被采用的人口迁移项目之一。在人口调查中 ,所有的人都可被分成迁移者和非迁移者 ,利用“出生地”资料 ,不仅可以获得地区之间的人口迁移数据 ,而且可以获得城市与乡村之间的人口迁移信息。这一方法的优点是 :便于调查 ,所得信息准确、全面 ,但其局限也同样突出 ,如不能反映人口迁移发生的时间和迁移次数等。在运用这一方法时 ,应注意将出生地信息收集完整  相似文献   

论我国近期省际人口迁移的形势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 人口迁移是一个国家或地区的社会,经济和人口发展的结果;一个国家或地区人口迁移量的多少或人口总迁移率的大小是这个国家或地区社会和经济发展水平的标志之一。根据第四次人口普查有关省际人口迁移的数据,我们看到:我国在八十年代后半期的省际人口迁移与八十年代前半期相比,发生了显著的变化。1990年7月1日进行的第四次人口普查在我国的人口普查史上第一次设立了有关迁移的项目,为研究我国从1985年7月1日至1990年6月30日的人口迁移状况提供了比较翔实、可靠的材料。这次人口普查所统计的省际迁移人口是指在这五年间离开了1985年7月1日时的省(自治区、直辖市)外常住地一年以上、在1990年6月30日时的现住地居住了一年以上或不满一年的人口。需要说明的是,第四次人口普查对5周岁以下和普查时已死去的人口的迁移状况均未进行统计,这就造成了对这五年间省际迁移人口的低估。  相似文献   

周皓  雷琳旋 《人口研究》2023,(6):107-125
出生地信息是人口迁移研究中的重要信息之一,可用于判断终身迁移人口。利用2000年、2010年和2020年全国人口普查数据,以时期-队列和省际差异为分析视角,从迁入与迁出两方面,描述了全国及各省份人口省际终身迁移的宏观水平、流向以及年龄模式的现状及变化。研究发现,终身迁移是历史时期移民运动与当前人口迁移流动综合作用的产物,带有的历史印记会被当代趋势逐渐湮没,存在明显的省际差异;终身迁移的空间分布在稳定中呈现出迁出地扩散和迁入地在集聚中扩散的特点;中国人口仍相对凝固;队列分析表明终身迁移具有时间累积效应,且与生命事件密切关联。出生地信息具有独特的有别于其他口径的研究视角,应加强迁移流空间扩散趋势、双向迁移流的存在条件与因果机制等研究。  相似文献   

改革开放后,我国放开了对人口迁移流动的管制,跨省区的人口迁移逐渐活跃起来,人口迁移对经济的影响作用也开始凸显。因此,国家越来越重视迁移人口的问题。在第五次人口普查中,流动人口首次成为主要普查的项目。目前,第六次人口普查的数据也已经公布。为此,本文以两次人口普查数据为依据,首先分析了我国目前迁移人口特征的变化,确定了新的人口迁移中心;此外,通过灰色关联度分析,证明迁入人口数和就业人数与经济总量之间存在较强的相关关系。  相似文献   

新疆省际人口迁移现状及效果评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘追  陈艳 《西北人口》2013,(6):56-59,63
人口迁移对迁出地、迁入地双方均产生政治、经济、文化等多方面的影响.因而人口迁移和流动一直受到各国学者的广泛关注。新疆一直是人口迁移活动频繁的地区。本文根据全国第五次人口普查和第六次人口普查的数据,对近年来新疆省际人口迁移的现状进行了翔实的描述,评价了新疆省际人口迁移的效果,指出了省际人口迁移过程中所存在的问题,最后提出建立新疆人口省际迁移的协调机制、采用灵活人口政策吸引外省优秀人口和实现流动人口基本公共服务均等化等三点政策建议。  相似文献   

改革开放和社会主义商品经济的蓬勃发展,加速了中国人口的迁移流动。人口迁移作为人口变动的三个重要过程之一,愈来愈被中国人口学界和社会各界所重视。1987年国家统计局进行的1%人口抽样调查中包括人口迁移的项目。1990年第四次全国人口普查中,又被首  相似文献   

