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买多少人寿保险才是较为合理的 ?在此为你提供一个计算方法,即:保险额度 =家庭收入需求+子女教育费用+现有负债+现有贷款+人生最后一笔费用-现有财务资产。其中,家庭收入需求,是指家庭主要的经济收入来源一旦发生不幸时,要维持以前相同的生活水准所必要的一笔收入需求。子女教育费用,要根据子女现在年龄,考虑通货膨胀因素,概算出从现在到受完高等教育所需的教育基金准备。现有贷款,是指消费性贷款、房屋贷款等。人生最后一笔费用,是指走到人生终站时所必须花费的医药费、丧葬费等。现有财务资产,是指现有存款、有价证券、不…  相似文献   

在社会主义市场经济条件下,随着改革开放政策的实施,近年来我国职工的收入分配发生了一些结构性变化。其特点是:标准工资所占比重大幅度下降,奖金补贴所占比重则大大上升;工资外收入明显增长,从外单位所得收入也有增长;职工内部收入在不同地区、不同单位、不同行业和企业、事业、机关间存在着明显差异,而且由于分配格局的重新调整和贫富差距存在,分配不公不可避免。这些客观存在的问题,只有通过深化改革方能正确解决、正常运营。  相似文献   

第一次在日本看到履历上“职业:家庭主妇”这种写法时,我惊讶不已。家庭主妇明明是无业在家,怎么成了职业?但是,在日本,家庭主妇的确是受到各种制度的保护,得到大多数人认可的职业。  相似文献   

在日本,怎样整理家中杂物被视为每个女性的必修课,不过,把收拾屋子变成一种职业,甚至收拾出哲学来的,似乎只有山下英子一人。山下英子是东京都人,从早稻田大学文学部毕业后创立了"杂物整理咨询师"这个职业,并成为行当里的佼佼者。但对自己的年龄,她一直不肯公开,媒体上竟然有38、48、58等不同说法。  相似文献   

中日美中学生日常生活比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本青少年研究所于去年对中国、日本、美国的初高中生进行了有关日常生活的问卷调查。调查所涉内容广泛 ,包括三个国家初中和高中学生在放学后的活动内容、课外学习时间 ,休息天的活动 ,学生对学校生活的感受和对老师的看法等等。被调查对象为 :中国2712人(九个地区的初高中各18所学校)、日本2109人(初中 :14个地区的14所学校、高中 :15个地区的15所学校)、美国2429人(初中 :17个地区的17所学校、高中 :12个地区的12所学校) ,调查方式为随机抽样。以下是部分调查结果的概要。放学后的活动内容比较放学…  相似文献   

当前我国的养老难是因为当前的养老资源供给满足不了所有人的养老需求。我国早已进入老龄化社会,社会上的失能老人数量越来越多,普通家庭根本无法照顾。有数字显示,一个人临终时所花费的医药费数额,占到了这个人一生所花费医药费数额的40%,应该由医疗保险来承担这一部分费用。  相似文献   

1.青年的职业观NHK广播舆论调查所对日本人的职业规进行了调查,其结果反映出了青年心目中的理想职业,见表1。资料来源:NHK广播舆论调查所编,1979,(日本人的职业观),日本广播出版协会出版。在全国范围,最多的回答是“收入稳定的职业”(男女平均为34.7),其次是‘迫己独挡的职业”、“为社会服务的职业”。在大学生范围内,被认为最好的是‘咱己独挡的职业”。一般来说,青年在就业以前,独立意向较强(想往能发挥自己能力的工作),而在就业以后,便开始希望稳定(希望不会失业、工作收入高)。从1973年至1988年,NHK广播舆…  相似文献   

礼仪之邦日本盛行送礼,无论是访东问友或是出席宴会,人们都要送礼品,每个家庭每月要花费7%左右的收入用于送礼.同时,日本在与外国交往中,也十分重视送礼,其国事馈赠礼品独具特色.1972年中日恢复正常邦交关系后,两国往来频繁,其间,日本政府、官方和民间组织、友好人士赠送给中国领导人、政府部门、社会团体等大量珍贵的礼品,寓意瑞祥,异彩纷呈,既从一个方面记录了现代中日两国友好交往的历程,又反映出日本风格独特的馈赠礼俗.日本人善于把送礼行为与社会学紧密联系在一起,这是世界上任何国家所无法比拟的。日本人认为,送礼…  相似文献   

