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We study the risk-averse newsvendor model with a mean–variance objective function. We show that stockout cost has a significant impact on the newsvendor's optimal ordering decisions. In particular, with stockout cost, the risk-averse newsvendor does not necessarily order less than the risk-neutral newsvendor. We illustrate this finding analytically for the case where the demand follows the power distribution.  相似文献   

We study the newsvendor problem when consumers are heterogeneous either in their valuations of the newsvendor's product, in their valuations of an outside option available to them, or in both valuations. In this context, we observe that the outside option, which represents the value that a given consumer associates with choosing not to purchase the newsvendor's product, may be interpreted as a search cost. Taking into consideration whether consumers' valuations differ on either one dimension of heterogeneity or on both dimensions, we develop a framework for classifying newsvendor models that incorporate demand‐management effects. In particular, we show that this framework includes both the newsvendor model with price‐dependent demand and the newsvendor model with endogenous demand as special cases. In addition to making a conceptual contribution by developing and drawing insights from this framework, we make technical contributions by providing more general sufficient conditions under which the underlying optimization problems are well behaved.  相似文献   

Introduction  We consider a company sourcing a product with short life cycle to stock using the framework of the newsvendor model. Traditionally, risk-neutral inventory managers are considered optimizing the expected cost or profit. But experimental findings state that the actual quantity ordered deviates from the optimal quantity derived from the classical newsvendor model. Model  Recently, the newsvendor model with objectives different from maximizing expected profit has been an active field of research. Here, we propose a newsvendor model where the inventory manager can control internal and customer-oriented performance measures. The objective function is a convex combination of conditional expected values of low and high profits, respectively. Results   We give a qualitative characterization of the optimal order quantity and the resulting performance measures in dependence of the model parameters. A risk-averse inventory manager cannot Pareto-dominate a risk-neutral or risk-taking inventory manager with respect to the expected profit and the level of product availability. Finally, the risk preferences of the inventory manager are expressed as a function of the profit value of the product with respect to the level of product availability and the probability of loss, respectively.   相似文献   

Recent studies in marketing and distribution channels have shown that the balance of power between manufacturers and retailers is shifting. Based on this observation, we investigate a two-echelon supply chain with a manufacturer and a retailer in this paper. We first develop retailer-dominant non-cooperative game models by introducing a sensitivity of retailer's order quantity to manufacturer's wholesale price; then we analyze two cooperative scenarios, in which the Nash bargaining model is utilized to implement profit sharing between the manufacturer and the retailer. Under the assumption that the manufacturer and the retailer are risk-neutral, we find that the manufacturer and the retailer can bargain to cooperate at any level of retail-market demand uncertainty with exogenous retail price. However, the cooperation is conditional on retail-market demand uncertainty with endogenous retail price: it can be implemented if the fluctuation of retail-market demand is relatively small, and the measure of retail-market demand uncertainty does not exceed an upper bound. Theoretical and numerical analyses show that the retailer's dominance over the manufacturer increases with the increase in the sensitivity of retailer's order quantity to manufacturer's wholesale price under a limitation of retail-market demand uncertainty. Numerical analyses also show that the retailer's dominance decreases with the increase in retail-market demand uncertainty.  相似文献   

Koszegi与Rabin认为参照点往往由决策者的理性预期确定,本文选取报童的预期作为参照点,利用参照依赖偏好理论对报童问题进行了研究。研究发现,基于预期的报童的最优订货量不仅与货物销售的概率分布、价格等有关还与报童的损失厌恶程度有关。如果报童是损失厌恶的,报童的订货量要小于经典报童问题的订货量;反之,报童的订货量则大于经典报童问题的订货量,该结论与大部分实证结果是一致的。最后,用算例来验证了文中有关结论的正确性。  相似文献   