基于嵌套Logit模型的中国省际人口二次迁移影响因素分析   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
本文主要根据中国第五次人口普查 1‰抽样数据 ,采用嵌套Logit模型 ,考察和分析1 990年代后期中国省际人口二次迁移的主要影响因素。通过对一般迁移、再迁移和回归迁移的考察分析发现 ,无论是个人因素还是区域经济因素 ,都对其迁移行为具有重要影响 :再迁移者明显受到潜在目的地区域环境因素的吸引 ;而回归迁移者对出生地的经济状况敏感程度较弱 ,但个人因素对其迁移选择有较大影响。  相似文献   

关于我国人口迁移的几个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国1990年的第四次人口普查,增加了前三次普查所没有的人口迁移项目,从而为了解近5年中我国的人口迁移状况提供了权威数据。以此再结合对其它资料的分析,使我们可以为建国40年来的人口迁移,尤其是省际人口迁移,勾划出一个较为清晰的轮廓。 (一) 应该承认,过去我国一直缺乏有关人口迁移的完备统计。户籍登记机关提供的数字,已汇总发表在《中国人口统计年鉴》  相似文献   

我国于1995年10月1日进行了全国1%人口抽样调查,这是继1990年第四次人口普查之后,一次规模最大、收集信息最为丰富的人口抽样调查。本文就调查资料对我国90年代以来的人口状况和发展变化作初步分析,资料来源除注明外均来自或根据《中国1990年人口普查资料》和《1995年全国1%人口抽样调查资料》计算和整理。  相似文献   

中国人口迁移的空间形态变化分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
文章根据2000年中国人口普查资料和历次人口调查资料,对过去50年间的人口分布及各地区人口迁移的空间形态变化进行综合分析。作者采用RobertoBachi的迁移人口偏好指数研究省际人口迁移及西部和其他地区人口迁移的形态变化,并根据一些选择因素,如迁移距离、本地人口、本地经济发展水平、地区投资、工业结构、就业率及失业率、政府政策、自然资源与环境、教育和其他一些地区性社会经济要素,建立Narayana人口迁移的修正模型,并简要讨论了与中国西部大开发和入口迁移相关的一些政策措施。  相似文献   

M. V. George 《Demography》1971,8(1):123-139
In Canada, unlike many other countries, birth-residence data by age and sex are available in each of the decennial censuses from 1931 to 1961 which permit the estimation of intercensal net migration for the provinces and regions. After a brief discussion of the basic measures of migration from birth-residence data the paper focusses on the problems and procedures in estimating interprovincial net migration, 1951–1961 for Canada using “the place of birth survival ratio method, ” and it evaluates the estimates thus obtained. The evaluation of the estimates, taking into consideration the inherent limitations of the method and its merits compared with period migration estimates by the census survival ratio method and life table survival ratio method, suggests that the net migration estimates for the Canadian born by the place of birth survival ratio method are probably more reliable than those by the other two methods. One striking finding was that the net migration curves by age obtained from the census survival ratio and place of birth survival ratio estimates were smoother than the curve obtained with the use of the more accurate life table survival ratios. Furthermore, whatever the relative accuracy of net migration may be, the birth-residence approach is capable of furnishing more details about the net migration of the native born than by the standard survival-ratio methods. For the population under age 10 intercensal estimates were directly derived from the place of birth and residence distributions by age.  相似文献   

Abstract Statistics ofpersons classified jointly by county of birth and county ofresidence have been published in the England and Wales census volumes since 1851 and the present study draws mainly on these data. A group of persons recorded in a census as natives of county A and residents of county Bare sometimes referred to as lifetime migrants from county A to county B. Statistics of lifetime migrants have often been used in studies of internal migration but these have one great disadvantage. The number of lifetime migrants from A to B does not relate to a specific period of time. It is impossible, for example, in such studies to consider the association between specific migration streams and differential economic activity. An attempt is made in this study to transform lifetime migration data into intercensal migration streams. Some of the results are presented and the most significant migration patterns during the period 1851-1951 are described.  相似文献   

我国人口迁移大势和胡焕庸线思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对2005-2010年间我国东中西部地区的人口净迁移流量作了两种推算:一是根据“六普”资料直接推算,二是按地区人口增量扣除自然增长量的方法间接推算,发现两种推算结果有较大出入。推算结果还显示:5岁以下儿童的净迁移流向正好与“一江春水向东流”的大势相反。笔者认为:胡焕庸线破与不破两难,主要难在人口东迁难以突破性逆转。人口均衡分布之义,在于“均而不衡,衡而不均”,过份追求均匀分布,只会加剧人口与经济社会、资源环境的不平衡。区域人口与经济-资源承载力的相对平衡,应着力寻求区域内平衡和跨区域平衡之间的最佳平衡点。  相似文献   