均等比旨在更真实地反映不同家庭的需求支出情况,调整不同结构、不同规模家庭的收入差异。对我国数据的分析发现,不同均等比下测得的儿童贫困数值不同。我国儿童相对贫困情况较为严峻,区域和城乡间差异不明显;但绝对贫困情况在城乡之间、区域之间存在差异。应该在我国儿童贫困问题研究中引入均等比的概念,科学测度儿童贫困水平。  相似文献   

文中从日本职业教育机构的兴起、职业技术教育制度的确立和进一步发展的历程入手,分析了日本职业技术教育对我国职业技术教育发展的启示。  相似文献   

Despite recent increases of psychosocial programs for pediatric chronic illness, few studies have explored their economic benefits. This study investigated the costs–benefits of a family systems‐based, psychosocial intervention for pediatric chronic illness (MEND: Mastering Each New Direction). A quasi‐prospective study compared the 12‐month pre–post direct and indirect costs of 20 families. The total cost for program was estimated to $5,320. Families incurred $15,249 less in direct and $15,627 less in indirect costs after MEND. On average, medical expenses reduced by 86% in direct and indirect costs, for a cost–benefit ratio of 0.17. Therefore, for every dollar spent on the program, families and their third payers saved approximately $5.74. Implications for healthcare policy and reimbursements are discussed.  相似文献   

Consideration of the income and social security needs of informal carers has remained conspicuously absent from discussions about 'community care'. Similarly, carers have been more or less invisible in the development of social security policies. This paper reports on a study of the financial circumstances of a sample of working age carers, who were living with and providing substantial amounts of help and support to a disabled person in the same household. The study highlights first, the substantial work-related costs incurred by carers with full time employment; and second the financial dependency of carers without full time earnings, on their spouse, sibling or on the person being cared for. The implications of these findings are discussed in the light of recent developments in social security policies.  相似文献   

The medicalization of gender variance is a key force in transgender people's experiences of embodiment, identity, and community. While most directly dictating experiences of diagnosis and medical classification, it is important to acknowledge that the effects of medicalization are widespread across social contexts and institutions. I explore the medical model of transgender identity, with special attention to its current diagnostic classification, in order to highlight how transgender people's interactional experiences of gender are shaped by medical authority. I review literature that highlights the operation of the medical model as a normative accountability structure in its influence across multiple institutions of social life including health and healthcare, transgender community groups, and legal classification.  相似文献   

Population aging is occurring rapidly in India, and the implications of an aging society are likely to be experienced in an adverse manner unless immediate steps are taken to provide social security for all of India's older population. Current provision by central and state governments is grossly inadequate. This article analyzes the major Indian states across three income groups and describes the differences and inequalities across states and rural/urban areas with regard to income, living arrangements, pension benefits, etc. The efforts by central and state governments to meet the needs of older persons are outlined and critiqued. Suggestions are made for the establishment of more equitable income security, and health and social services schemes.  相似文献   


Population aging is occurring rapidly in India, and the implications of an aging society are likely to be experienced in an adverse manner unless immediate steps are taken to provide social security for all of India's older population. Current provision by central and state governments is grossly inadequate. This article analyzes the major Indian states across three income groups and describes the differences and inequalities across states and rural/urban areas with regard to income, living arrangements, pension benefits, etc. The efforts by central and state governments to meet the needs of older persons are outlined and critiqued. Suggestions are made for the establishment of more equitable income security, and health and social services schemes.  相似文献   