We study a supply chain of a supplier selling via a wholesale price contract to a financially constrained retailer who faces stochastic demand. The retailer might need to borrow money from a bank to execute his order. The bank offers a fairly priced loan for relevant risks. Failure of loan repayment leads to a costly bankruptcy (fixed administrative costs, costs proportional to sales, and a depressed collateral value). We identify the retailer's optimal order quantity as a function of the wholesale price and his total wealth (working capital and collateral). The analysis of the supplier's optimal wholesale price problem as a Stackelberg game, with the supplier the leader and the retailer the follower, leads to unique equilibrium solutions in wholesale price and order quantity, with the equilibrium order quantity smaller than the traditional newsvendor one. Furthermore, in the presence of the retailer's bankruptcy risks, increases in the retailer's wealth lead to increased supplier's wholesale prices, but without the retailer's bankruptcy risks the supplier's wholesale prices stay the same or decrease in retailer's wealth.  相似文献   

Gray markets are created by unauthorized retailers selling manufacturer's branded products. Similar to international gray markets, domestic gray markets are a growing phenomenon whose impact on supply chains is not clear. We consider a supply chain with one manufacturer and several authorized retailers who face a newsvendor problem and a domestic gray market. While a gray market provides an opportunity for retailers to clear their excess inventory (inventory‐correction effect), it also can be a threat to their demand (demand‐cannibalization effect). We first characterize the emerging equilibrium by assuming an MSRP environment. Comparing a decentralized and centralized system, we show that a wholesale pricing contract is quite efficient in a gray market environment; we explain the underlying mechanism and note some of the operational decisions that could hurt that efficiency. We show that the gray market price determines the degree of both the negative effects of demand‐cannibalization and the positive effects of inventory correction, which in turn determines the net impact of gray markets on the retailer's stocking choice and, ultimately, the manufacturer's profit. We then study the authorized retailers' problem as a price‐setting newsvendor. We observe that the gray market creates price competition between the authorized and unauthorized retailers, causing a drop in the primary market price. However, this price competition can be counteracted by the authorized retailers' stocking decision. Finally, we extend our model to consider the cases where the demand can be correlated across retailers.  相似文献   

B2B spot market has grown rapidly and become an effective trading channel for commodity products. Besides long-term contract procurement from conventional suppliers (forward and option), a buyer can procure or sell commodities at any time in B2B spot market to adjust her inventory level. However, spot prices are generally volatile and the market is imperfect in the sense that spot trading may be realized with uncertainty in a given period of time and often comes with extra transaction cost. This paper considers a commodity buyer who can order forward and option contracts in advance and trade in a B2B spot market when spot price and demand are observed stochastically. Based on a single-period newsvendor model, we discuss three optimal order strategies and derive respective expected profits when the buyer is risk-neutral. The sensitivity of purchase costs, market liquidity and transaction cost is investigated. We also compare the optimal expected profits for different strategies to illustrate the effects of the two long-term contracts in the presence of the B2B spot market. We then extend our model to a multi-period setting and derive the optimal strategy. Finally, we numerically compute the optimal order strategy for a risk-averse buyer and analyze the impact of spot market, risk aversion, as well as the correlation between customer demand and spot price.  相似文献   

We consider a centralized distribution network with multiple retailers who receive replenishment inventory to satisfy customer demand of the local markets. The operational flexibility of the network is defined as the opportunity that one retailer's excess inventory can be transferred to satisfy other retailers’ unmet customer demand due to stock-outs. A general modeling framework is developed to optimize retailers’ order quantities under any possible flexibility level of a stylized two-stage distribution network. We apply the framework to formulate and solve the transshipment problem of a distribution network with three retailers. Six typical flexibility levels are investigated to make the comparison study on the firm's profit performance under three ordering quantity policies: average demand, newsvendor order quantity, and optimal order quantity. We find that the operational flexibility and system optimization are complements to the firm's performance. The ordering policy with newsvendor ordering quantity can perform fairly well with moderate flexibility level when compared with the optimized ordering policy with full flexibility.  相似文献   

