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古代“公务员”没有失业保障、没有连续工龄,也没有情义体恤,可以说是一个含金量较低的“瓷饭碗”。有人做过统计:西汉时丞相一职的平均任期才四年多,东汉时三公的平均任期不到两年半。朝廷要官尚且如此,以下的自然就更惨了,动不动就会打破饭碗。他们做官时尚且如此仓皇,退休岳就显得更加凄凉了。  相似文献   

法律儒家化是中国古代法律发展中的重要过程,儒家思想影响着中国法律的走向。西汉中期,随着儒家独尊地位确立,以儒家思想为主体的正统法律思想得以形成,汉代的"春秋决狱"是法律全面儒家化的开端。本文从汉代法律儒家化是历史的选择及法律儒家化的具体体现来对汉代法律儒家化进行分析。  相似文献   

周朝,每年要举行一次隆重的“乡饮酒礼”。目的是“正齿位,序人伦,敬老尊老,息事端,敦睦乡里。”  春秋战国时期,“凡七十岁以上老人免其一子赋役,八十岁以上老人免其二子赋役,九十岁以上者,全家免赋。”  汉代尊敬老人蔚然成风。汉文帝时期规定, 80岁以上的老人,每年由国家发给当年新精米 12担,醇酒 5升; 90岁以上老人,另加发丝绸 1匹、丝絮 3斤。所发米、丝等物品由县令检验,并责成县府县丞亲自送上门。朝廷还要派出大臣到各地巡察,如查出有违令者即予严惩。  西汉文景帝也规定,朝廷对 80岁以上的老人赐一根雕镂华…  相似文献   

社会救助(公共救助):是对基本生活陷入困境者的救助.是政府对其成员生存权利的最基本的保护.是现代国家最基本的社会福利制度。社会救助不但是向困难人群发放金钱和物资.也包括向他们提供政策上、心理上的帮助。社会工作者可以通过深入了解救助对象的需求.运用专业方法更好地提供服务.  相似文献   

崔凤 《社会学》2006,(1):24-27
慈善是一种美德、善行和爱心,是人类最需要也是最应当具备的基础性道德,既是古人的美德,也是今人的美德;既是中国人的美德,也是外国人的美德,从而是人类共同且相同美德。改革后的中国社会现实尤其需要慈善事业这一道德事业。第一,中国的不幸群体的救助需要慈善事业施以援手。这些不幸群体主要包括残疾人,受自然灾害侵袭的灾民和数目巨大的贫困人口。政府往往难以承受这巨大的财政压力,这时就需要慈善组织帮助疏解。  相似文献   

郭文飞  刘倩 《现代妇女》2014,(3):I0053-I0053
董仲舒作为汉代重要的政治家和思想家,他提出的许多理论对后世均产生深远的影响。他推动中国文治政府的形成,他通过论证使德主刑辅思想的理论根基更加稳固,并在司法实践上倡导春秋决狱,道德和法律的关系一直影响着法制史的发展。在进行行政文化生态的完善时,国家的法治思想要需要与治国思想一致,共同完成汉代的"大一统"。  相似文献   

以退为进以退为进是一种公关策略,是指以退让的姿态和心态作为进取的阶梯,退是一种表面现象,由于在形式上采取了退让,使对方能从己方的退让中得到心理满足,不仅思想上会放松戒备,而且作为回报,对方也会满足己方的某些要求,而这些要求正是己方的真实目的。汉代公孙弘年轻时家贫,后来贵为丞相,但生活依然十分俭朴,吃饭只有一个荤菜,睡觉只盖普通棉被。就因为这样,大臣汲黯向汉武帝参了一本,批评公孙弘位列三公,有相当可观的俸  相似文献   

"我不知道国内有多少人够资格‘裸捐’的,反正我不够资格,对这个游戏规则一定要弄清楚。"——对吸引眼球的"裸捐"新闻,我国体育明星的"壹基金"创始人李连杰说。"我建议下次修订刑法时,将公车私用纳入‘危险驾驶罪’。"——郑渊洁称公车私用和酒驾异曲同工,都是驾驶机动车危害他人,前者危害财产,后者危害生命。"你也是生活在北京吧,为这点事不至于,到时候给个人惹麻烦!"  相似文献   