Statistics ofpersons classified jointly by county of birth and county ofresidence have been published in the England and Wales census volumes since 1851 and the present study draws mainly on these data. A group of persons recorded in a census as natives of county A and residents of county Bare sometimes referred to as lifetime migrants from county A to county B. Statistics of lifetime migrants have often been used in studies of internal migration but these have one great disadvantage. The number of lifetime migrants from A to B does not relate to a specific period of time. It is impossible, for example, in such studies to consider the association between specific migration streams and differential economic activity.

An attempt is made in this study to transform lifetime migration data into intercensal migration streams. Some of the results are presented and the most significant migration patterns during the period 1851–1951 are described.  相似文献   

Interrelations between migration and fertility in Thailand   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Based on special tabulations of 1960 census data on migration within Thailand, this analysis attempts to assess the role of migration in the urbanization process and the relation between migration and fertility. The importance of migration to urban growth is evidenced by the clearcut positive relationship between the percentage of persons classified as either lifetime or 5-year migrants and the urban character of their 1960 place of residence. Yet, the evidence also points to an increasing proportion of urban growth in recent decades attributable to natural increase. The specific relation between fertility and migration varies depending on the measure of migration used: Compared to nonmigrants in their place of destination, the fertility levels of lifetime migrants are not very different; but those of 5-year migrants are considerably lower. Regardless of migration status, however, fertility level is markedly lower for those living in urban places compared to those in rural places. This suggests the important role of both migration and urbanization in affecting fertility levels in Thailand.  相似文献   

C Li 《人口研究》1984,(3):16-23
The national census which was conducted in 1982 has provided reliable population data for formulating policies and plans in China's modernization process. A great deal of experience has been acquired from this census. (1) The census was based upon China's practical situation and a unique system of methods suitable to China's situation was used. (2) Census workers have found appropriate methods through practical experience and also learned the skill of using computers in handling census data. (3) The general public was very cooperative and worked closely with the leadership and professional cadres. (4) Measures were taken to ensure the quantity and quality of the census work so that the goal of promoting the data's quantity and quality could be reached. (5) The spirit of patriotism was developed, and the people realized that the national census is a necessary measure to be taken for China's construction and modernization. The work of the 1982 national census was successful. The unfinished work which lies ahead is still very heavy. The census should keep on learning from the successful experience of foreign countries and try to overcome difficulties so that the work on China's population statistics may be pushed forward.  相似文献   

本文对2002年下半年以来中国人口数据和人口统计分析方法的状况进行描述、归纳和评述,其中包括对普查数据质量的分析、生育率分析、死亡率分析、出生性别比分析、流动人口分析、人口老龄化研究和人口预测及其方法研究,以及对学科发展态势的评价。  相似文献   

China's missing children: the 2000 census underreporting surprise   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We compare the age and sex structure of China's 2000 population census to an estimate of that structure derived from a projection from the 1990 census. Based on China's own official estimates of demographic change, our intercensal analysis indicates a shortfall in enumeration of more than a quarter of all children under age 5 and an eighth of those between 5 and 9, a total of nearly 37 million children missing in the 2000 census. We show that the shortfall is primarily due to underreporting of children in the census. Sex differences in child underreporting were fairly minor. Child underreporting in China is not unprecedented, but child underreporting rates in 2000 were about triple those of previous censuses. We attribute the increase primarily to policy changes beginning in the early 1990s that held officials at all jurisdictional levels personally responsible for enforcing birth quotas.  相似文献   

九十年代以来我国人口迁移的若干新特点   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
杨云彦 《南方人口》2004,19(3):13-20
根据对 2 0 0 0年人口普查资料的分析 ,认为二十世经九十年代以来我国人口迁移表现出如下新特点 :一是人口迁移与流动进入新阶段 ,二是人口迁移的宏观流向呈现新模式 ,三是城市内部迁移成为新热点 ,四是城乡人口互动蕴涵新挑战 ,五是“人口窗口”提供新机遇。  相似文献   

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