We study a newsvendor who can acquire the services of a forecaster, or, more generally, an information gatherer (IG) to improve his information about demand. When the IG's effort increases, does the average ex ante order quantity rise or fall? Do average ex post sales rise or fall? Improvements in information technology and in the services offered by forecasters provide motivation for the study of these questions. Much depends on our model of the IG and his efforts. We study an IG who sends a signal to a classic single‐period newsvendor. The signal defines the newsvendor's posterior probability distribution on the possible demands and the newsvendor uses that posterior to calculate the optimal order. Each of the possible posteriors is a scale/location transform of the same base distribution. When the IG works harder, the average scale parameter drops. Higher IG effort is always useful to the newsvendor. We show that there is a critical value of order cost. For costs on one side of this value more IG effort leads to a higher average ex ante order and for costs on the other side to a lower average order. But for all costs, more IG effort leads to higher average ex post sales. We obtain analogous results for a “regret‐averse” newsvendor who suffers a penalty that is a nonlinear function of the discrepancy between quantity ordered and true demand.  相似文献   

现实中许多企业(尤其中小企业)往往需要通过各种融资手段获取资金以支持其日常运作。融资在为企业带来运作资金的同时,也增加了企业的财务风险。通过在经典报童模型中引入企业的财务状态,综合分析了企业的最优运作决策与财务决策,以及企业决策者对待风险的态度(风险中性、损失规避等)对其决策行为的影响。研究发现,与风险中性型零售商相比,在一定条件下,损失规避型零售商能够在不降低企业期望收益的前提下降低企业的财务风险。  相似文献   

We consider a newsvendor who sells a single product over a single season with the objective of determining both the selling price and stock quantity to maximize the expected profit. The customers are strategic and we consider two demand cases: additive and multiplicative. For each case, we derive the newsvendor׳s optimal decisions and demonstrate that neglecting the price-sensitivity of demand leads the newsvendor to make sub-optimal decisions. Moreover, we show that under certain conditions, strategic consumer behavior may positively affect the newsvendor׳s optimal expected profit in the additive demand case.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to model the profitability of a secondary market, in a newsvendor setting, to a profit-maximizing manufacturer, who is offering to the retailer a buyback policy for the unsold merchandise left at the end of the selling season. With a buyback agreement, the manufacturer shares the risks of demand uncertainty, thus inducing the buyer to place larger orders. The manufacturer's risk is mitigated to some extent by the availability of an extra market to dispose off the unsold merchandise. Both parties are risk-neutral profit-maximizers and both have the same information about the final demand for the product and its uncertainty. The manufacturer's decision is to arrive at an optimal wholesale price and the buyback price. Based on this offer, the retailer in turn sets the optimal amount of merchandise to purchase, as well as the unit selling price to meet a price-dependent uncertain demand for the merchandise in question. Due to the difficulty of obtaining analytical results, we have undertaken a numerical analysis to (i) compare the optimal policies across demand functions and error structures for three situations namely the no-incentive case and the buyback policies with and without a secondary market; (ii) indicate the conditions whereby the trade incentive is beneficial to both parties; (iii) assess the efficacy of the policies using two other performance indices (probability of achieving a target profit, and pass-through ratios) alternate to profit maximization; and (iv) conjecture the conditions for successful buyback policies and the nature of the benefits from the secondary market.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of strategic consumers on the efficiency and coordination of a supply chain. We consider a supply chain consisting of a manufacturer and a newsvendor retailer selling a seasonal product to strategic consumers, who may choose to wait for clearance sales to maximize their intertemporal utility. Under a prenegotiated supply contract, the retailer chooses retail price and ordering quantity simultaneously. After that, the strategic consumers, who may be heterogeneous in their patience levels, make purchasing decisions. We find that strategic consumer behavior can hurt the supply chain efficiency due to severe double marginalization, and that a simple buyback contract can coordinate the supply chain. Nevertheless, we show that the supply chain does become more difficult to coordinate when strategic consumers are present: the set of buyback contractual terms that coordinate the chain shrinks as consumers are more willing to wait, and the chain profit cannot be arbitrarily allocated between the firms. Contrary to popular intuition, this result implies that the retailer may enjoy some benefit from consumers' strategic waiting. In addition, we find that the retailer's gain is the highest when impatient and patient consumers are comparably mixed in the population.   相似文献   