在我国,休假作为一种制度,最早可以追溯到汉代。根据《汉律》记载,早在西汉时就有明文规定:吏员五日一休沐。意思是说政府工作人员每工作4天就休息1天。据推测,当时政府的本意是,工作了4天够辛苦的,那么第5天就放假让工作人员洗澡更衣、理发刮脸。这个制度,在西汉200余年的时间里得到了很好的贯彻。  相似文献   

《史记·刺客列传》中描绘了曹沫、专诸、豫让、聂政和荆轲五个不同的刺客形象,他们秉持着"士为知己者死"的观念,以生命为代价行使刺杀任务。推动他们"为知己者死"的,一是报"恩",二是行"义"。而当"恩"和"义"发生冲突时,他们选择以"义"为先,"恩"在其后。但随着"报恩"成为"行义"的一部分,"恩"与"义"最终还是能够回到统一的关系中。  相似文献   

Two recent court cases have raised doubts about how faithful community foundation officials must remain over time to the donor's charitable intent. For trustees of community foundations, nonprofit managers, and potential donors, the two cases discussed in this article raise three critical questions: Under what conditions can and should a donor's charitable intentions be modified? Do nonprofit organizations have legitimate claims to funds in community foundations earmarked for their organizations by donors? Should donors consider disbursing their philanthropic funds themselves rather than seek to have them held in perpetuity in a foundation? In addition to addressing these questions, the author suggests that the two court cases examined here reveal something important about the broader evolution of philanthropy over the past three decades.  相似文献   

张耐冬 《国学学刊》2021,(1):61-67,143
建安时期,曹操以司空、丞相的身份控制东汉朝廷军政大权,军祭酒是其府中重要僚属。当时曹操不能以大将军身份主政,于是设置这一职位用以弥补司空府无僚佐主理军务的制度空白。这一职位并非"军师祭酒"的别称,地位上也不能与军师、军师祭酒相提并论。曹操平定北方后,军祭酒的主要职能从军政转为行政,随着魏国朝廷的建立,其政务功能也被魏国官僚机构取代。  相似文献   

Suddenly acquiring a permanent impairment means a person must learn to think differently (Frank, 1995), and he or she does so partly by telling stories. The most commonly told illness narratives are 'restitution' narratives. People with aphasia (a communication impairment commonly following stroke) surfed aphasia, stroke and disability websites, read the personal stories attached to them, and created their own narratives in response. Charitable and disability-related websites excluded people with aphasia through their tone, content and narrative 'voice.' Engagement with some websites was contingent on subscribing to a specific perspective on aphasia. Personal narratives attached to charitable websites were seen to reflect the organisational stance. In particular, idiosyncracies of aphasic language were often eliminated. When participants constructed their own web pages they replicated the stylistic traits that had previously been criticised. Identities are mercurial and difficult to pinpoint. Further work with people with aphasia using videoclips, soundclips and other non-text-based techniques to create illness narratives is planned.  相似文献   

Foundations in the United States manage more than $130 billion in investment resources. In managing these assets, foundations must balance the competing goals of promoting charitable good deeds through the distribution of grants and stewarding the assets that can support such grants in the future. This paper examines how foundations perform the function of managing their financial assets and whether they follow modern practices of portfolio management in doing so. The data presented here provide reason to suspect that many foundations are giving insufficient attention to preserving and enhancing the available philanthropic resources under their control. Analysis of actual investment performance is the subject of a sequel article in the next issue of Nonprofit Management and Leadership.  相似文献   