In the U.S., decisions regarding social control are increasingly modeled on two dominant institutions: the criminal justice and medical/healthcare systems. Sociologists and other scholars refer to this adoption of legal and/or medical terminology and technologies as criminalization and medicalization. These models of social control are particular evident in how America defines and manages child behavior. Public schools borrow from both the criminal justice and medical systems as part of the routine educational setting. In this article, I provide the first synthesis and review of the school criminalization and medicalization literatures. In doing so, I argue that criminalized school social controls provide harsh, repressive responses to student misbehavior, while medicalized school social controls provide rehabilitative and restitutive responses. Given these fundamentally different approaches to student behavior, I argue that the disproportionate use of criminalized and medicalized social control across racial/ethnic groups and children from different socioeconomic backgrounds entrenches inequalities and functions to channel racial/ethnic minorities and poor children into the school‐to‐prison pipeline while keeping socially advantaged children in school and away from the problems associated with criminalized social control.  相似文献   

As neoliberal ideology and policies gained a foothold in the early 1980s, the social safety net for older Americans contracted. Responsibility for the risks associated with aging, namely retirement income and healthcare costs, was increasingly transferred from the state to the individual. Using data from the Consumer Bankruptcy Project, we report that since 1991, there has been more than a twofold increase in the rate at which older Americans (age 65 and over) file for consumer bankruptcy and an almost fivefold increase in the percentage of older persons in the U.S. bankruptcy system. This magnitude of growth is so large that the broader trend of an aging U.S. population can explain only a small portion of the effect. Respondents report that inadequate income and unmanageable healthcare costs are the chief reasons for their bankruptcies. Our findings suggest that neoliberal policies that offload healthcare costs and retirement savings onto older Americans may facilitate their bankruptcy filings.  相似文献   

This article discusses what in international literature has commonly been termed the ‘vicious circle’ of poverty and disability. Our aim is to shed light on recent policies that attempt to break the vicious circle in rural areas in the People’s Republic of China. Drawing on data produced from fieldwork conducted in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, People’s Republic of China, our approach is to explore experiences that households with people with disabilities have had with a newly implemented rural health insurance reform. The introduction of this reform is significant as lack of insurance and high healthcare expenses are currently perceived as crucial to causing poverty in rural China. We show that people with disabilities have been able to access this new insurance. At the same time, as currently practised, the new insurance does not prevent poor households from sinking deeper into poverty when using healthcare services as healthcare expenses increase.  相似文献   

Scholars across many disciplines have amassed a mountain of research documenting how social differences along lines of race, class, gender, and sexuality shape how those who need medical attention are cared for in the US healthcare system. Here, we aim to succinctly review a selection of studies that have considered the many ways both patients' and healthcare providers' social identities can impact care delivery. After establishing how these differences influence patient–provider interactions and patient diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes, we argue that a critical sociological perspective can help us to better understand why these inequities persist despite decades of research calling attention to them. Specifically, we suggest that research guided by symbolic interactionist and intersectional frameworks can generate more comprehensive analyses of inequality in healthcare delivery and help researchers delve deeper into the complex interactional processes undergirding disparities in care provision. We conclude by highlighting recent work that illustrates the value of this approach.  相似文献   

《Journal of Rural Studies》2000,16(3):379-394
Voluntary agri-environmental schemes based on management agreements characterise much agri-environmental policy across the EU at present, and have expanded following the implementation of Regulation 2078/92 in all member states. Schemes generally motivate individual farmers to contract with government agencies to produce countryside goods in return for compensatory payments. Hence, farmers’ decisions to participate are central to achieving policy objectives. An enhanced understanding of farmers’ attitudes to and perceptions of schemes and their implementation would be of value for policy development. Recent transactions-cost research has observed that such schemes involve potentially heavy transactions costs, for both the state and farmers. In addition to reducing scheme cost-effectiveness, the transactions costs incurred by farmers can form a significant constraint on participation in schemes, with adverse effects on the supply of conservation goods. This paper considers behavioural and transactional perspectives on scheme participation. Some new data on the transactional burdens experienced by farmers when participating in schemes is examined from the perspective of identifying ways to improve policy transacting to ease constraints on participation where these exist. At the level of the individual participant, the development of agri-environmental one-stop-shops in member states for all schemes would allow transactions-cost economies, saving on the overhead costs of applying to different schemes with different objectives, as well as allowing a more integrated, less confused approach to participation. The longer-term value of farmer networks and capacity-building for agri-environmental management is important too.  相似文献   

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