This paper is the first to study pricing and target oriented decision making together in the newsvendor model. Specifically, this paper studies a newsvendor who decides on order quantity and selling price to maximize the probability of achieving both profit and revenue targets simultaneously. First, it is shown that the probability of a newsvendor achieving both targets depends critically on the relative magnitudes of the profit margin and the ratio between the profit target and the revenue target. Second, the closed-form expressions of the optimal order quantity, the optimal selling price, and the maximal profit and revenue probability are obtained. It is shown that if the product has greater price elasticity, the best strategy is always to price lower and order more.  相似文献   

The assumption of the newsvendor being able to satisfy demand as long as on-hand inventory is positive does not hold for a non-homogenous product. Consumers who do not find a unit of the product which satisfies their secondary features preferences may not purchase the product even though the newsvendor has positive on-hand inventory. This is likely to occur late in the season as inventory level declines. We solve a newsvendor problem in which the probability of purchase by consumers is increasing in on-hand inventory for any inventory level below that which is needed to have a complete assortment. We identify the sufficient optimality condition for the order quantity. We show that, unlike the case of inventory-dependent demand models in the literature, the optimal order quantity may decrease due to the assortment effect. We investigate two types of pre-end of season discounts, immediate all-units and delayed, as ways to mitigate the late season assortment effect and show that in some cases, they can increase the newsvendor׳s profit and free up the shelf space for other products.  相似文献   

In the newsvendor model, strategic consumers choose between buying the product at the regular price or waiting to try to buy the product at the discount price. Retailers can benefit from the ability to decrease strategic consumers’ perceived probability of finding a unit available at the discount price. Selling some inventory to an off-price retailer, who has a large number of thrift consumers, enables retailers to change consumers’ perceived probability of product availability at a reduced price, but at a cost of losing some strategic consumers to the off-price retailer. We show that without the off-price retailer’s exclusive consumers and even if the off-price retailer buys the product for a price below the retailer’s cost, the retailer can still be better-off with the off-price retailer. We also find that the retailer benefits more when the off-price retailer charges higher price for the product and has a large consumer segment of its own.  相似文献   

A special form of the single-period inventory problem (newsvendor problem) with a known demand and stochastic supply (yield) is studied. A general analytic solution for two types of yield risks, additive and multiplicative, is described. Numerical examples demonstrate the solutions for special cases of uniform distribution yield risks. An analysis of a two-tier supply chain of customer and producer reveals that the customer may find it optimal to order more than is needed, since a larger order increases the producer's optimal production quantity.  相似文献   

We analyze a signaling game between the manager of a firm and an investor in the firm. The manager has private information about the firm's demand and cares about the short‐term stock price assigned by the investor. Previous research has shown that under continuous decision choices and the Intuitive Criterion refinement, the least‐cost separating equilibrium will result, in which a low‐quality firm chooses its optimal capacity and a high‐quality firm over‐invests in order to signal its quality to investors. We build on this research by showing the existence of pooling outcomes in which low‐quality firms over‐invest and high‐quality firms under‐invest so as to provide identical signals to investors. The pooling equilibrium is practically appealing because it yields a Pareto improvement compared to the least‐cost separating equilibrium. Distinguishing features of our analysis are that: (i) we allow the capacity decision to have either discrete or continuous support, and (ii) we allow beliefs to be refined based on either the Undefeated refinement or the Intuitive Criterion refinement. We find that the newsvendor model parameters impact the likelihood of a pooling outcome, and this impact changes in both sign and magnitude depending on which refinement is used.  相似文献   

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