中国上下分治的治理体制及其稳定机制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文认为,中国治理体制的基本特征是治官权与治民权分设,形成上下分治的治理体制。中央政府主要执掌治官权,即选拔、监督和奖惩官员的权力;至于实际管治各地区民众的权力(简称治民权),则交给地方官执掌。只要地方官不违背中央政府所定大政方针,均可以因地制宜地行使其治民权,灵活地处置所管辖地区的民众事务。这种体制包含着降低执政风险的两个机制——分散执政风险的机制和自发调节集权程度的机制,从而有助于治理体制自身的长期稳定。  相似文献   

Social participation and charitable giving: A multivariate analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite an abundance of survey data on charitable giving, researchers have not analysed these data asking the kinds of theoretical questions and employing the kinds of multivariate statistical techniques that would advance our understanding of the social processes leading to charitable behaviour. This article reports the authors' first findings from their continuing efforts to develop and test such a multivariate causal model of the social, demographic, economic and motivational determinants of individual charitable giving. The first section outlines ouridentification theory of charitable giving. In the second section we discuss the data and how we operationalise our variables. The third section examines whether there is broad quantitative support for major tenets of the model developed if applied at the household level. In the fourth section we enquire about which factors are most strongly related to giving behaviour. We conclude with a discussion about the centrality of communities of participation for inducing charitable giving and about the practical implications for fundraising. An earlier version of this article was prepared for presentation at the annual conference of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, Berkeley, October 1994. The authors are grateful to the T. B. Murphy Charitable Trust, the Lilly Endowment and the Indiana University Center on Philanthropy for their support of this research. We are also grateful to Virginia A. Hodgkinson and Stephen M. Noga for providing data from theSurvey of Giving and Volunteering and for sharing their expertise. Finally, we wish to thank the Editor ofVoluntas and three anonymous reviewers for their careful and constructive suggestions.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of casino gambling in and around Illinois on charitable gambling in that state. The research targets the impact of casino gambling on one of the vital revenue sources of many nonprofit organizations. Charitable gambling represents the most widespread form of legalized gambling in the United States. Net income from charitable gambling totaled an estimated $1.3 billion in 1997. Despite its apparent importance in providing an alternative revenue stream to nonprofit organizations, in a growing number of states charitable gambling operations must compete with an increasing number of private for‐profit gambling enterprises, including riverboat and land‐based casinos, Indian gambling operations, and pari‐mutuel wagering venues. As a result, there is interest in the extent to which forprofit gambling is crowding out charitable gambling—and in the process reducing funds (such as receipts from gambling operations) available to nonprofit organizations. The data analysis presented in this article suggests that spending on casino gambling in Illinois and in bordering areas of Indiana, Iowa, and Missouri may be displacing consumer expenditures on charitable gambling.  相似文献   

The Red Cross Society was introduced to China in the 1900s, when the nation was under the authoritarian reign of Qing dynasty. Famines and rebellions, along with the invasion of foreign military forces, created tremendous humanitarian crises that the corrupted imperial government was incapable to address. The Red Cross model was found to be a pragmatic solution by Chinese philanthropists. Using archived press releases, correspondences, and government statements, the study reconstructs the founding process of the first Chinese Red Cross organization from 1904 to 1912. The analysis reveals that the organization reflected the congruent interest of the imperial court and social elites in preserving the sovereignty and was therefore promoted by key players from both political and civil spheres. The trajectory of Red Cross movement in imperial China supports the synergism perspective of institutional theories. It demonstrates how micro-level factors such as leadership ties and alliances contribute to the interdependence of public and private sectors and facilitate the transformation of traditional charity to modern philanthropy.  相似文献   

We use a field experiment to study how social image concerns affect a commonly used strategy to attract new donors: pledges to engage in a charitable activity. While waiting for their appointment, visitors to a local government office are offered sign-ups for blood donations in a crowded waiting room. We randomly vary the visibility of the pledge to donate and the organization for which blood donations are solicited (charitable vs. commercial). Our setting provides natural variation in who observes the pledge. We do not find that visibility increases pledges to donate. Exploring heterogeneity in treatment effects, we find that visibility increases pledges when participants are observed by friends or family. Almost all subjects renege on their pledge.  相似文献   

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